Bucs 2024 Camp Preview

Loose Cannons
We preview Buccaneers 2024 Training Camp with the storylines surrounding the team, what we're looking for, and what will be different this season from last.

What is up, BucsNation? It is Thursday, July 18th, 2024, and yes, you are actually watching theLoose Cannons Podcast. I'm your boy, Sammer, hanging out with my beloved brownbrother, Poppy Latte, and our redheaded stepbrother, the Barefoot Wonder, the manwho I once watched walk through urine and poop in the middle of downtown LAnext to homeless people and almost kicked down a box house on accident, butthen apologized. And shook hands with said old homeless man. He licked snow onthe side of the road in Green Bay. I'm the man of the people. Like, yellowfucking snow. That's right. He licked the piss snow. I completely forgot aboutthat, dude. Holy shit. Listen, before I forget. He did lick piss snow inWisconsin. You're right. Yeah.


Before I forget, youguys may have seen me wearing these upside-down Tampa hats on a few shows sofar. And I would love to announce to you guys out there that we are nowpartners with Reversed Brand. It's a brand that makes these upside-down hatsfor any city you could imagine in different colors based on the teams withinthat city. So even if you're not a Tampa guy or you're a Miami guy,Jacksonville guy, I'd say Boston, whatever. They have every color way that youcould possibly imagine. And now that we're partners with them, if you use thediscount code Loose Cannons on their site, your entire purchase is 10% off.Plus, The profits from that purchase will go towards John Spitex Foundationcompletely, which is the National CMB Foundation that helps children similar towhat happened to his child who passed away, sadly.


But he's him and hiswife put together this foundation to bring attention and information to otherparents that they can prevent that from happening. And so, you know, theprofits from these purchases, when you guys use that discount code goesdirectly to that foundation, which is awesome. So we're super proud of that.Super stoked. So after the show, go to reversebrand.com, drop that discountcode Loose Cannons in, grab as many of these hats as you possibly can, knowingthat they're going to all go towards a good cause. And of course, they lookphenomenal. The all white on white is probably my favorite, considering I wearblack everywhere. Stank, correct? It is kind of surprising, but it is myfavorite hat. And I, everyone compliments me on these.


You guys have all leftcomments so many times about it. So it's only fitting that we decided topartner up with them and bring them to you while also helping a great cause. Sodon't forget that after the show. Yeah. Where's my hat? Where's Latte's?Latte's got his care package already. Yeah. Oh, he got, oh really? Yeah. Imean, you know, it's good to be back. It's good to be back. I haven't been inthis room in six weeks. I don't even know. How long has it been since we recordedepisode? I don't know. We did the Rashad wings episode, but that was, that wasat your fucking house. That was different. Veggie meats and steak and wings.And yeah. Uh, that's the last time we got together to talk bucs and bread,bread.


We did the Rashad wingsepisode, but that was, that was at your fucking house. We needed to refresh.All right. We needed our vacation. Yeah. We needed our off-season. And now theoff-season is starting to wind down for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers next week. Ibelieve after next week, camp begins. And so we've got to talk about some ofthese things that we missed out on over the last couple of weeks. Right. It'snext week. It's next week. Okay. There you go. Next week, camp begins. So, uh,let's talk about some of these storylines. I'm going to start with Liam Cohen.Okay. New offensive coordinator, a big, you know, I think too much of a dealhas been made about this. You know, Dave, Canal is no longer being here or thebuck's going to take a step back as Baker Mayfield going to struggle, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah.


But I want to talk withyou guys about what Liam Coen is going to bring. That's going to be completelydifferent, but yet better and still the same as what we were doing. Um, my, my,my number one thing is that he's going to allow these guys to have play optionsout of the huddle and also options out of these, you know, the, their, their,you know, their, uh, sets in terms of, you know, three weeks. They won whateverthe 11 personnel, their personnel groupies are going to have multiples, whichis completely different. It makes them way less predictable than they've beenwith Dave Canals, where if you saw this defense was like, yeah, they'reprobably going to run this. And I think that's the biggest change that I'mmostly looking forward to.


Um, with giving yourquarterback that, that, uh, hold on latte was about to speak. You shut the f**kup. You don't just cut people off. Dude. This is a professional program. Youknow, that latte, go ahead, latte, go ahead, latte, go ahead. I will allow him.Cause he was, he was, he was, he was going off of your program. This is a greatpoint. Go ahead. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to, to, to have the mic.I do appreciate it. You're a gentleman and scholars no matter what anybody saysabout you. Oh, wow. I, you know, but I digress. It's funny. You start the showwith this. I thought it was going to be the Baker trash can't battle, but wecan go with the Liam Cohen underlying story here.


Um, yeah, you'reslumped. You slept that long during our little sabbatical that you think we're,we're back here and wait a second. You were playing off of Sam Bible's point.Don't go make your own point now and then steal mine probably, go ahead withgiving it was nice that the quarterback battle is going to be the top of thecamp latte latte, how much you want to bet he has no idea what the topic is, heforgot already, how much you want to bet he forgot if stank if stank doesn'tknow if stank doesn't know what this topic is, I'm gonna randomly choosesomebody in the chat and I will buy you a reverse brain hat, there are topicson this show,


somebody random'sgetting that all right, listen, give me your thought, here's here's my thought,here's what here's what here's what I'm most excited about and this is kind oflike a stank point so I'm glad I'm going ahead of him because he might take onLiam cone remember on Liam cone it's only I come on man I'm not fucking stankdude I know. I know what the list I know he likes to do, he likes to be thedevil all right, he likes to stir the pot and then deviate and kind of pull youaway, but you know we're in church here, you gotta focus. I'm locked in, bro.Listen, alright. Um, I think there was just a little too many you little toomany teddy bears, a little too much nice shit going around.


One buck last year, weneed a little piss and vinegar, you know? I mean, last time we won a SuperBowl, we had a guy like hey, we're just 53 motherfuckers trying to get a job,motherfucking ba shout out, you know? We need a little anger on the sideline.You know, too much fucking positivity. 2019 run the ball, it's Positive, let'sgo! He goes over to Carolina; he's talking about we're gonna run the ball untilwe're tired running the ball. What the fuck? I'm glad Liam's here; I can'twait, little attitude! What the fuck was that Baker huh? What the fuck wasthat? Wake up, we need a little fucking piss and vinegar on the sideline, sothat's what that's what I'm most looking forward to.


Does Latte not knowdoes Latte not know that we've already under... we that we've broken the code,no, no! Does Latte not know that Baker, called Dave Canalis, a positivitybully? Oh, a positivity bully on Barstool, positivity bully, yeah! Nobody likesthat; that's worse that's that's probably worse than actually being bulliedlike in a negative tone that positive bullying i i like that makes you moreuncomfortable in my opinion i agree because it's it doesn't come from a placeof of truth it's like okay man you know like let's just be honest here youdon't have to always stroke me you know let me know what i'm doing wrong so ican get better it's sammer you fucking suck stank yeah he's just a bully yeahare you always a bully are you gonna get better if i'm nice to you and tell youyes thank your camera always looks great


always centered yeahyou always sound wonderful wow are you ever Gonna get better, no, I gotta makesure you know that sounds so foreign. This fell off my wall; shout out to MarkCook; shout out to Mark Cook, every episode. But here's the thing though: likewhen you constantly tell people positive shit, you're lying. But when you saynegative shit, remember people say 'when'... when people are joking, it comesfrom a place of truth. Like if I'm negative to you, I'm telling you the truth;I'm negative shit, it's negative truth, it's it's real, and it's it's what Iwould appreciate right; it's part of the reason people love guys guys love likeJason Light, like he he admits a mistake.


Moves on, let's justrip the band-aid off it's what people like Bob Barrantino right like I'm gonnatell you what it is bro whether you like it or not I'm gonna tell you the truthand players appreciate that because they know where they stand, they coach themhard, hug them later, man. Not not oh, you threw a pick, it's okay. Let's holdhands and read the Bible for a little bit. Cohen's not gonna hug anybody, andif he even goes in for a hug, they're gonna go 'what the fuck, dude? No, we'regood.' Like yeah, like I want that, I want my players to hate the coach like bedisgusted by him like when Dave Canals came in to hug you you wanted.


That hug because,he-he, fell into yeah, you fell into those eyes, you were like, 'you know',seals playing in the background, yeah, it's just everything's soft, it'ssmooth, you're like I feel like it makes you question things, right, exactly,exactly. The seal song, like the song out of nowhere, you know how, like,cartoons when the character comes on screen, he's got like a background songand you just know that that's his song, he's got a theme song, or when you comedown, you know the steps, or whatever, and a wrestling thing, they got theirtheme song. Dave Canalis is seal is constantly playing somewhere in Thebackground of any anything he's ever around Amber, just the chorus, come on,just look, just no, no, I'm not doing it, no, no, no, we're in the off-season,all right.


Listen, another thing Iwant to talk to you guys about and one thing I'm like ridiculously excitedwhich I didn't even know about this till I looked it up earlier today. We ranthe ball 49 of the time at a shotgun last year, guess how many times Sean McVeighruns the ball at a shotgun, guys, last year, take a guess, 20, 2.2 out of thetime, I was in the ballpark, 2.2, like, look at how drastically different thatis now think about this from a shotgun play action standpoint play action at ashotgun Not nearly as effective as turning your back completely to the defenseright lately, as we learned in uh Green Bay at a bar from a very old ballcoach, right exactly who just kind of happened to tell us exactly how to fixthe play-action game.


But whatever, but yeahdude that's another thing I like - I'm super excited about is how he's going tofix this running game because people kept blaming the offensive line and theykept blaming our short-yardage and they kept blaming everyone but the actualscheme and the way they ran. He's not running out of 12 personnel anymore, likeDave Canlis insisted on; he's not running only two types. Of blocking schemes,he's running we're not bringing everyone to the box and just clogging it up andrunning it up the middle, we're not doing that anymore. Sean McVeigh loves torun out of 11 personnel, and uh Liam mirrored that a lot, and said thatmultiple times in the offseason. They also don't understand why we only ran outof two different blocking schemes because that makes it easier on the defenses.


The bucs are going torun out of seven; he named seven just top of the dome dude during an interview,like that's going to be so much. We're going to be more multiple without beingmultiple based on the actual people on the field. we're going to be multiplejust out of specific sets and that's going to make it even harder to predictthere's also well we set what we were at inside zone running team the entireseason last year yeah basically a little bit of duo interior of our interior ofour offense line was the weakest part of the line and obviously it takes ittakes you know strength in the middle to run outside zone as well but yeah itjust didn't work and a shotgun out of the box and that's what we're going to dowe're going to run out of shotgun to stink which makes zero sense again kept ondoing it over and over and over and over again it was beyond frustrating Youknow, I don't want to completely shit on Dave; I think he's a great teacher.


You know, I think theguys definitely learned this offense. Uh, but I think he he is what he is, man.He's a good position coach. Uh, I think he'd probably end up being a betterhead coach, but I'm glad to have Liam here and we've talked to some playersthey're glad to have Liam here now. Will it translate? Hopefully right; we cantalk all the shit we want. They've got it; they've got to look better on thefield; they've got to produce. It helps to have big ass Graham Barton in themiddle of the offensive line, now which is you know a little bit of a cheatcode um, but they still Got to get out there and actually do it, yeah, you'retalking about the shotgun runs, I those shotgun runs, I hate those, I just, Ijust don't like them.


Sam, I just don't likethem. Listen, there's a guy, and listen, I'm not saying he would have pannedout, but one of my favorite prospects coming out just because he was a freakingjust yoked was uh Anthony Richardson right or Richardson the Alabama runningback remember yeah, and they just insisted on running him out of shotgun, I'mlike 'Anthony Richardson, Florida Gator legend', he doesn't no, not thequarterback you know what I'm talking about, right? The yeah, he went to theBrowns, yeah his Last name was Richardson, that's all that matters and he justdidn't have the acceleration. It's like you're handing the ball from a deadstop. So I'm not in any way, making it very clear comparing Rashad to that.Rashad has way more juice than that, accelerating but he's not exactly likeChristian McCaffey.


Right? Give him sometime to get downhill instead of handing the ball then you have the weakinterior. Now he's having to make two people miss just to get three yards andit's like how about you give him a head of steam and then let him make peoplemiss, that's the thing. Late so so that shotgun run works with specific types.Of backs who once the ball's in their hands, it's literally put your foot down,go stop on a dime, that you know Barry Sanders, Warwick Dunn type guys becauseBucky Irving, Bucky Irving, it fits him, yeah, exactly those types of thatbuild right and Rashad's not Eddie George but he's built like Eddie


George in that he's gotto get going to really start going and moving right, you don't see Eddie Georgecoming out of that out of the shotgun, you call you call it stretch, please,you let that blocking develop in front of him and once it kind of formulateswhere he's going to go foot down go, that makes more sense, and then againremember like just like you said the interior offensive line is weak and you'regiving them literally one second to block and he has to make a decision andthey're not gonna make that block and they weren't good enough that's just whatit came down to and then scheme scheme like watch the


49ers you can name oneoffensive lineman on that team and those guys constantly have running lanes itdoesn't matter who's back there running the ball it does not matter if it's cmcor not before cmc got there they still ran the ball with every running backthat now plays for the miami dolphins by the way so it's just about schemingthose guys open and Bringing less people to the box, like you talked aboutlately, the Shanahans have been doing it forever. The same McVeigh, McVeigh isthe same thing, yeah, exactly right, yeah. It's never ever I think a goodcomparison though Sam, is Derrick Henry right? Like you would never hand theball to Derrick Henry out and and funny enough, right to make the and I madethis comparison because of this, I think the fastest clock running back lastyear was Derrick Henry in open field, he was like he ran like 23 miles an hour,something like that.


Derrick freaking Henry,not freaking Jameer Gibbs, not even God, but once he gets going. It's hard tostop him, but he's got speed, but he needs to get going and he's gonna get thehandoff a couple of times, yeah. Because he's next to the quarterback and ifthe read makes sense, yeah, I'm gonna put in your gut go dude. They're notblocking up the middle that makes sense. I get it, that's where that 2.2percent comes in a bit for the Rams, but they're out of shotgun and or atthey're snapping under center which Baker didn't do a lot on run plays lastyear. He didn't do a lot honestly on passing plays either. Which I think againmade us predictable.


Everything Liam Cohenhas said is making us less predictable instead of having 800 Differentformations and every one of those formations runs one or two plays. We're gonnahave 20 formations, and every one of those formations is gonna have 15 plays.Chris Godwin said, 'I, we're learning a lot of formations or a lot of plays;really actually learn stuff because we're learning levels on this that told mea lot of what it was going on behind the scenes last year. Go ahead, stay no, Iwas gonna for some reason; I kind of went off a tangent in my head. People seemto think that Rashad isn't you know, isn't a big powerful back. If you guyswatch the Wings episode, if you haven't, you need to watch it - we dropped itlast week so much.


We got to eat wings,Rashad. Thank you, we're all pretty big guys. Rashad is a big back; he looksbigger than all of us. He looks bigger than you, Latte. No, he's solid as fuck;he's a big back, you know. And big backs like that, they they need a little bitof space to work with, uh, you know we already know that that he's a phenomenalpass-catching back. I think that it takes the the court it takes thecoordinator to you know build a a system that works well and that's what we'relooking for and that's what we're looking for and that's what for the piecesyou have not just run your fucking guy right in the wall because that's yoursystem, that's Always been been the issue,


okay, that's yoursystem you're gonna run inside zone, it's not fucking working, you're notmaking any changes, you know so it's just frustrating and so I don't know howwe can get any worse, I don't, we're, it's gonna look better this year isn't ithas to two years straight 30-second rank rush defense, yeah but I think a lotof that was like I said earlier I think it's schematic, it's not only on theplayers you're gonna get five all-pro offensive linemen, it doesn't happen andyou're not gonna always have the best blocking tight end in the NFL but if youcan position them pre-snap again, that's. Another thing that I think is gonnabe a lot different his approach is, he wants a lot of pre-snap.


He wants to give Bakerand the offensive line and the wide receivers everybody on that team the cheatsheet basically as many keys as we could possibly get from the defense. Let'smove guys around, let's have formations that give us the answers. Which I thinkat last year again not knock on Dave but they didn't seem like they had answerseven Dave times after the games was like well we're gonna try to get better hedidn't even know what the fuck was going on because he wasn't doing anythingdevising a play or a scheme or a motion. That would give him an answer whichthat's I think another one of those things that is going to be different, latteking king cook says and king we'll get to this, okay, I'm just I'macknowledging your your statement and we'll get to it.


He says, 'All I know iswe better not let Worse walk out the building.' Come on, it's at the bottom ofthis list because I know it's going to be a conversation again. Come on, comeon, yeah. All right, so you you will hold them hostage before they let them outof the next subject by the way Sam or go ahead, yeah. Stanck or lot one of youguys touched on Graham Barton, okay, and so the next topic is can't battles. Weneed to see and people have kind of penciled him in already to be a startingcenter, but what's going on here Sam? You're announcing the fucking the the thetopic and then you just get to go first and just no, no, no!


I'm setting you up, no,I'm coming to you, I'm coming it's not me, it was Stank that said Barton so hecan take it. Okay, no, I'm lobbing it to you, I don't care, I don't... want tohear actual thoughts, okay, grunts and looking at me, that's not that's not abattle, that's not the camp battle, I'm interested in so oh, okay, all rightthen, hold on, forget that! You go ahead, latte, what? What's the camp battle?You need to see, I want to see, I mean there's there's competition atlinebacker, uh, there's competition but the one I'm interested to see is hecame on a little bit last year, right? But we gotta you know, we gotta seemore.


I want to see McMillanand Trey Palmer go ahead, who's gonna win that third receiver spot because weknow that the first two are solidified that's not even a question, not even,that you don't mess around, right? But who's the third guy, who's the guy thatyou know besides Rashad they're gonna go to? Is it McMillan, Trey Palmer? Oh,I'm excited to see that battle that's. Interesting because McMillan fits theslot, which is where Chris Godwin's gonna spend a lot of time next year, that'sthe outside sir. He was an outside at Washington, I know, but he fits what theylike to do with him in the slot in terms of his route running so he feels likeGodwin, Trey Palmer feels like more of an outside wide receiver when they puthim in the slide; he did like it, he had a good season don't get me wrong butit felt like he left a little bit more on the table than people want to youknow acknowledge or admit.


So I don't know, itfeels like I'm with you, I don't know how they're gonna figure all that out butI know they're All gonna play a lot, but yeah, I didn't think about that one alot. That's actually a pretty good one; I wasn't thinking about Stank'sthinking about Graham Barton versus Hainsey, I'm assuming right? Yeah, outsideof you know Baker and Trash battle, um Hainsey and Graham Barton - you know,that's that's the one, right? And Graham better win the job, that's all I'msaying, because Hainsey's just a liability; he is, he's a liability at thatposition. Good thing he has some position flexibility; who knows where, whereif he if at all ends up starting maybe he's a a backup guy, but they want himto be they said it basically, said it Jason said.


It numerous times theydrafted him to be a center, I expect he's gonna win the job, you know. Solidifythe center of that line, our tackles are are are awesome, you know worse. We'llbe back, we can talk about it all you want but there's no way he's not backthere's just no way. So Stank in your scenario, okay. This is the thing thatI've been thinking about when it comes to Graham. Let's say he wins or we givehim that center spot, okay. He's got a left guard next to him who I think is stillgoing to be the weakest part of this offensive line right? That's the thingthat I'm concerned about. You're going to put a rookie in there who's alreadygoing To be drinking out of a water hose, you know, regardless of how great heis, he's going to be the weakest part of the equation.


He is or how good hewas; even Tristan Worth said he was a lot. I just you know he was a freakingnature are we going to get two freaks of nature? Maybe two aliens? I don'tknow. So are you going to put them in there and hope that he doesn't have todeal with whatever's going on to his left, even though Tristan's on the otherside of that. Is that a thought? Maybe put him in that left guard and keepHansy at center so that it's more of a best five guys type of scenario or is itput him in at center, take the growing pains, he's our best option at Centerand left guard, these guys are better than Feiler and whoever the fuck it wasthat we played last year.


Left guard, yeah,you're gonna have to let him take his lumps, it's just how it is, right? That'sthe position you want him to play you. If he ends up playing guard, he's goingto wait another season to learn that position. You do it now, that's why Ithink he learns both at the same time. I just again, I'm looking at it like ifyou can get our best five out there as opposed to the best four and maybe itmakes sense. I don't know how how he was going to react having to help the guynext to you. Know that, that's the other thing. Cody Mock should be betteryou're assuming that we're


going to be as weak aswe were last year at the guard position and i think you can see cody's beefedup which he needed to he was definitely had more of a tackle's body last yearhe looks more like a guard now uh and then we'll see what happens you know atat left guard but guards should be the easiest position to find on the footballteam it'll be one that i think it just should but you you know so i i don'tknow i'm not as concerned about the guard position i think it will the the thatposition battle will end up being not much of a battle at all i think


they're going to handgram the keys and allow him to shit on himself a little bit and feel his waythrough but you know i mean we won a super bowl with a court of a new centerquarterback uh relationship i get it was not new players jensen brady but stillyou know they got to get in there now and get the chemistry now and i'm surethey already have been i think that's why you picked that guy there it's grahamis the answer graham's gonna win outside of him really looking terrible um butyou do have hansy in your pocket and just in case a lot would have to becatastrophic in camp they're starting around so i'll say how many times didthis motherfucker call us crying to us about Another position on the defensethat he was scared of because Carlton Davis is no longer here, and his JameleDean and Zion McCollum is assumed to be the other corner, and thismotherfucker's picking Graham Barton as the camp battle


that he wants to see.We got to talk about that, no you, you brought that up, you, you brought thatup! I felt like, okay, okay, so let's talk about the Zion McCollum thing. Wegot that kid Tykee Smith who I don't think he's going to compete for outsidecorner, we've got Izzy in who maybe might compete for outside corner but we gotthese other two guys there's three agents and one uh the one from the New YorkJets. Hall and then, the kid out of uh, the Houston Texans is Zion McCollum'sjob a lock or because you don't like him? Stank, he's gonna have the firstadd-on like him; I just said he's unproven and it scares me a little bit if itdoesn't scare you know.


Losing Carlton Davis,whether you like them or not, you know guy's a vet, you know he had some greatgames couldn't stay healthy couldn't stay on the field that's why he's not hereright now and and and has a you know pretty expensive price tag but you'reasking; and I get it Zion played half the season last year but did did heflash? Were you like 'damn Zion's killing it out'? There he gets good, he did,he did, he did film, but he he flashed and he got better from year one to yeartwo. I am worried about that he reminds me he reminds me of Carlton Davis butwith way more speed and athleticism right late same same story because Tyke'llbe nickel one by the end of the season.


Listen man, peoplesleep on Izzy, and I thought Izzy played really really well last year. Maybehe's that much better. I think both on the field Izzy and himself were laughingbecause somebody was like, 'Oh, he's not good, he's not good, he's not good,he's not good, he's not good.' He's a lot to be the, and he quote-tweeted him,he was like Okay, it's a good problem to have, yeah. He was laughing at JC. Idon't think Izzy is not a chunk. They're gonna find a way to get him on, gethim on the field so that's another camp battle though that third corner spot ifZion seems to be the guy that elevates himself, cream rises to the top,whatever you want to call it now it's Izzy and who that was his job he was theunproven guy came in out of nowhere surprise wins the job.


Right now there's thisTykee Smith guy who everyone fucking loves and of course Todd Bowles knows himfrom Georgia connection his son played with him at Georgia so there's a littlebit. Of a teacher's pet thing that may be there, so does he come in and battle,and maybe win that job or is he gonna be like, 'fuck no, I'm not gonna justgive you what the fuck I just earned, hard sweat, blood, tears, the wholedeal.' So that's gonna be a battle that people aren't even thinking about, butI think that makes both of them better. But I agree with Latte, how you gonnakeep Tykee off the field if he could just make plays on balls, he gets hands onballs, gotta be on the field.


Don't forget who ourhead coach is; he'll, he could and probably will have both of them on the fieldin some right he puts on a safety one right exactly, so it could happen. Amadman, I really don't question you know Todd Bowles, especially when it comesto you know secondary. He likes Zion too, I'm just yes I'm it's we got veryunproven guys there I don't know a lot about the guys we brought in people sayHall has you know started capability, we'll see the that's that is to me thecorner battles are the biggest and you know biggest question mark for me incamp so how about that safety room secondary that's not a battle I'm justexcited about that safety yeah dude so Winfield and Whitehead, Jesus the thingthe thing I like about those guys, think that you mentioned don't know too muchabout them.


Uh, what's his namecame on here plus and talked a lot about him so I feel a little you know I feelcomfortable but I think they address the fact that we constantly got injured inthe secondary and we didn't have enough actual quality depth so they bringthese guys in their quality depth. The guys that they bring in for theoffensive line again, quality depth. Running back adding Bucky Irving uh to youknow Chase Edmonds and Rashad, I think that gives them more of a backup optionbecause Chase was healthy and not healthy and healthy not healthy. I don't knowwhat happened to the other kid out of uh I believe it was Syracuse or Illinois.


so like they now have ithink more of a three-headed they're gonna keep four running backs more thanlikely but they got an actual depth piece there so i think that's the biggestupgrade throughout the entire team is they've upgraded the places that theyfelt depth lacking last season and corner was one of the ones that i thinkbothered me the most it's like if one of these guys goes down and zion goesdown we were completely fucked because he wasn't built for it no offensehonorable mention and then we can move on to the next the next uh subject uhit's gonna be interesting a little battle there with uh uh jts and uh braswellI know Yaya's got a spot, so that's gonna be a good battle, be a good battle,that's not a footnote, that shouldn't be an honorable mention, that's actuallya good one, dude!


I i got you got Watts,you got Watts, two in the mix, that's gonna be it's gonna be, I mean they mightjust fucking run a Nascar pad where you use all of them, they are it's a littlebit less and less, Braswell is just that much better than everybody, it's he'sgonna be, you know we we rotate constantly so he's he's gonna get on the fieldfor sure whether he starts or or backs up, they're all gonna play but you'regonna get a different Joe try on Shayinka this camp than. I think any camp everbecause this is a proven make it or yeah like even if you're gonna get adifferent Joe try on, if you don't prove it to us you got to prove it to theother 31 teams in the NFL and so he's gonna come out there he's gonna be morefocused, he's probably gonna have more of a dog in him, and is that gonna beenough for him to keep the job or does Braswell even elevate beyond that?


Even as a rookie,they're like we can't keep this guy off the field, I don't give a fuck what Joetry on is that going on. One thing Jason mentioned and spite to mention whenthey came on the show was how stout Braswell is against the run, we know thatTodd. It starts and ends there as it relates to the number one thing hisdefense responsible for, which is stopping the run, so that's gonna be interestingtoo because as much as much as people don't like JTs, he is stout against therun, he's really good against the run, he's really good in that so goodBraswell is as well, according to Jason and team and everybody, so it's gonnabe interesting excited to see it. You know who reminds me of him?


He reminds me of GregSpires and Yaya kind of put together into one unit right where Greg Spiresdidn't you know leave you out except with freakish athleticism he just can'tclose the sack. Fuck yeah, no not no not Joe, try on I'm talking about Braswellas well. Oh that's what reminds me of Greg Spires in that he can be an anchorand they called him the the crane during the Super Bowl run there with thebucs. They called Greg Spires a crane because he always did his job; he wasalways there; he held exactly what he was supposed to do to stop the run, and Ithink Braswell has that but more athleticism because he again he reminds me alittle bit of Yaya at the same time so it's gonna be fun to see those kids play,man.


Him and Tykee, easilythe rookies. I cannot wait to watch even with we're gonna have we're gonna havea lot of young guys. having to produce and uh yeah i don't mean i can't waitfor the season to get here dude i it's it feels like it's been the longestoffseason ever i'm i can't fucking wait we are here just about what we're allthat's there you can kind of smell it you kind of taste that grass you knowgrass i can actually smell it from my house can you smell the can you smell canyou can you taste the crab boil can you yeah that's that's ways away still butbut the camp i can smell camp all right what i want to taste is some of thatthat pizza but uh you know what was the invite for that what happened he'stalking about the pizza oven wings they're different Salmon, they're they'redifferent, yeah, well, you know what, man?


You gotta, you gottainvite us; you can't just tease us all right. Yeah, maybe that's maybe we dothe pizza wings maybe the wings for I don't know, Mike Evans or JordanWhitehead; I'm coming to your house, we do that, we do that for the next show,right? Um, so next topic I see people talking about this again, it kind of goesback to the whole 'Dave Canalis is gone, woe is me' nonsense of 'Will Bakerregress or Will Baker get better in year two?' less of a 'make it you know,prove yourself type of scenario more of a comfortable I am here, this is myteam, I'm the leader, this is my offense, I trust Liam Liam knows who I am, andthat whole thing does he improve and you're well start with latte do you thinkBaker actually improves or will he possibly regress like some people think withthe leaving of the you know quarterback coach Dave Canal?


I'll give him credit;he's a good quarterback coach, he's a very good QB coach. But his leaving doesthat affect Baker enough to where you think he regresses? I mean, I'm biasedright; I'm a fan so I don't think he'll regress. Um and I just really like Liamand I trust Liam and he's experienced, he's seasoned, he's worked with Bakerbefore similar offenses but with light years of experience. Play it up, andit's, it's. You're playing chess right, so I think when you have a coordinatorwith more experience as Liam does, and uh, we can avoid some of the frustrationwhere Canalis at times will just read down a play sheet, it's like, we're gonnarun it, and it doesn't matter what the fuck's going on here.


This is what we'regonna do, and then you have to come in and say, well I'm not really about X's,I'm about players. Like if I haven't gotten Mike the ball and fucking in anentire first half, that's a crime. We need to get Mike the ball, and God winthe ball, and our guys the ball, so uh, I think just based off of thatexperience alone and just Putting Baker and better positions, I don’t believehe’ll regress, but then again, you know Baker’s career has been up down up downand then the injuries and the bouncing around some of that stuff was out of hiscontrol, not his fault. Me, me, and Sam


are you know talkedabout it very publicly and loudly in the camp battle last year where he gotkind of screwed over with that that shoulder labrum tear and played through itand then the Browns threw him out like the laundry and it was just a badsituation in Carolina so um up down a little bit and then got the shaft. Idon’t think biasedly that he’s going to regress though, I don’t I don’tbelieve. Him, yeah man, I think even though we saw a fiery and a confidentbaker last year, although also more humbled, controlled, more mature version ofbaker, I still think this year we're going to get an even more fiery and evenmore dog-type of version of baker because I think he's comfortable now and he'sgoing into a scenario where he's never gone into, where he's in a


a a comfortablesituation where the coach trusts him, he knows the coach believes in him, heknows Liam believes in him, the pieces around him are stable, their stability,he feels at home, he's comfortable to where now he can be himself and notworry, not look over his shoulder. And not think, oh man, this is the end likeI'm going to screw up, it doesn't feel like all the weights on Baker's shoulderright, he goes to the Browns, he's the savior, first pick of the draft, you gotto save this franchise and he gets them to the playoffs the first time in a millionyears wins them a within a fumble out of the


corner of the end zoneresulting in a touchback from beating the Kansas City Chiefs that year right;we're wanting to fast forward now, he's in a comfortable position to where thatstuff; I don't think it's going to be on him and I think he's going to playloose, I think he's going to have a fucking good year, I think he's going tobuild on what he did last year regardless of dave dave helped him don't get mewrong but i think liam's going to help him even more like you said latte andhe's going to put him in positions to change plays at the line of scrimmage tocome out of the huddle and if something's not what we need it to be i canchange to something else i can


get the he's going tobasically just play point guard from everything liam said just get the ball tothe playmakers and let them do the thing you saw that from baker last yearunless he had to put the game on him he didn't force anything to where he hehad to win it himself he if you need to get a First down, he would do it, but Ithink him understanding when to do that is key. Go ahead, I think that'sinteresting that you mentioned that, and plus, mentioned in the comment, andthe comment saying Baker will be fine. The improvement on the interior of theoffensive line will be a big factor. I agree; I mentioned this on the showduring the season towards the end, right when we draft stuff and needs and whatwe should be drafting.


I think Baker has theability to make special plays, and we saw that last year, you know, get yourweight up little boy, you know, some side-arm action, he's, he's this-that-typeof gamer, right? I think we relied. On that, a little too much last year gaveBaker the ability to be special when he needs to be special. They put Baker inpositions because that that interior line sometimes where he had to roll outbecause he had to and he had to be special, take a little bit off the platethere, and you know we had a running game, you know more protection of themiddle, and then he can be, you know, sprinkle in special. Yeah, I, I have agood feeling.


Yeah, this is a greatconversation you two are having, so I think I'm probably going to jump in andgive my two cents as well. Um, I literally said 'stank', no, you didn't. Yes, Idid, before you, before you do that thing, fuck you. All right, fuck youeverybody. I was gonna ask you, everybody knows, I wanted Baker to fail lastyear until he became our quarterback. Um, just listening to him, you know, talkhere in the offseason one thing's back for sure and it's confidence. Hebelieves in himself. He even said, 'He's so', he's selling his house in Texasand moving to Tampa full-time, sold it, yeah, sold it, right? He got paid, thisis his fucking team, right here, those are his boys in that locker room now.


He is always going tobe that guy that gives you that fight. They instantly were attracted to him,you know. His and I think he played his ass off last year. Was it perfect? No.The offense wasn't perfect; the blocking was terrible, the run game wasnon-existent. He had to put a lot on his shoulders and he made a lot of fuckingcrazy plays, um, you know, and he's got we've got talent. It just I feel likewe've upgraded, i feel like we've upgraded our offensive line, like + said, likeyou, you made the point, you made which it can only help the and in turn helpthe running game which will only help and hopefully we'll be able to do that inthe next couple of years, i think, hopefully.


And this is allspeculation, you know, we should talk Dave Canales, it's all speculation, but Ifeel like we've upgraded our offensive Coordinator too, which can only helpBaker because it'd be nice right? To have what Brock party has been able to getbehind the line and be put into a system that works for you know, to make yourlife easier and all the guys' lives easier so it's not always every play beingcontested, it's not always the the running there was some rhythm, there wassome flow. We were gaming the defense; they were on their heels a little bit,and so if there's some of that going on, Baker can only improve hopefully heprotects himself right? You know, he was a little reckless last year with hisbody, and I don't want to see you know him have some injury.


That hampers hisgameplay, so that's a little bit of my concern with him because he tends to youknow be talked about as being from the offensive line, and then kind of whatLatte touched on which is like we leaned on him to be special all the time, andhe's, and that happens to a lot of young quarterbacks, and they come into ateam that's really bad, and they're like we're not going to win unless LamarJackson is special all the time, and that's that's terrible pressure to put onany human being on you know on an NFL field, and Baker now is in a position Ithink where he doesn't have to be special; he just has to do his job, and whenthere Are moments where he says, 'Hey, I need to go get nine yards on thisthird down and he's gonna go do that.


He can pick like Lattesaid: Moments to be special, but I think the offensive line and Liam Cohen areputting him in a position where he just has to do his job; there's not a lot ofpressure. You don't have to go and win the game. Last year, we saw Dave Canales'offense basically leave good defensive performances for three and a halfquarters out to dry, and when they finally decided to wake up, it was toolittle, too late. And you know the defense; or the defense had already gottentired, and it was a moot point. This year, I think they're not going to havethat what happened breaking news ian rapaport jonah said it and i just lookedit up and it's real the saints offensive tackle


ryan ramchick is outfor the season yeah yeah that they actually i saw that earlier today thatdidn't just happen i think he's had issues for the last couple of months thatthey didn't really know what was going to happen i'm not celebrating let's makethat clear the loose can is no celebrate injury but fuck the saints fuck the saintsyeah i think it was i think he was questionable anyways and this is just theythought he was going to retire at some point too and they didn't find out untilafter the draft Not Josh, you have it all wrong, it's not Derrick's broke downcar, it's Derrick Eyeliner Car, bro what are you talking about man?


Hey I like their car, Iwould love for him to be the Saints quarterback forever, oh yes stay as long ashe wants, yeah he should have an open check like just yeah you can stay with anopen end contract we'll start a fucking Go Fund Me and pay for it for hismortgage yeah don't worry about this, fuck the Saints. Jonas thank you for uhfor putting in the chat and before this episode's over I have the randomgenerator full of everyone's names um I didn't know that there was like a botthat you could listen to this tag and Then, it would load all the names inthere for you. We get on here; we're waiting for you, right? Listen, we'rewaiting for you.


He's entering like anabsolute one by one, I-I literally hand-typed everybody's name into thisgenerator. You are so stupid, dude. You know that when you get when you get toa certain number of followers, you don't see every response that you ask forwhen it comes to hashtags, like 160 something fucking names, bro! I have carpaltunnel now, so fuck everybody, everybody! I hope your shirts get lost in themail if you win it; you're because I haven't. I'm injured; I have to go see acarpal tunnelologist tomorrow to fix. Whatever the fuck is going on with myhands now, you're an idiot okay, you're an idiot I don't know how you don'teven


Google that firstbefore like anytime you're about to do something that's a lot of work thenatural human response is 'how can I make this easier on myself' and you don'teven Google it I i YouTube I YouTube it and watch the video on how to do itwhat the fuck Everybody listen, everybody has a Biden moment every once in awhile bro All right I I've never even dawned on you what we're gonna do thatwe're gonna do that we're gonna go there we're gonna go there Hey listen sodefensive fears or concerns kissed another chick That he thought it was I lovethat old man. What are you talking about? He's actually pretty hilarious,honestly. He's pretty funny. And any comic that acts like him, like uh the dudeon Kill Tony, oh my god, bro!


If y'all haven'twatched the new Kill Tony episode, it is so good. The Biden one, amazing, andthen of course Shane Gillis kills it with this Trump thing but dude, that Bidenone, like I know Gillis steals the show but Biden is low-key like right on histoe, he's so good! I don't, I don't talk politics, f**k them both. How aboutthat? Let's move on. Yeah, agreed. Alright, defensive fears or concerns we kindof touched on the only one. That I I'm I'm kind of afraid of, which is thatcorner position, what's really gonna happen? Jamelle Dean understands it's amake or break type of scenario. You saw his guy get traded because he wasn'tcatching balls; he's been working hard, his coach came out and said 'Jamelle'sgotta fucking start catching some balls, he's gonna gotta start doing somethingthat matters.' And so that position with, and then Zion McCullum, what is he?


What could he be? Is hegonna continue his trajectory? I think he will. But I'm gonna throw this one atyou guys: how about the absence of Devon White, now that inside linebackerposition next to Levante? Kind of a question mark, what about it? Okay, whatabout it? Stank, you are the fearful. It's not a question, what was me?Everything's raining around me, I'm pretty sure that that on uh on JC's podcasthe said KJ Brit's job to lose, sick podcast that's fine, we kind of understandthat it that it's his job to lose, but you stank are you afraid of that do youtrust KJ Brit? I do, yeah I do, I trust him and I love what he said, I think itwas during many camper OTAs they asked him about it, he said well last time Ichecked we went five and one down the stretch with me starting, so yeah that'sgood about that.


Um, listen, we talkedabout it last year when in The chamber too case right, so I'll say in this inthe chamber he's more of a replacement for Levante but uh as it relates to KJBritt um we talked about on the podcast last year um he's not the athlete Devonis uh he never you know we would never compare him that he's not gonna be youknow the Blitzer like that but simply doing your job, man Warren Sabby talkabout it just do your fucking job if you do your job we can all do our job andwe're gonna shut the shit down but when you're bait and you see the bait youtake the bait and you run that way and you leave a massive gap in where you'resupposed to be controlling or defending.


That's an issue, soBrit is not the athlete Devon is. He's not gonna make the splashy stuff Devondoes or the ability to do but he's just gonna do his fucking job and he's gonnabe there in 54 and 31 and three and everybody's gonna know KJ is gonna be inhis gap and he's gonna do his fucking job and that's all we need him to do. LetCan't see let Yaya be special, let fucking 31 be special, let Levante bespecial. That's okay, so obviously very different scheme a very different wayof operating but when they ran the four three Derrick Brooks was the linebackerstar on the team, all right, Hardy Nickerson was there for a little.


Bit, but when it becameDerrick's team and Hardy was no longer there, you had a handful of guys thatjust ran through the two spots, you know, next to him, so middle linebacker onthe other side and that was Alshamon Singleton, Quincy Black, uh Jamie Duncan,Jeff Gooch. Obviously they settled on Shelton Quarles. None of those guys areHall of Famers; none of those guys are probably Ring of Honor guys in the TampaBay, you know, you know, in Tampa nobody's special but Derrick was fuckingspecial, I levante in my opinion, Hall of Famer, so I agree with you like KJBrit just has to do his job and I don't think people understand just how muchof an impact Bringing Jordan Whitehead back to this team is going to have onthe linebackers and a guy like Tykee Smith will have on the linebackers becausethey are these odd little chess pieces, including obviously Antoine but nowthey're way more flexible to bring those guys in the box.


Hey, we need more runsupport, we only got these two linebackers, are we iffy on what KJ Britt'sgonna do? Because if it's size that no problem, drop Jordan Whitehead in there,motherfucker, crack heads right. I think that's gonna be such a massive upgradefor the linebackers not just the secondary, uh, I just... Stank. Did you haveanything else to add because? I have two comments, no, I mean you. This is apassing league now, right? Gone are the days where you have all these downhillrun teams and... And you know that position is asked to do some differentthings than it used to, right? You say, 'First and foremost, you know you haveto be good in coverage.' You say, 'You said ask to do did you say ask, dude?


What's acid, dude? Todo or acid, dude?' I'm just, I'm just calling a spade a spade, bro. You listen;you got to be acid, dude, something different today, all right, like a MountainDew and Ash Juice mix. Ask are you... Have you been lying to us for freakingLouisiana? Ask you, yeah. The more we talk to you The more you turn into thatguy from Waterboy, there's no Louisiana in me, I'm a Florida man. Ask it here,ask to be it, ask to do that position is asked to do. You give up asking me andask him here, ask him, ask to do so, so we're gonna be a nickel quite a bit,you know the having three linebackers out there, you know I don't know whatpercentage was last year, don't ask me though, that's nerds can get on thereand tell you what percentages were.


Um, but you guys aren'teven listening, so hey, listen. We have two comments: I like KJ asking me,asking you; I asked to do nobody asking you, I'm gonna ask you to listen to me,I got two Calvins, and this is good. to be back boys we got somebody here justthe person hey this is right up our alley this is our kind of comment just theperson because i feel like graham barton is the type of guy who really takecare of your balls does fucking right he takes care of our balls he takes careof balls man that's important jason talked about that on the show with us isn'the how good he was with balls he's great with balls yeah i like a team full ofguys you see his ass score what is his fat what is his fat fat what was razzhis ass his ass a new score


and then the other oneis from christopher cole this is a valid comment and i'd like to hear from bothof you On this because we're talking about defensive concern, okay that's agood one every year that that I mean that that's a concern. See Stank Stank, hekind of repositioned himself, took a deep breath, he's getting anxiety manbecause that that's a legit concern. I mean Dean, you know what? Stank goahead, you go first. Stank, I know I'm not a huge Jamelle Dean fan, neverreally have been a bit wow, never best friend man; he has to do you and you'regonna turn your back on him like that no. I'm just saying yeah whatever, youasked him to do, he did. He's not a top 20 corner in my mind is he?


Is he a startingcorner? He's a corner, two can he be a CB1? I don't. Think so, I don't know. Wehave a CB1 on this team which is he gets he's he's he's CB1 now so he is CB1now but is he a CB1 is the is the real question. I think I understand whatyou're saying so like aside from the injury part of it, so the not secondary,but the cornerback room was Carlton Davis, he was the energy, he was the guy,it felt like he was the alpha in that room. Now it's Jamelle Dean who's theelder spoke you know, he's the guy, yeah there's nothing fiery about him buthe's not no this is not a knock on Jamelle Dean, okay.


This is just, you know,people have different personalities, his personality didn't come. Off to us asthat of a leader, get on my back, I'm gonna carry you guys. I will teach youthis like and that's not to say he's not a high IQ player again, not a knockbut he's not. He's more of a quiet, you know, fall in line, do my job type ofguy. He does celebrate when he makes a play, obviously he's got some fire inhim, but he's not Carlton Davis, he's not Levante yeah, he's just not that guywho can he be for dropping that pick in the end zone that playoff game, dude wewin that game, we win that game.


I just can't, I can'tget out of my mind, I really think we win that game, Sam or you watch the show,I, I don't so maybe you can connect the Dots and, and, and, you know, enlightenthe people here. King king cook says thanks, sounding like Boom Howard fromKing of the Yeah Yeah Yeah. For sure, for sure, for sure. I don't know who thefuck that is, who the fuck's Boom? Oh it's it's the dude that could neveractually said anything, he just would he would just like and it was justcountry shit, it was a mess. Of me, what I asked to do, yeah he did say so.Maybe my words are just melting together, I don't know. That's a dude, oh allright, that I mean, that's an answer.


It's like, what areyou, what are you thinking? You know, what are we gonna do if we, you know, ifwe don't have a quarterback one as a dude as a dude. as a dude DJ says about tohit our last subject here, but DJ says, 'Why does why does nobody respect MikeEvans? He's a top five receiver. I mean, listen, it's the same thing withLeVante; it's it's a buck's life man, it is what it is. Funny enough, it's abuck's life man; it's a buck's life man; it's a buck's life. I was talking toSam earlier, stink not a flex, it's just fact. I mean, whatever, no, it's flex.You tell people you talk to me, dude, that is a fucking flex! Alright, Rishabh,Rishabh, Rishabh comes to the barbershop as do other players, I won't mention butyou know he frequents, frequently visits, uh, you know, stay clean, and thisSaturday.


He decided to stay andstank, stay for about two hours, bro. Bullshitting, like literally going at itwith clients and barbers, talking about the top five running backs, top fivequarterbacks, top five receivers in the league currently, and then you knowpeople started naming the top five, and he's like, 'Y'all are not gonna leaveMike Evans out.' Like, he was like Adamantly going after people, like, 'Y'allare wild. You need to understand this,' and he's like, 'Rishabh's a numbersguy; Sam knows that very well, like, he keeps the receipts; he knows the stats,and he's like, 'Y'all are wild, like, the consistency.' Try playing this gameI, he's like, 'I play'. This game and I'm telling you it's not that easy to dowhat Mike has done, he's a walking Hall of Famer, so it is what it is.


Not only that, he's aphysical receiver all right. This isn't a guy who's just running past peopleand never getting touched, never getting hit; he's always getting hit. He'salways got it, it's always a contested catch. His numbers are always earned;there's a very little rack yardage involved. It's like that guy has earnedevery bit of what he's got, every bit. But Stank last year was kind of funthough; we saw him go off; we saw a little bit of that. We saw a little lighteron his feet. Mike Carolina the fucking 60-yarder diving in the end. We're likedude, I've never seen Mike run that far, never seen, you know it's crazy. It's


how to take care of hisbody better and how to lean out, and all those leading up to that play, late inthe latte, I was screaming for a slant at the line of scrimmage to the biggestwide one of the biggest wide receivers in the NFL, all season like this was, Ithink like the second maybe it was the third or fourth to last game of theseason. They finally call a quick slant to Mike Evans. What does it turn into?Fucking 87, fucking yard touchdown! Where he's flying through the air and thenthe refs had the fucking audacity that day, didn't call it a touchdown we had.To wait for this fucking extended replay bullshit, and they finally called it atouchdown.


And remember, I wasabout to go down the fucking out of this like down the fucking stands into thefucking field and and destroy a fucking ref because we thought they called itno touchdown, even after the replay. Terrible, terrible day it turned into agreat day turned into a great day! I remember, I remember that. That was a coldass picture, but he was completely laid out. Oh yeah, he's Superman! That shitdude! And the only guy who tops that is fucking Chris Godwin doing the airJordan fucking thing in the Philadelphia playoff game on. That's nuts, butthen, but then you go to the Mike Evans Dallas, you know, throw the fade baby,that was pretty disgusting too on their number one corner, yeah. Listen, we gotdogs, bro.


He's got dog receiver.Uh, by the way, we gave Mike a lot of love on this show and rightfully so, andhe's very close to all of us, but Godwin also... one more year recovered afterthat ACL back in the slot, yep. I mean, we love Johnson in the slot, but I meanGodwin, the slot is not a bad option either, you know. And according toeverybody, he's in a prove-it year because uh, you know, he won't be told youthat you didn't want to fucking listen, no. I said, according To everybody, Idon't it's not not not a prove it to the bucs it's a prove it to the rest ofthe league


because the bucs mightnot be able to bring him back and that's fine and he deserves his payday and ifhe wants his bag he has more than earned the right to do that, he will havezero ill will from me unless he goes to the Saints but I don't think he willbecause those f**kers injured him so he doesn't. He doesn't go dude still madrespect there's nothing wrong with what he'll if that while you're talking I'mgonna pick one winner but I'm gonna, I will say, I will say all right lasttopic okay hold on hold on hold on hold on Mac gave us a Mac gave us a SuperChat a ten dollar Super Chat.


Thank you, Mac says'name' to watching Camp is rookie tight end Devin Culp, six-three runsfour-four-seven and there's reports he put on serious muscle since the draft.Yeah, I mean listen with that kind of athleticism you always got a shot rightat that size and speed but I i don't know much Sam are probably not going to beable to lose a little more uh I don't know Stank does but I know Sammers dovein on the rabbit hole as it relates to Liam Colm. I don't know what kind oftight ends they want like in ba system Devin Culp ain't working, bro. I mean wehad a time it was his name he was he was a it was a camp beast.


bro he won a super bowlwith us but he wasn't the starter he was a fucking pre-season monster bro andba kept saying like cool but he can't fucking block you remember i can'tremember tanner tanner tanner tanner hudson tanner hudson yeah it was like dudehe was a fucking incredible catching the ball but it's like you can't fuckingblock so i don't know enough about him maybe pluses in the chat tanner's awinner by the way tanner's a winner crazy hot girlfriend maybe fiance now butanyway what i was gonna say the answer to that question the answer to thatquestion all right stank has on the screen the at the twitter user x user Thatjust won a fucking idiot's 'fuck the Saints' shirt with a cool pocket; or theycan either one they either one they can have the regular 'fucking Saints' oneor the regular 'fuck the Saints' one.


So, you guys are gonnahave to DM r underscore dgk 84. It seems like a congratulations mudfishmushroom message. The Buck said Goblin, what that asked to do you this year?What you asked me this year go back to the slot whatever you want me to do I'masked to do it, whatever you asked me to do I'm gonna do. Listen here's thething: late in the tight end position, go look at Sean McVeigh; name a tightend that made the Pro Bowl or you even remember uh oh I gotta. draft him infantasy as a rams tight end with stafford or before stafford no they had adecent tight end over there was it hockinson he got traded to the fucking


no he wasn't no no hewasn't he wasn't no he had a decent tight end there he was on a different teamno no they have an okay title he's not not a fantasy star he's not a guy thatgets volume they just don't do that so i don't expect that to happen i expectkade to have a year like he had last year i like kade kade's not bad man kadedoes his thing kade had the game winner in fucking atlanta he had a game winnerin fucking houston uh we know what happened there you know kate kade makesplays man, I hate on Kate. I'm just saying the usage and the volume within theplay or the play calling the sequencing what I'm saying is what I'm saying.


Is what I'm saying. Youjust said we don't need a special one but when they call his number. I've we'veseen Kate make plays, he's not fucking great then we. I was saying in terms ofthis kid that they got out of Washington and Kade within this offense. I don'texpect them to be stars and it's great that he's one of the fastest tight endsin, you know the draft. It's awesome and he's got size and muscle high bythat's the guy I was thinking of. The call cook uh he's yeah Highby was decentbut it was never your. Right, and that wasn't like a fucking fantasy they butthere's not a lot of


tight ends like thatthough we're being honest bro like there's a fucking handful think about it butthe ones that do exist are in offenses where they are kind of the focal pointright Kelsey focal point all these guys even even the guy with the 49ers he'snot the focal point necessarily he's gonna be he's gonna be running widereceiver a lot this year apparently so, Pits but but you know they're forcingCooper Cup the ball they're forcing uh I was in Puka the ball in this case it'sgonna be Chris Godwin Mike Evans it's Rashad White it's gonna be Chris. GodwinMike Evans it's gonna be Chris Godwin Mike Evans it's gonna be Chris Godwin had500 something almost 600 yards receiving last year 60 out of


74 targets were caughtlike there's just gonna be too many other guys that are gonna get schemed intoit Kate's gonna get his his chances obviously but I don't expect that to be youknow oh man cup is eating up the league it's not gonna happen unless somehowthe offense changes I don't know I just don't see that but I'm not comparingRashad too but we keep using other examples like you know you said Eddie Georgeand stuff but what about one that was in that offense like Todd Gurley? Justsaying, yeah guys catch the ball, you know just I think he has, I think he hasbetter hands than Girly for sure honestly. Last year dude people like don'twant to admit it and they, the people that, just he was only, he was onlysecond combined yards, he was only behind Christian McCaffrey not just that.


I think he went like 24straight targets that were completions, 24 straight passes went to Rashad Whitewhere he caught him secured him and turned him into fucking positive yards evenwhen he wasn't even the main point of that play he was kind of the oh shit,fucking dump it off, kind of guy make something happen, he saved drives last.year where people hide yardage that people don't talk about right where hemakes a couple guys miss against the saints, he kind of side-juked andside-stepped with the gang got down to three, turned into a touchdown, but thatwas like third-and-long. Like those little things that people don't you know,the hidden yardage as they say.


They had like threedesign plays for him to catch the ball on purpose, and he still almost had 600receiving yards, 60 of 74 targets - wide receiver type shit, not starting widereceiver probably, but it's still wide receiver type shit; second winner is atFF Dynasty Grill Fantasy Football Dynasty Grill. You're f***ing phone, yeahdude, why is your phone that dirty? Your phone was like Devin's f***ing a cardash, stick it under your balls before you put it up on the screen. What isthat, bro? I'm a man; I got man, I got man grease on your phone screen, youknow that right? You sound like bitches, right now, oh my god! Your phone isoil on it. M.K. wants to know, stank do you wear shoes to church if you go orto a wedding?


He doesn't go to eitherof those three things; I don't go to church. He wouldn't wear shoes alright,last topic because he's Godless. Pray for me to go to a wedding, you'd be,you'd have to ask a dude; he ain't nobody asking. dude to go to no wedding ihave to do i do listen here's a tristan wirfs holding possible okay i have myopinion on this but we'll start with you latte do you think it's possible thattristan wirfs shows up to camp and is still a good teammate and is still partof the team in terms of hey i'm here but i am not setting foot on that fieldand risking injury until i get my contract or do you think he clearly plays ithink i think there's


absolutely apossibility and he proved that during camp and otas he showed up but he's likei'm not participating no i think i think if he does do that to judge him or oror call him out for that or mean shit Would be absolutely asinine because ifhis agent told him to do a hold in it would be the correct thing to do becauseif Tristan goes out there and one misstep like Jensen on the fucking second dayof camp and you blow your knee out, the fucking payday is gone; the bucs willprobably still do right, like they did for Godwin, but it's not the samenumber, like so yeah, if there's no contract I fully expect the hold.


But here's the thing, Iagree with you; I expect it to happen, and I would not be mad at it happening,it should happen. Will the bucs allow him to get to that point or are they goingto try to you know, get a deal done at the you know 11th hour? 12th hour,whatever the fuck the phrase is right now, here's the thing: say this all playsout this way. Latte, is it bad for the team? Is it bad for learning theoffense? Is it bad for getting ready? Say it goes until the third preseasongame and they finally get a contract done; then, is he in playing shape? Hecan't just throw him out two weeks later and expect him to be ready to gowithout a hamstring injury popping up or something you know that kind of shitthat happens.


Listen to what I'mtelling you, and I'm not telling you anything that you don't know, or thepeople in the chat don't know either. Tristan is not of this earth, okay? Themotherfucker. Jumps out of dude, literally went from right tackle to lefttackle just because he was fucking bored. Okay, like I'm not worried about himbeing ready, bro; he's just not not ready like that, not ready like that. I'msure there are issues and and the freaking offense and all that. I think Tristanshowed up to OTAs, he showed up to freaking minicamp, he showed up to all ofthat for installs. He's doing the mental reps, I think he'll be fine. I knowyou gotta play devil's advocate but I... but is that yeah?


But is any player ableto just go in week one no prep hit the ground running hit the switch and gowithout injury concern or risk, I don't. think so i don't think there's an anyany nfl player in the entire league i think it's fine dude it's fucking he's anoffensive tackle dude he's not running 40 yards down the field i i get it i getit but there's timing there's speed there it still happens like that's why campis there that's what i'm saying will it affect that i don't think it'll go thatlong honestly listen i don't think it'll go that long i think he will if it isit'll be


a short hold in thebucs want to get it done he wants to get it done somebody said in the chat he'sa father now they're not gonna fuck around i mean is there hardball and they'reyou know negotiating Back and forth, taxes of course, and he's gonna hold in,and they're gonna be like, 'God damn it, he's not on the field,' and thenthere's a lot of people pressure on the bucs from office, and then the bucs arelike, 'Well, you know, it is what it is, Tristan. We're gonna find you.' Andthen there's pressure on his side, 'You guys, you guys are talking way too muchabout this.' They're not playing the season without Tristan. Tristan will endup signing his contract; he shouldn't go out there and risk injury that would bemoronic or idiotic for him.


That's not the point.The point is Hammer saying that he won't be ready physically, should you beconcerned? About him and timing, if it goes to the third preseason, he's beenhere off-season, he's gonna train just as hard away from the team again. I'mtalking about timing; I'm talking about he jumps out of pools. Speaking ofpools, hey Latte, speaking of pools, Latte, you ever jumped in? Imagine we'rehaving a conversation, he interjects into the conversation to cut the conversationoff. My brother just started a cleaning business, yeah, we're gonna get tothat. Did you leave? Did you leave? Did you hire him? Did you leave him aGoogle review? Absolutely, I left him a Google room; I don't know if it's aGuru, I got the guru, no, but to Sam's point, I think if it Was Grand Barton orBarton or a center, you know?


I think timing would bemore important there, right that the towel to baby power ass ratio the snappingall that matters in that chemistry. In the timing Tristan worse, he's lefttackle, he's out there, he just has he's playing one-on-one against his fuckingpass rusher, keep him, keep him off Baker, he's gonna be fine because I'm gonnaannounce the other winners. I don't care; I don't really give a fuck about thisconversation anymore. The next winner is You can't give up; you can't give upthis dumb, you can't give this dog you can't give this dog a chew toy and alsoexpect him to do something. Like Junior, the real Cadillac Junior, that's oneperson who won uh Gardu Cedric uh whoever this is. Hey, that's New Orleans! Youcan't do I gotta check.


Hey, you're a Saintsfan, you ain't getting that shit. Why don't you just tweet these out after theshow? I will tweet it out. I said I was going to announce it live on the show Petebucs. Congratulations, you got to fuck the Saints T-shirt, Bucking Idiot styleor a regular one. Those are the five people I'll tweet your names out. I reallydo appreciate it, boys. Continue to talk about Tristan, worse. I love you. Igotta go. Wow, wow, wow! All right, we'll end this; we'll end this soon here,Latte last. Question about this just the worst thing, what the fuck justhappened, he's got to go, he has a hard out, something about something,whatever you know, he's a piece of shit, you know this is better, we're gonnahave an actual conversation, something about you know, uh some ass stuff goingon, something he has to do, there's something he has to do, so listen at whatpoint do you get concerned with the Tristan Worth scenario?


Say it's after thesecond preseason game, he hasn't practiced, he isn't practicing, he's stillholding in, he's being a good guy, he's not making a big deal out of it's notit's not a spectacle or it's not Devin White but it Doesn't look good, do youworry at all? Oh, is he not gonna play any of that or do you say 'uh' likeanything of that nature or you just like trust Mike, Spy Tech, and Jason, andthey'll figure it all out. I'm not worried about it; I would be contradictingmyself if I said I didn't just fully trust this for an Office okay Jackie andSpy Tech and Greeny and Jason. They're going to find a way. It's 'fuck pen asoul' that's what happened. We know that, right?


Like they had thenumber and then pen a soul came in like three-four million dollars over thenumber and reset the whole fucking market again, and it's like, dude, what areyou, what are you doing i get it get your bag but you fucked it up for not notwell you didn't fuck it up now tristan's gonna get more yeah so that they allplay the same game they're all waiting there's three of them it was tristan uhpen a soul and then uh who's the other one there's another guy who hasn'tsigned either and i think they were kind of waiting for him and he's waitingfor him they're playing they're basically playing uh playing a chicken yeahthey're playing a game of chicken uh so i think that's what's happening and atsome point you're gonna be like listen this is the deal it'll make you thisyou're gonna get paid


0.5 million Dollarsmore than the other guy, and you know, let's just get you in, let's get thisfigured out, let's get you on the team on the field, and I'm with you. I'm notworried even if it goes till after the third preseason game. I have a feeling,a gut feeling that it's gonna get done, but right before camp or maybe afterthe first day of camp, you know, that day the report they don't really doanything. He'll be in the building; they'll be able to corner him. Call youragent, let's fucking hammer this shit out, man-to-man, eye-to-eye, let's go,and then we'll shake it. They do something similar, then there's Gerald, likeGerald had like a one-day hold-in or something.


like that and then heshowed up and then like signed the contract and ran out of the field as soon ashe signed it right after it's like yeah it'll be the deal yeah it's it's funyeah so get the ice cream truck so listen i i think there's something to thatwhen the guys are in the building it's just easier you're not playing phone tagyou're face to face that face-to-face thing you know we make deals latteface-to-face deals that's how you get shit done not just that bro it's the it'sthe ass to do you're in the building listen let me properly paint the picturejust think fucking


sucks right you're inthe building bro you walk in first day camp juices are flowing you're doingyour hold in you're like i gotta sign my my you know i gotta sign my contract igotta take care of my family you know life-changing money all that stuff rightand then baker walks by you and he's like hey man the fuck man come on come onman it's like it's like you're looking at your friends play across the fieldand you're just like this sucks i want to go outside and play i'm grounded yeahyeah no you want to get out there that stuff also like fuck it happened to mikeevans mike's like oh he was sitting at home and he's like what was it 40 hours24 hours before free agency and he's like Fuck that, Jason, get it done, bro.


I'm not doing this, I'mnot fucking around with this so like it could happen with Tristan. You couldshow up, see his boys out there and he's like, 'This sucks, hey man, just getthis shit done.' I want to go on the field later then they're in the buildinglike that and there's no joke. They like, 'Hey, let's fucking come into my office,sit your ass down, go to the fucking conference room, whatever the fuck. Let'sfigure this out' and when it's face-to-face, I think the stuff that gets lostin translation or the games that you play when you negotiate, they kind of goaway. You're not playing poker on the phone. You're, you know, you're playingright there face-to-face, and I think it makes a difference.


And it's not justGerald; I think it's happened a handful of times across the NFL, but I knowit's happened a couple of times with the bucs where I think it was even DerrickBrooks got the deal done. He figured it out; he was in the building. They knewthey could see him every single day as long as they saw him every single day,they knew they were going to make progress daily until they got that deal done.And if he missed the preseason game or missed you know a week of camp, whocares? He's Derrick fucking Brooks; it didn't matter. I think it's the same.Thing here right, he's on the same level for sure, y'all. Seen the Break-Up, VinceVaughn, fucking, uh, uh, the gorgeous Jennifer Aniston, right?


Like I can act tougheron my wife, I can be like I'm fucking pissed, fuck you, fuck you! She walkspast me naked a couple times, I'll be like whoa, yeah, I'm getting soft, I'mnot so mad anymore. Hold on a second, you know what I mean? It's like Tristan,fuck that, I want my money, and then it's all sudden his boys walk by, a coupletimes, same thing. He walks by Jason, Jason's like that's a sexy man, I gottaget this done, man, you know I mean? It just changes things when it's when he'sout there, he's watching Graham. barton and cody mock the fuckers out he'swatching luke getty keep sweating covered


in just grass and thebackup left tackle like who who's who's over there in his spot like where he'slike what what's going on he's gonna watch that guy fucking shit his pantsevery day against fucking yaya and can see who by the way i cannot wait towatch kalijah can see in camp because he didn't have a camp last year he cameon as the season went on last year and i think he's gonna be a fucking monsterthis year but i cannot wait to watch yaya too but dude kalijah can see remindsme so much of aaron donald and warren sap in terms of like his nature And howhe wants to kill everything, even in practice. Remember when SAP used to put onshows with those stupid dummies that you had to knock down?


I can't, I want to seeKalijah doing that, I can't wait, that's like the first thing I'm gonna lookfor man. And here's the deal, we can get out on this amber is that he is a dog,like that, like Donald right, like SAP self-motivated no because we're notplaying the game you're doing everything to save us right, you're done justkeep trying to beat people and no purpose play at random like he has the productionoffice deals. The problem it all comes down to, you feel good man but thenyou're like I mean I feel like he needs to be practicing some damn game rightnow, also at this point the those no-illusion guys have like baby boom thingscoming out of their face of like tape everything these like boys yeah like themajesty of the show and I don't even see you guys talking right now we're gonnasay that one would be cool if this is the write up you know we can we're gonnasay it since wisdom times right, I think he doesn't seem like he's much biggerBe able to stunt more probably be more flexible with movement.


And then you got Yayawho's also going to fucking stunt come inside. Kalijah, there was a play thatBaldinger brought up on Twitter a couple weeks ago where it's Kalijah, he'sstunting to the outside on a twist, and he's wide open. Or he's stunting andcreating lanes for the guys on the inside because he's demanding doubles, he'sdemanding attention. Yaya, guys like that, JTS, guys that aren't going to winon their own are now just winning on their own. Obviously, Yaya does win on hisown. But other guys can now get these easy sacks because he's going to grabattention when it comes to the offense. And now you got two guys. Him and Vitaare the two guys that get circled in the game plan week leaning against thebox.


Like, we got to stopVita. Now they got to circle two guys. And how do you double team two guys? Youonly got five. They're the ones that the OC, when he loads up the film, he'slike. Them. No, no. He's like them, but he's like. Then right after he watchesabout two minutes of film, he's like. Fuck. Yeah, dude. Fuck. You got to dealwith that. I think Todd Bowles' defense is going to be very, very different.And I think it'll be the best version of his defense that we've seen since he'sbeen a Buck coach, regardless of the Super Bowl. Even in that year, we stillhad our deficiencies. But I think this is going to be the best version of itbecause he's going to have almost every kind of chess piece he needs at everyposition that he wants it at, dude.


It's going to be fun towatch. It's going to be exciting. People are going to, in my opinion, they'regoing to need a lot of crow as it relates to Todd Bowles. And this team's goingto be fun. So before we leave, do not forget to hit that like button. If you'renew, smash the subscribe button. Turn that bell on so you don't miss any morefuture episodes. We're back from our vacation. So we're going to be here atleast once a week during the offseason. And as we get to camp, probably twice aweek. And as we get into the season, as you guys all know, three times a week.So you don't want to miss shows. You want to make sure you hit that subscribebutton.


Hit that bell icon soyou don't miss them. And please hit us with a like for tonight's amazingepisode and our triumphant return. And before I forget, this hat. And all theother ones that I wear and the ones that Latte is going to be wearing are fromReverseBrand.com, who we are now partners with. And if you use the discountcode LooseCannons on their website, on your purchase, you save 10%. And theprofits of that purchase go directly to John Spitex Foundation, which is calledthe National CMV Foundation, which is designed to inform, engage, and advocatefor a disease that will hopefully prevent other children from passing away likehis unfortunately did. So him. And so I put. I put together this foundation tobring attention and information out to other parents so that it doesn't happento them as well.


So it all goes for agood cause. We are super excited and pumped about some of this other stuff thatwe're going to bring out as part of that partnership. So if you like this hatand you guys constantly ask me about it, it's ReverseBrand.com. Use discount codeLooseCannons. Later, we are actually there. It's fucking close. It's fuckingclose. And Wayne Poole just said, good show, guys. Wayne, good to see you, bro.If you want to go with us to Kansas City and you want to fucking do a gameaway, go to Kansas City. If you want to do it the right way, just go toLooseCannonsTravelCrew.com and go check out the packages to Kansas City. LetWayne tell you about it. LooseCannonsTravel.com or BucsAwayGames.com. Yes, weare going to Kansas City, like Latte said. Hop in there.


If you get four people,it's like, I think, $600 a person. And that includes lower bowl seats. SoMonday Night Football in Kansas City, Patrick Mahomes, Legendary Stadium. Imean, it's a bucket list. That includes, he said, includes your lower bowlticket. It includes your hotel stay. It includes a Saturday night VIP partywhere you get to hang out with, I don't know, some special guests. Last year wehad, you know, Jason Light. We had Spitek. The year before, we had Jason Lightand team and Warren Sapp. I'm just saying. Warren Sapp. And it also includes astadium tour for those that are doing the four-day package. And you get totailgate all you can drink and all you can eat. So I'm just saying, like, whatelse you want?


We take care ofliterally everything but the flight. So if you get yourself there, we've goteverything else taken care of, including the bus into the Monday night tailgateand back from the game. Afterward, so you can technically get pretty hammeredif you really wanted to. So win or lose, you don't have to worry about it. Doesit every trip? Stank does it every trip? Literally the entire trip. So anyway,latte was awesome to be back. This was amazing. And to all you guys, thank youso much for watching and subscribing. Go bucs.


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Bucs 2024 Camp Preview

July 18, 2024

What is up, BucsNation? It is Thursday, July 18th, 2024, and yes, you are actually watching theLoose Cannons Podcast. I'm your boy, Sammer, hanging out with my beloved brownbrother, Poppy Latte, and our redheaded stepbrother, the Barefoot Wonder, the manwho I once watched walk through urine and poop in the middle of downtown LAnext to homeless people and almost kicked down a box house on accident, butthen apologized. And shook hands with said old homeless man. He licked snow onthe side of the road in Green Bay. I'm the man of the people. Like, yellowfucking snow. That's right. He licked the piss snow. I completely forgot aboutthat, dude. Holy shit. Listen, before I forget. He did lick piss snow inWisconsin. You're right. Yeah.


Before I forget, youguys may have seen me wearing these upside-down Tampa hats on a few shows sofar. And I would love to announce to you guys out there that we are nowpartners with Reversed Brand. It's a brand that makes these upside-down hatsfor any city you could imagine in different colors based on the teams withinthat city. So even if you're not a Tampa guy or you're a Miami guy,Jacksonville guy, I'd say Boston, whatever. They have every color way that youcould possibly imagine. And now that we're partners with them, if you use thediscount code Loose Cannons on their site, your entire purchase is 10% off.Plus, The profits from that purchase will go towards John Spitex Foundationcompletely, which is the National CMB Foundation that helps children similar towhat happened to his child who passed away, sadly.


But he's him and hiswife put together this foundation to bring attention and information to otherparents that they can prevent that from happening. And so, you know, theprofits from these purchases, when you guys use that discount code goesdirectly to that foundation, which is awesome. So we're super proud of that.Super stoked. So after the show, go to reversebrand.com, drop that discountcode Loose Cannons in, grab as many of these hats as you possibly can, knowingthat they're going to all go towards a good cause. And of course, they lookphenomenal. The all white on white is probably my favorite, considering I wearblack everywhere. Stank, correct? It is kind of surprising, but it is myfavorite hat. And I, everyone compliments me on these.


You guys have all leftcomments so many times about it. So it's only fitting that we decided topartner up with them and bring them to you while also helping a great cause. Sodon't forget that after the show. Yeah. Where's my hat? Where's Latte's?Latte's got his care package already. Yeah. Oh, he got, oh really? Yeah. Imean, you know, it's good to be back. It's good to be back. I haven't been inthis room in six weeks. I don't even know. How long has it been since we recordedepisode? I don't know. We did the Rashad wings episode, but that was, that wasat your fucking house. That was different. Veggie meats and steak and wings.And yeah. Uh, that's the last time we got together to talk bucs and bread,bread.


We did the Rashad wingsepisode, but that was, that was at your fucking house. We needed to refresh.All right. We needed our vacation. Yeah. We needed our off-season. And now theoff-season is starting to wind down for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers next week. Ibelieve after next week, camp begins. And so we've got to talk about some ofthese things that we missed out on over the last couple of weeks. Right. It'snext week. It's next week. Okay. There you go. Next week, camp begins. So, uh,let's talk about some of these storylines. I'm going to start with Liam Cohen.Okay. New offensive coordinator, a big, you know, I think too much of a dealhas been made about this. You know, Dave, Canal is no longer being here or thebuck's going to take a step back as Baker Mayfield going to struggle, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah.


But I want to talk withyou guys about what Liam Coen is going to bring. That's going to be completelydifferent, but yet better and still the same as what we were doing. Um, my, my,my number one thing is that he's going to allow these guys to have play optionsout of the huddle and also options out of these, you know, the, their, their,you know, their, uh, sets in terms of, you know, three weeks. They won whateverthe 11 personnel, their personnel groupies are going to have multiples, whichis completely different. It makes them way less predictable than they've beenwith Dave Canals, where if you saw this defense was like, yeah, they'reprobably going to run this. And I think that's the biggest change that I'mmostly looking forward to.


Um, with giving yourquarterback that, that, uh, hold on latte was about to speak. You shut the f**kup. You don't just cut people off. Dude. This is a professional program. Youknow, that latte, go ahead, latte, go ahead, latte, go ahead. I will allow him.Cause he was, he was, he was, he was going off of your program. This is a greatpoint. Go ahead. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to, to, to have the mic.I do appreciate it. You're a gentleman and scholars no matter what anybody saysabout you. Oh, wow. I, you know, but I digress. It's funny. You start the showwith this. I thought it was going to be the Baker trash can't battle, but wecan go with the Liam Cohen underlying story here.


Um, yeah, you'reslumped. You slept that long during our little sabbatical that you think we're,we're back here and wait a second. You were playing off of Sam Bible's point.Don't go make your own point now and then steal mine probably, go ahead withgiving it was nice that the quarterback battle is going to be the top of thecamp latte latte, how much you want to bet he has no idea what the topic is, heforgot already, how much you want to bet he forgot if stank if stank doesn'tknow if stank doesn't know what this topic is, I'm gonna randomly choosesomebody in the chat and I will buy you a reverse brain hat, there are topicson this show,


somebody random'sgetting that all right, listen, give me your thought, here's here's my thought,here's what here's what here's what I'm most excited about and this is kind oflike a stank point so I'm glad I'm going ahead of him because he might take onLiam cone remember on Liam cone it's only I come on man I'm not fucking stankdude I know. I know what the list I know he likes to do, he likes to be thedevil all right, he likes to stir the pot and then deviate and kind of pull youaway, but you know we're in church here, you gotta focus. I'm locked in, bro.Listen, alright. Um, I think there was just a little too many you little toomany teddy bears, a little too much nice shit going around.


One buck last year, weneed a little piss and vinegar, you know? I mean, last time we won a SuperBowl, we had a guy like hey, we're just 53 motherfuckers trying to get a job,motherfucking ba shout out, you know? We need a little anger on the sideline.You know, too much fucking positivity. 2019 run the ball, it's Positive, let'sgo! He goes over to Carolina; he's talking about we're gonna run the ball untilwe're tired running the ball. What the fuck? I'm glad Liam's here; I can'twait, little attitude! What the fuck was that Baker huh? What the fuck wasthat? Wake up, we need a little fucking piss and vinegar on the sideline, sothat's what that's what I'm most looking forward to.


Does Latte not knowdoes Latte not know that we've already under... we that we've broken the code,no, no! Does Latte not know that Baker, called Dave Canalis, a positivitybully? Oh, a positivity bully on Barstool, positivity bully, yeah! Nobody likesthat; that's worse that's that's probably worse than actually being bulliedlike in a negative tone that positive bullying i i like that makes you moreuncomfortable in my opinion i agree because it's it doesn't come from a placeof of truth it's like okay man you know like let's just be honest here youdon't have to always stroke me you know let me know what i'm doing wrong so ican get better it's sammer you fucking suck stank yeah he's just a bully yeahare you always a bully are you gonna get better if i'm nice to you and tell youyes thank your camera always looks great


always centered yeahyou always sound wonderful wow are you ever Gonna get better, no, I gotta makesure you know that sounds so foreign. This fell off my wall; shout out to MarkCook; shout out to Mark Cook, every episode. But here's the thing though: likewhen you constantly tell people positive shit, you're lying. But when you saynegative shit, remember people say 'when'... when people are joking, it comesfrom a place of truth. Like if I'm negative to you, I'm telling you the truth;I'm negative shit, it's negative truth, it's it's real, and it's it's what Iwould appreciate right; it's part of the reason people love guys guys love likeJason Light, like he he admits a mistake.


Moves on, let's justrip the band-aid off it's what people like Bob Barrantino right like I'm gonnatell you what it is bro whether you like it or not I'm gonna tell you the truthand players appreciate that because they know where they stand, they coach themhard, hug them later, man. Not not oh, you threw a pick, it's okay. Let's holdhands and read the Bible for a little bit. Cohen's not gonna hug anybody, andif he even goes in for a hug, they're gonna go 'what the fuck, dude? No, we'regood.' Like yeah, like I want that, I want my players to hate the coach like bedisgusted by him like when Dave Canals came in to hug you you wanted.


That hug because,he-he, fell into yeah, you fell into those eyes, you were like, 'you know',seals playing in the background, yeah, it's just everything's soft, it'ssmooth, you're like I feel like it makes you question things, right, exactly,exactly. The seal song, like the song out of nowhere, you know how, like,cartoons when the character comes on screen, he's got like a background songand you just know that that's his song, he's got a theme song, or when you comedown, you know the steps, or whatever, and a wrestling thing, they got theirtheme song. Dave Canalis is seal is constantly playing somewhere in Thebackground of any anything he's ever around Amber, just the chorus, come on,just look, just no, no, I'm not doing it, no, no, no, we're in the off-season,all right.


Listen, another thing Iwant to talk to you guys about and one thing I'm like ridiculously excitedwhich I didn't even know about this till I looked it up earlier today. We ranthe ball 49 of the time at a shotgun last year, guess how many times Sean McVeighruns the ball at a shotgun, guys, last year, take a guess, 20, 2.2 out of thetime, I was in the ballpark, 2.2, like, look at how drastically different thatis now think about this from a shotgun play action standpoint play action at ashotgun Not nearly as effective as turning your back completely to the defenseright lately, as we learned in uh Green Bay at a bar from a very old ballcoach, right exactly who just kind of happened to tell us exactly how to fixthe play-action game.


But whatever, but yeahdude that's another thing I like - I'm super excited about is how he's going tofix this running game because people kept blaming the offensive line and theykept blaming our short-yardage and they kept blaming everyone but the actualscheme and the way they ran. He's not running out of 12 personnel anymore, likeDave Canlis insisted on; he's not running only two types. Of blocking schemes,he's running we're not bringing everyone to the box and just clogging it up andrunning it up the middle, we're not doing that anymore. Sean McVeigh loves torun out of 11 personnel, and uh Liam mirrored that a lot, and said thatmultiple times in the offseason. They also don't understand why we only ran outof two different blocking schemes because that makes it easier on the defenses.


The bucs are going torun out of seven; he named seven just top of the dome dude during an interview,like that's going to be so much. We're going to be more multiple without beingmultiple based on the actual people on the field. we're going to be multiplejust out of specific sets and that's going to make it even harder to predictthere's also well we set what we were at inside zone running team the entireseason last year yeah basically a little bit of duo interior of our interior ofour offense line was the weakest part of the line and obviously it takes ittakes you know strength in the middle to run outside zone as well but yeah itjust didn't work and a shotgun out of the box and that's what we're going to dowe're going to run out of shotgun to stink which makes zero sense again kept ondoing it over and over and over and over again it was beyond frustrating Youknow, I don't want to completely shit on Dave; I think he's a great teacher.


You know, I think theguys definitely learned this offense. Uh, but I think he he is what he is, man.He's a good position coach. Uh, I think he'd probably end up being a betterhead coach, but I'm glad to have Liam here and we've talked to some playersthey're glad to have Liam here now. Will it translate? Hopefully right; we cantalk all the shit we want. They've got it; they've got to look better on thefield; they've got to produce. It helps to have big ass Graham Barton in themiddle of the offensive line, now which is you know a little bit of a cheatcode um, but they still Got to get out there and actually do it, yeah, you'retalking about the shotgun runs, I those shotgun runs, I hate those, I just, Ijust don't like them.


Sam, I just don't likethem. Listen, there's a guy, and listen, I'm not saying he would have pannedout, but one of my favorite prospects coming out just because he was a freakingjust yoked was uh Anthony Richardson right or Richardson the Alabama runningback remember yeah, and they just insisted on running him out of shotgun, I'mlike 'Anthony Richardson, Florida Gator legend', he doesn't no, not thequarterback you know what I'm talking about, right? The yeah, he went to theBrowns, yeah his Last name was Richardson, that's all that matters and he justdidn't have the acceleration. It's like you're handing the ball from a deadstop. So I'm not in any way, making it very clear comparing Rashad to that.Rashad has way more juice than that, accelerating but he's not exactly likeChristian McCaffey.


Right? Give him sometime to get downhill instead of handing the ball then you have the weakinterior. Now he's having to make two people miss just to get three yards andit's like how about you give him a head of steam and then let him make peoplemiss, that's the thing. Late so so that shotgun run works with specific types.Of backs who once the ball's in their hands, it's literally put your foot down,go stop on a dime, that you know Barry Sanders, Warwick Dunn type guys becauseBucky Irving, Bucky Irving, it fits him, yeah, exactly those types of thatbuild right and Rashad's not Eddie George but he's built like Eddie


George in that he's gotto get going to really start going and moving right, you don't see Eddie Georgecoming out of that out of the shotgun, you call you call it stretch, please,you let that blocking develop in front of him and once it kind of formulateswhere he's going to go foot down go, that makes more sense, and then againremember like just like you said the interior offensive line is weak and you'regiving them literally one second to block and he has to make a decision andthey're not gonna make that block and they weren't good enough that's just whatit came down to and then scheme scheme like watch the


49ers you can name oneoffensive lineman on that team and those guys constantly have running lanes itdoesn't matter who's back there running the ball it does not matter if it's cmcor not before cmc got there they still ran the ball with every running backthat now plays for the miami dolphins by the way so it's just about schemingthose guys open and Bringing less people to the box, like you talked aboutlately, the Shanahans have been doing it forever. The same McVeigh, McVeigh isthe same thing, yeah, exactly right, yeah. It's never ever I think a goodcomparison though Sam, is Derrick Henry right? Like you would never hand theball to Derrick Henry out and and funny enough, right to make the and I madethis comparison because of this, I think the fastest clock running back lastyear was Derrick Henry in open field, he was like he ran like 23 miles an hour,something like that.


Derrick freaking Henry,not freaking Jameer Gibbs, not even God, but once he gets going. It's hard tostop him, but he's got speed, but he needs to get going and he's gonna get thehandoff a couple of times, yeah. Because he's next to the quarterback and ifthe read makes sense, yeah, I'm gonna put in your gut go dude. They're notblocking up the middle that makes sense. I get it, that's where that 2.2percent comes in a bit for the Rams, but they're out of shotgun and or atthey're snapping under center which Baker didn't do a lot on run plays lastyear. He didn't do a lot honestly on passing plays either. Which I think againmade us predictable.


Everything Liam Cohenhas said is making us less predictable instead of having 800 Differentformations and every one of those formations runs one or two plays. We're gonnahave 20 formations, and every one of those formations is gonna have 15 plays.Chris Godwin said, 'I, we're learning a lot of formations or a lot of plays;really actually learn stuff because we're learning levels on this that told mea lot of what it was going on behind the scenes last year. Go ahead, stay no, Iwas gonna for some reason; I kind of went off a tangent in my head. People seemto think that Rashad isn't you know, isn't a big powerful back. If you guyswatch the Wings episode, if you haven't, you need to watch it - we dropped itlast week so much.


We got to eat wings,Rashad. Thank you, we're all pretty big guys. Rashad is a big back; he looksbigger than all of us. He looks bigger than you, Latte. No, he's solid as fuck;he's a big back, you know. And big backs like that, they they need a little bitof space to work with, uh, you know we already know that that he's a phenomenalpass-catching back. I think that it takes the the court it takes thecoordinator to you know build a a system that works well and that's what we'relooking for and that's what we're looking for and that's what for the piecesyou have not just run your fucking guy right in the wall because that's yoursystem, that's Always been been the issue,


okay, that's yoursystem you're gonna run inside zone, it's not fucking working, you're notmaking any changes, you know so it's just frustrating and so I don't know howwe can get any worse, I don't, we're, it's gonna look better this year isn't ithas to two years straight 30-second rank rush defense, yeah but I think a lotof that was like I said earlier I think it's schematic, it's not only on theplayers you're gonna get five all-pro offensive linemen, it doesn't happen andyou're not gonna always have the best blocking tight end in the NFL but if youcan position them pre-snap again, that's. Another thing that I think is gonnabe a lot different his approach is, he wants a lot of pre-snap.


He wants to give Bakerand the offensive line and the wide receivers everybody on that team the cheatsheet basically as many keys as we could possibly get from the defense. Let'smove guys around, let's have formations that give us the answers. Which I thinkat last year again not knock on Dave but they didn't seem like they had answerseven Dave times after the games was like well we're gonna try to get better hedidn't even know what the fuck was going on because he wasn't doing anythingdevising a play or a scheme or a motion. That would give him an answer whichthat's I think another one of those things that is going to be different, latteking king cook says and king we'll get to this, okay, I'm just I'macknowledging your your statement and we'll get to it.


He says, 'All I know iswe better not let Worse walk out the building.' Come on, it's at the bottom ofthis list because I know it's going to be a conversation again. Come on, comeon, yeah. All right, so you you will hold them hostage before they let them outof the next subject by the way Sam or go ahead, yeah. Stanck or lot one of youguys touched on Graham Barton, okay, and so the next topic is can't battles. Weneed to see and people have kind of penciled him in already to be a startingcenter, but what's going on here Sam? You're announcing the fucking the the thetopic and then you just get to go first and just no, no, no!


I'm setting you up, no,I'm coming to you, I'm coming it's not me, it was Stank that said Barton so hecan take it. Okay, no, I'm lobbing it to you, I don't care, I don't... want tohear actual thoughts, okay, grunts and looking at me, that's not that's not abattle, that's not the camp battle, I'm interested in so oh, okay, all rightthen, hold on, forget that! You go ahead, latte, what? What's the camp battle?You need to see, I want to see, I mean there's there's competition atlinebacker, uh, there's competition but the one I'm interested to see is hecame on a little bit last year, right? But we gotta you know, we gotta seemore.


I want to see McMillanand Trey Palmer go ahead, who's gonna win that third receiver spot because weknow that the first two are solidified that's not even a question, not even,that you don't mess around, right? But who's the third guy, who's the guy thatyou know besides Rashad they're gonna go to? Is it McMillan, Trey Palmer? Oh,I'm excited to see that battle that's. Interesting because McMillan fits theslot, which is where Chris Godwin's gonna spend a lot of time next year, that'sthe outside sir. He was an outside at Washington, I know, but he fits what theylike to do with him in the slot in terms of his route running so he feels likeGodwin, Trey Palmer feels like more of an outside wide receiver when they puthim in the slide; he did like it, he had a good season don't get me wrong butit felt like he left a little bit more on the table than people want to youknow acknowledge or admit.


So I don't know, itfeels like I'm with you, I don't know how they're gonna figure all that out butI know they're All gonna play a lot, but yeah, I didn't think about that one alot. That's actually a pretty good one; I wasn't thinking about Stank'sthinking about Graham Barton versus Hainsey, I'm assuming right? Yeah, outsideof you know Baker and Trash battle, um Hainsey and Graham Barton - you know,that's that's the one, right? And Graham better win the job, that's all I'msaying, because Hainsey's just a liability; he is, he's a liability at thatposition. Good thing he has some position flexibility; who knows where, whereif he if at all ends up starting maybe he's a a backup guy, but they want himto be they said it basically, said it Jason said.


It numerous times theydrafted him to be a center, I expect he's gonna win the job, you know. Solidifythe center of that line, our tackles are are are awesome, you know worse. We'llbe back, we can talk about it all you want but there's no way he's not backthere's just no way. So Stank in your scenario, okay. This is the thing thatI've been thinking about when it comes to Graham. Let's say he wins or we givehim that center spot, okay. He's got a left guard next to him who I think is stillgoing to be the weakest part of this offensive line right? That's the thingthat I'm concerned about. You're going to put a rookie in there who's alreadygoing To be drinking out of a water hose, you know, regardless of how great heis, he's going to be the weakest part of the equation.


He is or how good hewas; even Tristan Worth said he was a lot. I just you know he was a freakingnature are we going to get two freaks of nature? Maybe two aliens? I don'tknow. So are you going to put them in there and hope that he doesn't have todeal with whatever's going on to his left, even though Tristan's on the otherside of that. Is that a thought? Maybe put him in that left guard and keepHansy at center so that it's more of a best five guys type of scenario or is itput him in at center, take the growing pains, he's our best option at Centerand left guard, these guys are better than Feiler and whoever the fuck it wasthat we played last year.


Left guard, yeah,you're gonna have to let him take his lumps, it's just how it is, right? That'sthe position you want him to play you. If he ends up playing guard, he's goingto wait another season to learn that position. You do it now, that's why Ithink he learns both at the same time. I just again, I'm looking at it like ifyou can get our best five out there as opposed to the best four and maybe itmakes sense. I don't know how how he was going to react having to help the guynext to you. Know that, that's the other thing. Cody Mock should be betteryou're assuming that we're


going to be as weak aswe were last year at the guard position and i think you can see cody's beefedup which he needed to he was definitely had more of a tackle's body last yearhe looks more like a guard now uh and then we'll see what happens you know atat left guard but guards should be the easiest position to find on the footballteam it'll be one that i think it just should but you you know so i i don'tknow i'm not as concerned about the guard position i think it will the the thatposition battle will end up being not much of a battle at all i think


they're going to handgram the keys and allow him to shit on himself a little bit and feel his waythrough but you know i mean we won a super bowl with a court of a new centerquarterback uh relationship i get it was not new players jensen brady but stillyou know they got to get in there now and get the chemistry now and i'm surethey already have been i think that's why you picked that guy there it's grahamis the answer graham's gonna win outside of him really looking terrible um butyou do have hansy in your pocket and just in case a lot would have to becatastrophic in camp they're starting around so i'll say how many times didthis motherfucker call us crying to us about Another position on the defensethat he was scared of because Carlton Davis is no longer here, and his JameleDean and Zion McCollum is assumed to be the other corner, and thismotherfucker's picking Graham Barton as the camp battle


that he wants to see.We got to talk about that, no you, you brought that up, you, you brought thatup! I felt like, okay, okay, so let's talk about the Zion McCollum thing. Wegot that kid Tykee Smith who I don't think he's going to compete for outsidecorner, we've got Izzy in who maybe might compete for outside corner but we gotthese other two guys there's three agents and one uh the one from the New YorkJets. Hall and then, the kid out of uh, the Houston Texans is Zion McCollum'sjob a lock or because you don't like him? Stank, he's gonna have the firstadd-on like him; I just said he's unproven and it scares me a little bit if itdoesn't scare you know.


Losing Carlton Davis,whether you like them or not, you know guy's a vet, you know he had some greatgames couldn't stay healthy couldn't stay on the field that's why he's not hereright now and and and has a you know pretty expensive price tag but you'reasking; and I get it Zion played half the season last year but did did heflash? Were you like 'damn Zion's killing it out'? There he gets good, he did,he did, he did film, but he he flashed and he got better from year one to yeartwo. I am worried about that he reminds me he reminds me of Carlton Davis butwith way more speed and athleticism right late same same story because Tyke'llbe nickel one by the end of the season.


Listen man, peoplesleep on Izzy, and I thought Izzy played really really well last year. Maybehe's that much better. I think both on the field Izzy and himself were laughingbecause somebody was like, 'Oh, he's not good, he's not good, he's not good,he's not good, he's not good.' He's a lot to be the, and he quote-tweeted him,he was like Okay, it's a good problem to have, yeah. He was laughing at JC. Idon't think Izzy is not a chunk. They're gonna find a way to get him on, gethim on the field so that's another camp battle though that third corner spot ifZion seems to be the guy that elevates himself, cream rises to the top,whatever you want to call it now it's Izzy and who that was his job he was theunproven guy came in out of nowhere surprise wins the job.


Right now there's thisTykee Smith guy who everyone fucking loves and of course Todd Bowles knows himfrom Georgia connection his son played with him at Georgia so there's a littlebit. Of a teacher's pet thing that may be there, so does he come in and battle,and maybe win that job or is he gonna be like, 'fuck no, I'm not gonna justgive you what the fuck I just earned, hard sweat, blood, tears, the wholedeal.' So that's gonna be a battle that people aren't even thinking about, butI think that makes both of them better. But I agree with Latte, how you gonnakeep Tykee off the field if he could just make plays on balls, he gets hands onballs, gotta be on the field.


Don't forget who ourhead coach is; he'll, he could and probably will have both of them on the fieldin some right he puts on a safety one right exactly, so it could happen. Amadman, I really don't question you know Todd Bowles, especially when it comesto you know secondary. He likes Zion too, I'm just yes I'm it's we got veryunproven guys there I don't know a lot about the guys we brought in people sayHall has you know started capability, we'll see the that's that is to me thecorner battles are the biggest and you know biggest question mark for me incamp so how about that safety room secondary that's not a battle I'm justexcited about that safety yeah dude so Winfield and Whitehead, Jesus the thingthe thing I like about those guys, think that you mentioned don't know too muchabout them.


Uh, what's his namecame on here plus and talked a lot about him so I feel a little you know I feelcomfortable but I think they address the fact that we constantly got injured inthe secondary and we didn't have enough actual quality depth so they bringthese guys in their quality depth. The guys that they bring in for theoffensive line again, quality depth. Running back adding Bucky Irving uh to youknow Chase Edmonds and Rashad, I think that gives them more of a backup optionbecause Chase was healthy and not healthy and healthy not healthy. I don't knowwhat happened to the other kid out of uh I believe it was Syracuse or Illinois.


so like they now have ithink more of a three-headed they're gonna keep four running backs more thanlikely but they got an actual depth piece there so i think that's the biggestupgrade throughout the entire team is they've upgraded the places that theyfelt depth lacking last season and corner was one of the ones that i thinkbothered me the most it's like if one of these guys goes down and zion goesdown we were completely fucked because he wasn't built for it no offensehonorable mention and then we can move on to the next the next uh subject uhit's gonna be interesting a little battle there with uh uh jts and uh braswellI know Yaya's got a spot, so that's gonna be a good battle, be a good battle,that's not a footnote, that shouldn't be an honorable mention, that's actuallya good one, dude!


I i got you got Watts,you got Watts, two in the mix, that's gonna be it's gonna be, I mean they mightjust fucking run a Nascar pad where you use all of them, they are it's a littlebit less and less, Braswell is just that much better than everybody, it's he'sgonna be, you know we we rotate constantly so he's he's gonna get on the fieldfor sure whether he starts or or backs up, they're all gonna play but you'regonna get a different Joe try on Shayinka this camp than. I think any camp everbecause this is a proven make it or yeah like even if you're gonna get adifferent Joe try on, if you don't prove it to us you got to prove it to theother 31 teams in the NFL and so he's gonna come out there he's gonna be morefocused, he's probably gonna have more of a dog in him, and is that gonna beenough for him to keep the job or does Braswell even elevate beyond that?


Even as a rookie,they're like we can't keep this guy off the field, I don't give a fuck what Joetry on is that going on. One thing Jason mentioned and spite to mention whenthey came on the show was how stout Braswell is against the run, we know thatTodd. It starts and ends there as it relates to the number one thing hisdefense responsible for, which is stopping the run, so that's gonna be interestingtoo because as much as much as people don't like JTs, he is stout against therun, he's really good against the run, he's really good in that so goodBraswell is as well, according to Jason and team and everybody, so it's gonnabe interesting excited to see it. You know who reminds me of him?


He reminds me of GregSpires and Yaya kind of put together into one unit right where Greg Spiresdidn't you know leave you out except with freakish athleticism he just can'tclose the sack. Fuck yeah, no not no not Joe, try on I'm talking about Braswellas well. Oh that's what reminds me of Greg Spires in that he can be an anchorand they called him the the crane during the Super Bowl run there with thebucs. They called Greg Spires a crane because he always did his job; he wasalways there; he held exactly what he was supposed to do to stop the run, and Ithink Braswell has that but more athleticism because he again he reminds me alittle bit of Yaya at the same time so it's gonna be fun to see those kids play,man.


Him and Tykee, easilythe rookies. I cannot wait to watch even with we're gonna have we're gonna havea lot of young guys. having to produce and uh yeah i don't mean i can't waitfor the season to get here dude i it's it feels like it's been the longestoffseason ever i'm i can't fucking wait we are here just about what we're allthat's there you can kind of smell it you kind of taste that grass you knowgrass i can actually smell it from my house can you smell the can you smell canyou can you taste the crab boil can you yeah that's that's ways away still butbut the camp i can smell camp all right what i want to taste is some of thatthat pizza but uh you know what was the invite for that what happened he'stalking about the pizza oven wings they're different Salmon, they're they'redifferent, yeah, well, you know what, man?


You gotta, you gottainvite us; you can't just tease us all right. Yeah, maybe that's maybe we dothe pizza wings maybe the wings for I don't know, Mike Evans or JordanWhitehead; I'm coming to your house, we do that, we do that for the next show,right? Um, so next topic I see people talking about this again, it kind of goesback to the whole 'Dave Canalis is gone, woe is me' nonsense of 'Will Bakerregress or Will Baker get better in year two?' less of a 'make it you know,prove yourself type of scenario more of a comfortable I am here, this is myteam, I'm the leader, this is my offense, I trust Liam Liam knows who I am, andthat whole thing does he improve and you're well start with latte do you thinkBaker actually improves or will he possibly regress like some people think withthe leaving of the you know quarterback coach Dave Canal?


I'll give him credit;he's a good quarterback coach, he's a very good QB coach. But his leaving doesthat affect Baker enough to where you think he regresses? I mean, I'm biasedright; I'm a fan so I don't think he'll regress. Um and I just really like Liamand I trust Liam and he's experienced, he's seasoned, he's worked with Bakerbefore similar offenses but with light years of experience. Play it up, andit's, it's. You're playing chess right, so I think when you have a coordinatorwith more experience as Liam does, and uh, we can avoid some of the frustrationwhere Canalis at times will just read down a play sheet, it's like, we're gonnarun it, and it doesn't matter what the fuck's going on here.


This is what we'regonna do, and then you have to come in and say, well I'm not really about X's,I'm about players. Like if I haven't gotten Mike the ball and fucking in anentire first half, that's a crime. We need to get Mike the ball, and God winthe ball, and our guys the ball, so uh, I think just based off of thatexperience alone and just Putting Baker and better positions, I don’t believehe’ll regress, but then again, you know Baker’s career has been up down up downand then the injuries and the bouncing around some of that stuff was out of hiscontrol, not his fault. Me, me, and Sam


are you know talkedabout it very publicly and loudly in the camp battle last year where he gotkind of screwed over with that that shoulder labrum tear and played through itand then the Browns threw him out like the laundry and it was just a badsituation in Carolina so um up down a little bit and then got the shaft. Idon’t think biasedly that he’s going to regress though, I don’t I don’tbelieve. Him, yeah man, I think even though we saw a fiery and a confidentbaker last year, although also more humbled, controlled, more mature version ofbaker, I still think this year we're going to get an even more fiery and evenmore dog-type of version of baker because I think he's comfortable now and he'sgoing into a scenario where he's never gone into, where he's in a


a a comfortablesituation where the coach trusts him, he knows the coach believes in him, heknows Liam believes in him, the pieces around him are stable, their stability,he feels at home, he's comfortable to where now he can be himself and notworry, not look over his shoulder. And not think, oh man, this is the end likeI'm going to screw up, it doesn't feel like all the weights on Baker's shoulderright, he goes to the Browns, he's the savior, first pick of the draft, you gotto save this franchise and he gets them to the playoffs the first time in a millionyears wins them a within a fumble out of the


corner of the end zoneresulting in a touchback from beating the Kansas City Chiefs that year right;we're wanting to fast forward now, he's in a comfortable position to where thatstuff; I don't think it's going to be on him and I think he's going to playloose, I think he's going to have a fucking good year, I think he's going tobuild on what he did last year regardless of dave dave helped him don't get mewrong but i think liam's going to help him even more like you said latte andhe's going to put him in positions to change plays at the line of scrimmage tocome out of the huddle and if something's not what we need it to be i canchange to something else i can


get the he's going tobasically just play point guard from everything liam said just get the ball tothe playmakers and let them do the thing you saw that from baker last yearunless he had to put the game on him he didn't force anything to where he hehad to win it himself he if you need to get a First down, he would do it, but Ithink him understanding when to do that is key. Go ahead, I think that'sinteresting that you mentioned that, and plus, mentioned in the comment, andthe comment saying Baker will be fine. The improvement on the interior of theoffensive line will be a big factor. I agree; I mentioned this on the showduring the season towards the end, right when we draft stuff and needs and whatwe should be drafting.


I think Baker has theability to make special plays, and we saw that last year, you know, get yourweight up little boy, you know, some side-arm action, he's, he's this-that-typeof gamer, right? I think we relied. On that, a little too much last year gaveBaker the ability to be special when he needs to be special. They put Baker inpositions because that that interior line sometimes where he had to roll outbecause he had to and he had to be special, take a little bit off the platethere, and you know we had a running game, you know more protection of themiddle, and then he can be, you know, sprinkle in special. Yeah, I, I have agood feeling.


Yeah, this is a greatconversation you two are having, so I think I'm probably going to jump in andgive my two cents as well. Um, I literally said 'stank', no, you didn't. Yes, Idid, before you, before you do that thing, fuck you. All right, fuck youeverybody. I was gonna ask you, everybody knows, I wanted Baker to fail lastyear until he became our quarterback. Um, just listening to him, you know, talkhere in the offseason one thing's back for sure and it's confidence. Hebelieves in himself. He even said, 'He's so', he's selling his house in Texasand moving to Tampa full-time, sold it, yeah, sold it, right? He got paid, thisis his fucking team, right here, those are his boys in that locker room now.


He is always going tobe that guy that gives you that fight. They instantly were attracted to him,you know. His and I think he played his ass off last year. Was it perfect? No.The offense wasn't perfect; the blocking was terrible, the run game wasnon-existent. He had to put a lot on his shoulders and he made a lot of fuckingcrazy plays, um, you know, and he's got we've got talent. It just I feel likewe've upgraded, i feel like we've upgraded our offensive line, like + said, likeyou, you made the point, you made which it can only help the and in turn helpthe running game which will only help and hopefully we'll be able to do that inthe next couple of years, i think, hopefully.


And this is allspeculation, you know, we should talk Dave Canales, it's all speculation, but Ifeel like we've upgraded our offensive Coordinator too, which can only helpBaker because it'd be nice right? To have what Brock party has been able to getbehind the line and be put into a system that works for you know, to make yourlife easier and all the guys' lives easier so it's not always every play beingcontested, it's not always the the running there was some rhythm, there wassome flow. We were gaming the defense; they were on their heels a little bit,and so if there's some of that going on, Baker can only improve hopefully heprotects himself right? You know, he was a little reckless last year with hisbody, and I don't want to see you know him have some injury.


That hampers hisgameplay, so that's a little bit of my concern with him because he tends to youknow be talked about as being from the offensive line, and then kind of whatLatte touched on which is like we leaned on him to be special all the time, andhe's, and that happens to a lot of young quarterbacks, and they come into ateam that's really bad, and they're like we're not going to win unless LamarJackson is special all the time, and that's that's terrible pressure to put onany human being on you know on an NFL field, and Baker now is in a position Ithink where he doesn't have to be special; he just has to do his job, and whenthere Are moments where he says, 'Hey, I need to go get nine yards on thisthird down and he's gonna go do that.


He can pick like Lattesaid: Moments to be special, but I think the offensive line and Liam Cohen areputting him in a position where he just has to do his job; there's not a lot ofpressure. You don't have to go and win the game. Last year, we saw Dave Canales'offense basically leave good defensive performances for three and a halfquarters out to dry, and when they finally decided to wake up, it was toolittle, too late. And you know the defense; or the defense had already gottentired, and it was a moot point. This year, I think they're not going to havethat what happened breaking news ian rapaport jonah said it and i just lookedit up and it's real the saints offensive tackle


ryan ramchick is outfor the season yeah yeah that they actually i saw that earlier today thatdidn't just happen i think he's had issues for the last couple of months thatthey didn't really know what was going to happen i'm not celebrating let's makethat clear the loose can is no celebrate injury but fuck the saints fuck the saintsyeah i think it was i think he was questionable anyways and this is just theythought he was going to retire at some point too and they didn't find out untilafter the draft Not Josh, you have it all wrong, it's not Derrick's broke downcar, it's Derrick Eyeliner Car, bro what are you talking about man?


Hey I like their car, Iwould love for him to be the Saints quarterback forever, oh yes stay as long ashe wants, yeah he should have an open check like just yeah you can stay with anopen end contract we'll start a fucking Go Fund Me and pay for it for hismortgage yeah don't worry about this, fuck the Saints. Jonas thank you for uhfor putting in the chat and before this episode's over I have the randomgenerator full of everyone's names um I didn't know that there was like a botthat you could listen to this tag and Then, it would load all the names inthere for you. We get on here; we're waiting for you, right? Listen, we'rewaiting for you.


He's entering like anabsolute one by one, I-I literally hand-typed everybody's name into thisgenerator. You are so stupid, dude. You know that when you get when you get toa certain number of followers, you don't see every response that you ask forwhen it comes to hashtags, like 160 something fucking names, bro! I have carpaltunnel now, so fuck everybody, everybody! I hope your shirts get lost in themail if you win it; you're because I haven't. I'm injured; I have to go see acarpal tunnelologist tomorrow to fix. Whatever the fuck is going on with myhands now, you're an idiot okay, you're an idiot I don't know how you don'teven


Google that firstbefore like anytime you're about to do something that's a lot of work thenatural human response is 'how can I make this easier on myself' and you don'teven Google it I i YouTube I YouTube it and watch the video on how to do itwhat the fuck Everybody listen, everybody has a Biden moment every once in awhile bro All right I I've never even dawned on you what we're gonna do thatwe're gonna do that we're gonna go there we're gonna go there Hey listen sodefensive fears or concerns kissed another chick That he thought it was I lovethat old man. What are you talking about? He's actually pretty hilarious,honestly. He's pretty funny. And any comic that acts like him, like uh the dudeon Kill Tony, oh my god, bro!


If y'all haven'twatched the new Kill Tony episode, it is so good. The Biden one, amazing, andthen of course Shane Gillis kills it with this Trump thing but dude, that Bidenone, like I know Gillis steals the show but Biden is low-key like right on histoe, he's so good! I don't, I don't talk politics, f**k them both. How aboutthat? Let's move on. Yeah, agreed. Alright, defensive fears or concerns we kindof touched on the only one. That I I'm I'm kind of afraid of, which is thatcorner position, what's really gonna happen? Jamelle Dean understands it's amake or break type of scenario. You saw his guy get traded because he wasn'tcatching balls; he's been working hard, his coach came out and said 'Jamelle'sgotta fucking start catching some balls, he's gonna gotta start doing somethingthat matters.' And so that position with, and then Zion McCullum, what is he?


What could he be? Is hegonna continue his trajectory? I think he will. But I'm gonna throw this one atyou guys: how about the absence of Devon White, now that inside linebackerposition next to Levante? Kind of a question mark, what about it? Okay, whatabout it? Stank, you are the fearful. It's not a question, what was me?Everything's raining around me, I'm pretty sure that that on uh on JC's podcasthe said KJ Brit's job to lose, sick podcast that's fine, we kind of understandthat it that it's his job to lose, but you stank are you afraid of that do youtrust KJ Brit? I do, yeah I do, I trust him and I love what he said, I think itwas during many camper OTAs they asked him about it, he said well last time Ichecked we went five and one down the stretch with me starting, so yeah that'sgood about that.


Um, listen, we talkedabout it last year when in The chamber too case right, so I'll say in this inthe chamber he's more of a replacement for Levante but uh as it relates to KJBritt um we talked about on the podcast last year um he's not the athlete Devonis uh he never you know we would never compare him that he's not gonna be youknow the Blitzer like that but simply doing your job, man Warren Sabby talkabout it just do your fucking job if you do your job we can all do our job andwe're gonna shut the shit down but when you're bait and you see the bait youtake the bait and you run that way and you leave a massive gap in where you'resupposed to be controlling or defending.


That's an issue, soBrit is not the athlete Devon is. He's not gonna make the splashy stuff Devondoes or the ability to do but he's just gonna do his fucking job and he's gonnabe there in 54 and 31 and three and everybody's gonna know KJ is gonna be inhis gap and he's gonna do his fucking job and that's all we need him to do. LetCan't see let Yaya be special, let fucking 31 be special, let Levante bespecial. That's okay, so obviously very different scheme a very different wayof operating but when they ran the four three Derrick Brooks was the linebackerstar on the team, all right, Hardy Nickerson was there for a little.


Bit, but when it becameDerrick's team and Hardy was no longer there, you had a handful of guys thatjust ran through the two spots, you know, next to him, so middle linebacker onthe other side and that was Alshamon Singleton, Quincy Black, uh Jamie Duncan,Jeff Gooch. Obviously they settled on Shelton Quarles. None of those guys areHall of Famers; none of those guys are probably Ring of Honor guys in the TampaBay, you know, you know, in Tampa nobody's special but Derrick was fuckingspecial, I levante in my opinion, Hall of Famer, so I agree with you like KJBrit just has to do his job and I don't think people understand just how muchof an impact Bringing Jordan Whitehead back to this team is going to have onthe linebackers and a guy like Tykee Smith will have on the linebackers becausethey are these odd little chess pieces, including obviously Antoine but nowthey're way more flexible to bring those guys in the box.


Hey, we need more runsupport, we only got these two linebackers, are we iffy on what KJ Britt'sgonna do? Because if it's size that no problem, drop Jordan Whitehead in there,motherfucker, crack heads right. I think that's gonna be such a massive upgradefor the linebackers not just the secondary, uh, I just... Stank. Did you haveanything else to add because? I have two comments, no, I mean you. This is apassing league now, right? Gone are the days where you have all these downhillrun teams and... And you know that position is asked to do some differentthings than it used to, right? You say, 'First and foremost, you know you haveto be good in coverage.' You say, 'You said ask to do did you say ask, dude?


What's acid, dude? Todo or acid, dude?' I'm just, I'm just calling a spade a spade, bro. You listen;you got to be acid, dude, something different today, all right, like a MountainDew and Ash Juice mix. Ask are you... Have you been lying to us for freakingLouisiana? Ask you, yeah. The more we talk to you The more you turn into thatguy from Waterboy, there's no Louisiana in me, I'm a Florida man. Ask it here,ask to be it, ask to do that position is asked to do. You give up asking me andask him here, ask him, ask to do so, so we're gonna be a nickel quite a bit,you know the having three linebackers out there, you know I don't know whatpercentage was last year, don't ask me though, that's nerds can get on thereand tell you what percentages were.


Um, but you guys aren'teven listening, so hey, listen. We have two comments: I like KJ asking me,asking you; I asked to do nobody asking you, I'm gonna ask you to listen to me,I got two Calvins, and this is good. to be back boys we got somebody here justthe person hey this is right up our alley this is our kind of comment just theperson because i feel like graham barton is the type of guy who really takecare of your balls does fucking right he takes care of our balls he takes careof balls man that's important jason talked about that on the show with us isn'the how good he was with balls he's great with balls yeah i like a team full ofguys you see his ass score what is his fat what is his fat fat what was razzhis ass his ass a new score


and then the other oneis from christopher cole this is a valid comment and i'd like to hear from bothof you On this because we're talking about defensive concern, okay that's agood one every year that that I mean that that's a concern. See Stank Stank, hekind of repositioned himself, took a deep breath, he's getting anxiety manbecause that that's a legit concern. I mean Dean, you know what? Stank goahead, you go first. Stank, I know I'm not a huge Jamelle Dean fan, neverreally have been a bit wow, never best friend man; he has to do you and you'regonna turn your back on him like that no. I'm just saying yeah whatever, youasked him to do, he did. He's not a top 20 corner in my mind is he?


Is he a startingcorner? He's a corner, two can he be a CB1? I don't. Think so, I don't know. Wehave a CB1 on this team which is he gets he's he's he's CB1 now so he is CB1now but is he a CB1 is the is the real question. I think I understand whatyou're saying so like aside from the injury part of it, so the not secondary,but the cornerback room was Carlton Davis, he was the energy, he was the guy,it felt like he was the alpha in that room. Now it's Jamelle Dean who's theelder spoke you know, he's the guy, yeah there's nothing fiery about him buthe's not no this is not a knock on Jamelle Dean, okay.


This is just, you know,people have different personalities, his personality didn't come. Off to us asthat of a leader, get on my back, I'm gonna carry you guys. I will teach youthis like and that's not to say he's not a high IQ player again, not a knockbut he's not. He's more of a quiet, you know, fall in line, do my job type ofguy. He does celebrate when he makes a play, obviously he's got some fire inhim, but he's not Carlton Davis, he's not Levante yeah, he's just not that guywho can he be for dropping that pick in the end zone that playoff game, dude wewin that game, we win that game.


I just can't, I can'tget out of my mind, I really think we win that game, Sam or you watch the show,I, I don't so maybe you can connect the Dots and, and, and, you know, enlightenthe people here. King king cook says thanks, sounding like Boom Howard fromKing of the Yeah Yeah Yeah. For sure, for sure, for sure. I don't know who thefuck that is, who the fuck's Boom? Oh it's it's the dude that could neveractually said anything, he just would he would just like and it was justcountry shit, it was a mess. Of me, what I asked to do, yeah he did say so.Maybe my words are just melting together, I don't know. That's a dude, oh allright, that I mean, that's an answer.


It's like, what areyou, what are you thinking? You know, what are we gonna do if we, you know, ifwe don't have a quarterback one as a dude as a dude. as a dude DJ says about tohit our last subject here, but DJ says, 'Why does why does nobody respect MikeEvans? He's a top five receiver. I mean, listen, it's the same thing withLeVante; it's it's a buck's life man, it is what it is. Funny enough, it's abuck's life man; it's a buck's life man; it's a buck's life. I was talking toSam earlier, stink not a flex, it's just fact. I mean, whatever, no, it's flex.You tell people you talk to me, dude, that is a fucking flex! Alright, Rishabh,Rishabh, Rishabh comes to the barbershop as do other players, I won't mention butyou know he frequents, frequently visits, uh, you know, stay clean, and thisSaturday.


He decided to stay andstank, stay for about two hours, bro. Bullshitting, like literally going at itwith clients and barbers, talking about the top five running backs, top fivequarterbacks, top five receivers in the league currently, and then you knowpeople started naming the top five, and he's like, 'Y'all are not gonna leaveMike Evans out.' Like, he was like Adamantly going after people, like, 'Y'allare wild. You need to understand this,' and he's like, 'Rishabh's a numbersguy; Sam knows that very well, like, he keeps the receipts; he knows the stats,and he's like, 'Y'all are wild, like, the consistency.' Try playing this gameI, he's like, 'I play'. This game and I'm telling you it's not that easy to dowhat Mike has done, he's a walking Hall of Famer, so it is what it is.


Not only that, he's aphysical receiver all right. This isn't a guy who's just running past peopleand never getting touched, never getting hit; he's always getting hit. He'salways got it, it's always a contested catch. His numbers are always earned;there's a very little rack yardage involved. It's like that guy has earnedevery bit of what he's got, every bit. But Stank last year was kind of funthough; we saw him go off; we saw a little bit of that. We saw a little lighteron his feet. Mike Carolina the fucking 60-yarder diving in the end. We're likedude, I've never seen Mike run that far, never seen, you know it's crazy. It's


how to take care of hisbody better and how to lean out, and all those leading up to that play, late inthe latte, I was screaming for a slant at the line of scrimmage to the biggestwide one of the biggest wide receivers in the NFL, all season like this was, Ithink like the second maybe it was the third or fourth to last game of theseason. They finally call a quick slant to Mike Evans. What does it turn into?Fucking 87, fucking yard touchdown! Where he's flying through the air and thenthe refs had the fucking audacity that day, didn't call it a touchdown we had.To wait for this fucking extended replay bullshit, and they finally called it atouchdown.


And remember, I wasabout to go down the fucking out of this like down the fucking stands into thefucking field and and destroy a fucking ref because we thought they called itno touchdown, even after the replay. Terrible, terrible day it turned into agreat day turned into a great day! I remember, I remember that. That was a coldass picture, but he was completely laid out. Oh yeah, he's Superman! That shitdude! And the only guy who tops that is fucking Chris Godwin doing the airJordan fucking thing in the Philadelphia playoff game on. That's nuts, butthen, but then you go to the Mike Evans Dallas, you know, throw the fade baby,that was pretty disgusting too on their number one corner, yeah. Listen, we gotdogs, bro.


He's got dog receiver.Uh, by the way, we gave Mike a lot of love on this show and rightfully so, andhe's very close to all of us, but Godwin also... one more year recovered afterthat ACL back in the slot, yep. I mean, we love Johnson in the slot, but I meanGodwin, the slot is not a bad option either, you know. And according toeverybody, he's in a prove-it year because uh, you know, he won't be told youthat you didn't want to fucking listen, no. I said, according To everybody, Idon't it's not not not a prove it to the bucs it's a prove it to the rest ofthe league


because the bucs mightnot be able to bring him back and that's fine and he deserves his payday and ifhe wants his bag he has more than earned the right to do that, he will havezero ill will from me unless he goes to the Saints but I don't think he willbecause those f**kers injured him so he doesn't. He doesn't go dude still madrespect there's nothing wrong with what he'll if that while you're talking I'mgonna pick one winner but I'm gonna, I will say, I will say all right lasttopic okay hold on hold on hold on hold on Mac gave us a Mac gave us a SuperChat a ten dollar Super Chat.


Thank you, Mac says'name' to watching Camp is rookie tight end Devin Culp, six-three runsfour-four-seven and there's reports he put on serious muscle since the draft.Yeah, I mean listen with that kind of athleticism you always got a shot rightat that size and speed but I i don't know much Sam are probably not going to beable to lose a little more uh I don't know Stank does but I know Sammers dovein on the rabbit hole as it relates to Liam Colm. I don't know what kind oftight ends they want like in ba system Devin Culp ain't working, bro. I mean wehad a time it was his name he was he was a it was a camp beast.


bro he won a super bowlwith us but he wasn't the starter he was a fucking pre-season monster bro andba kept saying like cool but he can't fucking block you remember i can'tremember tanner tanner tanner tanner hudson tanner hudson yeah it was like dudehe was a fucking incredible catching the ball but it's like you can't fuckingblock so i don't know enough about him maybe pluses in the chat tanner's awinner by the way tanner's a winner crazy hot girlfriend maybe fiance now butanyway what i was gonna say the answer to that question the answer to thatquestion all right stank has on the screen the at the twitter user x user Thatjust won a fucking idiot's 'fuck the Saints' shirt with a cool pocket; or theycan either one they either one they can have the regular 'fucking Saints' oneor the regular 'fuck the Saints' one.


So, you guys are gonnahave to DM r underscore dgk 84. It seems like a congratulations mudfishmushroom message. The Buck said Goblin, what that asked to do you this year?What you asked me this year go back to the slot whatever you want me to do I'masked to do it, whatever you asked me to do I'm gonna do. Listen here's thething: late in the tight end position, go look at Sean McVeigh; name a tightend that made the Pro Bowl or you even remember uh oh I gotta. draft him infantasy as a rams tight end with stafford or before stafford no they had adecent tight end over there was it hockinson he got traded to the fucking


no he wasn't no no hewasn't he wasn't no he had a decent tight end there he was on a different teamno no they have an okay title he's not not a fantasy star he's not a guy thatgets volume they just don't do that so i don't expect that to happen i expectkade to have a year like he had last year i like kade kade's not bad man kadedoes his thing kade had the game winner in fucking atlanta he had a game winnerin fucking houston uh we know what happened there you know kate kade makesplays man, I hate on Kate. I'm just saying the usage and the volume within theplay or the play calling the sequencing what I'm saying is what I'm saying.


Is what I'm saying. Youjust said we don't need a special one but when they call his number. I've we'veseen Kate make plays, he's not fucking great then we. I was saying in terms ofthis kid that they got out of Washington and Kade within this offense. I don'texpect them to be stars and it's great that he's one of the fastest tight endsin, you know the draft. It's awesome and he's got size and muscle high bythat's the guy I was thinking of. The call cook uh he's yeah Highby was decentbut it was never your. Right, and that wasn't like a fucking fantasy they butthere's not a lot of


tight ends like thatthough we're being honest bro like there's a fucking handful think about it butthe ones that do exist are in offenses where they are kind of the focal pointright Kelsey focal point all these guys even even the guy with the 49ers he'snot the focal point necessarily he's gonna be he's gonna be running widereceiver a lot this year apparently so, Pits but but you know they're forcingCooper Cup the ball they're forcing uh I was in Puka the ball in this case it'sgonna be Chris Godwin Mike Evans it's Rashad White it's gonna be Chris. GodwinMike Evans it's gonna be Chris Godwin Mike Evans it's gonna be Chris Godwin had500 something almost 600 yards receiving last year 60 out of


74 targets were caughtlike there's just gonna be too many other guys that are gonna get schemed intoit Kate's gonna get his his chances obviously but I don't expect that to be youknow oh man cup is eating up the league it's not gonna happen unless somehowthe offense changes I don't know I just don't see that but I'm not comparingRashad too but we keep using other examples like you know you said Eddie Georgeand stuff but what about one that was in that offense like Todd Gurley? Justsaying, yeah guys catch the ball, you know just I think he has, I think he hasbetter hands than Girly for sure honestly. Last year dude people like don'twant to admit it and they, the people that, just he was only, he was onlysecond combined yards, he was only behind Christian McCaffrey not just that.


I think he went like 24straight targets that were completions, 24 straight passes went to Rashad Whitewhere he caught him secured him and turned him into fucking positive yards evenwhen he wasn't even the main point of that play he was kind of the oh shit,fucking dump it off, kind of guy make something happen, he saved drives last.year where people hide yardage that people don't talk about right where hemakes a couple guys miss against the saints, he kind of side-juked andside-stepped with the gang got down to three, turned into a touchdown, but thatwas like third-and-long. Like those little things that people don't you know,the hidden yardage as they say.


They had like threedesign plays for him to catch the ball on purpose, and he still almost had 600receiving yards, 60 of 74 targets - wide receiver type shit, not starting widereceiver probably, but it's still wide receiver type shit; second winner is atFF Dynasty Grill Fantasy Football Dynasty Grill. You're f***ing phone, yeahdude, why is your phone that dirty? Your phone was like Devin's f***ing a cardash, stick it under your balls before you put it up on the screen. What isthat, bro? I'm a man; I got man, I got man grease on your phone screen, youknow that right? You sound like bitches, right now, oh my god! Your phone isoil on it. M.K. wants to know, stank do you wear shoes to church if you go orto a wedding?


He doesn't go to eitherof those three things; I don't go to church. He wouldn't wear shoes alright,last topic because he's Godless. Pray for me to go to a wedding, you'd be,you'd have to ask a dude; he ain't nobody asking. dude to go to no wedding ihave to do i do listen here's a tristan wirfs holding possible okay i have myopinion on this but we'll start with you latte do you think it's possible thattristan wirfs shows up to camp and is still a good teammate and is still partof the team in terms of hey i'm here but i am not setting foot on that fieldand risking injury until i get my contract or do you think he clearly plays ithink i think there's


absolutely apossibility and he proved that during camp and otas he showed up but he's likei'm not participating no i think i think if he does do that to judge him or oror call him out for that or mean shit Would be absolutely asinine because ifhis agent told him to do a hold in it would be the correct thing to do becauseif Tristan goes out there and one misstep like Jensen on the fucking second dayof camp and you blow your knee out, the fucking payday is gone; the bucs willprobably still do right, like they did for Godwin, but it's not the samenumber, like so yeah, if there's no contract I fully expect the hold.


But here's the thing, Iagree with you; I expect it to happen, and I would not be mad at it happening,it should happen. Will the bucs allow him to get to that point or are they goingto try to you know, get a deal done at the you know 11th hour? 12th hour,whatever the fuck the phrase is right now, here's the thing: say this all playsout this way. Latte, is it bad for the team? Is it bad for learning theoffense? Is it bad for getting ready? Say it goes until the third preseasongame and they finally get a contract done; then, is he in playing shape? Hecan't just throw him out two weeks later and expect him to be ready to gowithout a hamstring injury popping up or something you know that kind of shitthat happens.


Listen to what I'mtelling you, and I'm not telling you anything that you don't know, or thepeople in the chat don't know either. Tristan is not of this earth, okay? Themotherfucker. Jumps out of dude, literally went from right tackle to lefttackle just because he was fucking bored. Okay, like I'm not worried about himbeing ready, bro; he's just not not ready like that, not ready like that. I'msure there are issues and and the freaking offense and all that. I think Tristanshowed up to OTAs, he showed up to freaking minicamp, he showed up to all ofthat for installs. He's doing the mental reps, I think he'll be fine. I knowyou gotta play devil's advocate but I... but is that yeah?


But is any player ableto just go in week one no prep hit the ground running hit the switch and gowithout injury concern or risk, I don't. think so i don't think there's an anyany nfl player in the entire league i think it's fine dude it's fucking he's anoffensive tackle dude he's not running 40 yards down the field i i get it i getit but there's timing there's speed there it still happens like that's why campis there that's what i'm saying will it affect that i don't think it'll go thatlong honestly listen i don't think it'll go that long i think he will if it isit'll be


a short hold in thebucs want to get it done he wants to get it done somebody said in the chat he'sa father now they're not gonna fuck around i mean is there hardball and they'reyou know negotiating Back and forth, taxes of course, and he's gonna hold in,and they're gonna be like, 'God damn it, he's not on the field,' and thenthere's a lot of people pressure on the bucs from office, and then the bucs arelike, 'Well, you know, it is what it is, Tristan. We're gonna find you.' Andthen there's pressure on his side, 'You guys, you guys are talking way too muchabout this.' They're not playing the season without Tristan. Tristan will endup signing his contract; he shouldn't go out there and risk injury that would bemoronic or idiotic for him.


That's not the point.The point is Hammer saying that he won't be ready physically, should you beconcerned? About him and timing, if it goes to the third preseason, he's beenhere off-season, he's gonna train just as hard away from the team again. I'mtalking about timing; I'm talking about he jumps out of pools. Speaking ofpools, hey Latte, speaking of pools, Latte, you ever jumped in? Imagine we'rehaving a conversation, he interjects into the conversation to cut the conversationoff. My brother just started a cleaning business, yeah, we're gonna get tothat. Did you leave? Did you leave? Did you hire him? Did you leave him aGoogle review? Absolutely, I left him a Google room; I don't know if it's aGuru, I got the guru, no, but to Sam's point, I think if it Was Grand Barton orBarton or a center, you know?


I think timing would bemore important there, right that the towel to baby power ass ratio the snappingall that matters in that chemistry. In the timing Tristan worse, he's lefttackle, he's out there, he just has he's playing one-on-one against his fuckingpass rusher, keep him, keep him off Baker, he's gonna be fine because I'm gonnaannounce the other winners. I don't care; I don't really give a fuck about thisconversation anymore. The next winner is You can't give up; you can't give upthis dumb, you can't give this dog you can't give this dog a chew toy and alsoexpect him to do something. Like Junior, the real Cadillac Junior, that's oneperson who won uh Gardu Cedric uh whoever this is. Hey, that's New Orleans! Youcan't do I gotta check.


Hey, you're a Saintsfan, you ain't getting that shit. Why don't you just tweet these out after theshow? I will tweet it out. I said I was going to announce it live on the show Petebucs. Congratulations, you got to fuck the Saints T-shirt, Bucking Idiot styleor a regular one. Those are the five people I'll tweet your names out. I reallydo appreciate it, boys. Continue to talk about Tristan, worse. I love you. Igotta go. Wow, wow, wow! All right, we'll end this; we'll end this soon here,Latte last. Question about this just the worst thing, what the fuck justhappened, he's got to go, he has a hard out, something about something,whatever you know, he's a piece of shit, you know this is better, we're gonnahave an actual conversation, something about you know, uh some ass stuff goingon, something he has to do, there's something he has to do, so listen at whatpoint do you get concerned with the Tristan Worth scenario?


Say it's after thesecond preseason game, he hasn't practiced, he isn't practicing, he's stillholding in, he's being a good guy, he's not making a big deal out of it's notit's not a spectacle or it's not Devin White but it Doesn't look good, do youworry at all? Oh, is he not gonna play any of that or do you say 'uh' likeanything of that nature or you just like trust Mike, Spy Tech, and Jason, andthey'll figure it all out. I'm not worried about it; I would be contradictingmyself if I said I didn't just fully trust this for an Office okay Jackie andSpy Tech and Greeny and Jason. They're going to find a way. It's 'fuck pen asoul' that's what happened. We know that, right?


Like they had thenumber and then pen a soul came in like three-four million dollars over thenumber and reset the whole fucking market again, and it's like, dude, what areyou, what are you doing i get it get your bag but you fucked it up for not notwell you didn't fuck it up now tristan's gonna get more yeah so that they allplay the same game they're all waiting there's three of them it was tristan uhpen a soul and then uh who's the other one there's another guy who hasn'tsigned either and i think they were kind of waiting for him and he's waitingfor him they're playing they're basically playing uh playing a chicken yeahthey're playing a game of chicken uh so i think that's what's happening and atsome point you're gonna be like listen this is the deal it'll make you thisyou're gonna get paid


0.5 million Dollarsmore than the other guy, and you know, let's just get you in, let's get thisfigured out, let's get you on the team on the field, and I'm with you. I'm notworried even if it goes till after the third preseason game. I have a feeling,a gut feeling that it's gonna get done, but right before camp or maybe afterthe first day of camp, you know, that day the report they don't really doanything. He'll be in the building; they'll be able to corner him. Call youragent, let's fucking hammer this shit out, man-to-man, eye-to-eye, let's go,and then we'll shake it. They do something similar, then there's Gerald, likeGerald had like a one-day hold-in or something.


like that and then heshowed up and then like signed the contract and ran out of the field as soon ashe signed it right after it's like yeah it'll be the deal yeah it's it's funyeah so get the ice cream truck so listen i i think there's something to thatwhen the guys are in the building it's just easier you're not playing phone tagyou're face to face that face-to-face thing you know we make deals latteface-to-face deals that's how you get shit done not just that bro it's the it'sthe ass to do you're in the building listen let me properly paint the picturejust think fucking


sucks right you're inthe building bro you walk in first day camp juices are flowing you're doingyour hold in you're like i gotta sign my my you know i gotta sign my contract igotta take care of my family you know life-changing money all that stuff rightand then baker walks by you and he's like hey man the fuck man come on come onman it's like it's like you're looking at your friends play across the fieldand you're just like this sucks i want to go outside and play i'm grounded yeahyeah no you want to get out there that stuff also like fuck it happened to mikeevans mike's like oh he was sitting at home and he's like what was it 40 hours24 hours before free agency and he's like Fuck that, Jason, get it done, bro.


I'm not doing this, I'mnot fucking around with this so like it could happen with Tristan. You couldshow up, see his boys out there and he's like, 'This sucks, hey man, just getthis shit done.' I want to go on the field later then they're in the buildinglike that and there's no joke. They like, 'Hey, let's fucking come into my office,sit your ass down, go to the fucking conference room, whatever the fuck. Let'sfigure this out' and when it's face-to-face, I think the stuff that gets lostin translation or the games that you play when you negotiate, they kind of goaway. You're not playing poker on the phone. You're, you know, you're playingright there face-to-face, and I think it makes a difference.


And it's not justGerald; I think it's happened a handful of times across the NFL, but I knowit's happened a couple of times with the bucs where I think it was even DerrickBrooks got the deal done. He figured it out; he was in the building. They knewthey could see him every single day as long as they saw him every single day,they knew they were going to make progress daily until they got that deal done.And if he missed the preseason game or missed you know a week of camp, whocares? He's Derrick fucking Brooks; it didn't matter. I think it's the same.Thing here right, he's on the same level for sure, y'all. Seen the Break-Up, VinceVaughn, fucking, uh, uh, the gorgeous Jennifer Aniston, right?


Like I can act tougheron my wife, I can be like I'm fucking pissed, fuck you, fuck you! She walkspast me naked a couple times, I'll be like whoa, yeah, I'm getting soft, I'mnot so mad anymore. Hold on a second, you know what I mean? It's like Tristan,fuck that, I want my money, and then it's all sudden his boys walk by, a coupletimes, same thing. He walks by Jason, Jason's like that's a sexy man, I gottaget this done, man, you know I mean? It just changes things when it's when he'sout there, he's watching Graham. barton and cody mock the fuckers out he'swatching luke getty keep sweating covered


in just grass and thebackup left tackle like who who's who's over there in his spot like where he'slike what what's going on he's gonna watch that guy fucking shit his pantsevery day against fucking yaya and can see who by the way i cannot wait towatch kalijah can see in camp because he didn't have a camp last year he cameon as the season went on last year and i think he's gonna be a fucking monsterthis year but i cannot wait to watch yaya too but dude kalijah can see remindsme so much of aaron donald and warren sap in terms of like his nature And howhe wants to kill everything, even in practice. Remember when SAP used to put onshows with those stupid dummies that you had to knock down?


I can't, I want to seeKalijah doing that, I can't wait, that's like the first thing I'm gonna lookfor man. And here's the deal, we can get out on this amber is that he is a dog,like that, like Donald right, like SAP self-motivated no because we're notplaying the game you're doing everything to save us right, you're done justkeep trying to beat people and no purpose play at random like he has the productionoffice deals. The problem it all comes down to, you feel good man but thenyou're like I mean I feel like he needs to be practicing some damn game rightnow, also at this point the those no-illusion guys have like baby boom thingscoming out of their face of like tape everything these like boys yeah like themajesty of the show and I don't even see you guys talking right now we're gonnasay that one would be cool if this is the write up you know we can we're gonnasay it since wisdom times right, I think he doesn't seem like he's much biggerBe able to stunt more probably be more flexible with movement.


And then you got Yayawho's also going to fucking stunt come inside. Kalijah, there was a play thatBaldinger brought up on Twitter a couple weeks ago where it's Kalijah, he'sstunting to the outside on a twist, and he's wide open. Or he's stunting andcreating lanes for the guys on the inside because he's demanding doubles, he'sdemanding attention. Yaya, guys like that, JTS, guys that aren't going to winon their own are now just winning on their own. Obviously, Yaya does win on hisown. But other guys can now get these easy sacks because he's going to grabattention when it comes to the offense. And now you got two guys. Him and Vitaare the two guys that get circled in the game plan week leaning against thebox.


Like, we got to stopVita. Now they got to circle two guys. And how do you double team two guys? Youonly got five. They're the ones that the OC, when he loads up the film, he'slike. Them. No, no. He's like them, but he's like. Then right after he watchesabout two minutes of film, he's like. Fuck. Yeah, dude. Fuck. You got to dealwith that. I think Todd Bowles' defense is going to be very, very different.And I think it'll be the best version of his defense that we've seen since he'sbeen a Buck coach, regardless of the Super Bowl. Even in that year, we stillhad our deficiencies. But I think this is going to be the best version of itbecause he's going to have almost every kind of chess piece he needs at everyposition that he wants it at, dude.


It's going to be fun towatch. It's going to be exciting. People are going to, in my opinion, they'regoing to need a lot of crow as it relates to Todd Bowles. And this team's goingto be fun. So before we leave, do not forget to hit that like button. If you'renew, smash the subscribe button. Turn that bell on so you don't miss any morefuture episodes. We're back from our vacation. So we're going to be here atleast once a week during the offseason. And as we get to camp, probably twice aweek. And as we get into the season, as you guys all know, three times a week.So you don't want to miss shows. You want to make sure you hit that subscribebutton.


Hit that bell icon soyou don't miss them. And please hit us with a like for tonight's amazingepisode and our triumphant return. And before I forget, this hat. And all theother ones that I wear and the ones that Latte is going to be wearing are fromReverseBrand.com, who we are now partners with. And if you use the discountcode LooseCannons on their website, on your purchase, you save 10%. And theprofits of that purchase go directly to John Spitex Foundation, which is calledthe National CMV Foundation, which is designed to inform, engage, and advocatefor a disease that will hopefully prevent other children from passing away likehis unfortunately did. So him. And so I put. I put together this foundation tobring attention and information out to other parents so that it doesn't happento them as well.


So it all goes for agood cause. We are super excited and pumped about some of this other stuff thatwe're going to bring out as part of that partnership. So if you like this hatand you guys constantly ask me about it, it's ReverseBrand.com. Use discount codeLooseCannons. Later, we are actually there. It's fucking close. It's fuckingclose. And Wayne Poole just said, good show, guys. Wayne, good to see you, bro.If you want to go with us to Kansas City and you want to fucking do a gameaway, go to Kansas City. If you want to do it the right way, just go toLooseCannonsTravelCrew.com and go check out the packages to Kansas City. LetWayne tell you about it. LooseCannonsTravel.com or BucsAwayGames.com. Yes, weare going to Kansas City, like Latte said. Hop in there.


If you get four people,it's like, I think, $600 a person. And that includes lower bowl seats. SoMonday Night Football in Kansas City, Patrick Mahomes, Legendary Stadium. Imean, it's a bucket list. That includes, he said, includes your lower bowlticket. It includes your hotel stay. It includes a Saturday night VIP partywhere you get to hang out with, I don't know, some special guests. Last year wehad, you know, Jason Light. We had Spitek. The year before, we had Jason Lightand team and Warren Sapp. I'm just saying. Warren Sapp. And it also includes astadium tour for those that are doing the four-day package. And you get totailgate all you can drink and all you can eat. So I'm just saying, like, whatelse you want?


We take care ofliterally everything but the flight. So if you get yourself there, we've goteverything else taken care of, including the bus into the Monday night tailgateand back from the game. Afterward, so you can technically get pretty hammeredif you really wanted to. So win or lose, you don't have to worry about it. Doesit every trip? Stank does it every trip? Literally the entire trip. So anyway,latte was awesome to be back. This was amazing. And to all you guys, thank youso much for watching and subscribing. Go bucs.