Bucs @ Jaguars, Preseason Week 2 Reaction

Loose Cannons
We react to the Buccaneers preseason week 2 matchup with the Jaguars.

What is up bucs Nation,it is Monday, August 19th, 2024 and you're watching the Loose Cannons podcast.I'm your boy Sammer, hanging out with the very pale pasty, of course, he'sbarefoot, stank bastard Stank Priest; he's week two in the books, uh, pretty uglybut, uh, no latte tonight unfortunately we miss Latte, I think Latte here;we'll just ignore the first topic for now. First topic, Topic Zero, we'll callit: Does Poppy hate pre-season football? breakdown, yes. Do you care toelaborate? No, I mean it's that's the only answer for why he hasn't been here;I feel like it's been months, I don't even remember what he looks like; helooks like that you know that fucking monsters inc dude i know that but therest of it my brain doesn't even remember different color i know that differentcolor than the monsters yeah you know what's funny you remind me of the littledude with the one eye


yeah a lot especiallyif you don't have the cap on yeah i kind of do mike wasowski yeah sure yeah forsure dude you got you got mike wazowski is that his last name mike wazowskiyeah you got wazowski written all over you i'll take it i'll take it bro thatgame sucked i honestly don't want to be here either i asked b shuck if he wouldcome and sit in for me earlier and he's like didn't want to Talk about iteither, nobody really wants to talk about this game, nobody well let's say it'spre-season so you got to take everything with a grain of salt, a pound of saltmaybe there's no


scheming involvedthere's no, you know, scheming specifically for the opponent it's more like aglorified I guess practice where you're just trying to put guys in situations,scenarios, and see how they react, how they respond; you want to go from fourthdown to to see how they handle things; you want to you know call a blitz whenthey don't, all sorts of scenarios I'm sure that coaches are running throughand scheming just specifically to see how guys react so I don't take it youknow like I used to as a child I was like oh man we lost preseason game we'regonna absolutely suck keep in mind the Patriots I think won like two


preseason games duringthat entire stretch of the Tom Brady era so it doesn't matter they approach youknow different teams approach it differently the Ravens of course have onlylost twice I think in that same uh span of time but let's hit the ground rightat the top man bucs young pass rushers did shine staying so if there was apositive in that game it was those young pass rushers just put on a show I meanit was five sacks three from Jose Ramirez Who nobody knew before lastpreseason, unfortunately I'm right, latte is the only one who knows how topronounce his name properly, so we can't roll the arts, yeah well however it'spronounced okay, my bad. I gave it the white you know, you know, enunciation Iguess.


But I mean this guy, Iknow it's against backups and second-string guys, but you know what? If hecomes in and he could be a rotational piece, hell yeah! I mean it was awesometo see those guys get their shine. I believe it was Watts who had a little bitof uh, he had some effect in there. I think 75 also came through with a sack. Ihave no idea who that guy is. We also have a defensive lineman. who wearsshoulders pads made for kicker so it was all over the place I thought it wasawesome uh and a good sign especially when the backups aren't in and you don'tgot the you


know the great guys inthe middle so that was there was a silver lining it's making a shoulder padsand pass rushers the Michael Bennett look why don't that's what I'm sayingthat's what it looked like hero pads I why don't Morgan you know guys wear thatis it rule against it or something like that because he basically was out therewith a t-shirt on rushing the pass or I mean I'm assuming it with less paddingthere you're kind of exposing yourself to some Sort of injury, but I guess youknow Michael Bennett was like the classes and the less weight for me and theless wider I could be the better for me. But I don't like it.


I think the big bottombody and the tiny little pads up top aren't really it helped him, you know,escape the lineman's hands, you know, like it wasn't as much for them to grabon. I'm sure you could do a better swim, you know, or rip moo if you got less,you know, padding in the way there. But anyway, to everybody in the chat roomright now, Susan Palais, Susan was at the game to go to that football she, Imean knowing Susan, she probably hung out in that in that dolphin petting areapool. Whatever the hell it's called up there obviously, yeah, uh, but the onlyarea to hang out there anyway, let's get back here.


bucs young pass rushersStankler aside from the pads, did you like what you saw, especially fromRamirez, Braswell to Braswell got some pressure um on one of the sacks him anduh Jose met at the quarterback, you know he's a good guy, he's a good guy, he'sa good guy, he's a good guy. And then uh, you know the secondary just didn'tshow up so it really didn't matter what they were doing up front. Thankfullythey did get a couple sacks, it's uh that's really the highlight outside ofBucky in the first unit getting some uh. Some push up front, I know we'lleventually get to that, but there wasn't really a whole lot to be excited aboutoutside of the pass rushers. But we did call for that last week; we were like,'Where the fuck was the pass rush?' Uh, they clearly made an emphasis on thatthis week or had an emphasis on that this week, and those guys decided to dotheir jobs.


The rest of the team?Not so much. I mean, those aren't the Buccaneers that we saw there; those guyslike I tweeted, 'That's a bunch of ups drivers,' maybe um, you know, Amazondelivery guys, I don't know what, but they're not going to be playing footballon this football team. I mean, one thing I liked it when they spoke aboutRamirez, they spoke about him having himself quite a week in joint practices,right? But to go ahead and carry that from practice to a game you know underthe lights, I know it's against backups regardless but for him to you know takeit from one point in practice and put it on display like that, that's a step.


Um, last season I thinkhe he probably makes an impact on this team in some way, probably not like 10sacks or anything crazy like that, or even five, but he didn't get to playbecause he had that injury in preseason uh before the season started so wereally didn't get to see him, but if he comes in during the season he can. Justgenerate some pressure, maybe contribute a half a sack, two sacks throughoutthe entire year, then you got yourself something that's, you know, at least ahalf a sack, two sacks throughout the entire year. Could he be a starter? Idon't think so. Um, I still think that a guy like JTS is going to get moreopportunities than him, regardless.


But you never know; ifJTS stumbles and just does nothing, and you can't get anything out of him, thenI wouldn't mind seeing Ramirez and Watts get their chance to kind of rotatewith Anthony Nelson and the guys. And Brazil is going to get his chance to um,but I i like it's cool man, and plus. He's got the cool little dance; he got alittle bit of salsa in there, I noticed. Like, I don't know if maybe that'swhat it's not not what it's called, but more pass rushers the better,especially after the rainy Gregory nonsense, yeah, fuck that guy. You want toplay here, we don't need you, we got these young bucs out there. It looks likewe're gonna have quite a young rotation and I'm okay with that.


Yaya and Jose are boysand we need a little bit influx of youth on this team. We've ran with more of akind of veteran unit up front; you still got Vita who's a vet, you can't seewho plays like a fucking vet. I am worried about the rotation. Team, I'm notworried about the rotation of the team; I'm worried about the rotation behindthose two um because there's not a whole lot to be excited about with Green anduh whatever that guy hates named is uh the Vita's teammate at Washington what'shis name Hall? I'm not Logan Hall although no the other guy I can't rememberhis name. Somebody in chat, the backup D-tackle also played at Washington,White dude; anybody help me out either way Gains-Gains-Yeah-Gains don't knowthey play together.


They play together ohwell how does no okay I mean I guess they actually use them to swap them in andout I don't think they play together. Really and yeah, so that doesn't makemuch play together in in our game, but I'm saying they were teammates atWashington. I got him, I mean it would make sense if they played together,Washington, you want to team them up, I think his name was he flashed he got asack that was nice to see. I never heard of him before didn't even know he wasa football player on this football team. He showed up there um, you knowbecause I don't really study 99 players I wait till the 53 to get into it withthese guys.


When I was younger whenI was younger I used to memorize those preseason rosters dude I would know themall that's I was obsessed with that like because you would get all fourpreseason games on tv you didn't miss any of the home games like i had to youknow listen to as opposed to watch because the blackout rules and all that so ihad those rosters memorized in preseason now dude i'm like i'm not wasting anytime not only did i have them memorized i used to go to ut where the bucs usedto uh hold camp and i used to collect all their i have all these guysautographs who never played general contractors mailmen whoever whatever theyended up being definitely NFL players i had hundreds of their autographs overthe years all the insurance guys stanks got a whole insurance Salesmanportfolio, um, so we talked a little bit about these uh these defensive lineguys.


Obviously, we gotta domost impressive, um, aside from I think Ramirez, um, I'm gonna pick a guy thatmaybe we're not everyone's really much about but Elijah Klein, the UTEPoffensive lineman, the guy the rookie in the sixth round, by the way, whoplayed right guard and right tackle in this game because of an injury to um,who was it? Uh, somebody got injured anyway. They had to move him around, butto see him play well, by the way, at both positions as a six-round guy, uh, andhe's played well so far in the first two games I didn't pencil him in as a guywho's Gonna start, but man it looks like more


and more this kid mightbe ready at some point maybe not this year but close to the end of it, but itwas its fun to see him move, he moves like he's half of his weight which isreally cool, but he's powerful as hell dude, so he's one of my most impressiveum curious what you think obviously outside of Ramirez Stank um there's a fewout there there's some offensive guys i think that you could probably put in themost impressive list too yeah i mean Watts showed up Ronde was on one rightseems like anytime he likes focused on a guy they show up, yeah uh was happy tosee um him flash a little bit and then.


Yeah, I mean a guy likeElijah Uh is gonna get a chance to sit behind you know the starting group andjust if he can play majority of the positions outside of center that's a hugebenefit to have a guy like that. He's you know natural guard, um but uhhopefully we don't need him, man, you know, yeah, Row Grader, but uh you want,you not only do you want, you need those guys who can swing, uh you know, andbe more, more of a position versatile, uh because you can't carry as many guysas you need. I wish they would expand the roster so you have back and backabout every position, that's not the case, so you have to have guys that can doall those things which Is why


Jason and his stafflove drafting guys and moving them into different positions, and they they cancross-train and play guard maybe they played tackle in college in case of apinch they can always go back to tackle um you know that's that's that's that'sthat's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's not the case umso yeah another one with Klein right, a guy who's got some flexibility outsideof Hansie I don't know Hansie seems like a one-trick pony I think he playedguard and and center and uh at Notre Dame but they seem to only care about himbeing the backup center now which was official I mean if you're Gonna have abackup center, it should be a guy who's done it at least whether he's aseffective


as a starter or not,obviously he's a backup but for him to be the backup guy to be there and kindof in Graham's ear to help him out, he's been there, he's seen that, he likeswhat you know, Baker likes under center, he likes how Baker likes to put hishands under his ass and his crotch, so that's a good guy to have as a backup asopposed to some guy off the street who doesn't know how Baker likes to placehis hands right, doesn't know what Baker likes in terms of the crotch moistnessor dryness, all that, you know, there's levels that the pH balance down. Thereis an important thing and for Graham to be able to turn his shoulder and say,'Hey Bob, what is what is Baker like down here?


How does he like the pHlevels as a baker behind me? Right, that's an important thing. But to getrefocused here, another guy stank that I'm pleasantly pleased with definitelyon my most impressive for the first two weeks is Sean Tucker man... uh...Buckys getting a lot of the shine but Sean Tucker is also out there likeshowing out dude putting his foot down, jump cut, he makes like a 25-26 yardplay. He's getting a lot of the shine but he's also out there like showing outdude putting his out of what could have been. Just a three-yard gain, possiblyhe's doing it. It looks like all the running backs know what the hell they'redoing right now, yeah. The only explanation is they all hated Dave Canales,they just hated them. They didn't work out for him, they didn't want to workout, they didn't want to run the ball.


They hated running thefootball last year. Imagine that being your job, you look over at stupid andhandsome Dave and you're like I hate doing this, I would rather be I don'tknow, doing my taxes right now than running the football. That's the amount oflove that they had for running the ball, and this year, wow. And you knowRashad is over like Motherfucker, bro, I cannot wait to get in here; there areholes out there. What are those things? Massive, what are those things? Soyeah, I mean it's uh it's a big you know emphasis uh and it's so far, so good.We haven't played against live bulls yet, so you know, you hope it shows up inthe regular season um but they're out there, moving bodies; Buckey's got somereal natural ability to just see the whole and he jitters a lot of joystick inthat guy, man, a little bit of joystick, but vision is clearly one of hisstrong suits and uh he gets up to speed real quick.


Um, I'm excited abouthim, man, you know it's you see it on tape uh but it doesn't always translate.when they get to the pros but he he looks like he's exactly as everybody saidhe was going to be and uh that's exciting by the way let me see if this worksuh everybody hear that it was terrible it was muffled nobody heard it anywaywest side sports the 499 super chat said most impressive was jose ramirez had ahat trick sack coming off the practice squad bringing them on first team idon't know about that quite yet but i mean trajectory is moving in the rightdirection and after the loss of shack barrett you need a guy like that man whocan just i don't know man


instinctively quicklyget off the ball and and under three seconds They're on top of the quarterback,you need a guy who can change uh the game and not that Yaya isn't that guy,he's more of a uh speed of power type guy and he can be a record too but justhaving a guy who has kind of pure pass rush ability um is something we needbecause but Todd talked about how he they kind of knew he could rush the passor they just need him to be able to do everything else with him, he's a littlebit smaller and so again starting left tackles and right tackles, how's thatgonna happen how's that gonna look in an NFL game when things matter and you'regoing against real real studs, right?


Yeah because thatthat's another. thing and you're undersized on top of that uh you know he mayhe has pressures and he did his job but i think in a regular season game ithink there's still going to be a little bit more to be desired and we got tosee that i'm not going to say he's a starter at all but yaya does ridiculousalien type of stuff and i think shit with his body he's just a massive humanbeing um chris braswell i don't know if i put him on most impressive but i thinkhe's getting a little bit of an unfair you know narrative um i do want to see alittle bit i do want to see a little bit more from him but he is a rookie and idon't think he was drafted to with the expectation Of 10 sacks right off thebat, um even when we had SpyTech on he says he's got heavy hands, they like theway he moves, he's really good at stopping the rush, you know.


In terms of the rungame, they need him to develop into something else and I think he's got more ofa long-term trajectory and plan. I wouldn't put him in most impressive one, puthim in most disappointing, but I do I kind of do wish I could see a little bitmore from him. We saw Tykee Smith flash, thank we saw Tykee Smith do some coolstuff that was that was good to see before you move on to Tykee it's a wholedifferent ball game when you got Vitae yeah you know and uh Hansi and they'reRushing on the inside, they can't; the guards can't give the tackles help iseasily and so that's going to help all the guys, you know, free them up to todo what they need to do and run games and stunts and twists and things likethat, so that's a big component.


A lot of teams don'thave any pass rush from the interior; we do. And anorexic vitae, hungry, hangryjust mad, looks like he just wants to be eaten, his wife's been starving him,you know, he's pissed off. Hey, you know, probably wishes he wouldn't cut hishair; I know, I wish he wouldn't cut his hair. So all those things if he comesin, he's a big problem. We saw him whooping, uh, um, uh, and what's RickyCenter's ass in a couple reps, oh yeah, Grant Gram on a few reps, and uh, youknow, his welcome to the NFL moment, so uh, yeah. Let's see what it looks likewhen you when you add that into the to the mixer on the Taiki though, go ahead,yeah dude.


You could see I knowTodd wasn't calling the the plays on defense in the preseason and Casey Rogersis, but you can see that they have some packages for Taiki to be the RondeBarber of the defense or he's blitzing off the edge for him to blitz down andchase the running the quarterback down and get through a block that wasimpressive to see for his size too. I'm just excited about this kid, man,having him. Flash like that, um, another guy that I really liked too was BryceHall, the corner we picked up from the Jets as a free agent guy. He got aninterception; they called him for a little bit of a hold, but he's in the rightposition, and I'm a guy who caught the ball when it hit his hands, so that'slike a massive improvement immediately.


But um, I think he'sgonna fit in real real well; he's gonna be a cool rotational piece. I like hismovement; he didn't look like he was getting beat. Uh, there's another guy wesigned who is on my most disappointing list um, but curious what you thoughtabout Taiki staying because uh, that's a guy we've talked about. Multiple timesbeing excited about, and I keep saying Ronde Barber whenever I see him, so alittle high you know, got a high bar to reach there. I like Taiki, I like him,Ronde likes him, you can tell in the broadcast, you know he likes the kid, he'sgonna be, he can do it all for for Todd right, even Todd, Todd, in his pressconference said he can play safety, he can do he can put him wherever he wantsyou know. I, I will say don't forget about Izzy and he, he is also a weapon, Idon't know that they're all gonna be used, they're all gonna be used, I don'tknow,


you got all these guysoutside of the depth behind Hall and Hall, thank God we had some somebody in.The secondary, you know, outside of our starters, show a little bit of a flashor something. So, you're gonna need three corners. You need more than that unlessyou just get super lucky in your corner. Stay healthy all season long. I thinkwe have a real good amount of depth and rotation. Any update on uh uhMeriwether in regards to his injury? I didn't see anything. I could have had,but pretty busy today, um. But I like so Izzy and can play safety as well, andso having these two guys are interchangeable and are also able to be multiple,um. And then also being able to move Izzy outside if they need to, and you knowMcCollum can play against.


He played safety lastyear, I think. And then obviously Bryce Hall it helps us down the road, Ithink. Because you're going to get an injury here today, someone's going to getnicked up, but to be able to put somebody in there and be pretty confident. Thereason I like Hall is he's got such good size and length, it just he looks likean NFL corner. It hasn't panned out so far with the Jets, but I think he comesinto a system that if you get a good pass rush, he just needs to get his handson the ball; he's going to get chances. I think in this offense, in thisdefense we've seen the chances come over the years to Carlton and Jamellethey've Just dropped them, so if he can catch that ball, hold on to it when hegets his hands on it, dude, uh, that's an improvement, man, but I'm confidentin these guys.


I-I do want to see whatZion does this Sunday or this Friday, sorry, this week, because we're going tosee the starters; we'll get to that later on. Um, but moving on to mostdisappointing - the corner I was talking about from the Texans had a lot ofhype about him, you know; he's going to come and come in and he's going tobattle that nickel spot; he might be an outside corner backup type of guy,Taviar Thomas; he was getting his ass whooped on the field on Saturday night, man;I don't like It he just didn't look like he, he looked lost. I don't know ifit's the communication on defense, I don't know if it's not understanding whathe's supposed to be doing; his keys, if he's thinking too much.


But he did not lookgood. It reminded me a lot of Ryan Neal last year, even though it's a differentposition. I just didn't like it, man. And I had, I saw him constantly in frontof me. It's a bad play. Yeah, I don't, I don't know what it is, man. It seemslike we always have breakdowns in the secondary. You know Todd's always talkingabout communication issues; not a good sign. Is these young guys are alsosuffering from the Same problem out there, let's like you know where who who'sgetting passed off to who um, you know both touchdowns our guys were beat like10 yards, yeah no corner no safety help it was ridiculous, type of failures outthere so God, you'd hope that doesn't translate into uh, you know a an issueoverall.


It's hard to think thata guy like Winfield and a guy like I'm sorry, a guy like Winfield um, you knowbeing the captain back there would allow that type of thing to happen when thestarters are out there so I'm not gonna panic too much right these guys aren'tlikely to see the field uh especially without true leadership out there andhopefully. You know, it's just me being a little bit of a bitch, uh, which Itend to be this type of time of year. I want to see perfection, I want to seedominance at all times and it's hard to see the guys cut their teeth out there,um, you know not everybody can be like Kyle and just shine the entire preseasonanytime you put him in there he does his job, not everybody has that but youknow it's hard to see the guys cut their teeth


that type of you knowintestinal fortitude, the balls, um so you know I think eventually you're goingto move on to talking about Kyle right, we've got like 30 minutes left, we cantalk about how amazing he's looked this preseason. Yeah, um, so the one thing Iwill say is that when we bring in a guy in the secondary more usually ondefense it seems like it takes him a little bit to digest the playbook or todigest the scheme unless they are natural fits in it or like Tykee kind of wasthat jack-of-all-trades for his team in Georgia, so he kind of fits it better.Where you're bringing a guy like Thomas who kind of did something a certainway, you know, did his job pretty well with for the Texans, comes in here and Ithink it just...


he was getting beatregardless of what was happening in front of him, so I hope, obviously, I don'texpect to see him on the field very often. but again we talked about we haveIzzy and we have um Zion we have Tykee I think kind of yeah well I think theyhave enough back there to kind of make do you and Bryce Hall seems okay with ittoo and he's in the same situation new defense all that so I don't know I knewhe kept flashing in a negative way for me but listen man Kyle Trask is on mymost disappointing and he's got to be and here's the thing Stank no listen dudehe's he's a fourth year guy right you're in the red zone yeah I know you getthrust behind a crappy offensive line so I'm not going to hold that against himbut man you're in that third down I know you're running through A drill this islike two minutes, let's, let's get.


You should know thatyou could throw it out of the back of the end zone, you could throw it throughthe uprights, live to play another down, said he throws in a triple coverage,like we've seen multiple other bucs quarterbacks do in the past, guys who have draftedmuch higher, by the way, and then on four, on the next down instead of likeknowing that you need to play another down, let's try to get as many out ofthis as possible. He takes a sack again throw it out of the freaking throughthe goalposts again, he's under pressure, so I'm not holding that against him,but man, to have the ball with. Like 32 seconds, I think it was, or 25 seconds,I'm not holding that against him. I'm not holding that against him.


I'm not holding that onfirst down to only get two plays out of that is pretty wild and then he getssacked. He just like walks off the field with eight seconds left. He's like,'Fuck this, I get it, I get it.' But, I mean, that was a little disappointing,man. Maybe maybe I mean the other 10 guys let him down, obviously. I mean, muchlike Patrick Mahomes, you can't be God out there, you know? He can try; look atthe touchdown pass that he did, I mean, that was all Kyle's; that was and theplay went out, delivered almost a dime, more like a nickel but it Was there itmight have been like, you know, the guy's back shoulder, but he's, he's on themove, he's on the move.


It's difficult tothrow; I get it like he's out there throwing a Godwin and Mike, you know? It'sso give the guy a little bit of credit because I'm telling you what: there'snobody behind him, and I mean, nobody. So, here's the thing, I'm a littleworried about backup quarterback position; okay, in my mind again. I haven'tseen Kyle with the ones, but if you know, knock on wood, if something happensto Baker, this team is like royalty, really, really, fuck dude! Like theyhave... I feel like they have; here's the thing, I look at Liam when he reacts.To Kyle, it's like he absolutely despises him; he has no connection to him sohe's gonna give him a fake face.


He looks uglier whenKyle plays something happens to him right, and I again, Kyle might lookcompletely different behind the starting offensive line with starting widereceivers. I know again, I'm not saying uh sack is his O.K. Fault, especiallyin the fourth quarter of a fucking preseason game, but to not know that youcould just throw it out of the back like he knows that I would like to see alittle bit more i guess poise out of a four-year quarterback at this pointagain it's high school type shit, you should kind of know it, you got to getcoached. I just stood out to me, but the next topic is by far the mostimportant thing that we need to talk about tonight and easily the mostdisappointing uh Stank is it time to be worried about Mick kicker because thismotherfucker is Mick fucking up big time so far in in the preseason right?


It's not like you knowgoing out behind a second-string offensive line, it's not like throwing hissecond-string third-string wide receivers, it's not like you know playing avanilla offense or defensive scheme. This is sitting you know in your kicker's pocketand just kicking the ball through some fucking. Uprights and he's missing he'smissing field goals right now, and I don't like it. Imagine getting paid as akicker and you're sitting back on your fucking couch not going through you knoweverything that got you there. Clearly this guy didn't okay, he's been sittingon his fucking PS5 all offseason nobody can tell me any different right? Helooks like shit, his energy is terrible. You know my wife who, who can feelenergy okay, she knows people's energy through the television.


She threw a fuckingglazed donut at the TV, she said, 'Who's that guy? He sucks!' And so you knowshe threw her McDonald's donut at the Mc kicker, she. got it from mcdonald'shave you have you tried their new glazed donuts the mcdonuts she threw hermcdonut at that stupid fucking mc kicker and i'm upset we're not going to bethere this this saturday friday night is that when the game is i don't want tobe there i don't want to be there when he misses a kick because i will i will i'llmake a call and he'll be gone i don't care what we paid him because i kind ofwant to punch him bro and and like i've been on the field and i know how to geton i kind of want to slap the


all right this is not ajoke okay you are traditionally going to score the most points on the team getyour shit together okay Someone mentioned the punter is struggling too, I thinkthat's different man, only because I think you're trying to punt it's a youknow you're behind a crap offensive line as a punter so you're just trying toget it out of there you don't want to get destroyed. I get it, you're gonnaprobably rush your mechanics but man, I'll field goal come on dude, I'm notgonna be there. I'm not gonna be there, I'm not gonna be there. The firstpreseason game it was over 50 yards, I said okay maybe but he's made him beforeright then on on Saturday it's just like what, what, why did you, why'd youmiss that dude?


It doesn't make senseand we just Paid you, I it feels to me like you know what's that saying, uh,hogs get slaughtered, pigs get fed, something like that, I don't know, but Ilike it. We paid him and now he's just all like, 'I'm a fat hog', I don't needto work on my shit, the rules never pay him ever. I mean, only one kicker inthe NFL we could argue is absolutely worth every penny and easily because he isthe highest paid kicker in the NFL, where he was Matt Gay. Thank you, otherthan Matt Gay, we're paying Mick kicker here, I don't know, like somebody said,uh, calling him Mick kicker is diabolical. I hope Chase never watches the show,don't worry, Chase's mindset is fractured right.


Now there's no way he'swatching podcasts about the box honestly, Chase needs to come on this show.Maybe that fixes him. The only place he's gonna get what he actually needswhich is a good reality check. So if anybody knows how to get a hold of Chase, clipit at him, somebody tag him in this, Chase you're welcome. On the show, is thathis name, Chase? He needs a loose canes, mojo is what you're saying. I don'tknow his name, we call him Mick Kicker because we don't know his name, we don'twatch him kick ever and at the games themselves, I never watch ever, no ideawhat's going on in that play, I'm just judging by the sound of the crowd right.


That's all we do, wedon't know what he looks like if he takes his helmet off. Like I wouldn't, hecould walk by me at the concessions, I'd have no idea. Maybe he should stay offthe concession stand lines, he could sneak up on me and punch me right in theface and I would be like, 'Who just did that?' and 'Why?' If you watch thisshow, he probably wouldn't know what this guy looks like. I just know he needsto get his mick act together because otherwise, he's gonna be out of here, bro.All right, out of fucking here, and I'll be the first one there. I will packhis bags and take him to the airport for free. Get your shit together, bro.Let's get out of here, let's.


get mick old i'll tellyou that much let's get mick old let's get mick old watching the mick kickermiss you know mick miss i mean if we're calling like this is embarrassing atthis point right i do you think they need to bring in another kicker to kind ofkick him in the ass yes the answer is yes well he never heard nobody right ikeep on seeing aguayo in the chat i haven't is he still around i wouldn't mindit he owes us i wouldn't mind bringing roberto back how old is he now like 60here's the thing mick kicker right mick mick kicker was better when he hadpressure and he had to earn the job all of a sudden he gets paid he's gettingall Cushy, he's comfortable, he's Mick comfortable, he's the guy.


Fuck these kicks out,they don't matter. Maybe so, here's another way to look at a stink. What ifhe's so confident in Liam Cohen and Liam Cohen's offense and the guys onoffense, the absolute dogs? We have he's like I gotta just focus on extrapoints because they're not gonna trot me out; we're gonna be scoring touchdownsright. It's like the Rams, you know, back with the Kurt Warner days; they werenever kicking field goals, they were just throwing up sixes and sevens, right?Could that be it? Darius Miller said, Darius says he went 29 for 31 last year;I don't even know what that. What does that mean for a kicker who cares what hedid last year? Last year, you never seen a kicker do well one year and doterrible the next.


Come on, dude. Susansays he's gonna be fine. Who is McKicker? A Gator? Is that why Susan's sayingenough for him? I don't like that. These some guys, I have no idea. I likeBright. He said McF**k it is that what he's saying before each kick. McF**k itis that what's happening pretty much, pretty f**king much. Aguayo is softerthan cotton candy wrapped in silk, that's phenomenal! I had a lot of pressurecoming in here, a lot of pressure. Let's see, you know he's terrible - FloridaState kicker so. you know whatever he's did there doesn't really fucking matterremember we scored probably probably maybe maybe it's the aguayo curse itaffected matt gay


apparently a little bitand then a little bit and we thought mckicker broke it last last couple yearsobviously not do you know who my most hated player in the history of collegeand professional sports is hold on nirav just commented the night bro he saidhis ice cream machine is down he's like oh we don't have any mcflurry's i can'tmake kick this fucking mcfield goal the fucking ice cream machine is alwaysdown always down for no reason is that what's going on we Need ice cream in thelocker room. The coat, hey, hold on. Did the Kona Ice deal? Is that what fuckedup McKicker? Probably makes sense probably because before Gerald showed up atthe Kona Ice machine, he was making kicks. Fucking McKicker got paid and thennow he sucks.


Somebody explain that.Everybody who watches this show calling him McKicker now. This is awesome,dude. They need to just change his name on the back of that jersey at thispoint. Right? Just be McKicker. McKicker comes out for the 35-yard McFieldgoal. You have the McLovin' fucking license of driver's license on Twitter. Idon't know if anybody saw that. Now we have to have. A McKicker segment everysingle week, we've we're two for two so far this season, right? And it's justit should be, should we be worried? He's over two, he's over two, he's the icemachine is broken, bitch is over two. You need to put Bro out and get an icecream machine and brand it with McKicker on it.


Let's have him standinghere where it's out of order because right now nobody's getting served byro. Hegot that, he got that McClean freeze all right. I like that, these are greatman. We should just do this for an entire hour, McKicker hilariousness ensuesall right. Um, Todd came out and talked about how we were going to see thestarters in The final preseason game against the Miami Dolphins at home atRaymond James Stadium, expect you guys to be jam-packed in there, full andloud, okay this is a playoff-type atmosphere, I'm expecting. In allseriousness, I don't know how long they're gonna play, uh, I kind of don't wantto see a guy like LeVante David in the preseason regardless, right? Thank you,we can agree on that.


Antoine probably inthat same boat, don't really need to see a lot of these guys, honestly. Youneed to get a little, you need to loosen your pads up a little bit, a littlesomething out there, I think he's a little, he's a vet, KJ Britt is like, 'I'mout there, I need he's playing. Now he's been playing, you know, I need to feelit, I need to sense the timing. I think everybody needs to, needs a little bitout there. You can't just bubble wrap these guys. I think you know, I'm oldman, so I'm used to the old school type of mentality; not that you have to doRay Perkins and have them out there just killing each other, right? You know,because we already know that what that leads to.


But, uh, you know, yougot to get the starting defense, the starting offense out there, get them somereps, um, you know, let them shake the rust off a little bit, and what happens,happens. You just can't fear; you can't be like Raheem Morris and bubble Wrapyour backup quarterback, I mean what the what the fuck is that shit? You got togo out there rookie and you got to risk your biscuits and you know Todd comingfrom comes from that school. I would like to see him play a little bit, lastweek to be honest with you. But uh, you got a lot of vets out there, you don'twant to see him play a little bit, see him you know tweak anything so I don'tthink they're going to be going you know full fucking throttle out there, but Ithink full throttle is how you avoid getting hurt.


I think if they scoreon that first series as an offense, I think you could sit them if you want toget there, you know kind. Of give them a sweat and let them go through theentire half, I understand it too. Let's look at the other side of the coin,sink a lot of teams have done this over the last few years since they went tothe three preseason games, they don't really play their guys too often but thenyou look and Andy Reed's played him doesn't care what game he's got the bestplayer in football arguably in Patrick Mahomes whether he's overrated or nothow much we hate him doesn't matter he's consensus you know most people thinkhe's the best player in the NFL um he's been playing preseason, he's got thatguy not in bubble wrap, he's out there.


doing his thing i thinkit's just about being smart obviously you're not going to run games and twistsand doing all this stuff on the defensive side you're going to kind of try tokeep guys out of harm's way as best as you can but if you start playing kind ofyou know pussyfoot out there as a player that's usually when you get hurt ithink it's you know don't ask mike evans to run a you know 40 yard go andexpect him not to pull his hamstring and i think that's where you just got tobe smart with what you do but you know i don't mind seeing them i just guyslike


levante to me don'tneed to be don't need to be out there uh maybe one series have them get acouple tackles a couple wrap ups and then pull them let them sit and enjoy thesidelines and you know obviously don't eat hot dogs like they used to do backin the gerald days but you know have a little fun on the sidelines enjoy thesidelines listen we we lost to one in-state rival right now right the jags andbucs were we that heated rivalry we have my the first ever rival the first teami ever hated the first team i ever said fuck the was the dolphins really thatwas the first team i was like why are all these dolphins fans in my stadium allthe time 1982 young little stank i didn't have a mullet then i was just alittle Chubby kid back when kids weren't supposed to be chubby, uh I was justsitting there with my dad and there's some obnoxious Dolphins fan next to me,


you know, just wentundefeated like 10 years before that. I don't know, the table is full ofDolphins fans, f**k them right. So we gotta, we gotta let them know what's up.You got hot tools coming in here, hit him in the mouth a little bit. I say, weplay the starters the entire game, unlike JC Allen in the chat said,'unnecessary risk.' No, put your balls on the f**king table, JC. Take yourf**king Massachusetts balls out of your pants right now. Do it. Tell me whenthey're out, in the chat. right take them out dust them off a little bit righttalk to them dust them off you want to take a feather


duster to take it takethat old feather duster out and yell at them say wake the fuck up all rightthis is for real more importantly pause what you're doing right now okay thanksmullet photo is a sticker in the pixar app find found that out the other day stankyou clipped that photo in the in in the pixar app and you've accidentally madeit a public sticker maybe no no not maybe this man who doesn't know what'sgoing on with you does not know us i've never even seen this human being beforehe just said he knows he's found the sticker The other day publicly, that's abig problem. Um, Mudfish man says to Tina's party, 'Pizzas all day, stank.' Notsure what that's referring to, I don't either. I don't either.


I'm a little bit of apizza snob; you wouldn't know that by looking at me. But I: I only eat pizza,yeah. I'm there too. I don't do the bullshit. I don't eat Dominoes, don't eatPizza Hut, don't eat Papa John's, don't even come close. I don't need any ofthe chain pizza five unless it's free and I'm drunk; that's a different story.But none of those five-dollar pickups, whatever they're called at LittleCaesar's, you know the hunger. He's none of that, no. It's got to beexclusively eat like the bougie, you know, hipster pizza places or I go to theskating rink and I eat that little square pizza they. You still have a skatingrink in your in your town that serves the square pizzas, excuse me, I have askating rink but they just serve standard carnival garbage, United Skates so Idon't know, assuming that they do, but uh, yeah, I grew up on that, that littlesquare fucking hockey puck, that's not even that square piece of shit pizza.


Jared, Jared's in thechat, Jared's right, I love me some Rico's Pizzeria around here, dude,phenomenal, my man. Also, another great one down here is Il Panifico. downtownsarasota i believe they got the highest of the sarasota brain center tampapizza ratings from uh uh dave portney there a barstool so uh you know justsaying great pizza downtown take my uh take my basketball teams there afterevery championship i have some uh phenomenal so absolutely great so probablythe best i've ever had honestly stank so uh i feel like you need to open apizzeria no i don't no no no no i mean not if i'm working there for suredefinitely not no absolutely i don't see you actually getting your hands therei'm gonna nothing beats your pizza but nyc but upstate nothing but harry armeditalians making Fire Pies Darius, that's correct!


But listen, il Panificodowntown Sarasota - that's exactly what they are, an actual Italian familyslinging pies, dude. Left and right, everybody's like it's the water, it's thewater; I think it is the Italian body hair ultimately, that is the is theingredient that makes it special, right? Because you see when you go to NewYork, you get pizza, and there's just an extra layer of grease, and you'relike, 'That's from the pepperoni or the cheese,' but really, it's not. I don'tknow; I don't know; I don't know; I don't know - that's Italian body grease,and it's from the body hair, and you can't replicate that no matter how hard.You try here, uh, and so you're telling me that in the Parmesan mix or themonster not Parmesan in the mozzarella, there's there's some little Italianhairs and that Italian hair isn't not even joking there's a lot of body hair inthat mozzarella, lots all right!


So for those who youhave a little cringy all right it's true, lots of it in there. Plastic computercorrect, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Italian pie, just saying. Thisguy's an expert on eating Italian, it's Italian every night, yeah. So if anyoneknows how to eat Italian, it's our boy Pelagic Computer, but yeah. If you guyshave any questions about Italian pie, he's your man yeah michael says hairyarms helps the dough stay together better uh i've heard that too actually youimagine hairy armed italians dunking those arms in new york water right i meanhow you gonna beat that i've seen i see the guys they they're kneading thedough with their


elbow in there likelike it's fucking the ufc and shit right they're in there just beating it downyou don't think a lot of that italian juice is mixed in that italian italian inthe back with some cauliflower here just beating the fuck out of that dough imean yep seems like a recipe for deliciousness if i've ever heard one oh yeahdoesn't bother I'm glad that your microphone works tonight, man. People in thechat were saying earlier you don't sell it, I don't sell it; I don't sound likeyou're yelling through a tunnel. I heard it from everybody all week. All right,listen. I went to Radio Shack, I got a new microphone, um, and uh, and now Isound good. Last week, I'm pretty sure I was sabotaged by Sammer because healways has to be louder, bigger, and you know, but uh.


I upgraded this week,unlike McKicker, you had a bad week; you bounce back right. McKicker had a badweek follows it up worse week, more embarrassing. I'm a professional becausenot only did he do it again in the second. But he did it against an in-stateyou know rival, a team like the Jaguars. He's the reason he's the reason wewere blowing coverages like you can't trust a guy like that and it just, thatjust filters out into your organization. It's deflating; it deflates the entireteam to see Kyle Trask and the boys get you in a position to kick a field goal,right? Get three points on the board, gain some momentum, start rolling, getthat defense, you know, something to hoot and holler about, and you got there,and you miss.


Dude, I mean, listen. Iwent to Circuit City; I don't really like the selection, so I went then I wentto Service Merchandise. For you real old motherfuckers out there, they had alot of good microphones there too, but I ultimately ended up going to RadioShack because that's just where you where you go right, that's where I buy mybatteries right. You should be able to go to Sears and get appliances,microphones; they had the whole sound department there. You know, they had TVs,that's what the world's missing, bro. Yeah, we're old school a fucking applianceand some Tidy Whities. Where can I do that? Where can you go and get some newcurtains, some new bed sheets, and a new TV? And we need to bring backBurdines, that's what we need to do.


Oh my god, I loveBurdines, Burdines, dude, you know, yeah, what do you like about Burdines? Iknew Saturday morning we're getting in the minivan, we're going to Burdines,I'm like, this is gonna be a good day, it's gonna... and listen here's, I don'tknow about you saying that, I'm stolen credit card, and we all got fitted atBurdines when Burdines, that's right, head to toe, Burdines. So, so here's athing that's weird, right? For people who are young, you have no idea aboutthis, but you could go into those places and you could actually haggle on theappliances' prices; you could haggle at a Sears, a J.C. Penny, and a Burdines,be like, 'Listen, how about we do cash, and we get this...' Refrigerator for$200 less because I'm giving you guys cash.


I used to watch my daddo this and I'm thinking, 'This is not possible.' This is a nice fancy store,this is not Walmart or Kmart, and yet here he is haggling and getting deals,and it was working, dude! I was blown away as a fucking little seven-year-oldboy; I was like, 'That's right, Arabs are haggling everywhere, guys!' Well, hejust said, 'You could get an oven, bed sheets, your suit the suit you could getfor $100 and bring it right back and get $100 every single time, right? Huntingrifle at Sears, all that shit, man! You could get tires; don't forget abouttires, don't forget about tires, yes! Sir, hey somebody write uh writesMontgomery Ward's. Holy shit, yes holy shit! I remember Montgomery Ward's atTampa Bay Mall.


You guys have been herelong enough and you know where Tampa Mayfair was located. You're a specialcircuit city is a throwback dude. Yeah, Circuit City was all best buydestroyed. Circuit City that's what happened. They put they fucked them up justlike Home Depot destroyed Scottie's. Remember Scottie's sink? RememberScotties? Scotties was everywhere. Scotties was Home Depot before Home Depotand then Home Depot came in and said 'Hey, check this out. We got all the samestuff, bigger store smells more like' Wood is here and a lot cheaper, and wegot a ton of it, ton of it. Rest in peace Kmart. We had one in Land of Lakeswhen I lived out there, and it finally went away.


I think we still haveone down south and like, South, South part of Sarasota, it was called the Big Kfor a little bit. I think they tried to do the you know, grocery store slashwhatever Walmart calls itself, and then Walmart just stopped putting the SuperWalmart next to it, they just kept calling it Walmart, and it's just like,obviously it's a shithole. Uh, regardless, I'm not a Walmart guy, I'm a SuperWalmart guy, I'm a Target guy, always will be Stank, you know. That I knowyou're a Walmart, you're clearly a Walmart person. I don't ever go to Walmart,I am a I am also a Target guy. I want my Starbucs while I shop, yeah I I amthat bougie bitch out there, pinky out with with my hot cup of latte as I'mshopping.


You're what you're whatpinky out as I'm shopping, hot cup of latte, my hot cup of latte, cup of latte.If you're not taking an advantage of the world, you're not taking advantage ofthe world, you're not taking advantage of the fact that there's hot coffee atStarbucs while you're there and then also they have pizza and hot dogs and shitat some of those places, I don't know about that, yeah I don't. know about thatI'm already an affluent pizza person, I'm definitely not eating Target Pizza. Anice tall oat milk latte in the uh, the Target you know shopping cart cupholder there, that's solid dude. A little bit dash cinnamon on top, that's theonly way to go. To the back, why oat milk? Why not be a man and use because youdon't need sugar one and it tastes, it tastes sweet enough.


You need sugar no, youdon't need sugar in your coffee. You put a little bit of oat milk in there,let's get a little bit of sweetness in there, a little oatiness, deliciousdude. Absolutely delicious episode is stupid, but the end here talking aboutradio. shack in montgomery jc allen just non-stop naming old stores i remembercaldor nobody caldor where the fuck is that at that's never heard of that moonsand star wars bro you just made that jc grew up jc grew up in fucking boston orconnecticut or some shit uh he doesn't know what the fuck we're talking aboutit doesn't really that doesn't have a bird will be canada bro that's not a realstate the only thing he remembers or can even


macy's i guess butthat's still the thing i think so i don't yeah i just don't trust those peoplefrom up north man i just i don't trust those people either yeah you're right atall hey trust them we didn't tell you guys one time to hit the like button uhthis has gone downhill pretty quick towards the end here but hit the likebutton if you're new hit the subscribe button and if you love bird eyes hit thelike button again and leave us a comment about how much you love bird eyes orsears or jc penny all right montgomery ward uh i don't know what fiennes is orfeline i don't know what the hell that is uh made up that shit's made up i misswalmart with the ices and how you could get a collector's cup depending on thesports season you're crazy you're drinking did you say walmart came on used tohave slurpees yeah they did you're right The real ones, Pelagic computer nailsit.


Kmart over or greaterthan Walmart, 100/100 dude. Anybody want to bring Kmart back? That brand'sprobably still available; we could get it for a couple hundred bucs. We coulddo it bring that shit back! Probably put the 'K' real and big, and then have Stankin front of it like so... sad and then Kmart, yeah, I like it, it's great. Thisis a great idea. Listen, a sign of the times: say shoes, no service instead ofno shoes, no service shoes completely barefoot establishment. Smash the likebutton, hit the subscribe button if you are new. Uh, for those of you who arein the Sarasota/Bradenton area, you guys should Join us on Friday, okay. We'regonna be down at the Sarasota Hooters doing a cool little live pre-seasonpre-game show, a little collab between the Fully Loaded Podcast and the LooseCanis Podcast.


We'll be hanging out,giving some stuff away. Rumor has it there's a gift card for a lifetime of Iknow, I know they're chicken nuggets, but boneless wings for an entire year...well, that's not at Hooters, yeah. We might be a little bit, it might be one ofour giveaways we have some cool stuff there, maybe some of these Re You Knowreverse brand hats. Oh, we're speaking of which, if you like these amazingthings that I'm, I know you can't really see it because it's white on white atall yeah can't see it at all uh that looks like a kmart hat honestly it lookslike one of those ones you get the corner stores dude i got this from thecorner store reverse brand hat i got this from the corner store


and use the discountcode loose cannons save 10 on your order and then the profits from that orderwill go directly to the cmv foundation a john spy tech and his wife uh you knowfoundation that they started uh to bring awareness to cmv which is a terribledisease but can be preventable and as long as you know what to look for and youknow about it and i guess uh education is the the game There with that one socheck that out, reversebrand.com. Stank, you need to stop wearing whatever the**** that is on your hat and start wearing some of these bad boys. Okay, I'mpaying tuition; I'm paying tuition at this college right now. They should begiving you the hat for free, but you're out there; you should have given methis hat because I am an old man.


All of a sudden, I'mpaying college tuition again and so I'm **** repping. I i know my i know theteam's probably not gonna be that good this year, but it doesn't really matter.I always rep **** fsu and all the other Florida colleges and all those otherplaces you're A loser, loser come come see me at Hooters. Bring bring thesmoke, fuck your team, and come see me get some chicken wings. See someHooters, yeah that too, goodness but uh our friends Omni are gonna be theretoo. The Omni girls will be out there hanging out, Omni yeah yeah, the OmniLambo is gonna be there, it's gonna be a fun time dude. Stank's gonna bewalking around with a wireless microphone from table to table, okay, andHooters talking to random people a little bit of bucs trivia doing a little bitof Blue Cheese versus Ranch nonsense, the whole deal you know, the whole loosecannons effect.


We'll have a couple ofuh surprise guests hanging out with us too so uh come check that out if you'rein the area if not we'll uh probably see you guys in tampa at some point duringthe season so uh yeah mick kicker you know what will be friday you're notplaying football since you're not really doing much might as well come downwith us yeah come hang out with us and doing shit will this show be availableto be seen on youtube no we will not be live streaming the show but we will becapturing it and we will be doing it in the future so we will be doing it inthe future so we will be doing it in the future so we will be doing it in thefuture the entire event on camera some shenanigans will Be filmed, someshenanigans will definitely be filmed. Uh, Bryce says at least he's not wearingthe hat with the bucs flag where the light makes it blue.


You talk no, that is ablue bucs hat, that's a lightning-blue bucs hat, yep, he's just an idiot. Um,Michael has said 'loose blue cheese' 8,000 times in the last... Oh, that's theemoji, my bad, that's the emoji, bro! He's a listen if you see these little💦 signs and 'fuck stank' and blue cheese and you want to be able to alsospam the chat with those just gotta subscribe and be one of our loose cannonshomies and brethren, and very soon well it just went away, he's reversed. Uh,very soon I just got Michael J. Fox's voice for a second, very soon, very soon,that's gonna come with some additional benefits. Much fish says McDonald's,soon. Hey, uh, let's end this on a good note, all right.


Very similar assets ifthe team decides to use some of the 22 million dollar cap on a position ofneed, what positions should they address whether via trade or free agency? Hmm,I'll let you take that one. Stank corner, corner Stefan Gilmore was the guy Iwanted; he's gone, he's going to the Vikings. Um, we'll see what what old thatgets cut out there. Somebody with a little uh, little bit of tread left ontheir tires, uh, corner or Backup quarterback, no, I, I don't know, I don'tknow, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, but they're not doing that;they're not bringing in and a completely new guy. But yeah, I say corner.Hopefully we don't sustain any injuries. I wouldn't mind a Tan Hill coming inhere. My only concern is how fast can you get up to speed?


You know it wasn't hereduring install, and getting you know, I don't know. At this point, it feelslike you just got to ride with the two guys you got behind and just you know,pray that Baker continues to do what he does and stay healthy. And Wayne Poolsays, apparently a kicker; good point, Wayne. yeah whatever that's ice paykicker available that's all 22 million hey how about we do kicker by committeewayne blaine gabbert still a little more yeah um yeah blaine gabbert ran acompletely different offense it doesn't matter to have him um yannick buthere's my thing everyone's talking about yannick he's a free agent for a readwhy is he still out there if he's worth anything like you got to ask thatquestion too why are you still not to is it because he's health is it becauseof effectiveness is it age is it asking too much what is it what are thosethings is he just not healthy


why sony's stillavailable i'm gonna spend money on him if it's like you know league minimum vetmen to come in you know see what you got then yeah that's fine but we got 22million this guy's asking me if i want to spend a chunk of that i don't see howthat's going to happen i don't see them trading for the cat and and with thejets either so again at this point i don't expect something like that we're notthis is not the tom brady window of opportunity like we had so yeah that's ithit the like button hit the subscribe button randy gregory's still availableyeah randy gregory uh yeah maybe take a maybe may have him come and try out idon't think he's ever been in the building So, other than signing thatcontract, picture of him with a Buck's hat on and he does not look happy whenhe signed the contract.


He's like, 'Yeah, Iguess his team wants me to come here. Whatever Todd says, I'm gonna be aboutweed. So, I don't know. Todd gave him a whole speech, who knows? Eli Apple,sure, we'll see you guys after the third preseason game when Baker and the boysjust fucking light it up and Liam looks ridiculously angry no matter what andpleasantly ugly because that means we did well, which I'm excited about so gobucs, we'll see you guys next week.


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Bucs @ Jaguars, Preseason Week 2 Reaction

August 19, 2024

What is up bucs Nation,it is Monday, August 19th, 2024 and you're watching the Loose Cannons podcast.I'm your boy Sammer, hanging out with the very pale pasty, of course, he'sbarefoot, stank bastard Stank Priest; he's week two in the books, uh, pretty uglybut, uh, no latte tonight unfortunately we miss Latte, I think Latte here;we'll just ignore the first topic for now. First topic, Topic Zero, we'll callit: Does Poppy hate pre-season football? breakdown, yes. Do you care toelaborate? No, I mean it's that's the only answer for why he hasn't been here;I feel like it's been months, I don't even remember what he looks like; helooks like that you know that fucking monsters inc dude i know that but therest of it my brain doesn't even remember different color i know that differentcolor than the monsters yeah you know what's funny you remind me of the littledude with the one eye


yeah a lot especiallyif you don't have the cap on yeah i kind of do mike wasowski yeah sure yeah forsure dude you got you got mike wazowski is that his last name mike wazowskiyeah you got wazowski written all over you i'll take it i'll take it bro thatgame sucked i honestly don't want to be here either i asked b shuck if he wouldcome and sit in for me earlier and he's like didn't want to Talk about iteither, nobody really wants to talk about this game, nobody well let's say it'spre-season so you got to take everything with a grain of salt, a pound of saltmaybe there's no


scheming involvedthere's no, you know, scheming specifically for the opponent it's more like aglorified I guess practice where you're just trying to put guys in situations,scenarios, and see how they react, how they respond; you want to go from fourthdown to to see how they handle things; you want to you know call a blitz whenthey don't, all sorts of scenarios I'm sure that coaches are running throughand scheming just specifically to see how guys react so I don't take it youknow like I used to as a child I was like oh man we lost preseason game we'regonna absolutely suck keep in mind the Patriots I think won like two


preseason games duringthat entire stretch of the Tom Brady era so it doesn't matter they approach youknow different teams approach it differently the Ravens of course have onlylost twice I think in that same uh span of time but let's hit the ground rightat the top man bucs young pass rushers did shine staying so if there was apositive in that game it was those young pass rushers just put on a show I meanit was five sacks three from Jose Ramirez Who nobody knew before lastpreseason, unfortunately I'm right, latte is the only one who knows how topronounce his name properly, so we can't roll the arts, yeah well however it'spronounced okay, my bad. I gave it the white you know, you know, enunciation Iguess.


But I mean this guy, Iknow it's against backups and second-string guys, but you know what? If hecomes in and he could be a rotational piece, hell yeah! I mean it was awesometo see those guys get their shine. I believe it was Watts who had a little bitof uh, he had some effect in there. I think 75 also came through with a sack. Ihave no idea who that guy is. We also have a defensive lineman. who wearsshoulders pads made for kicker so it was all over the place I thought it wasawesome uh and a good sign especially when the backups aren't in and you don'tgot the you


know the great guys inthe middle so that was there was a silver lining it's making a shoulder padsand pass rushers the Michael Bennett look why don't that's what I'm sayingthat's what it looked like hero pads I why don't Morgan you know guys wear thatis it rule against it or something like that because he basically was out therewith a t-shirt on rushing the pass or I mean I'm assuming it with less paddingthere you're kind of exposing yourself to some Sort of injury, but I guess youknow Michael Bennett was like the classes and the less weight for me and theless wider I could be the better for me. But I don't like it.


I think the big bottombody and the tiny little pads up top aren't really it helped him, you know,escape the lineman's hands, you know, like it wasn't as much for them to grabon. I'm sure you could do a better swim, you know, or rip moo if you got less,you know, padding in the way there. But anyway, to everybody in the chat roomright now, Susan Palais, Susan was at the game to go to that football she, Imean knowing Susan, she probably hung out in that in that dolphin petting areapool. Whatever the hell it's called up there obviously, yeah, uh, but the onlyarea to hang out there anyway, let's get back here.


bucs young pass rushersStankler aside from the pads, did you like what you saw, especially fromRamirez, Braswell to Braswell got some pressure um on one of the sacks him anduh Jose met at the quarterback, you know he's a good guy, he's a good guy, he'sa good guy, he's a good guy. And then uh, you know the secondary just didn'tshow up so it really didn't matter what they were doing up front. Thankfullythey did get a couple sacks, it's uh that's really the highlight outside ofBucky in the first unit getting some uh. Some push up front, I know we'lleventually get to that, but there wasn't really a whole lot to be excited aboutoutside of the pass rushers. But we did call for that last week; we were like,'Where the fuck was the pass rush?' Uh, they clearly made an emphasis on thatthis week or had an emphasis on that this week, and those guys decided to dotheir jobs.


The rest of the team?Not so much. I mean, those aren't the Buccaneers that we saw there; those guyslike I tweeted, 'That's a bunch of ups drivers,' maybe um, you know, Amazondelivery guys, I don't know what, but they're not going to be playing footballon this football team. I mean, one thing I liked it when they spoke aboutRamirez, they spoke about him having himself quite a week in joint practices,right? But to go ahead and carry that from practice to a game you know underthe lights, I know it's against backups regardless but for him to you know takeit from one point in practice and put it on display like that, that's a step.


Um, last season I thinkhe he probably makes an impact on this team in some way, probably not like 10sacks or anything crazy like that, or even five, but he didn't get to playbecause he had that injury in preseason uh before the season started so wereally didn't get to see him, but if he comes in during the season he can. Justgenerate some pressure, maybe contribute a half a sack, two sacks throughoutthe entire year, then you got yourself something that's, you know, at least ahalf a sack, two sacks throughout the entire year. Could he be a starter? Idon't think so. Um, I still think that a guy like JTS is going to get moreopportunities than him, regardless.


But you never know; ifJTS stumbles and just does nothing, and you can't get anything out of him, thenI wouldn't mind seeing Ramirez and Watts get their chance to kind of rotatewith Anthony Nelson and the guys. And Brazil is going to get his chance to um,but I i like it's cool man, and plus. He's got the cool little dance; he got alittle bit of salsa in there, I noticed. Like, I don't know if maybe that'swhat it's not not what it's called, but more pass rushers the better,especially after the rainy Gregory nonsense, yeah, fuck that guy. You want toplay here, we don't need you, we got these young bucs out there. It looks likewe're gonna have quite a young rotation and I'm okay with that.


Yaya and Jose are boysand we need a little bit influx of youth on this team. We've ran with more of akind of veteran unit up front; you still got Vita who's a vet, you can't seewho plays like a fucking vet. I am worried about the rotation. Team, I'm notworried about the rotation of the team; I'm worried about the rotation behindthose two um because there's not a whole lot to be excited about with Green anduh whatever that guy hates named is uh the Vita's teammate at Washington what'shis name Hall? I'm not Logan Hall although no the other guy I can't rememberhis name. Somebody in chat, the backup D-tackle also played at Washington,White dude; anybody help me out either way Gains-Gains-Yeah-Gains don't knowthey play together.


They play together ohwell how does no okay I mean I guess they actually use them to swap them in andout I don't think they play together. Really and yeah, so that doesn't makemuch play together in in our game, but I'm saying they were teammates atWashington. I got him, I mean it would make sense if they played together,Washington, you want to team them up, I think his name was he flashed he got asack that was nice to see. I never heard of him before didn't even know he wasa football player on this football team. He showed up there um, you knowbecause I don't really study 99 players I wait till the 53 to get into it withthese guys.


When I was younger whenI was younger I used to memorize those preseason rosters dude I would know themall that's I was obsessed with that like because you would get all fourpreseason games on tv you didn't miss any of the home games like i had to youknow listen to as opposed to watch because the blackout rules and all that so ihad those rosters memorized in preseason now dude i'm like i'm not wasting anytime not only did i have them memorized i used to go to ut where the bucs usedto uh hold camp and i used to collect all their i have all these guysautographs who never played general contractors mailmen whoever whatever theyended up being definitely NFL players i had hundreds of their autographs overthe years all the insurance guys stanks got a whole insurance Salesmanportfolio, um, so we talked a little bit about these uh these defensive lineguys.


Obviously, we gotta domost impressive, um, aside from I think Ramirez, um, I'm gonna pick a guy thatmaybe we're not everyone's really much about but Elijah Klein, the UTEPoffensive lineman, the guy the rookie in the sixth round, by the way, whoplayed right guard and right tackle in this game because of an injury to um,who was it? Uh, somebody got injured anyway. They had to move him around, butto see him play well, by the way, at both positions as a six-round guy, uh, andhe's played well so far in the first two games I didn't pencil him in as a guywho's Gonna start, but man it looks like more


and more this kid mightbe ready at some point maybe not this year but close to the end of it, but itwas its fun to see him move, he moves like he's half of his weight which isreally cool, but he's powerful as hell dude, so he's one of my most impressiveum curious what you think obviously outside of Ramirez Stank um there's a fewout there there's some offensive guys i think that you could probably put in themost impressive list too yeah i mean Watts showed up Ronde was on one rightseems like anytime he likes focused on a guy they show up, yeah uh was happy tosee um him flash a little bit and then.


Yeah, I mean a guy likeElijah Uh is gonna get a chance to sit behind you know the starting group andjust if he can play majority of the positions outside of center that's a hugebenefit to have a guy like that. He's you know natural guard, um but uhhopefully we don't need him, man, you know, yeah, Row Grader, but uh you want,you not only do you want, you need those guys who can swing, uh you know, andbe more, more of a position versatile, uh because you can't carry as many guysas you need. I wish they would expand the roster so you have back and backabout every position, that's not the case, so you have to have guys that can doall those things which Is why


Jason and his stafflove drafting guys and moving them into different positions, and they they cancross-train and play guard maybe they played tackle in college in case of apinch they can always go back to tackle um you know that's that's that's that'sthat's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's not the case umso yeah another one with Klein right, a guy who's got some flexibility outsideof Hansie I don't know Hansie seems like a one-trick pony I think he playedguard and and center and uh at Notre Dame but they seem to only care about himbeing the backup center now which was official I mean if you're Gonna have abackup center, it should be a guy who's done it at least whether he's aseffective


as a starter or not,obviously he's a backup but for him to be the backup guy to be there and kindof in Graham's ear to help him out, he's been there, he's seen that, he likeswhat you know, Baker likes under center, he likes how Baker likes to put hishands under his ass and his crotch, so that's a good guy to have as a backup asopposed to some guy off the street who doesn't know how Baker likes to placehis hands right, doesn't know what Baker likes in terms of the crotch moistnessor dryness, all that, you know, there's levels that the pH balance down. Thereis an important thing and for Graham to be able to turn his shoulder and say,'Hey Bob, what is what is Baker like down here?


How does he like the pHlevels as a baker behind me? Right, that's an important thing. But to getrefocused here, another guy stank that I'm pleasantly pleased with definitelyon my most impressive for the first two weeks is Sean Tucker man... uh...Buckys getting a lot of the shine but Sean Tucker is also out there likeshowing out dude putting his foot down, jump cut, he makes like a 25-26 yardplay. He's getting a lot of the shine but he's also out there like showing outdude putting his out of what could have been. Just a three-yard gain, possiblyhe's doing it. It looks like all the running backs know what the hell they'redoing right now, yeah. The only explanation is they all hated Dave Canales,they just hated them. They didn't work out for him, they didn't want to workout, they didn't want to run the ball.


They hated running thefootball last year. Imagine that being your job, you look over at stupid andhandsome Dave and you're like I hate doing this, I would rather be I don'tknow, doing my taxes right now than running the football. That's the amount oflove that they had for running the ball, and this year, wow. And you knowRashad is over like Motherfucker, bro, I cannot wait to get in here; there areholes out there. What are those things? Massive, what are those things? Soyeah, I mean it's uh it's a big you know emphasis uh and it's so far, so good.We haven't played against live bulls yet, so you know, you hope it shows up inthe regular season um but they're out there, moving bodies; Buckey's got somereal natural ability to just see the whole and he jitters a lot of joystick inthat guy, man, a little bit of joystick, but vision is clearly one of hisstrong suits and uh he gets up to speed real quick.


Um, I'm excited abouthim, man, you know it's you see it on tape uh but it doesn't always translate.when they get to the pros but he he looks like he's exactly as everybody saidhe was going to be and uh that's exciting by the way let me see if this worksuh everybody hear that it was terrible it was muffled nobody heard it anywaywest side sports the 499 super chat said most impressive was jose ramirez had ahat trick sack coming off the practice squad bringing them on first team idon't know about that quite yet but i mean trajectory is moving in the rightdirection and after the loss of shack barrett you need a guy like that man whocan just i don't know man


instinctively quicklyget off the ball and and under three seconds They're on top of the quarterback,you need a guy who can change uh the game and not that Yaya isn't that guy,he's more of a uh speed of power type guy and he can be a record too but justhaving a guy who has kind of pure pass rush ability um is something we needbecause but Todd talked about how he they kind of knew he could rush the passor they just need him to be able to do everything else with him, he's a littlebit smaller and so again starting left tackles and right tackles, how's thatgonna happen how's that gonna look in an NFL game when things matter and you'regoing against real real studs, right?


Yeah because thatthat's another. thing and you're undersized on top of that uh you know he mayhe has pressures and he did his job but i think in a regular season game ithink there's still going to be a little bit more to be desired and we got tosee that i'm not going to say he's a starter at all but yaya does ridiculousalien type of stuff and i think shit with his body he's just a massive humanbeing um chris braswell i don't know if i put him on most impressive but i thinkhe's getting a little bit of an unfair you know narrative um i do want to see alittle bit i do want to see a little bit more from him but he is a rookie and idon't think he was drafted to with the expectation Of 10 sacks right off thebat, um even when we had SpyTech on he says he's got heavy hands, they like theway he moves, he's really good at stopping the rush, you know.


In terms of the rungame, they need him to develop into something else and I think he's got more ofa long-term trajectory and plan. I wouldn't put him in most impressive one, puthim in most disappointing, but I do I kind of do wish I could see a little bitmore from him. We saw Tykee Smith flash, thank we saw Tykee Smith do some coolstuff that was that was good to see before you move on to Tykee it's a wholedifferent ball game when you got Vitae yeah you know and uh Hansi and they'reRushing on the inside, they can't; the guards can't give the tackles help iseasily and so that's going to help all the guys, you know, free them up to todo what they need to do and run games and stunts and twists and things likethat, so that's a big component.


A lot of teams don'thave any pass rush from the interior; we do. And anorexic vitae, hungry, hangryjust mad, looks like he just wants to be eaten, his wife's been starving him,you know, he's pissed off. Hey, you know, probably wishes he wouldn't cut hishair; I know, I wish he wouldn't cut his hair. So all those things if he comesin, he's a big problem. We saw him whooping, uh, um, uh, and what's RickyCenter's ass in a couple reps, oh yeah, Grant Gram on a few reps, and uh, youknow, his welcome to the NFL moment, so uh, yeah. Let's see what it looks likewhen you when you add that into the to the mixer on the Taiki though, go ahead,yeah dude.


You could see I knowTodd wasn't calling the the plays on defense in the preseason and Casey Rogersis, but you can see that they have some packages for Taiki to be the RondeBarber of the defense or he's blitzing off the edge for him to blitz down andchase the running the quarterback down and get through a block that wasimpressive to see for his size too. I'm just excited about this kid, man,having him. Flash like that, um, another guy that I really liked too was BryceHall, the corner we picked up from the Jets as a free agent guy. He got aninterception; they called him for a little bit of a hold, but he's in the rightposition, and I'm a guy who caught the ball when it hit his hands, so that'slike a massive improvement immediately.


But um, I think he'sgonna fit in real real well; he's gonna be a cool rotational piece. I like hismovement; he didn't look like he was getting beat. Uh, there's another guy wesigned who is on my most disappointing list um, but curious what you thoughtabout Taiki staying because uh, that's a guy we've talked about. Multiple timesbeing excited about, and I keep saying Ronde Barber whenever I see him, so alittle high you know, got a high bar to reach there. I like Taiki, I like him,Ronde likes him, you can tell in the broadcast, you know he likes the kid, he'sgonna be, he can do it all for for Todd right, even Todd, Todd, in his pressconference said he can play safety, he can do he can put him wherever he wantsyou know. I, I will say don't forget about Izzy and he, he is also a weapon, Idon't know that they're all gonna be used, they're all gonna be used, I don'tknow,


you got all these guysoutside of the depth behind Hall and Hall, thank God we had some somebody in.The secondary, you know, outside of our starters, show a little bit of a flashor something. So, you're gonna need three corners. You need more than that unlessyou just get super lucky in your corner. Stay healthy all season long. I thinkwe have a real good amount of depth and rotation. Any update on uh uhMeriwether in regards to his injury? I didn't see anything. I could have had,but pretty busy today, um. But I like so Izzy and can play safety as well, andso having these two guys are interchangeable and are also able to be multiple,um. And then also being able to move Izzy outside if they need to, and you knowMcCollum can play against.


He played safety lastyear, I think. And then obviously Bryce Hall it helps us down the road, Ithink. Because you're going to get an injury here today, someone's going to getnicked up, but to be able to put somebody in there and be pretty confident. Thereason I like Hall is he's got such good size and length, it just he looks likean NFL corner. It hasn't panned out so far with the Jets, but I think he comesinto a system that if you get a good pass rush, he just needs to get his handson the ball; he's going to get chances. I think in this offense, in thisdefense we've seen the chances come over the years to Carlton and Jamellethey've Just dropped them, so if he can catch that ball, hold on to it when hegets his hands on it, dude, uh, that's an improvement, man, but I'm confidentin these guys.


I-I do want to see whatZion does this Sunday or this Friday, sorry, this week, because we're going tosee the starters; we'll get to that later on. Um, but moving on to mostdisappointing - the corner I was talking about from the Texans had a lot ofhype about him, you know; he's going to come and come in and he's going tobattle that nickel spot; he might be an outside corner backup type of guy,Taviar Thomas; he was getting his ass whooped on the field on Saturday night, man;I don't like It he just didn't look like he, he looked lost. I don't know ifit's the communication on defense, I don't know if it's not understanding whathe's supposed to be doing; his keys, if he's thinking too much.


But he did not lookgood. It reminded me a lot of Ryan Neal last year, even though it's a differentposition. I just didn't like it, man. And I had, I saw him constantly in frontof me. It's a bad play. Yeah, I don't, I don't know what it is, man. It seemslike we always have breakdowns in the secondary. You know Todd's always talkingabout communication issues; not a good sign. Is these young guys are alsosuffering from the Same problem out there, let's like you know where who who'sgetting passed off to who um, you know both touchdowns our guys were beat like10 yards, yeah no corner no safety help it was ridiculous, type of failures outthere so God, you'd hope that doesn't translate into uh, you know a an issueoverall.


It's hard to think thata guy like Winfield and a guy like I'm sorry, a guy like Winfield um, you knowbeing the captain back there would allow that type of thing to happen when thestarters are out there so I'm not gonna panic too much right these guys aren'tlikely to see the field uh especially without true leadership out there andhopefully. You know, it's just me being a little bit of a bitch, uh, which Itend to be this type of time of year. I want to see perfection, I want to seedominance at all times and it's hard to see the guys cut their teeth out there,um, you know not everybody can be like Kyle and just shine the entire preseasonanytime you put him in there he does his job, not everybody has that but youknow it's hard to see the guys cut their teeth


that type of you knowintestinal fortitude, the balls, um so you know I think eventually you're goingto move on to talking about Kyle right, we've got like 30 minutes left, we cantalk about how amazing he's looked this preseason. Yeah, um, so the one thing Iwill say is that when we bring in a guy in the secondary more usually ondefense it seems like it takes him a little bit to digest the playbook or todigest the scheme unless they are natural fits in it or like Tykee kind of wasthat jack-of-all-trades for his team in Georgia, so he kind of fits it better.Where you're bringing a guy like Thomas who kind of did something a certainway, you know, did his job pretty well with for the Texans, comes in here and Ithink it just...


he was getting beatregardless of what was happening in front of him, so I hope, obviously, I don'texpect to see him on the field very often. but again we talked about we haveIzzy and we have um Zion we have Tykee I think kind of yeah well I think theyhave enough back there to kind of make do you and Bryce Hall seems okay with ittoo and he's in the same situation new defense all that so I don't know I knewhe kept flashing in a negative way for me but listen man Kyle Trask is on mymost disappointing and he's got to be and here's the thing Stank no listen dudehe's he's a fourth year guy right you're in the red zone yeah I know you getthrust behind a crappy offensive line so I'm not going to hold that against himbut man you're in that third down I know you're running through A drill this islike two minutes, let's, let's get.


You should know thatyou could throw it out of the back of the end zone, you could throw it throughthe uprights, live to play another down, said he throws in a triple coverage,like we've seen multiple other bucs quarterbacks do in the past, guys who have draftedmuch higher, by the way, and then on four, on the next down instead of likeknowing that you need to play another down, let's try to get as many out ofthis as possible. He takes a sack again throw it out of the freaking throughthe goalposts again, he's under pressure, so I'm not holding that against him,but man, to have the ball with. Like 32 seconds, I think it was, or 25 seconds,I'm not holding that against him. I'm not holding that against him.


I'm not holding that onfirst down to only get two plays out of that is pretty wild and then he getssacked. He just like walks off the field with eight seconds left. He's like,'Fuck this, I get it, I get it.' But, I mean, that was a little disappointing,man. Maybe maybe I mean the other 10 guys let him down, obviously. I mean, muchlike Patrick Mahomes, you can't be God out there, you know? He can try; look atthe touchdown pass that he did, I mean, that was all Kyle's; that was and theplay went out, delivered almost a dime, more like a nickel but it Was there itmight have been like, you know, the guy's back shoulder, but he's, he's on themove, he's on the move.


It's difficult tothrow; I get it like he's out there throwing a Godwin and Mike, you know? It'sso give the guy a little bit of credit because I'm telling you what: there'snobody behind him, and I mean, nobody. So, here's the thing, I'm a littleworried about backup quarterback position; okay, in my mind again. I haven'tseen Kyle with the ones, but if you know, knock on wood, if something happensto Baker, this team is like royalty, really, really, fuck dude! Like theyhave... I feel like they have; here's the thing, I look at Liam when he reacts.To Kyle, it's like he absolutely despises him; he has no connection to him sohe's gonna give him a fake face.


He looks uglier whenKyle plays something happens to him right, and I again, Kyle might lookcompletely different behind the starting offensive line with starting widereceivers. I know again, I'm not saying uh sack is his O.K. Fault, especiallyin the fourth quarter of a fucking preseason game, but to not know that youcould just throw it out of the back like he knows that I would like to see alittle bit more i guess poise out of a four-year quarterback at this pointagain it's high school type shit, you should kind of know it, you got to getcoached. I just stood out to me, but the next topic is by far the mostimportant thing that we need to talk about tonight and easily the mostdisappointing uh Stank is it time to be worried about Mick kicker because thismotherfucker is Mick fucking up big time so far in in the preseason right?


It's not like you knowgoing out behind a second-string offensive line, it's not like throwing hissecond-string third-string wide receivers, it's not like you know playing avanilla offense or defensive scheme. This is sitting you know in your kicker's pocketand just kicking the ball through some fucking. Uprights and he's missing he'smissing field goals right now, and I don't like it. Imagine getting paid as akicker and you're sitting back on your fucking couch not going through you knoweverything that got you there. Clearly this guy didn't okay, he's been sittingon his fucking PS5 all offseason nobody can tell me any different right? Helooks like shit, his energy is terrible. You know my wife who, who can feelenergy okay, she knows people's energy through the television.


She threw a fuckingglazed donut at the TV, she said, 'Who's that guy? He sucks!' And so you knowshe threw her McDonald's donut at the Mc kicker, she. got it from mcdonald'shave you have you tried their new glazed donuts the mcdonuts she threw hermcdonut at that stupid fucking mc kicker and i'm upset we're not going to bethere this this saturday friday night is that when the game is i don't want tobe there i don't want to be there when he misses a kick because i will i will i'llmake a call and he'll be gone i don't care what we paid him because i kind ofwant to punch him bro and and like i've been on the field and i know how to geton i kind of want to slap the


all right this is not ajoke okay you are traditionally going to score the most points on the team getyour shit together okay Someone mentioned the punter is struggling too, I thinkthat's different man, only because I think you're trying to punt it's a youknow you're behind a crap offensive line as a punter so you're just trying toget it out of there you don't want to get destroyed. I get it, you're gonnaprobably rush your mechanics but man, I'll field goal come on dude, I'm notgonna be there. I'm not gonna be there, I'm not gonna be there. The firstpreseason game it was over 50 yards, I said okay maybe but he's made him beforeright then on on Saturday it's just like what, what, why did you, why'd youmiss that dude?


It doesn't make senseand we just Paid you, I it feels to me like you know what's that saying, uh,hogs get slaughtered, pigs get fed, something like that, I don't know, but Ilike it. We paid him and now he's just all like, 'I'm a fat hog', I don't needto work on my shit, the rules never pay him ever. I mean, only one kicker inthe NFL we could argue is absolutely worth every penny and easily because he isthe highest paid kicker in the NFL, where he was Matt Gay. Thank you, otherthan Matt Gay, we're paying Mick kicker here, I don't know, like somebody said,uh, calling him Mick kicker is diabolical. I hope Chase never watches the show,don't worry, Chase's mindset is fractured right.


Now there's no way he'swatching podcasts about the box honestly, Chase needs to come on this show.Maybe that fixes him. The only place he's gonna get what he actually needswhich is a good reality check. So if anybody knows how to get a hold of Chase, clipit at him, somebody tag him in this, Chase you're welcome. On the show, is thathis name, Chase? He needs a loose canes, mojo is what you're saying. I don'tknow his name, we call him Mick Kicker because we don't know his name, we don'twatch him kick ever and at the games themselves, I never watch ever, no ideawhat's going on in that play, I'm just judging by the sound of the crowd right.


That's all we do, wedon't know what he looks like if he takes his helmet off. Like I wouldn't, hecould walk by me at the concessions, I'd have no idea. Maybe he should stay offthe concession stand lines, he could sneak up on me and punch me right in theface and I would be like, 'Who just did that?' and 'Why?' If you watch thisshow, he probably wouldn't know what this guy looks like. I just know he needsto get his mick act together because otherwise, he's gonna be out of here, bro.All right, out of fucking here, and I'll be the first one there. I will packhis bags and take him to the airport for free. Get your shit together, bro.Let's get out of here, let's.


get mick old i'll tellyou that much let's get mick old let's get mick old watching the mick kickermiss you know mick miss i mean if we're calling like this is embarrassing atthis point right i do you think they need to bring in another kicker to kind ofkick him in the ass yes the answer is yes well he never heard nobody right ikeep on seeing aguayo in the chat i haven't is he still around i wouldn't mindit he owes us i wouldn't mind bringing roberto back how old is he now like 60here's the thing mick kicker right mick mick kicker was better when he hadpressure and he had to earn the job all of a sudden he gets paid he's gettingall Cushy, he's comfortable, he's Mick comfortable, he's the guy.


Fuck these kicks out,they don't matter. Maybe so, here's another way to look at a stink. What ifhe's so confident in Liam Cohen and Liam Cohen's offense and the guys onoffense, the absolute dogs? We have he's like I gotta just focus on extrapoints because they're not gonna trot me out; we're gonna be scoring touchdownsright. It's like the Rams, you know, back with the Kurt Warner days; they werenever kicking field goals, they were just throwing up sixes and sevens, right?Could that be it? Darius Miller said, Darius says he went 29 for 31 last year;I don't even know what that. What does that mean for a kicker who cares what hedid last year? Last year, you never seen a kicker do well one year and doterrible the next.


Come on, dude. Susansays he's gonna be fine. Who is McKicker? A Gator? Is that why Susan's sayingenough for him? I don't like that. These some guys, I have no idea. I likeBright. He said McF**k it is that what he's saying before each kick. McF**k itis that what's happening pretty much, pretty f**king much. Aguayo is softerthan cotton candy wrapped in silk, that's phenomenal! I had a lot of pressurecoming in here, a lot of pressure. Let's see, you know he's terrible - FloridaState kicker so. you know whatever he's did there doesn't really fucking matterremember we scored probably probably maybe maybe it's the aguayo curse itaffected matt gay


apparently a little bitand then a little bit and we thought mckicker broke it last last couple yearsobviously not do you know who my most hated player in the history of collegeand professional sports is hold on nirav just commented the night bro he saidhis ice cream machine is down he's like oh we don't have any mcflurry's i can'tmake kick this fucking mcfield goal the fucking ice cream machine is alwaysdown always down for no reason is that what's going on we Need ice cream in thelocker room. The coat, hey, hold on. Did the Kona Ice deal? Is that what fuckedup McKicker? Probably makes sense probably because before Gerald showed up atthe Kona Ice machine, he was making kicks. Fucking McKicker got paid and thennow he sucks.


Somebody explain that.Everybody who watches this show calling him McKicker now. This is awesome,dude. They need to just change his name on the back of that jersey at thispoint. Right? Just be McKicker. McKicker comes out for the 35-yard McFieldgoal. You have the McLovin' fucking license of driver's license on Twitter. Idon't know if anybody saw that. Now we have to have. A McKicker segment everysingle week, we've we're two for two so far this season, right? And it's justit should be, should we be worried? He's over two, he's over two, he's the icemachine is broken, bitch is over two. You need to put Bro out and get an icecream machine and brand it with McKicker on it.


Let's have him standinghere where it's out of order because right now nobody's getting served byro. Hegot that, he got that McClean freeze all right. I like that, these are greatman. We should just do this for an entire hour, McKicker hilariousness ensuesall right. Um, Todd came out and talked about how we were going to see thestarters in The final preseason game against the Miami Dolphins at home atRaymond James Stadium, expect you guys to be jam-packed in there, full andloud, okay this is a playoff-type atmosphere, I'm expecting. In allseriousness, I don't know how long they're gonna play, uh, I kind of don't wantto see a guy like LeVante David in the preseason regardless, right? Thank you,we can agree on that.


Antoine probably inthat same boat, don't really need to see a lot of these guys, honestly. Youneed to get a little, you need to loosen your pads up a little bit, a littlesomething out there, I think he's a little, he's a vet, KJ Britt is like, 'I'mout there, I need he's playing. Now he's been playing, you know, I need to feelit, I need to sense the timing. I think everybody needs to, needs a little bitout there. You can't just bubble wrap these guys. I think you know, I'm oldman, so I'm used to the old school type of mentality; not that you have to doRay Perkins and have them out there just killing each other, right? You know,because we already know that what that leads to.


But, uh, you know, yougot to get the starting defense, the starting offense out there, get them somereps, um, you know, let them shake the rust off a little bit, and what happens,happens. You just can't fear; you can't be like Raheem Morris and bubble Wrapyour backup quarterback, I mean what the what the fuck is that shit? You got togo out there rookie and you got to risk your biscuits and you know Todd comingfrom comes from that school. I would like to see him play a little bit, lastweek to be honest with you. But uh, you got a lot of vets out there, you don'twant to see him play a little bit, see him you know tweak anything so I don'tthink they're going to be going you know full fucking throttle out there, but Ithink full throttle is how you avoid getting hurt.


I think if they scoreon that first series as an offense, I think you could sit them if you want toget there, you know kind. Of give them a sweat and let them go through theentire half, I understand it too. Let's look at the other side of the coin,sink a lot of teams have done this over the last few years since they went tothe three preseason games, they don't really play their guys too often but thenyou look and Andy Reed's played him doesn't care what game he's got the bestplayer in football arguably in Patrick Mahomes whether he's overrated or nothow much we hate him doesn't matter he's consensus you know most people thinkhe's the best player in the NFL um he's been playing preseason, he's got thatguy not in bubble wrap, he's out there.


doing his thing i thinkit's just about being smart obviously you're not going to run games and twistsand doing all this stuff on the defensive side you're going to kind of try tokeep guys out of harm's way as best as you can but if you start playing kind ofyou know pussyfoot out there as a player that's usually when you get hurt ithink it's you know don't ask mike evans to run a you know 40 yard go andexpect him not to pull his hamstring and i think that's where you just got tobe smart with what you do but you know i don't mind seeing them i just guyslike


levante to me don'tneed to be don't need to be out there uh maybe one series have them get acouple tackles a couple wrap ups and then pull them let them sit and enjoy thesidelines and you know obviously don't eat hot dogs like they used to do backin the gerald days but you know have a little fun on the sidelines enjoy thesidelines listen we we lost to one in-state rival right now right the jags andbucs were we that heated rivalry we have my the first ever rival the first teami ever hated the first team i ever said fuck the was the dolphins really thatwas the first team i was like why are all these dolphins fans in my stadium allthe time 1982 young little stank i didn't have a mullet then i was just alittle Chubby kid back when kids weren't supposed to be chubby, uh I was justsitting there with my dad and there's some obnoxious Dolphins fan next to me,


you know, just wentundefeated like 10 years before that. I don't know, the table is full ofDolphins fans, f**k them right. So we gotta, we gotta let them know what's up.You got hot tools coming in here, hit him in the mouth a little bit. I say, weplay the starters the entire game, unlike JC Allen in the chat said,'unnecessary risk.' No, put your balls on the f**king table, JC. Take yourf**king Massachusetts balls out of your pants right now. Do it. Tell me whenthey're out, in the chat. right take them out dust them off a little bit righttalk to them dust them off you want to take a feather


duster to take it takethat old feather duster out and yell at them say wake the fuck up all rightthis is for real more importantly pause what you're doing right now okay thanksmullet photo is a sticker in the pixar app find found that out the other day stankyou clipped that photo in the in in the pixar app and you've accidentally madeit a public sticker maybe no no not maybe this man who doesn't know what'sgoing on with you does not know us i've never even seen this human being beforehe just said he knows he's found the sticker The other day publicly, that's abig problem. Um, Mudfish man says to Tina's party, 'Pizzas all day, stank.' Notsure what that's referring to, I don't either. I don't either.


I'm a little bit of apizza snob; you wouldn't know that by looking at me. But I: I only eat pizza,yeah. I'm there too. I don't do the bullshit. I don't eat Dominoes, don't eatPizza Hut, don't eat Papa John's, don't even come close. I don't need any ofthe chain pizza five unless it's free and I'm drunk; that's a different story.But none of those five-dollar pickups, whatever they're called at LittleCaesar's, you know the hunger. He's none of that, no. It's got to beexclusively eat like the bougie, you know, hipster pizza places or I go to theskating rink and I eat that little square pizza they. You still have a skatingrink in your in your town that serves the square pizzas, excuse me, I have askating rink but they just serve standard carnival garbage, United Skates so Idon't know, assuming that they do, but uh, yeah, I grew up on that, that littlesquare fucking hockey puck, that's not even that square piece of shit pizza.


Jared, Jared's in thechat, Jared's right, I love me some Rico's Pizzeria around here, dude,phenomenal, my man. Also, another great one down here is Il Panifico. downtownsarasota i believe they got the highest of the sarasota brain center tampapizza ratings from uh uh dave portney there a barstool so uh you know justsaying great pizza downtown take my uh take my basketball teams there afterevery championship i have some uh phenomenal so absolutely great so probablythe best i've ever had honestly stank so uh i feel like you need to open apizzeria no i don't no no no no i mean not if i'm working there for suredefinitely not no absolutely i don't see you actually getting your hands therei'm gonna nothing beats your pizza but nyc but upstate nothing but harry armeditalians making Fire Pies Darius, that's correct!


But listen, il Panificodowntown Sarasota - that's exactly what they are, an actual Italian familyslinging pies, dude. Left and right, everybody's like it's the water, it's thewater; I think it is the Italian body hair ultimately, that is the is theingredient that makes it special, right? Because you see when you go to NewYork, you get pizza, and there's just an extra layer of grease, and you'relike, 'That's from the pepperoni or the cheese,' but really, it's not. I don'tknow; I don't know; I don't know; I don't know - that's Italian body grease,and it's from the body hair, and you can't replicate that no matter how hard.You try here, uh, and so you're telling me that in the Parmesan mix or themonster not Parmesan in the mozzarella, there's there's some little Italianhairs and that Italian hair isn't not even joking there's a lot of body hair inthat mozzarella, lots all right!


So for those who youhave a little cringy all right it's true, lots of it in there. Plastic computercorrect, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Italian pie, just saying. Thisguy's an expert on eating Italian, it's Italian every night, yeah. So if anyoneknows how to eat Italian, it's our boy Pelagic Computer, but yeah. If you guyshave any questions about Italian pie, he's your man yeah michael says hairyarms helps the dough stay together better uh i've heard that too actually youimagine hairy armed italians dunking those arms in new york water right i meanhow you gonna beat that i've seen i see the guys they they're kneading thedough with their


elbow in there likelike it's fucking the ufc and shit right they're in there just beating it downyou don't think a lot of that italian juice is mixed in that italian italian inthe back with some cauliflower here just beating the fuck out of that dough imean yep seems like a recipe for deliciousness if i've ever heard one oh yeahdoesn't bother I'm glad that your microphone works tonight, man. People in thechat were saying earlier you don't sell it, I don't sell it; I don't sound likeyou're yelling through a tunnel. I heard it from everybody all week. All right,listen. I went to Radio Shack, I got a new microphone, um, and uh, and now Isound good. Last week, I'm pretty sure I was sabotaged by Sammer because healways has to be louder, bigger, and you know, but uh.


I upgraded this week,unlike McKicker, you had a bad week; you bounce back right. McKicker had a badweek follows it up worse week, more embarrassing. I'm a professional becausenot only did he do it again in the second. But he did it against an in-stateyou know rival, a team like the Jaguars. He's the reason he's the reason wewere blowing coverages like you can't trust a guy like that and it just, thatjust filters out into your organization. It's deflating; it deflates the entireteam to see Kyle Trask and the boys get you in a position to kick a field goal,right? Get three points on the board, gain some momentum, start rolling, getthat defense, you know, something to hoot and holler about, and you got there,and you miss.


Dude, I mean, listen. Iwent to Circuit City; I don't really like the selection, so I went then I wentto Service Merchandise. For you real old motherfuckers out there, they had alot of good microphones there too, but I ultimately ended up going to RadioShack because that's just where you where you go right, that's where I buy mybatteries right. You should be able to go to Sears and get appliances,microphones; they had the whole sound department there. You know, they had TVs,that's what the world's missing, bro. Yeah, we're old school a fucking applianceand some Tidy Whities. Where can I do that? Where can you go and get some newcurtains, some new bed sheets, and a new TV? And we need to bring backBurdines, that's what we need to do.


Oh my god, I loveBurdines, Burdines, dude, you know, yeah, what do you like about Burdines? Iknew Saturday morning we're getting in the minivan, we're going to Burdines,I'm like, this is gonna be a good day, it's gonna... and listen here's, I don'tknow about you saying that, I'm stolen credit card, and we all got fitted atBurdines when Burdines, that's right, head to toe, Burdines. So, so here's athing that's weird, right? For people who are young, you have no idea aboutthis, but you could go into those places and you could actually haggle on theappliances' prices; you could haggle at a Sears, a J.C. Penny, and a Burdines,be like, 'Listen, how about we do cash, and we get this...' Refrigerator for$200 less because I'm giving you guys cash.


I used to watch my daddo this and I'm thinking, 'This is not possible.' This is a nice fancy store,this is not Walmart or Kmart, and yet here he is haggling and getting deals,and it was working, dude! I was blown away as a fucking little seven-year-oldboy; I was like, 'That's right, Arabs are haggling everywhere, guys!' Well, hejust said, 'You could get an oven, bed sheets, your suit the suit you could getfor $100 and bring it right back and get $100 every single time, right? Huntingrifle at Sears, all that shit, man! You could get tires; don't forget abouttires, don't forget about tires, yes! Sir, hey somebody write uh writesMontgomery Ward's. Holy shit, yes holy shit! I remember Montgomery Ward's atTampa Bay Mall.


You guys have been herelong enough and you know where Tampa Mayfair was located. You're a specialcircuit city is a throwback dude. Yeah, Circuit City was all best buydestroyed. Circuit City that's what happened. They put they fucked them up justlike Home Depot destroyed Scottie's. Remember Scottie's sink? RememberScotties? Scotties was everywhere. Scotties was Home Depot before Home Depotand then Home Depot came in and said 'Hey, check this out. We got all the samestuff, bigger store smells more like' Wood is here and a lot cheaper, and wegot a ton of it, ton of it. Rest in peace Kmart. We had one in Land of Lakeswhen I lived out there, and it finally went away.


I think we still haveone down south and like, South, South part of Sarasota, it was called the Big Kfor a little bit. I think they tried to do the you know, grocery store slashwhatever Walmart calls itself, and then Walmart just stopped putting the SuperWalmart next to it, they just kept calling it Walmart, and it's just like,obviously it's a shithole. Uh, regardless, I'm not a Walmart guy, I'm a SuperWalmart guy, I'm a Target guy, always will be Stank, you know. That I knowyou're a Walmart, you're clearly a Walmart person. I don't ever go to Walmart,I am a I am also a Target guy. I want my Starbucs while I shop, yeah I I amthat bougie bitch out there, pinky out with with my hot cup of latte as I'mshopping.


You're what you're whatpinky out as I'm shopping, hot cup of latte, my hot cup of latte, cup of latte.If you're not taking an advantage of the world, you're not taking advantage ofthe world, you're not taking advantage of the fact that there's hot coffee atStarbucs while you're there and then also they have pizza and hot dogs and shitat some of those places, I don't know about that, yeah I don't. know about thatI'm already an affluent pizza person, I'm definitely not eating Target Pizza. Anice tall oat milk latte in the uh, the Target you know shopping cart cupholder there, that's solid dude. A little bit dash cinnamon on top, that's theonly way to go. To the back, why oat milk? Why not be a man and use because youdon't need sugar one and it tastes, it tastes sweet enough.


You need sugar no, youdon't need sugar in your coffee. You put a little bit of oat milk in there,let's get a little bit of sweetness in there, a little oatiness, deliciousdude. Absolutely delicious episode is stupid, but the end here talking aboutradio. shack in montgomery jc allen just non-stop naming old stores i remembercaldor nobody caldor where the fuck is that at that's never heard of that moonsand star wars bro you just made that jc grew up jc grew up in fucking boston orconnecticut or some shit uh he doesn't know what the fuck we're talking aboutit doesn't really that doesn't have a bird will be canada bro that's not a realstate the only thing he remembers or can even


macy's i guess butthat's still the thing i think so i don't yeah i just don't trust those peoplefrom up north man i just i don't trust those people either yeah you're right atall hey trust them we didn't tell you guys one time to hit the like button uhthis has gone downhill pretty quick towards the end here but hit the likebutton if you're new hit the subscribe button and if you love bird eyes hit thelike button again and leave us a comment about how much you love bird eyes orsears or jc penny all right montgomery ward uh i don't know what fiennes is orfeline i don't know what the hell that is uh made up that shit's made up i misswalmart with the ices and how you could get a collector's cup depending on thesports season you're crazy you're drinking did you say walmart came on used tohave slurpees yeah they did you're right The real ones, Pelagic computer nailsit.


Kmart over or greaterthan Walmart, 100/100 dude. Anybody want to bring Kmart back? That brand'sprobably still available; we could get it for a couple hundred bucs. We coulddo it bring that shit back! Probably put the 'K' real and big, and then have Stankin front of it like so... sad and then Kmart, yeah, I like it, it's great. Thisis a great idea. Listen, a sign of the times: say shoes, no service instead ofno shoes, no service shoes completely barefoot establishment. Smash the likebutton, hit the subscribe button if you are new. Uh, for those of you who arein the Sarasota/Bradenton area, you guys should Join us on Friday, okay. We'regonna be down at the Sarasota Hooters doing a cool little live pre-seasonpre-game show, a little collab between the Fully Loaded Podcast and the LooseCanis Podcast.


We'll be hanging out,giving some stuff away. Rumor has it there's a gift card for a lifetime of Iknow, I know they're chicken nuggets, but boneless wings for an entire year...well, that's not at Hooters, yeah. We might be a little bit, it might be one ofour giveaways we have some cool stuff there, maybe some of these Re You Knowreverse brand hats. Oh, we're speaking of which, if you like these amazingthings that I'm, I know you can't really see it because it's white on white atall yeah can't see it at all uh that looks like a kmart hat honestly it lookslike one of those ones you get the corner stores dude i got this from thecorner store reverse brand hat i got this from the corner store


and use the discountcode loose cannons save 10 on your order and then the profits from that orderwill go directly to the cmv foundation a john spy tech and his wife uh you knowfoundation that they started uh to bring awareness to cmv which is a terribledisease but can be preventable and as long as you know what to look for and youknow about it and i guess uh education is the the game There with that one socheck that out, reversebrand.com. Stank, you need to stop wearing whatever the**** that is on your hat and start wearing some of these bad boys. Okay, I'mpaying tuition; I'm paying tuition at this college right now. They should begiving you the hat for free, but you're out there; you should have given methis hat because I am an old man.


All of a sudden, I'mpaying college tuition again and so I'm **** repping. I i know my i know theteam's probably not gonna be that good this year, but it doesn't really matter.I always rep **** fsu and all the other Florida colleges and all those otherplaces you're A loser, loser come come see me at Hooters. Bring bring thesmoke, fuck your team, and come see me get some chicken wings. See someHooters, yeah that too, goodness but uh our friends Omni are gonna be theretoo. The Omni girls will be out there hanging out, Omni yeah yeah, the OmniLambo is gonna be there, it's gonna be a fun time dude. Stank's gonna bewalking around with a wireless microphone from table to table, okay, andHooters talking to random people a little bit of bucs trivia doing a little bitof Blue Cheese versus Ranch nonsense, the whole deal you know, the whole loosecannons effect.


We'll have a couple ofuh surprise guests hanging out with us too so uh come check that out if you'rein the area if not we'll uh probably see you guys in tampa at some point duringthe season so uh yeah mick kicker you know what will be friday you're notplaying football since you're not really doing much might as well come downwith us yeah come hang out with us and doing shit will this show be availableto be seen on youtube no we will not be live streaming the show but we will becapturing it and we will be doing it in the future so we will be doing it inthe future so we will be doing it in the future so we will be doing it in thefuture the entire event on camera some shenanigans will Be filmed, someshenanigans will definitely be filmed. Uh, Bryce says at least he's not wearingthe hat with the bucs flag where the light makes it blue.


You talk no, that is ablue bucs hat, that's a lightning-blue bucs hat, yep, he's just an idiot. Um,Michael has said 'loose blue cheese' 8,000 times in the last... Oh, that's theemoji, my bad, that's the emoji, bro! He's a listen if you see these little💦 signs and 'fuck stank' and blue cheese and you want to be able to alsospam the chat with those just gotta subscribe and be one of our loose cannonshomies and brethren, and very soon well it just went away, he's reversed. Uh,very soon I just got Michael J. Fox's voice for a second, very soon, very soon,that's gonna come with some additional benefits. Much fish says McDonald's,soon. Hey, uh, let's end this on a good note, all right.


Very similar assets ifthe team decides to use some of the 22 million dollar cap on a position ofneed, what positions should they address whether via trade or free agency? Hmm,I'll let you take that one. Stank corner, corner Stefan Gilmore was the guy Iwanted; he's gone, he's going to the Vikings. Um, we'll see what what old thatgets cut out there. Somebody with a little uh, little bit of tread left ontheir tires, uh, corner or Backup quarterback, no, I, I don't know, I don'tknow, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, but they're not doing that;they're not bringing in and a completely new guy. But yeah, I say corner.Hopefully we don't sustain any injuries. I wouldn't mind a Tan Hill coming inhere. My only concern is how fast can you get up to speed?


You know it wasn't hereduring install, and getting you know, I don't know. At this point, it feelslike you just got to ride with the two guys you got behind and just you know,pray that Baker continues to do what he does and stay healthy. And Wayne Poolsays, apparently a kicker; good point, Wayne. yeah whatever that's ice paykicker available that's all 22 million hey how about we do kicker by committeewayne blaine gabbert still a little more yeah um yeah blaine gabbert ran acompletely different offense it doesn't matter to have him um yannick buthere's my thing everyone's talking about yannick he's a free agent for a readwhy is he still out there if he's worth anything like you got to ask thatquestion too why are you still not to is it because he's health is it becauseof effectiveness is it age is it asking too much what is it what are thosethings is he just not healthy


why sony's stillavailable i'm gonna spend money on him if it's like you know league minimum vetmen to come in you know see what you got then yeah that's fine but we got 22million this guy's asking me if i want to spend a chunk of that i don't see howthat's going to happen i don't see them trading for the cat and and with thejets either so again at this point i don't expect something like that we're notthis is not the tom brady window of opportunity like we had so yeah that's ithit the like button hit the subscribe button randy gregory's still availableyeah randy gregory uh yeah maybe take a maybe may have him come and try out idon't think he's ever been in the building So, other than signing thatcontract, picture of him with a Buck's hat on and he does not look happy whenhe signed the contract.


He's like, 'Yeah, Iguess his team wants me to come here. Whatever Todd says, I'm gonna be aboutweed. So, I don't know. Todd gave him a whole speech, who knows? Eli Apple,sure, we'll see you guys after the third preseason game when Baker and the boysjust fucking light it up and Liam looks ridiculously angry no matter what andpleasantly ugly because that means we did well, which I'm excited about so gobucs, we'll see you guys next week.