Bucs Training Camp: 3-Day Update

Loose Cannons
We discuss the news and storylines coming out of Buccaneers Training Camp after 3 days are officially in the books!

what is up bucs nation it is august 12th 2024 and you're watching the loose cannons i'm your boy sammer hanging out with knickknack paddywhack there he goes give a dog a bonestank bastard hanging out snake buccaneer football has officially returned the grassfeels greener it smells nicer everything just more beautiful outside it's afootball's back baby it's right around the corner we i mean we started theseason with a victory against a team whose chant is who day come on bro rightyou just inherently are my enemy if any if you say who anything during the gamei don't fucking like you right you're all you're just a terrible franchise tobegin with your quarterback now looks like an 80s villain like karate kidvillain somebody a bully with his blonde haircut so fuck that team okay fuckhim we have the better blonde quarterback anyways you are talking about wolfordno wolford looks like he's a kgb operative bro he looks like yuri


he kind of reminds meof he kind of reminds me of like i don't know you i i got i lifted you up alittle bit on my end um he looks like somebody like he had an uncle on thesidelines before he went into the game just like you know ah you know acrosshis head and mess up his hair get in there kid go and he troughs out there Alllike, oh yeah, like confused that he's even supposed to be out there playingcourt, like he just he stumbled into a preseason roster somehow every singletime, but hey, he's throwing darts though. I'll give him credit; he wasthrowing some darts against third talk about Johnny John Johnny Wolf - JohnnyWolf is what I'm calling great feet, he's got great feet.


My favorite footwork ofall the bucs quarterbacks Johnny's out there scrambling, he's got goodfootwork, quick mechanics, you just not i don't know... I don't know, what itis, you already know; he's a savant, you know, as far as like X's and O's buthe'd easily be a top five high school Quarterback right now if he went back tohigh school, right like Billy Madison style, easily I could see it. If he didn'tlook like a 70-year-old Russian in the face, he could do that. Maybe uh, sospeaking of Russian, how about that bucs run game? Hold on, they say they can'thear me. Oh my god, see I'm I'm prepared guys, I'm always prepared, I'm aprofessional but this guy, I don't know.


Turn off my my fuckingair conditioner, you know from from back in the day we got one of those oldwall units here in my office and it makes a lot of noise. Can everybody hear menow? You do seem a little low though, honestly. Do I for real? What the fuck isthe problem how? about now good that's way better yeah all right so all right isaid speaking of russian okay how about the bucs new look run game how aboutthat wow you like that transitional gold yeah and almost actually almost as goodas our run game look it looked great bucky was out there bucking around he justlooked happy like saint the fucking bangles had no i was the same the bankershad no idea how to handle him he was just darting dodging dipping divingducking all those dodgeball type


he was doing all thosethings he's gonna be a problem for sure yeah not only was is he gonna be aproblem but more importantly the scheme felt like It was creating holes, it waslike you could see that the running backs are putting their foot down andgoing, like they knew where the hole was supposed to be. The offensive line wasdoing what they're supposed to do one cut gone and you didn't see a lot ofknick-knack paddy-whack in the background in the back right, you didn't see alittle tippy-tap none of that. It was go get the bone dog and immediately theyknew where the hole was going, they knew where it was supposed to be. And thenthey busted out a couple of holes and nice runs.


Buck Howell lookedimpressive; um, I like Sean Tucker looked really good, I know he's goingagainst backups and What not, but he's fighting for for a roster life rightnow, uh, you know. Chase Edmonds is supposed to be RB2 still, so to see allthose guys come in there, find holes, and hit the holes running and not hesitate,especially Bucky, who by the way is a rookie doesn't hesitate; Todd Wilkinseven talked about it, he had almost no nerves going into a game like that. Thatmeans he's just a ball player, and to see that was really refreshing 137 yardsin a preseason game, I know it's a preseason game, but you know we're buildinghere, and it was encouraging to see.


Todd liked it, Liamliked it; I fucking liked it; I don't know who else you need to convince. Atthis point, right latte likes it, it's an attitude, right. It's not just we, weplugged in, you know. First round center, we got a new guy in there, newenergy. We've got Liam in there; he's ugly. The line is playing ugly, bro. Youcan just see them - they're not nothing's pretty. Nobody's over there trying towin the game; they're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not.They're not. Any fucking you know, that's how we like it. You know, contestright. Nobody's distracted by dying peace Dave on the sideline anymore, thankGod. It's just you look over there and you see - he looks like JC Allen, youknow, much more.


Slender version of him,and that's just not something you want to stare at all day long. You look atWalford; it's a really ugly sideline, thankfully. And so, I know will result inadditional wins this season. Um, shout out to JC Allen. Not only was thesideline ugly, but those, those, those pigs up front are pretty ugly - they'repretty ugly. And you brought up Brendison; uh, he played well, actually. Uh,Cody Mock looks like a beefier, but still athletic version of himself. Heplayed. I have no problem with second-year guys going in there and playingbecause I think they need that or is he a third year? Guy now, no, he's asecond-year guy, uh, yeah, so um, having him be in there and playing,obviously, Hainsey and Graham Barton were kind of switching off every otherseries which I think they're just trying to get the rookie acclimated makingsure he earns the you know the spot.


I fully believe he'sgoing to be the starter by the end of the second preseason game but man we sawhim get nasty on that clip and on the replay of Bucky scoring that touchdown,he got nasty, I know it's a little corner but that corner had no chance and hejust downhill like I said, man, just seeing those guys up front knowing whatthey're supposed to be doing and and Executing, and creating holes, andeverything in the backfield being very decisive that was the biggest thing Isaw, even when we had Rashad last year, even throughout the the playoff runthere was a lot of indecisiveness and I think a lot of that


is from not knowingwhat that hole is supposed to be where it's supposed to be, just you know thescheme not necessarily working for the run game but we saw that on Saturdaynight it was awesome to see man I was impressed with what Liam was able to doand keep in mind they're a very vanilla offense they're not really schemingthey're just kind of running you know just generic base. plays but executingthem and creating holes and run and run lanes and nice run lanes too with that,yeah you know, our friend one of my former lovers plays a computer he broughtup during the game, hey how do you guys feel about


the first down runs, Idon't feel great if they're working, you know that, like I feel good if they'reworking, keep going and yes there's no, there's no game planning it's prettyvanilla all those things but uh it was encouraging I think everybody watchinghad to feel the same way we've got people giving us money our friend LDBC'smost wanted gave us nine dollars says 'salute those loose cannons' questionwe're Already kings of the South, and looking to add two more players to theHall of Fame with Evans and David. But how huge would it be to add a thirdSuper Bowl? That's not a lot of teams have a third Super Bowl, that's the goalright, that's the goal. We feel good, you know why not?


Why not this weird teamwe have, why not them? I mean, do we? Even though Baker and Mike aren'tnecessarily going to be here forever, I feel like we're pretty lucky to have a teamfor quite a few years. And if we have to draft a quarterback and we draft theright guy, which has never happened for us obviously, maybe we just go the freeagent route again, who knows? Maybe Joey. Burrow wants you know out ofCincinnati hates his barber, something like that. We got nice barbers downhere, we got latte, we got... I've got a lot of barber options for you, buddy.We can fix that hair up, give you a quarter. Listen, we are the home of thequarterback, come and win a Super Bowl franchise setup right, that's what wemade that template, we invented that, and so we know what to do when it's timeto build a team and then just lure a quarterback down here...


um, but back to uh, thewhat was he talking about? What were you talking about? How how nice would itbe to add oh yeah, absolutely dude. It would i mean I feel like we're alreadyin the upper Echelon, but we'd be in the upper-upper echelon at that point.Yeah, we dominate the NFC South, nobody's even close to us. Twice as many asall the other losers, that's what I was gonna say. I was gonna answer Pelagic'suh, I didn't see his tweet about the first-down runs in the preseason. I don'tcare if you run every fucking down. I think the preseason should be anevaluation; it should be an extension, put these guys in situations and andhave them do what they're supposed to do and find out if they can or they can'tdo it.


I don't care if we runevery single down. Uh, I like preseason being approached that way as opposed toan actual game, I know. That they want to get guys like Liam, their you knowplay calling experience and get their feet wet and stuff like that and get theguys in rhythm, but for the most part I like you know like we went for we wentfor fourth down when we probably wouldn't in the real game situation right Ilike that put the guys in the situation and see what happens. I think Pelagicand a lot of other bucs fans they just want to see Trash throw the ball moreand I understand he looks great out there, he really did, he was let down byScotty Miller on the interception but you know I'm not here to make excuses,you gotta do gotta do a little bit better it's first.


Game of the season, alittle rusty out there. I like the kid, he's he's got got that shit in thepocket right. He's no Baker Mayfield when it comes to leadership, but he's notscared. You can't say the kid is playing scared, he's not. So, is that your mostimpressive? My volume still sucks, hammer it's on your end then I have youmaxed really, I'll turn it up with Mo hopefully that's not too loud so good itseems good. Um, I was gonna say, is trial Trask your bucs versus Bangles? Mostimpressive, hmm, not mine. Are we doing that now? Am I giving my my player thegame? Yeah, give me your most impressive Buckeye. Look at Buckeyes, looked likehe belonged. Lucky you went out there; the stage wasn't too big.


You could give it toGraham if you want, you know he split carries but Bucky came out there like itwas his job to to carry the rock Rashad, you know got the day off and I, I loveI love the kid, I just do man. He just looks like a back, I like I don't know,I was impressed with Bucky, huge fan. You're a little crispy now um yeah, Buckywas I would say Bucky was my most impressive um I was gonna give it to theoffensive line as well but I don't think it's It's a group. But I like what Isaw from Graham Barton. I liked what I saw from Bucky, only because he was sojust decisive. It was just, let's go out there, let's play ball.


Everything they askedhim to do, he did it well. He didn't drop any passes. I didn't feel like hemade any, you know, bad blitz pickups. I feel like he played a really good gamefor a first preseason game for a rookie, fourth-round pick, too, on top ofthat. But he shined, obviously. I liked what we saw from J-Mac coming acrossthe middle of the field, making catches. There was a play that I thought wasreally funny. He caught a pass, and he got up and did the first down signal. Itwas like eight yards away from that. But I like it. He's so confident. He'slike, everything I catch is a first down. So I was like, you know what? If I'ma ref, I'm probably just like, just give it to him, right?


It was impressive. Hisfirst down celebration was impressive. He's confident. Just give it to him. ButI like what we see, Max. I like what we got. A lot of speed, Stank. See howmuch speed we got from these young guys? That was fun to see, man. Offensivespeed, for sure. Tykee flashed a little bit. Made a bonehead play on the P.I.But, you know. Was that him, or was that Hayes who got called for that? I thinkit was him. I think it was him. He's, you know, a little overexcited out there.Probably running around with his shoes on fire. And the guy's got ball skills.You can see it clearly. You see why they like the kid. And he's got a lot ofvets around him to learn from.


And, you know,Merriweather, Mayweather, whatever his name is, also looked good out there.Mayweather? Merriweather? Merriweather. Yeah. He's looked good for the lastcouple of preseasons, honestly. And then when he's gotten some playing timeover the last season and a half, I think, or maybe season last season, Ithought he did well. He played well on Saturday, too. That's a good one tobring up. I like Tykee, man. You saw him coming in on blitzes on a couple ofcalls. You saw him coming up and making a tackle, sure tackle, like veryRondé-esque in terms of just getting up there, wrapping up, standing up,walking away. Like, it was just business, dude. It was – you could tell he'slike, you know, a Georgia Bulldog, professional athlete, right?


It was – he'sdefinitely on there. I'm trying to think anybody else really – give it to Brendenson,man, honestly. A guy that is kind of nobody. Left guard, everyone's circling. Icircle it as a thing, you know, a point of weakness. It didn't feel like it. Iknow it's against nobody. I mean, both the backup guards played good. I guesstechnically he's not a backup anymore, but Klein looked good, too, after Cody.Pelagia Computer, $5 Super Chat. Thank you so much. Says, please mute Stank forhis blatant disrespect. And that being said, what a good problem to have withwide receiver three in Palmer and McMillan. Yeah, Trey Palmer made a play, too.Nice little throw from Kyle Trask, who, when he's on schedule, looks good, man.


I think they're goingto find ways to make sure they utilize both of those guys. I still think Treyfits more of an outside role as opposed to coming into the slot, even though hecan do slot-like things. But J-Mac is so good, so good across the middle, and Ithink they're going to find ways to use both of those guys, man. And it's agreat problem, like Pelagic said. I mean, I'd rather have five good widereceivers than one great one in a bunch of garbage. We've had that for a while.Ask Mike Evans. And finally, you get some guys in that can make plays, and itlooks pretty obvious to me that Liam knows how to use those guys and createplays with them. How did I disrespect you?


I haven't seen you inalmost a year, Pelagic. I forget what you smell like, bro. You invite Latte outto play golf. I don't get any invites, so I don't want to feel disrespected,okay? And where's Papi? Nobody knows. Nobody knows where Papi's at. He'sprobably on a golf course somewhere. We don't know. If anybody knows where PapiLatte is, please, you let us know right now. And Mr. Malk, the super chat horndoesn't work. I don't know what happened. Oh, man. Yeah, it's probably why yourmic sucks. You fucked it all up. So we talked about our most impressive. Howabout our most disappointing, Stank? Like, I got to start this off, man,because I don't know this guy's name.


If I saw him in agrocery store, at a car dealership, anywhere at the park, I would have no cluewho the fuck he is. But our kicker, I mean, listen, we just paid you, okay? AndI know shit happens, but in preseason, you got to make every kick we ask you tokick, because that's literally all you do, right? I don't care. It could havebeen snowing and 25 mile per hour winds horizontal. I don't care. You got tomake the kick, man. We just paid you. And you are the only. Kicker we're like,we're depending on you and you go out there and you just miss it. You miss along one like that. It's unacceptable. Stank is disappointing. Yeah, that's areally bad start to the season.


I know we just signed anew punter. I was hoping we'd sign a kicker to compete with them, because Idon't care what your percentage was last year. That was last year. Over 50,whatever your name is. I forget your fucking Conor McLaughlin, whatever yourname is, dude. I don't call them. What do we call him? Huh? What do we callhim? Uh, I don't know. I don't know. McFly. McFly. McRiver. The kicker we haveneeds to kick it through the uprights because otherwise move the fuck on. OK,so you got paid. I don't care. I don't care who you are. Make the fucking kicksin preseason. It's as important as a real game. Practice like you play. We allknow that. We probably lose that game if it's not for, you know, the P.I.


call at the end becauseof the stupid kicker. So make your kicks, bitch. Make make make your make yourkicks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. In all seriousness, though, the rookie defensive endthat we drafted. I didn't see anything. He was playing against some scrubs,too. Right. He did play. He didn't really do much. I feel like he's one ofthose work in progress guys. I don't expect him to do much this season. If hedoes, it's going to be in a few splashes here and there. Maybe he gets somereally good mismatches because the guys like Kalijah can see Yaya and Vito onthe same line. I was a little disappointed to see him. I was a littledisappointed to see him do nothing really.


Yeah, I'm trying to hedidn't he didn't flash he didn't neither did pretty much anybody on thedefensive line if we're really being honest, I don't I don't know who playednone of them made a play there wasn't really anything going on up there, but hedidn't make any pressures, you know, significant plays on the quarterback Idon't know what happened there so we're just going to chalk that up to thefirst game of the season those boys ate a little too much on the flight over. Idon't know. What were they known for in Cincinnati hot dogs or some shitpopcorn. I think it's like hot dogs with chili or something like that. Chili,chili, chili, weird thing to be known for. Cincinnati Chili is what they'reknown for, right?


Yeah, everybody in thechat knows what the fuck Cincinnati is known for you know, for the chili.That's what it is, chili, like one of the worst things to be not good at mixingbunch of stuff. Just shut up! Another guy, another guy didn't really impress,backup offensive lineman Walton. Oh, yeah, Skyline. Chili terrible! I guessthat's what it is. Yeah, didn't play well. Wait, Grizzle grizzle says Skylinechili with cinnamon. Is that where lots of people are right now? Is he theretasting the cinnamon chili? Yeah, he's a cinnamon aficionado. We know that muchchili on spaghetti. Yeah, they do that. No, she's right. They do they serve iton spaghetti instead of on fucking white rice like normal humans. They dosomething that pieces of shit do Jonah says loose mute stank.


Yeah, I don't know whatthat means. But I a hundred percent agree. I feel like people are saying my micis already muted. It's nobody can fucking hear me right now. I'm sold out of myear, but you're just all blurry on my end to it's not great. Yeah, you went youwent too high on your volume and I got you max on my end. So I'm not sure maybeyou just... you know, listen, you've been gone. That's the thing and and nowyou come back you don't prep you clearly didn't get on and run your hardwarethrough any sort of washer, you know cleaner or anything really, we're supposedto do that. I mean, I prepped for an hour and a half before every single one ofthese shows thing.


Well, how long do younot shave today though? You are looking. No, no, I'm I had to take last weekoff because I'm letting this fill in a little bit. We're getting a littlehigher on it, right? So I had to fill in a lot. So I took the week off. So Iget I get two haircuts a week as you know, and I didn't do that last week atall. So but Wednesday's coming up man. Bryce says he hears you just fine. Justsound like a muffle or a blown speaker. See, I told you, you got a blown tire,dude. I got a bone tire. I don't know, I can't either; you guys hear me whisperor I'm too loud. They say Sam is fine. I can turn home.


I'm gonna do that. Imean, you talk to me, you love because it's because I have professionalhardware. All right, so we kind of talked about what he can hear me right now.Barton off my mic. No, we can hear you; we could hear you. I think as itrelates to rookies. I like what I saw from Barton. I like what I saw from TykeeSmith, and I liked what I saw from Bucky Irving. And I like what I saw from JMac in terms of the others. I didn't expect to see much and I didn't see much,so makes a little bit of sense again. First preseason game, not too worriedabout it. And some of those guys are obviously drafted as ramp-up guys. Howabout just yeah, Cali Buck has a really good point.


He just likes it whenyou don't talk and I think I think I agree. They're talking bucs or Supercuts.That's in a team. You can we're back Mike $3.88. He said you still so this is ateam who Mike so what it looks just like a road Mike, but it's he movesversion. The bottom has an actual like sack attached to it. Stank come on.We're talking about rookies. I don’t know if you could hear anything, I wastalking about. We talked a little bit about some of what we say. We talked a littlebit about some of them, but would you see from those guys man? The rookies.Well, I mean we already talked about Graham. Cracking out there. The Grahamcracker is like is like we'd like to call him here.


Or at least that's whatwe're going to call him from now on. He was out there cracking with the boysBucky. I just love like how who doesn’t like Bucky right now. Who doesn’t likehim? He just played. He’s just got enthusiasm. He's out there just makingpeople miss making, you know, just following the fucking flow with theoffensive line. Gotta love Bucky Klein look good. Tykee flashed a little bit.The rookies actually fucking played really well, man. I you can't you DevinColt got concussion concussed, but he was out there. Oh, yeah. We talked about him.We can talk about him. Yeah. Yeah, I like dude. Hey, how about that guy beatinga corner multiple times in the game?


And then how about Liamhaving a play call for tight end down the sidelines up to seem we saw him alittle more creative with how they're going to use the tight ends this year,even though because he's not known for using those guys in that fashion andthis kind of very similar system that they're going to be running. But it'sgoing to be refreshing, man. It's speaking to tight ends. How about, how aboutpain coming in there and saying, 'I want to be interchangeable with Kate on yousaw co make a couple of catches dependable on fourth down, dude hands.' I mean,I thought I was Mike Evans in a 41 jersey for a second. I was so was like, 'Whosehands are those, man?' I was. I mean, I'm excited, man.


We got a good tight endroom, stinking. We're supposed to be talking about rookies right now, but, youknow it. I think we got a good tight end room, man. We'll see, good. I think weare. We're better than people think, like people think that's the weakness ofthis offense is the tight end room cage just dependable. And then we've got allthese guys behind them who you know, we'll see. But Kate's had a pretty damngood camp dude from we saw he was good when we were there. He's been good man.Just just consistent making plays dependable like Baker Mayfield really trusthim and has no problem going to him in clutch situations down the field not asa dump-off, but like an actual option.


And I think some ofthat's also been Liam system of getting the guy open. Plus it helps to have JMac Chris Godwin and Mike Evans on the same field. Somebody's got to be open,right? Might as well be him. Yeah, I think they're probably going to value theroles a little bit more in this offense. You know the fact that we drafted aguy like Colt who's kind of a hybrid really he's not you know, your true inline Beast of a blocking tight end. He's kind of like a big-ass David Bostonstyle receiver. So, you know, he's got to be open. You know, they plan on usingthese guys in the passing game as weapons and every quarterback loves a tightend. Every single doctor plus in the chat of real bucs.


Talk brings up a goodpoint; tight end room is improved new coach and Justin Peel is showing goodresults. I completely forgot about that and it's a good point to bring up.Yeah, that's the key. Yeah, that we added peel, you know what I mean? That ifyou think about it, that's one of the keys that you need to have as your keysto the game. The other thing too is I like. Nobody got that. Yeah, I got it. Igot it. I it just I like that the bucs have tight ends that can do both thingsbecause they they need to help in the run game. I think plus is mentioning thesame thing. Yeah, Culp was he blocked. I thought pretty well for a rookie toyou don't usually see those guys come in and do both things.


Well, but if he's ableto do that consistently man and be dependable, there's no reason you don't seethe fields tank and he's dynamic when he gets down the field. He's athletic.He's not even doesn't look like a tight end. It looks like just a bigger widereceiver in big. He's a fast motherfucker. I think one of the fastest tight endtimes at the combine ever, the more speed you can add dude. I'm all in forthat. Especially if the guy can actually block on top of that then it's justgoing to be easy to disguise him into into passing plays that look like runplays and have him sneaking out and making plays down the field man, which isgoing to be awesome to see because we haven't had that since Gronk.


I know K did a littlebit of that last year, but not really. I think he will do a little bit morethis year, but I mean, that's why I tweeted something like that. Like all thesetight ends in this room. It's going to be hard to which guy which guy are yougoing to cut? I hope it's not Co Keefe because he does help in the run gametoo. Yeah, I don't know what's going to be interesting with all the talent. Wehave a receiver. It's a numbers game there. Who's who's the odd man out?Hopefully it's not Co. We are a huge Co Keefe podcast. Love love Co love thefamily, but it’s going to come down to who Liam values at the end of the day.


That’s who that’s whoyou know stays on this team. Who can stay healthy throughout the next twogames. I mean, nobody does what Code does either. If you can argue that wedon’t have a guy like Co who’s more of a, you know, a weapon in a different wayand and you know, like the true fucking almost H back fullback tight end typewho probably has better hands than we all think. I just didn’t have theopportunities last year because he essentially had one job. And so he’s alreadycaught more or equal amount of balls right now that he caught last season.Think so. Yeah. Appreciate it. Game. Yeah, but here's the thing too. They gotto play special teams. I feel like that's how you kind of get on this team.


Somebody asked aboutthat. What did you think of the new kickoff? I kind of like it. You got to doyou, get you got to play the play. I like that. They're so close together. Soit's, it's... I think you have a better chance of popping one because it's almostlike a run play and you just gotta get those guys blocking. If you got athleticdudes on the line that can, you know, you just need one one gap and you'regone. I like having Bucky back there as an option. I like having Trey beingback there as an option too, because those guys just need that one. You sawdude. You saw Bucky the way he was jittering in and out of these blocks and inbetween linemen.


You give him a headstart on a kickoff. You give him a couple of times on that. He gets used to it.I think he's going to pop a few this season. In terms of Co-Keefe man, what ifthey just go three running backs and go for tight ends? Possible. I meanpossible, but I don't know why it's making the squad as our before. So, youknow, he's going to be out there looking for a job. And then you got Chase whojust this is what he was last year. I can't we don't know what who knows whathe is. Can't stay healthy seems like he's always dinged up for some reason, andwe you know, I kind of liked what he provided last year, big big question markthere too, right?


That's where that thatformula is going to figure itself out, and whoever can add value on specialteams is probably going to end up sticking. Chase. I think right now is RB toojust because he knows the system. Yeah, he's a vet, and they value it. Ihonestly think he's from the people I've talked to, man. You have to trust meon this. He's RB too right now. I feel like the other two guys are kind ofbattling for RB to be because I don't think Chase is going to be healthy allyear long and some of the dynamic stuff that Bucky brings is going to be veryhard to keep on the sidelines. So maybe he's an IR guy, but he's a bit, buthe's also a rookie.


And so what's the onething that they usually struggle with this blitz pickup pass protection thattype of stuff. And I don't know if he's there yet to trust him in thosesituations where he's in every, you know, he's going to take over an entireseries. But if you can sprinkle them in it makes sense. Trust me. I'm not sayingChase should be RB to staying. I'm just saying that right now he is and Iwonder if if the fewer snaps he plays because of his injury if Bucky and SeanTucker can kind of, you know, take his spot from him, but I have this feelingthat it's kind of his no matter what just because he's a vet and they do trusthim.


I know Rashad valuesthe fuck out of his brain and what he knows and what he brings to the table. SoI don't get you so far though. You got to be I get it. You got to be able to beable to play. Unfortunately for Chase, Sean Tucker came in looking like what wewere talking about, you know, watching the college film like he looks good. Helooks real good. You could argue. He could be in, you know, some point in theargument for that. Are you? That's how good he looks right now. Physicaldownhill compact powerful all those things that that you like in a guy. It's agood problem to have, right? Normally, we're like, 'Who the fuck is going to beour two?' and we're like, 'It doesn't matter because it just feels like...wejust can't seem to build a stable one.


And it feels like wemight have one right now.' But here's the thing: stink. We just paid Baker, andany running back you put out there next to him has got to be able to - you'vegot to trust that he's going to protect him. Ninety-nine point nine point. Ninepercent of the time, he's going to take the right read and not get him killed.I'm confident in Rashad Rashad. But first, one of the first things he told uson the first episode. He ever came on with us was my my number one thing is tobecome very good at blitz pickup and pass Pro because that's what I'm not goodat. And that's what rookies struggle with as running backs. I don't know ifTucker's there. I don't know if Bucky's there.


I don't know how youfind out if Bucky's there. As a rookie, I don't know if you trust that in thechat. He disagrees with you. He says, 'Talk leads deep.' All the NFL rushingyards future future Hall of Famer. So, like, listen, wow. I I'm not stats guy.So, I mean, you know, I am either, but first means first, right? So, who's toargue with this guy? That maybe he's already one. Maybe we're shot and hestarted looking over shoulder. You don't know. We don't know. We don't know whoLiam's guys are. You don't know, bro. We don't know. So that's what's exciting.That's why you should tune in to this show and watch the games to see whathappens. It's exciting. You just don't know how it's going to shake out, Kyle.


Still coming from forBaker's job. That might happen before game one. Yeah, I don't know. Nobody elseis talking about that. But me, nobody else. I don't know about that. I don’tknow about that, after the game Todd was asked about when we would see thestarters and there’s a you know, this thought that you should play the guys gethim, you know warmed up get the chemistry roll and then there's the we don'tneed to see Levante play. We don’t need to see any of these guys out there. Andthen Todd basically said, you know, what we did last year might basically bewhat we’re going to do this year. Maybe sprinkle them in a little bit in gametwo, but mostly game three give them a couple series get them lathered up forthe season and back on the shelf.


I’m I think you agreewith me staying. I don’t want to see Levante David and I don’t want to seeAntoine. I don’t want to see Vita Veya. I don’t want to see Mike. I don’t wantto see Chris. I will, I guess Baker for a series in front of the startingoffensive line and then yank all of them. I don't need to see those guys. Ijust would rather. Believe the people of Jacksonville deserve to see them.That's true live. They don't they why give them the benefit and the honor ofseeing those guys out there on the field. They don't deserve anything. Let themlet you know, let them see our backups and and let them see the battle. They don'tdeserve it as much as I want to see them.


They don't deserve tosee them. Yeah, and they bring up a good point because the fact that we'rescrimmaging with Jacksonville. I think that'll be enough for the coaches to belike, 'Yep. That's good enough for us. We don't need to see him in the gameitself. I think the only reason we'd even see him in Game Three is because Isaid, just to get him lathered up make sure everything is kind of hummingcorrectly and headed. It's not like we're going to see Liam Cohen pull out theentire offensive playbook or anything like that at any moment during thepreseason. So I keep my guys healthy going into week one and hopefully, youknow, have a really good, you know, set of scripted plays to start the game.


I have a really goodgame plan. Nobody really knows what our offense is going to be. That's reallythat's something that Dave. Can I was kind of was able to lean on and thatMinnesota Vikings opener last year. I think Liam is going to do an even betterjob at that. So I'm cool not playing a lot of them. Like I said, definitely notLevante. Definitely not Antoine like you don't need to Jamel Dean. I don't wantto see my pads. I mean, fuck it. That guy's constantly getting injured. I'drather leave him leave him good on the sidelines man. Yeah, same with JordanWhitehead. He can he can sit back and they can yuck it up all game. I don'twant to see him either.


I there is a little bitof a panic in the chat. I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but byand large the worry and there’s a lot of Warriors in the chat room right now.They are worried about that defensive line and that pass rush. I am youworried? What are you worried about our pass rush our front? We didn’t have ourstarters in there that matter. What do you mean Vita via collegiate? Can't seeyada yada be, I mean, but our rotation guys just like me. I mean, yeah, butyou’re not rotating the entire line. You're rotating one of those pieces. VitaV is supposed to help everyone around him get better. Collage of can see doesthe same thing. I don’t know, man.


I'm not I don't getworried about weird shit like that. It's a preseason game. They're not schemingfor the for the opponent. They're just kind of putting guys through drills atthis point. Honestly, I don't I don't worry about it. If week one comes aroundand you know, somehow guys that are like Anthony Nelson who I expect to make animprint on this team in some way, or another as a rotational guy doesn't make aplay still not going to really be too worried. It's not like Greg Gaines didanything last year either guy was a fucking hole. Every time he went out there.I couldn't stand it. So I'm not too worried about it. Yeah, I'm not you. Iobviously, I love her starters on the inside, but I do not like a rotation.


I don't like Gaines. Idon't like green necessarily. That's I think probably a little bit of aweakness and then who's rotating behind our, our outside guys. I don't knowmaybe maybe maybe there's nothing to be worried about. I mean Todd is going togenerate a pass rush one way or the other right? We know we're going to getsome pressure whether he's got a scheme it, but you'd like not to have tocontinue to do that. That's what we've had to do. We had to do last year putsthe the rest of the defense at risk and then we end up playing soft and I don'tthink our corners are necessary. Remember they also had Vita. To lose weightand get more in shape. Yeah, I think that's another thing.


We don't need to rotatehim as much probably now. Elijah can see coming in didn't have camp last yeardidn't get really rolling until week 11-12 really look good in the playoffs.He's got an entire camp. Now. He's got himself an entire offseason. He knowshow to prepare. He knows what to expect. He's not going to be, you know,guessing as often him and Vita by themselves in the middle. I feel like allowany one of those guys outside if they're just, you know, competent and athleticenough, they'll help those guys and like plus set in the chat. It's going to bemore of a rotation in by a committee type of approach. But yeah, yeah, Diaby isgoing to be a monster in my opinion.


And then if you getanything from JTS and Barton, not Barton, what's the rookies name man fuckingBraswell and who else is rotating outside with him Ramirez anything from thoseguys. I think Anthony Nelson bring something to the table too. I think it'sgood enough man. And you're going to have what you like you said Todd you canearn stank. You can have Todd doing his thing right blitzing guys off the edge.You got Jordan Whitehead. Now that you can have to depend on in the back end,you know, to bring them into the box. We missed that a lot. You got Taikey thatcan do that. You got Izzy and they can do that. Obviously Antoine isn't tooworried man, and we have a dependable linebacking core now.


So I'd like to see thefail before I start to worry. If that makes it always forget about AnthonyNelson. He's like the forgotten guy. Nobody ever talks about him. You know,he's made some plays over over his his career. He's our Greg Spires man. Maybemaybe he's the guy maybe he's the one who just figures it out, right? We need aguy to just figure it out. We need to get a little bit lucky, you know, andplus says maybe he slides inside over over Logan. Perhaps if he has thatinside-outside flexibility, I mean, you know, I'm sure he will play there. I'munsure what I was going to play. He might even play corner Todd's insane. Youmight see him everywhere on the field. You just don't know.


So he probably will getsome reps on the inside, especially they all they all aren't doing this thing.So you weren't there staying at camp would mean lately went there lately and Iand we talked to Kalijah and he was he was like just so excited dude. He keptsaying y'all don't even know what Todd got us doing bro. He got me not evenstating. He got me with my hands in my pockets on someplace like he's got theseguys doing all sorts of crazy shit in terms of what he's going to have themdoing. And I mean, he imagines Todd having a full-on healthy, you know,defensive line of athletic freaks like that and that's what they are; and forthem to be able to rotate move around.


We've seen Vita Viaplay fucking linebacker, okay middle linebacker. So, you know, to thinkanything else is not going to play all over the line pretty crazy. Somebody inthe chat Nelson says call the Jets. Yeah, I'm going to call a guy. I'm going tocall a team about a guy who is who just signed with them by the way or justtrade got traded to them. However, he ended up over there and is alreadymaking. Think about his contract. It wants out. Yeah, I want to call that guy.I don't bring him to my team. We just got rid of a dude. There's a fuckingheadache either way. Yeah, I mean if we could I still wouldn't have thatwouldn't call it the Jets for that guy guys.


We have a really goodchemistry in this in this locker room. Why fuck that up? We do have a goodchemistry that that's was an Antoine said the chemistry on this team right nowis excellent. The vibes are good. Everyone is good. All that shit matters man.You want to bring in a question mark this late into the game. I don't seethat's not that's only as Jason style and I honestly don't think we have themoney to do it. Even if they wanted to do it, to bring in a guy who's demandinga big contract. We just by the skin of our teeth got the guys. We wanted tokeep here. You're going to bring in somebody who hasn't earned it here who'sbounced around from team to team, you know, and really can't find a home.


Yes, it's everybodywants to fucking play mad and you want that sexy fucking toy to play with. Andyou want to bring the guy like that in but I don't think that we're in theposition to do something like that. Yeah, maybe if it was two months ago, Icould understand entertaining the idea if you could afford him, but ourchemistry so good in this locker room. This team is so just tightly knittogether. They're clearly having fun. They're playing football or they'rethey're just well connected men. They're just they're bonded and I like thatand you don't see that very often. You know how they always say at the end ofthe season, you know, you don't get to see this team ever again. And that'swhat's up.


Something that theseguys kind of, you know, try to absorb throughout the year so that they don'tmiss out on it when it's gone. But man, a team that's connected and so tightlike that special things happen, man. I'm not saying they're a Super Bowl team,but you never know. I mean, nobody thought the Eagles with what was it with thedude who just retired would beat Tom Brady and would be a Super Bowl team thatyear and they were and so the bangles of a few years ago. Same thing. It justgot to just get hot the right time. But I think those teams that are tight arethe ones that make it through. And last year, we saw it stink with five or sixor six to seven games.


We lost. There was nodissension in the locker room; the team was still very tight and they foughtthrough it. That's a big thing for me coming into this year that they theseguys kind of get it. And they're they're just their brothers. What having guyslike we have in our locker room gets you you got a coach who doesn't panic, andhe gets criticized for not being emotional, just like Tony did, you know, he'sjust that guy who doesn't blink; you need leaders like that. And we've got guyswho, who've been there, who have rings. There's a lot. It's a lot of Super Bowlrings in this locker room. Guys have been around the goat.


I've learned, learned athing or two, and they didn't they didn't blink last year and ultimately stayedthe course, fought through it, won the division, want to play off game. We're afew misplays away from potentially going to San Francisco, and who knows atthat point. So yes, you know, you got it to kind of trust what you got at thispoint. Do you want more pass rushers? Would you like to have a guy like us onready? Sure. But yeah, at what cost? At this point? First of all contractuallydon't think they can do it. Maybe wrong plus tell me if I'm wrong. Could theyknow could they don't know man in a guy like that in I don't think so. But he'dbe awesome. Like like plus said he's fucking good.


I'm not saying he's notgood. Yeah, don't misunderstand what I'm saying. It's not about that. It's wejust got rid of a guy who had the same kind of mentality and number 45, right?And I'm not a not a big fan of bringing in guys that are more concerned abouttheir personal stats than anything else. And not the team first, and he justgot to the New York Jets and he's already making a fucking issue about things.Like why wouldn't you go in there put your head down and earn it and be like, I'mgoing to like I get it, you know, you have you want your insurances you makesure that you're fine, you know something happens you're screwed. I know theNFL works, but sometimes you gotta just put your head down and earn it, man.


You gotta earn the respectof your teammates and the guys that brought you in there. I'm not interested ina guy like that. That's all, man. If it was a Super Bowl-type of team, maybe itwould be like an Antonio Brown type of situation. But since we're not that, whymess it up and we have young guys? Why don't just let the young guys do theirthing and I think we're on a trajectory? We're not trying to win. Gregory'scoming back, man. He's going to be here. Oh, that's a surprise. Yeah, Game One.He's going to show up no camp. Just ready to fuckin' play. That's what that'sgonna happen, right? He's just going to come on the field and be this 10 sackguy that we're looking for that.


So, yeah, is that isthat the play? Is he playing a long game? Is he like this? I'm going to piss theseguys off a lot, but I'm going to show up day one. One week from now, likepractice of first practice to the actual season and then just hit the groundrunning. He got to his Tampa Airbnb. He's like, 'Bro. It's fucking hot outhere.' How can I avoid getting outside in this heat until the game game? Heobviously didn't come up with a plane because he just wasn't bothered. No call.No show. Nothing, dude. Nothing. He's the guy that we all worked with that juststopped showing up to work, you know, and we were all working at like grocerystores or whatever. And then you just never saw him again.


He's the make Make youfire me guy. Yeah, it's balls in your court. You're freaking till then. I'mgonna keep sending my mom on Tuesdays to pick up my paychecks until they runout Madre. MM Dre with the $2. Super Sat says Ramon Jefferson had some movesout there like the Jeffersons like Mr. Jefferson. He has moves wearing number45, little strange to see that number power its way in for the victory. Butthat's how you kill a memory right there. Yeah. Now, I mean, I forgot who wore45. It's Ramon Jefferson. Number 45. I thought I thought it was get live Ramon.That was the thing wasn't hashtag get like get live Ramon. That wasn't thething. Yeah. Yeah, dude. I saw this dude riding Daisy Mae into the end zone andit's Ramon.


He got live. We gotlive right to the end zone, baby. It was awesome. Do we need to make him at-shirt? Get live Ramon. Get live Ramon. You know what? Do it print it. Whowants it right now? Who wants to get live? Ramon t-shirt right now? If youdonate $2995 in the super chat right now, several custom make you a get liveRamon shirt. Stank was that play by 45 on Saturday. A bigger play than Devin.White made all last year. Yes. Wow, yes, in retrospect thinking about what thatdid for this team, right every year. There's always a little doubt, no matterhow confident you feel. My guy, I know the matter of camaraderie, the energy inthe locker room. They got to get on the plane and fly back with a W.


Right, that meanssomething that's meaningful, and I can't remember a meaningful play out of theother 45. I forgot that news name, Ramon, live 45 is all I care about. That'sall I remember out of that at that number at this point. I mean, just likewho's number 93 for the books. They did Devin White score a game-winningtouchdown last year. No, no, I think he did. No, you didn't. What do you doagainst the Bengals a couple years ago? Go. Nothing. No. Yeah, score atouchdown. Not much. I mean, how many game-winning touchdowns that's DevinWhite scored in his career? How many touchdowns has he scored? He's got one tosee does he have one? Does he have to pull up class? Come on. Come on.


Let's take out type itup on the fucking calculator. Get live Ramon have more touchdowns right now.Then get live 45. It's a great fucking question. See you didn't know. That wasgoing to be the trivia question of the night. Did you know we're going toanswer we should do special prize. We should do trivia shenanigans every Mondaynight. Oh, wait till I show you something after the show that you just said,and I wouldn't let McCoy near this facility. I agree. I saw and I saw a playfrom a 93 on Saturday night. No idea who he was, but he made a play, and itmade me smile because that number is somehow given now to just any scrub whowalks into the building. Yeah, just no respect for that number.


At all, 93. No, there'sno 55s out there. No 99s out there. No, I don't think that I don't thinkthere's a 97 out there. I don't think there's a 97 out there. I don't thinkI've seen it. Will there be another 12? There's been a lot of really good 12swill be will we retire 12 you think there's only been two good 12s. We mean alot of good 12s. There's been so many good 12s who what are you shitting me?Tom Brady. Yeah. Okay and Doug Williams. Yeah. Okay. Who else trying to do forthat? That's a good 12 for you. You serious right now. That's number one on thelist. What? Yeah. What was what was what was the Berg's number? There's been alot. Hold on.


Let me ask chat GPT wasthe burger 12 bucs players aboard number 12. But let's find out right now andsee what Michael pluses. I think Devin has one fumble touchdown. I believe one.Then number 12. No 20 no 21. No, I think there's been a couple of 21s, guys.There's been a couple of 21s for sure. That's disrespectful to Donnie.Obviously his number should be off-limits. Oh, accordion chat CPT. There's onlythree players, don't count friend over and Tom Brady. No McCown War 12 as well.Yeah. So you check out your stupid AI. I fucking hate Godwin also wore number12 for a little bit. Yeah, what's wrong with this shit? Yeah, that's a goodone. Pluses. Devin White has two touchdowns. All right. So get live Ramon.


Is one touchdown is howit has half as many touchdowns as Devin White. Yeah, dude Brady's running inthe top 10. All right. According to this Steve Spurrier. That's not SteveSpurrier didn't wear 12. Yes King Cook in the chat. EJ Biggers did wear number 21.You're right. We also had another guy with dreads that were number 21 as well.I can't remember he played with Ronde and Kato June and that bunch man. I don'tknow. Yeah, we know about Iceman. Obviously I'm saying they shouldn't give the21 out but they somehow have. 97 is our long snapper. God damn it. You'reright. Yeah. See that's disrespectful right there. But maybe when he finallymakes their Hall of Fame, they'll change CG 12. Yeah, I'm still mad that Chrisgot a number.


Are we talking aboutJersey numbers right now? I'm still mad that he gave to Brady Brady didn'tdeserve it. How are you going to come on this team? What number another man?What number would he was also a future Hall of Famer for his Jersey? Also, it'sstupid. Yeah, John Bolden. That's who was that 21. You're right chat. Allright. So so stank and Matt the scenario here. All right. He comes to town andChris Godwin says I'm not giving you my number. Do you know or this at PennState? Everyone here fucking has 12 Godwin jerseys. Yep. Like I know you're thego but fuck you. All right. So let's say that goes down. Yeah. Okay, whatnumber would would what do you wear? Would you go 10?


What do you wear? Is hea 10? He wore 10 in Michigan. So it'd be 10. Would you go throwback? Also, Ican't get that 10 Sean King's blessing. But the Sean King have to give theblessing at you. You beat me. Sean King doesn't have to give the blessingdoesn't know. What if they gave him Jameis his number? That would have beennumber three trade in your old threes for a newly patched Brady three been agood fucking story, bro. No, you know, he should have done every year. Heshould have changed his number to the number of Super Bowls. He'd won. He justwalked in here with number seven. That would have been number seven, dude. Getrid of those Jeff Garcia memories. Yeah, bit of a branding nightmare, but worthit.


I think TV seven thosefacilities would have been way better. It sounds way better than TV. 12/12sounds like a disease, doesn't it? Probably has every one of those patents. Ido. Where's Thomas been? We haven't seen him in a week at the office. I camedown with TV 12. Oh, yeah, that's just terrible. What are we? What are we doingright now? What are you talking about? I don't know Jersey. Nobody else hasanything to talk about any questions in the chat room. It's been seasons here.We're long overdue. Oh, stupid. I got some stink. I got something. How aboutthe new Scotty Miller catching balls without jumping in the air? Yeah, makingplays selling Trask out on that one plate. You look good. Yeah. Hey, alreadybetter than Scotty Miller.


Do you realize we havea Johnson and a Miller? Yeah. I think Bowles has got a little like he's gothe's got a he's got a got a he's got a name type of formula. It's got a littleformula like that little formula. Like last time we won a Super Bowl, Johnsonand we had a Johnson and a Miller out there catching balls. Maybe that shouldbe maybe that should be our next baby oil brand. So John, let's go with Johnsonand Miller baby oil. Oh, yeah, air Cecil said, what about canoe? Do canoe wasjust he was just like coasting right? The rapids were in his face game is onthe line, right? You got whitewater. You got waterfalls. You're trying to getthe victory. Who do you count on right?


When you might go overthe ledge, but you need you need somebody there. That's steady to get youthrough, you know, all those those trials and tribulations, and get you thevictory canoe. Pleasure said, let's forget Devin White the same way. He forgot tocover angry. I agree. I forgot his name. Honestly, I knew is getting live 45,but I'm not all in on the get live Ramon. That is 100% when I'm on. CameronJohnson. Yeah, Cam Johnson and Scotty Miller. I have birthday to MK in the chatsays birthday Saturday's turning 24. God damn you are a child. Oldest ones chatroom right now. We got a question actually here. I'm gonna answer one questionfor you in the show. You think they could keep four running backs?


I don't think Edmondsis staying since he's been injured for three weeks, but I do like White Irvingand Tucker and Jefferson. Listen, Chase Edmonds is not going anywhere. I'mtelling you guys. He's the veteran in the room and he picks up the Blitz. He'snot going anywhere until one of those other guys proves that they areconsistently going to do that. Perfectly. He's not going anywhere and he doeshave a good hand. I don't like his church shoes on Sunday, and people disagreewith that. And listen, if you disagree with that, Chase Edmonds isn't going togive me a thumbs down thumbs up. If you think Chase is making the team, thumbsdown if he's gone, are we going to fight the science? Are we going to fight theSaints again?


Screw the game. Let'sthrow down. I don't know Mike; Mike does have a new contract now. So maybe he'sjust like, 'Fuck it.' I've got a couple extra Miller Lites, and anyway, right?They don't need; they didn't even want a lot, somehow like, like wasn't hesupposed to be gone? Whatever happened to Slam Boy? Anybody you know forgot aboutthat guy too. Is he just out of the league? Everyone wants me to mute Stank. SoI'm probably going to do that. Hey, so anyway, thank you for watching ourpodcast. Make sure you guys have the like button and hit the subscribe button.If you're new, obviously we're an amazing show; you guys were just nowentertained to death.


So if for those of youwho are new, hit that subscribe button and those of you who aren't, we've gotover a hundred people watching right now on Twitter and over a hundred peoplewatching on YouTube. Hit the like button. I should be in the hundreds there onthe likes and we'll see you guys on Thursday. We have another show. We'll behere again. We'll talk some more. Maybe look ahead to the second preseasongame. Maybe some notes and news coming out of camp, and don't forget. We've gotsome news coming. We've got some news. We've got some stuff brewing. You've gotsome stuff percolating in the rice cooker, stank. You know, I'm talking aboutyou've got some stuff. I know exactly what we're talking about.


That's why it's soimportant that you like and subscribe and really what can't you become a memberand pay money to also be that big of a loser use to use a fuck the Saints andblue cheese emoji. In the chat. Absolutely. I think it's like a dollar 99. Doyou want to be able to put a fuck the Saints emoji in the chat room right now?But what is it $5 King Cook says what week do y'all think Bucky will end thestarting over Rashad? He's not starting over a shot in any scenario man. Yeah,it's not happening. They love Rashad and Rashad has gotten better and betterand better and Rashad's drive is unmatched dude. I mean, come on. I'm notsaying that as his friend.


I'm just saying in jetlike he's a fucking dog. You're not going to just give a job. Away. He shouldhave been starting over, fucking you know, Leonard Fournette there that lastyear Leonard was here. Anyway. Yeah, Jonas Steckler got it 299. He can useunlimited fuck the Saints emojis in the chat. Drop your fuck the Saints emojisbefore we leave, right? Yeah. Yeah, somebody wants to buy a bunch of peopletheir their own subscription, you know, just show how big your fucking ballsare by everybody in the chat right now. How many $3 can you spread around?Yeah. Yeah, who's got the biggest dick in the room? Besides Michael plus my sonasked me to do this. All right, and I told him I was going to do it.


So I need you guys tothrow W's in the chat for both my kids first day of school today. One kidsfucking 10 one kids six, right? I mean fifth grade and first grade prettyfucking mind-blowing kid was tiny negotiating his way out of out of daycarewith me when he was sitting at home with dad all day. So now he's in fuckingfifth grade. So throw some W's in the chat. Yeah, all you guys who set yourkids off today. I had some peace of mind said get the fuck out of here kid goto work a little bastard. How many of you guys got the opportunity to do thattoday? That feels good, right? Yeah, I think it does. I hate this is the firstyear in 18 years.


I don't have to dothat. I was going off to college on Thursday. You have a grandchild now, man.Damn dude, daughters leave me Thursday King Cook. We talked about this beforeyou got on the show because I know you came in late, man. Bucky did look like hewas running harder, less tiptoeing. But I think that was across the boardbecause the expectation of where that hole's supposed to be and the lineactually producing that hole, understanding that was one cut go. I think allthe running backs have been running that way in camp and the show that way inthe preseason game. So I'm not going to say that it's Bucky doing it betterthan anybody else. I fully anticipate or shall be the same thing.


I'm surprised you havethat take honestly, you know, if you'll humor us for a few more minutes here.This is something that's really not talked about a lot. I I wasn't born withthe ability to naturally hit. The hole like I had took me a long time to figureout where the hole even was right. And then I just I was I was scared ofcontact. I was scared of you wouldn't look at me and be like that guy wasscared happens a lot happens a lot of rookies first time in you know, you're inbetween you know, a lot of big lot of big pieces of meat moving around, youknow, you don't know what you're supposed to be doing down there.


But you know, once youhit that hole the first time though, you can't stop hitting it right and itjust becomes almost like addictive right? And then you just got. Gotta keephitting it and the harder you hit the hole you realize the better the results right?You'll get more feedback from coaches in the other party obviously, but you'llyou'll hit the hole with conviction and the harder you hit that hole the betterthe results every single time. And I mean it takes a little bit of time. Takesome, you know, some slick maneuvering. Sometimes a little bit slippery gettingin there the first few but once you kind of find your groove, you starthammering away dude that hole is again. They it's bigger just like when youshoot basketball.


They say the hoop getsbigger when you when you're running the ball. That hole gets bigger true andthe bigger the hole the scarier. It was at least for me initially. Like I waslike, what is all this right? It's you it's a little messy in there into here.Yeah, it gets a little messy. Yeah, you just yeah, exactly. I remember that Iremember the first time I hit the hole man is like what what am I gettingmyself into? But once I got in there, I was like, I like where I'm in. I likeit. I was told by an older guy like you guys think your face is there, andthat's really what got me over my feet. Yeah, the older coaches. They used togo to that way.


Park a little bitscary, a little bit sticky, right? I was afraid I was gonna get hurt. I mean,naturally, and you know, what wasn't that big of a deal? And once I got overthe fear of it all, not that big of a deal for you or me. I was like, 'I'mgonna get hurt.' Does that thing bite? And so once I bit back then I finallyfound my footing. I remember that once you get in there and you get your teethkind of carved on it, you know, you sharpen your I mean, dude, it's... Iremember the old coaches. That's the oh Jesus say you got to get your face inthere. You got to get dirty and that's when that hole. Yeah, that can get alittle hairy.


That's when the holereally opens up for you, right? That's a hey and then you just keep going man.You just can't stop right? You want to get rolling? It's a downhill. I meanjust pounding away man at that hole and it just opens up here to the hole though.That's not what absolutely not that guy is a natural guy. And he's been in thehole plenty of times. You could tell it in the hole naturally in the hole. He'sat home in the hole. He was gliding through like I like nobody's going to youcan't get that hole. You're born with that ability. Yeah, he was punching thathole. I mean, he, he saw him punch the hole a few times in one in one seriesthere for a couple of on one play.


Actually, he punched ahole received it back to punch it back in zigzag. Boom. He's out right likewow, this kid knows his way around the hole knows how to get in there gettingBucky in there. That's what he was doing. He was bucking that hole up. I'lltell you that much. He's bugging it up in that hole man yucking it up andbucking it up. Yeah. Anyway, hit the like and subscribe button for moreanalysis like this and we can teach you how to one day hit the hole as well.And you know, not everyone, not everyone's huge in the hole, right? But itdoesn't matter the size. It really just depends on how hard it just depends onhow hard you hit that hole man.


I'm telling you, theharder you hit that hole, the better the results. Any coach will tell you,harder hits back. And yes, and then you got to retaliate again; got hit back.Can't just let you can't let the hole get you back and not get it back. Right?It can't you can't let the hole get the last hit. Yeah, but you know what? Itall starts with Liam. He's out in there teaching these guys hit the hole, Dave.We already know how Dave feels about hitting the hole, right? He's doing it.Look, look at my fish. Look at, look at my fish. Matt, dude. Look, guy lovesfootball so much. He's got a boner. He said he said he's got a boner from oursong. I'm not running the ball.


It's a little weird. Yeah,I agree. But you know, it's football season right around the corner. We've beenedging all offseason. It's been since February since we've seen Buccaneerfootball January. That's that's crazy. That's like eight months, dude. So I getit, man, talking about hitting the hole. I get it. I get it, man. I get it.Just hit the goddamn hole. Same with you have a Chris Baker Jersey. Yeah. Yeah,absolutely. No, fuck off. Hey, go Bucs! I'm out of here. Can't believe this guyjust asked me that; fuck out of here. Bench worn actually.


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Bucs Training Camp: 3-Day Update

July 26, 2024

what is up bucs nation it is august 12th 2024 and you're watching the loose cannons i'm your boy sammer hanging out with knickknack paddywhack there he goes give a dog a bonestank bastard hanging out snake buccaneer football has officially returned the grassfeels greener it smells nicer everything just more beautiful outside it's afootball's back baby it's right around the corner we i mean we started theseason with a victory against a team whose chant is who day come on bro rightyou just inherently are my enemy if any if you say who anything during the gamei don't fucking like you right you're all you're just a terrible franchise tobegin with your quarterback now looks like an 80s villain like karate kidvillain somebody a bully with his blonde haircut so fuck that team okay fuckhim we have the better blonde quarterback anyways you are talking about wolfordno wolford looks like he's a kgb operative bro he looks like yuri


he kind of reminds meof he kind of reminds me of like i don't know you i i got i lifted you up alittle bit on my end um he looks like somebody like he had an uncle on thesidelines before he went into the game just like you know ah you know acrosshis head and mess up his hair get in there kid go and he troughs out there Alllike, oh yeah, like confused that he's even supposed to be out there playingcourt, like he just he stumbled into a preseason roster somehow every singletime, but hey, he's throwing darts though. I'll give him credit; he wasthrowing some darts against third talk about Johnny John Johnny Wolf - JohnnyWolf is what I'm calling great feet, he's got great feet.


My favorite footwork ofall the bucs quarterbacks Johnny's out there scrambling, he's got goodfootwork, quick mechanics, you just not i don't know... I don't know, what itis, you already know; he's a savant, you know, as far as like X's and O's buthe'd easily be a top five high school Quarterback right now if he went back tohigh school, right like Billy Madison style, easily I could see it. If he didn'tlook like a 70-year-old Russian in the face, he could do that. Maybe uh, sospeaking of Russian, how about that bucs run game? Hold on, they say they can'thear me. Oh my god, see I'm I'm prepared guys, I'm always prepared, I'm aprofessional but this guy, I don't know.


Turn off my my fuckingair conditioner, you know from from back in the day we got one of those oldwall units here in my office and it makes a lot of noise. Can everybody hear menow? You do seem a little low though, honestly. Do I for real? What the fuck isthe problem how? about now good that's way better yeah all right so all right isaid speaking of russian okay how about the bucs new look run game how aboutthat wow you like that transitional gold yeah and almost actually almost as goodas our run game look it looked great bucky was out there bucking around he justlooked happy like saint the fucking bangles had no i was the same the bankershad no idea how to handle him he was just darting dodging dipping divingducking all those dodgeball type


he was doing all thosethings he's gonna be a problem for sure yeah not only was is he gonna be aproblem but more importantly the scheme felt like It was creating holes, it waslike you could see that the running backs are putting their foot down andgoing, like they knew where the hole was supposed to be. The offensive line wasdoing what they're supposed to do one cut gone and you didn't see a lot ofknick-knack paddy-whack in the background in the back right, you didn't see alittle tippy-tap none of that. It was go get the bone dog and immediately theyknew where the hole was going, they knew where it was supposed to be. And thenthey busted out a couple of holes and nice runs.


Buck Howell lookedimpressive; um, I like Sean Tucker looked really good, I know he's goingagainst backups and What not, but he's fighting for for a roster life rightnow, uh, you know. Chase Edmonds is supposed to be RB2 still, so to see allthose guys come in there, find holes, and hit the holes running and not hesitate,especially Bucky, who by the way is a rookie doesn't hesitate; Todd Wilkinseven talked about it, he had almost no nerves going into a game like that. Thatmeans he's just a ball player, and to see that was really refreshing 137 yardsin a preseason game, I know it's a preseason game, but you know we're buildinghere, and it was encouraging to see.


Todd liked it, Liamliked it; I fucking liked it; I don't know who else you need to convince. Atthis point, right latte likes it, it's an attitude, right. It's not just we, weplugged in, you know. First round center, we got a new guy in there, newenergy. We've got Liam in there; he's ugly. The line is playing ugly, bro. Youcan just see them - they're not nothing's pretty. Nobody's over there trying towin the game; they're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not.They're not. Any fucking you know, that's how we like it. You know, contestright. Nobody's distracted by dying peace Dave on the sideline anymore, thankGod. It's just you look over there and you see - he looks like JC Allen, youknow, much more.


Slender version of him,and that's just not something you want to stare at all day long. You look atWalford; it's a really ugly sideline, thankfully. And so, I know will result inadditional wins this season. Um, shout out to JC Allen. Not only was thesideline ugly, but those, those, those pigs up front are pretty ugly - they'repretty ugly. And you brought up Brendison; uh, he played well, actually. Uh,Cody Mock looks like a beefier, but still athletic version of himself. Heplayed. I have no problem with second-year guys going in there and playingbecause I think they need that or is he a third year? Guy now, no, he's asecond-year guy, uh, yeah, so um, having him be in there and playing,obviously, Hainsey and Graham Barton were kind of switching off every otherseries which I think they're just trying to get the rookie acclimated makingsure he earns the you know the spot.


I fully believe he'sgoing to be the starter by the end of the second preseason game but man we sawhim get nasty on that clip and on the replay of Bucky scoring that touchdown,he got nasty, I know it's a little corner but that corner had no chance and hejust downhill like I said, man, just seeing those guys up front knowing whatthey're supposed to be doing and and Executing, and creating holes, andeverything in the backfield being very decisive that was the biggest thing Isaw, even when we had Rashad last year, even throughout the the playoff runthere was a lot of indecisiveness and I think a lot of that


is from not knowingwhat that hole is supposed to be where it's supposed to be, just you know thescheme not necessarily working for the run game but we saw that on Saturdaynight it was awesome to see man I was impressed with what Liam was able to doand keep in mind they're a very vanilla offense they're not really schemingthey're just kind of running you know just generic base. plays but executingthem and creating holes and run and run lanes and nice run lanes too with that,yeah you know, our friend one of my former lovers plays a computer he broughtup during the game, hey how do you guys feel about


the first down runs, Idon't feel great if they're working, you know that, like I feel good if they'reworking, keep going and yes there's no, there's no game planning it's prettyvanilla all those things but uh it was encouraging I think everybody watchinghad to feel the same way we've got people giving us money our friend LDBC'smost wanted gave us nine dollars says 'salute those loose cannons' questionwe're Already kings of the South, and looking to add two more players to theHall of Fame with Evans and David. But how huge would it be to add a thirdSuper Bowl? That's not a lot of teams have a third Super Bowl, that's the goalright, that's the goal. We feel good, you know why not?


Why not this weird teamwe have, why not them? I mean, do we? Even though Baker and Mike aren'tnecessarily going to be here forever, I feel like we're pretty lucky to have a teamfor quite a few years. And if we have to draft a quarterback and we draft theright guy, which has never happened for us obviously, maybe we just go the freeagent route again, who knows? Maybe Joey. Burrow wants you know out ofCincinnati hates his barber, something like that. We got nice barbers downhere, we got latte, we got... I've got a lot of barber options for you, buddy.We can fix that hair up, give you a quarter. Listen, we are the home of thequarterback, come and win a Super Bowl franchise setup right, that's what wemade that template, we invented that, and so we know what to do when it's timeto build a team and then just lure a quarterback down here...


um, but back to uh, thewhat was he talking about? What were you talking about? How how nice would itbe to add oh yeah, absolutely dude. It would i mean I feel like we're alreadyin the upper Echelon, but we'd be in the upper-upper echelon at that point.Yeah, we dominate the NFC South, nobody's even close to us. Twice as many asall the other losers, that's what I was gonna say. I was gonna answer Pelagic'suh, I didn't see his tweet about the first-down runs in the preseason. I don'tcare if you run every fucking down. I think the preseason should be anevaluation; it should be an extension, put these guys in situations and andhave them do what they're supposed to do and find out if they can or they can'tdo it.


I don't care if we runevery single down. Uh, I like preseason being approached that way as opposed toan actual game, I know. That they want to get guys like Liam, their you knowplay calling experience and get their feet wet and stuff like that and get theguys in rhythm, but for the most part I like you know like we went for we wentfor fourth down when we probably wouldn't in the real game situation right Ilike that put the guys in the situation and see what happens. I think Pelagicand a lot of other bucs fans they just want to see Trash throw the ball moreand I understand he looks great out there, he really did, he was let down byScotty Miller on the interception but you know I'm not here to make excuses,you gotta do gotta do a little bit better it's first.


Game of the season, alittle rusty out there. I like the kid, he's he's got got that shit in thepocket right. He's no Baker Mayfield when it comes to leadership, but he's notscared. You can't say the kid is playing scared, he's not. So, is that your mostimpressive? My volume still sucks, hammer it's on your end then I have youmaxed really, I'll turn it up with Mo hopefully that's not too loud so good itseems good. Um, I was gonna say, is trial Trask your bucs versus Bangles? Mostimpressive, hmm, not mine. Are we doing that now? Am I giving my my player thegame? Yeah, give me your most impressive Buckeye. Look at Buckeyes, looked likehe belonged. Lucky you went out there; the stage wasn't too big.


You could give it toGraham if you want, you know he split carries but Bucky came out there like itwas his job to to carry the rock Rashad, you know got the day off and I, I loveI love the kid, I just do man. He just looks like a back, I like I don't know,I was impressed with Bucky, huge fan. You're a little crispy now um yeah, Buckywas I would say Bucky was my most impressive um I was gonna give it to theoffensive line as well but I don't think it's It's a group. But I like what Isaw from Graham Barton. I liked what I saw from Bucky, only because he was sojust decisive. It was just, let's go out there, let's play ball.


Everything they askedhim to do, he did it well. He didn't drop any passes. I didn't feel like hemade any, you know, bad blitz pickups. I feel like he played a really good gamefor a first preseason game for a rookie, fourth-round pick, too, on top ofthat. But he shined, obviously. I liked what we saw from J-Mac coming acrossthe middle of the field, making catches. There was a play that I thought wasreally funny. He caught a pass, and he got up and did the first down signal. Itwas like eight yards away from that. But I like it. He's so confident. He'slike, everything I catch is a first down. So I was like, you know what? If I'ma ref, I'm probably just like, just give it to him, right?


It was impressive. Hisfirst down celebration was impressive. He's confident. Just give it to him. ButI like what we see, Max. I like what we got. A lot of speed, Stank. See howmuch speed we got from these young guys? That was fun to see, man. Offensivespeed, for sure. Tykee flashed a little bit. Made a bonehead play on the P.I.But, you know. Was that him, or was that Hayes who got called for that? I thinkit was him. I think it was him. He's, you know, a little overexcited out there.Probably running around with his shoes on fire. And the guy's got ball skills.You can see it clearly. You see why they like the kid. And he's got a lot ofvets around him to learn from.


And, you know,Merriweather, Mayweather, whatever his name is, also looked good out there.Mayweather? Merriweather? Merriweather. Yeah. He's looked good for the lastcouple of preseasons, honestly. And then when he's gotten some playing timeover the last season and a half, I think, or maybe season last season, Ithought he did well. He played well on Saturday, too. That's a good one tobring up. I like Tykee, man. You saw him coming in on blitzes on a couple ofcalls. You saw him coming up and making a tackle, sure tackle, like veryRondé-esque in terms of just getting up there, wrapping up, standing up,walking away. Like, it was just business, dude. It was – you could tell he'slike, you know, a Georgia Bulldog, professional athlete, right?


It was – he'sdefinitely on there. I'm trying to think anybody else really – give it to Brendenson,man, honestly. A guy that is kind of nobody. Left guard, everyone's circling. Icircle it as a thing, you know, a point of weakness. It didn't feel like it. Iknow it's against nobody. I mean, both the backup guards played good. I guesstechnically he's not a backup anymore, but Klein looked good, too, after Cody.Pelagia Computer, $5 Super Chat. Thank you so much. Says, please mute Stank forhis blatant disrespect. And that being said, what a good problem to have withwide receiver three in Palmer and McMillan. Yeah, Trey Palmer made a play, too.Nice little throw from Kyle Trask, who, when he's on schedule, looks good, man.


I think they're goingto find ways to make sure they utilize both of those guys. I still think Treyfits more of an outside role as opposed to coming into the slot, even though hecan do slot-like things. But J-Mac is so good, so good across the middle, and Ithink they're going to find ways to use both of those guys, man. And it's agreat problem, like Pelagic said. I mean, I'd rather have five good widereceivers than one great one in a bunch of garbage. We've had that for a while.Ask Mike Evans. And finally, you get some guys in that can make plays, and itlooks pretty obvious to me that Liam knows how to use those guys and createplays with them. How did I disrespect you?


I haven't seen you inalmost a year, Pelagic. I forget what you smell like, bro. You invite Latte outto play golf. I don't get any invites, so I don't want to feel disrespected,okay? And where's Papi? Nobody knows. Nobody knows where Papi's at. He'sprobably on a golf course somewhere. We don't know. If anybody knows where PapiLatte is, please, you let us know right now. And Mr. Malk, the super chat horndoesn't work. I don't know what happened. Oh, man. Yeah, it's probably why yourmic sucks. You fucked it all up. So we talked about our most impressive. Howabout our most disappointing, Stank? Like, I got to start this off, man,because I don't know this guy's name.


If I saw him in agrocery store, at a car dealership, anywhere at the park, I would have no cluewho the fuck he is. But our kicker, I mean, listen, we just paid you, okay? AndI know shit happens, but in preseason, you got to make every kick we ask you tokick, because that's literally all you do, right? I don't care. It could havebeen snowing and 25 mile per hour winds horizontal. I don't care. You got tomake the kick, man. We just paid you. And you are the only. Kicker we're like,we're depending on you and you go out there and you just miss it. You miss along one like that. It's unacceptable. Stank is disappointing. Yeah, that's areally bad start to the season.


I know we just signed anew punter. I was hoping we'd sign a kicker to compete with them, because Idon't care what your percentage was last year. That was last year. Over 50,whatever your name is. I forget your fucking Conor McLaughlin, whatever yourname is, dude. I don't call them. What do we call him? Huh? What do we callhim? Uh, I don't know. I don't know. McFly. McFly. McRiver. The kicker we haveneeds to kick it through the uprights because otherwise move the fuck on. OK,so you got paid. I don't care. I don't care who you are. Make the fucking kicksin preseason. It's as important as a real game. Practice like you play. We allknow that. We probably lose that game if it's not for, you know, the P.I.


call at the end becauseof the stupid kicker. So make your kicks, bitch. Make make make your make yourkicks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. In all seriousness, though, the rookie defensive endthat we drafted. I didn't see anything. He was playing against some scrubs,too. Right. He did play. He didn't really do much. I feel like he's one ofthose work in progress guys. I don't expect him to do much this season. If hedoes, it's going to be in a few splashes here and there. Maybe he gets somereally good mismatches because the guys like Kalijah can see Yaya and Vito onthe same line. I was a little disappointed to see him. I was a littledisappointed to see him do nothing really.


Yeah, I'm trying to hedidn't he didn't flash he didn't neither did pretty much anybody on thedefensive line if we're really being honest, I don't I don't know who playednone of them made a play there wasn't really anything going on up there, but hedidn't make any pressures, you know, significant plays on the quarterback Idon't know what happened there so we're just going to chalk that up to thefirst game of the season those boys ate a little too much on the flight over. Idon't know. What were they known for in Cincinnati hot dogs or some shitpopcorn. I think it's like hot dogs with chili or something like that. Chili,chili, chili, weird thing to be known for. Cincinnati Chili is what they'reknown for, right?


Yeah, everybody in thechat knows what the fuck Cincinnati is known for you know, for the chili.That's what it is, chili, like one of the worst things to be not good at mixingbunch of stuff. Just shut up! Another guy, another guy didn't really impress,backup offensive lineman Walton. Oh, yeah, Skyline. Chili terrible! I guessthat's what it is. Yeah, didn't play well. Wait, Grizzle grizzle says Skylinechili with cinnamon. Is that where lots of people are right now? Is he theretasting the cinnamon chili? Yeah, he's a cinnamon aficionado. We know that muchchili on spaghetti. Yeah, they do that. No, she's right. They do they serve iton spaghetti instead of on fucking white rice like normal humans. They dosomething that pieces of shit do Jonah says loose mute stank.


Yeah, I don't know whatthat means. But I a hundred percent agree. I feel like people are saying my micis already muted. It's nobody can fucking hear me right now. I'm sold out of myear, but you're just all blurry on my end to it's not great. Yeah, you went youwent too high on your volume and I got you max on my end. So I'm not sure maybeyou just... you know, listen, you've been gone. That's the thing and and nowyou come back you don't prep you clearly didn't get on and run your hardwarethrough any sort of washer, you know cleaner or anything really, we're supposedto do that. I mean, I prepped for an hour and a half before every single one ofthese shows thing.


Well, how long do younot shave today though? You are looking. No, no, I'm I had to take last weekoff because I'm letting this fill in a little bit. We're getting a littlehigher on it, right? So I had to fill in a lot. So I took the week off. So Iget I get two haircuts a week as you know, and I didn't do that last week atall. So but Wednesday's coming up man. Bryce says he hears you just fine. Justsound like a muffle or a blown speaker. See, I told you, you got a blown tire,dude. I got a bone tire. I don't know, I can't either; you guys hear me whisperor I'm too loud. They say Sam is fine. I can turn home.


I'm gonna do that. Imean, you talk to me, you love because it's because I have professionalhardware. All right, so we kind of talked about what he can hear me right now.Barton off my mic. No, we can hear you; we could hear you. I think as itrelates to rookies. I like what I saw from Barton. I like what I saw from TykeeSmith, and I liked what I saw from Bucky Irving. And I like what I saw from JMac in terms of the others. I didn't expect to see much and I didn't see much,so makes a little bit of sense again. First preseason game, not too worriedabout it. And some of those guys are obviously drafted as ramp-up guys. Howabout just yeah, Cali Buck has a really good point.


He just likes it whenyou don't talk and I think I think I agree. They're talking bucs or Supercuts.That's in a team. You can we're back Mike $3.88. He said you still so this is ateam who Mike so what it looks just like a road Mike, but it's he movesversion. The bottom has an actual like sack attached to it. Stank come on.We're talking about rookies. I don’t know if you could hear anything, I wastalking about. We talked a little bit about some of what we say. We talked a littlebit about some of them, but would you see from those guys man? The rookies.Well, I mean we already talked about Graham. Cracking out there. The Grahamcracker is like is like we'd like to call him here.


Or at least that's whatwe're going to call him from now on. He was out there cracking with the boysBucky. I just love like how who doesn’t like Bucky right now. Who doesn’t likehim? He just played. He’s just got enthusiasm. He's out there just makingpeople miss making, you know, just following the fucking flow with theoffensive line. Gotta love Bucky Klein look good. Tykee flashed a little bit.The rookies actually fucking played really well, man. I you can't you DevinColt got concussion concussed, but he was out there. Oh, yeah. We talked about him.We can talk about him. Yeah. Yeah, I like dude. Hey, how about that guy beatinga corner multiple times in the game?


And then how about Liamhaving a play call for tight end down the sidelines up to seem we saw him alittle more creative with how they're going to use the tight ends this year,even though because he's not known for using those guys in that fashion andthis kind of very similar system that they're going to be running. But it'sgoing to be refreshing, man. It's speaking to tight ends. How about, how aboutpain coming in there and saying, 'I want to be interchangeable with Kate on yousaw co make a couple of catches dependable on fourth down, dude hands.' I mean,I thought I was Mike Evans in a 41 jersey for a second. I was so was like, 'Whosehands are those, man?' I was. I mean, I'm excited, man.


We got a good tight endroom, stinking. We're supposed to be talking about rookies right now, but, youknow it. I think we got a good tight end room, man. We'll see, good. I think weare. We're better than people think, like people think that's the weakness ofthis offense is the tight end room cage just dependable. And then we've got allthese guys behind them who you know, we'll see. But Kate's had a pretty damngood camp dude from we saw he was good when we were there. He's been good man.Just just consistent making plays dependable like Baker Mayfield really trusthim and has no problem going to him in clutch situations down the field not asa dump-off, but like an actual option.


And I think some ofthat's also been Liam system of getting the guy open. Plus it helps to have JMac Chris Godwin and Mike Evans on the same field. Somebody's got to be open,right? Might as well be him. Yeah, I think they're probably going to value theroles a little bit more in this offense. You know the fact that we drafted aguy like Colt who's kind of a hybrid really he's not you know, your true inline Beast of a blocking tight end. He's kind of like a big-ass David Bostonstyle receiver. So, you know, he's got to be open. You know, they plan on usingthese guys in the passing game as weapons and every quarterback loves a tightend. Every single doctor plus in the chat of real bucs.


Talk brings up a goodpoint; tight end room is improved new coach and Justin Peel is showing goodresults. I completely forgot about that and it's a good point to bring up.Yeah, that's the key. Yeah, that we added peel, you know what I mean? That ifyou think about it, that's one of the keys that you need to have as your keysto the game. The other thing too is I like. Nobody got that. Yeah, I got it. Igot it. I it just I like that the bucs have tight ends that can do both thingsbecause they they need to help in the run game. I think plus is mentioning thesame thing. Yeah, Culp was he blocked. I thought pretty well for a rookie toyou don't usually see those guys come in and do both things.


Well, but if he's ableto do that consistently man and be dependable, there's no reason you don't seethe fields tank and he's dynamic when he gets down the field. He's athletic.He's not even doesn't look like a tight end. It looks like just a bigger widereceiver in big. He's a fast motherfucker. I think one of the fastest tight endtimes at the combine ever, the more speed you can add dude. I'm all in forthat. Especially if the guy can actually block on top of that then it's justgoing to be easy to disguise him into into passing plays that look like runplays and have him sneaking out and making plays down the field man, which isgoing to be awesome to see because we haven't had that since Gronk.


I know K did a littlebit of that last year, but not really. I think he will do a little bit morethis year, but I mean, that's why I tweeted something like that. Like all thesetight ends in this room. It's going to be hard to which guy which guy are yougoing to cut? I hope it's not Co Keefe because he does help in the run gametoo. Yeah, I don't know what's going to be interesting with all the talent. Wehave a receiver. It's a numbers game there. Who's who's the odd man out?Hopefully it's not Co. We are a huge Co Keefe podcast. Love love Co love thefamily, but it’s going to come down to who Liam values at the end of the day.


That’s who that’s whoyou know stays on this team. Who can stay healthy throughout the next twogames. I mean, nobody does what Code does either. If you can argue that wedon’t have a guy like Co who’s more of a, you know, a weapon in a different wayand and you know, like the true fucking almost H back fullback tight end typewho probably has better hands than we all think. I just didn’t have theopportunities last year because he essentially had one job. And so he’s alreadycaught more or equal amount of balls right now that he caught last season.Think so. Yeah. Appreciate it. Game. Yeah, but here's the thing too. They gotto play special teams. I feel like that's how you kind of get on this team.


Somebody asked aboutthat. What did you think of the new kickoff? I kind of like it. You got to doyou, get you got to play the play. I like that. They're so close together. Soit's, it's... I think you have a better chance of popping one because it's almostlike a run play and you just gotta get those guys blocking. If you got athleticdudes on the line that can, you know, you just need one one gap and you'regone. I like having Bucky back there as an option. I like having Trey beingback there as an option too, because those guys just need that one. You sawdude. You saw Bucky the way he was jittering in and out of these blocks and inbetween linemen.


You give him a headstart on a kickoff. You give him a couple of times on that. He gets used to it.I think he's going to pop a few this season. In terms of Co-Keefe man, what ifthey just go three running backs and go for tight ends? Possible. I meanpossible, but I don't know why it's making the squad as our before. So, youknow, he's going to be out there looking for a job. And then you got Chase whojust this is what he was last year. I can't we don't know what who knows whathe is. Can't stay healthy seems like he's always dinged up for some reason, andwe you know, I kind of liked what he provided last year, big big question markthere too, right?


That's where that thatformula is going to figure itself out, and whoever can add value on specialteams is probably going to end up sticking. Chase. I think right now is RB toojust because he knows the system. Yeah, he's a vet, and they value it. Ihonestly think he's from the people I've talked to, man. You have to trust meon this. He's RB too right now. I feel like the other two guys are kind ofbattling for RB to be because I don't think Chase is going to be healthy allyear long and some of the dynamic stuff that Bucky brings is going to be veryhard to keep on the sidelines. So maybe he's an IR guy, but he's a bit, buthe's also a rookie.


And so what's the onething that they usually struggle with this blitz pickup pass protection thattype of stuff. And I don't know if he's there yet to trust him in thosesituations where he's in every, you know, he's going to take over an entireseries. But if you can sprinkle them in it makes sense. Trust me. I'm not sayingChase should be RB to staying. I'm just saying that right now he is and Iwonder if if the fewer snaps he plays because of his injury if Bucky and SeanTucker can kind of, you know, take his spot from him, but I have this feelingthat it's kind of his no matter what just because he's a vet and they do trusthim.


I know Rashad valuesthe fuck out of his brain and what he knows and what he brings to the table. SoI don't get you so far though. You got to be I get it. You got to be able to beable to play. Unfortunately for Chase, Sean Tucker came in looking like what wewere talking about, you know, watching the college film like he looks good. Helooks real good. You could argue. He could be in, you know, some point in theargument for that. Are you? That's how good he looks right now. Physicaldownhill compact powerful all those things that that you like in a guy. It's agood problem to have, right? Normally, we're like, 'Who the fuck is going to beour two?' and we're like, 'It doesn't matter because it just feels like...wejust can't seem to build a stable one.


And it feels like wemight have one right now.' But here's the thing: stink. We just paid Baker, andany running back you put out there next to him has got to be able to - you'vegot to trust that he's going to protect him. Ninety-nine point nine point. Ninepercent of the time, he's going to take the right read and not get him killed.I'm confident in Rashad Rashad. But first, one of the first things he told uson the first episode. He ever came on with us was my my number one thing is tobecome very good at blitz pickup and pass Pro because that's what I'm not goodat. And that's what rookies struggle with as running backs. I don't know ifTucker's there. I don't know if Bucky's there.


I don't know how youfind out if Bucky's there. As a rookie, I don't know if you trust that in thechat. He disagrees with you. He says, 'Talk leads deep.' All the NFL rushingyards future future Hall of Famer. So, like, listen, wow. I I'm not stats guy.So, I mean, you know, I am either, but first means first, right? So, who's toargue with this guy? That maybe he's already one. Maybe we're shot and hestarted looking over shoulder. You don't know. We don't know. We don't know whoLiam's guys are. You don't know, bro. We don't know. So that's what's exciting.That's why you should tune in to this show and watch the games to see whathappens. It's exciting. You just don't know how it's going to shake out, Kyle.


Still coming from forBaker's job. That might happen before game one. Yeah, I don't know. Nobody elseis talking about that. But me, nobody else. I don't know about that. I don’tknow about that, after the game Todd was asked about when we would see thestarters and there’s a you know, this thought that you should play the guys gethim, you know warmed up get the chemistry roll and then there's the we don'tneed to see Levante play. We don’t need to see any of these guys out there. Andthen Todd basically said, you know, what we did last year might basically bewhat we’re going to do this year. Maybe sprinkle them in a little bit in gametwo, but mostly game three give them a couple series get them lathered up forthe season and back on the shelf.


I’m I think you agreewith me staying. I don’t want to see Levante David and I don’t want to seeAntoine. I don’t want to see Vita Veya. I don’t want to see Mike. I don’t wantto see Chris. I will, I guess Baker for a series in front of the startingoffensive line and then yank all of them. I don't need to see those guys. Ijust would rather. Believe the people of Jacksonville deserve to see them.That's true live. They don't they why give them the benefit and the honor ofseeing those guys out there on the field. They don't deserve anything. Let themlet you know, let them see our backups and and let them see the battle. They don'tdeserve it as much as I want to see them.


They don't deserve tosee them. Yeah, and they bring up a good point because the fact that we'rescrimmaging with Jacksonville. I think that'll be enough for the coaches to belike, 'Yep. That's good enough for us. We don't need to see him in the gameitself. I think the only reason we'd even see him in Game Three is because Isaid, just to get him lathered up make sure everything is kind of hummingcorrectly and headed. It's not like we're going to see Liam Cohen pull out theentire offensive playbook or anything like that at any moment during thepreseason. So I keep my guys healthy going into week one and hopefully, youknow, have a really good, you know, set of scripted plays to start the game.


I have a really goodgame plan. Nobody really knows what our offense is going to be. That's reallythat's something that Dave. Can I was kind of was able to lean on and thatMinnesota Vikings opener last year. I think Liam is going to do an even betterjob at that. So I'm cool not playing a lot of them. Like I said, definitely notLevante. Definitely not Antoine like you don't need to Jamel Dean. I don't wantto see my pads. I mean, fuck it. That guy's constantly getting injured. I'drather leave him leave him good on the sidelines man. Yeah, same with JordanWhitehead. He can he can sit back and they can yuck it up all game. I don'twant to see him either.


I there is a little bitof a panic in the chat. I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but byand large the worry and there’s a lot of Warriors in the chat room right now.They are worried about that defensive line and that pass rush. I am youworried? What are you worried about our pass rush our front? We didn’t have ourstarters in there that matter. What do you mean Vita via collegiate? Can't seeyada yada be, I mean, but our rotation guys just like me. I mean, yeah, butyou’re not rotating the entire line. You're rotating one of those pieces. VitaV is supposed to help everyone around him get better. Collage of can see doesthe same thing. I don’t know, man.


I'm not I don't getworried about weird shit like that. It's a preseason game. They're not schemingfor the for the opponent. They're just kind of putting guys through drills atthis point. Honestly, I don't I don't worry about it. If week one comes aroundand you know, somehow guys that are like Anthony Nelson who I expect to make animprint on this team in some way, or another as a rotational guy doesn't make aplay still not going to really be too worried. It's not like Greg Gaines didanything last year either guy was a fucking hole. Every time he went out there.I couldn't stand it. So I'm not too worried about it. Yeah, I'm not you. Iobviously, I love her starters on the inside, but I do not like a rotation.


I don't like Gaines. Idon't like green necessarily. That's I think probably a little bit of aweakness and then who's rotating behind our, our outside guys. I don't knowmaybe maybe maybe there's nothing to be worried about. I mean Todd is going togenerate a pass rush one way or the other right? We know we're going to getsome pressure whether he's got a scheme it, but you'd like not to have tocontinue to do that. That's what we've had to do. We had to do last year putsthe the rest of the defense at risk and then we end up playing soft and I don'tthink our corners are necessary. Remember they also had Vita. To lose weightand get more in shape. Yeah, I think that's another thing.


We don't need to rotatehim as much probably now. Elijah can see coming in didn't have camp last yeardidn't get really rolling until week 11-12 really look good in the playoffs.He's got an entire camp. Now. He's got himself an entire offseason. He knowshow to prepare. He knows what to expect. He's not going to be, you know,guessing as often him and Vita by themselves in the middle. I feel like allowany one of those guys outside if they're just, you know, competent and athleticenough, they'll help those guys and like plus set in the chat. It's going to bemore of a rotation in by a committee type of approach. But yeah, yeah, Diaby isgoing to be a monster in my opinion.


And then if you getanything from JTS and Barton, not Barton, what's the rookies name man fuckingBraswell and who else is rotating outside with him Ramirez anything from thoseguys. I think Anthony Nelson bring something to the table too. I think it'sgood enough man. And you're going to have what you like you said Todd you canearn stank. You can have Todd doing his thing right blitzing guys off the edge.You got Jordan Whitehead. Now that you can have to depend on in the back end,you know, to bring them into the box. We missed that a lot. You got Taikey thatcan do that. You got Izzy and they can do that. Obviously Antoine isn't tooworried man, and we have a dependable linebacking core now.


So I'd like to see thefail before I start to worry. If that makes it always forget about AnthonyNelson. He's like the forgotten guy. Nobody ever talks about him. You know,he's made some plays over over his his career. He's our Greg Spires man. Maybemaybe he's the guy maybe he's the one who just figures it out, right? We need aguy to just figure it out. We need to get a little bit lucky, you know, andplus says maybe he slides inside over over Logan. Perhaps if he has thatinside-outside flexibility, I mean, you know, I'm sure he will play there. I'munsure what I was going to play. He might even play corner Todd's insane. Youmight see him everywhere on the field. You just don't know.


So he probably will getsome reps on the inside, especially they all they all aren't doing this thing.So you weren't there staying at camp would mean lately went there lately and Iand we talked to Kalijah and he was he was like just so excited dude. He keptsaying y'all don't even know what Todd got us doing bro. He got me not evenstating. He got me with my hands in my pockets on someplace like he's got theseguys doing all sorts of crazy shit in terms of what he's going to have themdoing. And I mean, he imagines Todd having a full-on healthy, you know,defensive line of athletic freaks like that and that's what they are; and forthem to be able to rotate move around.


We've seen Vita Viaplay fucking linebacker, okay middle linebacker. So, you know, to thinkanything else is not going to play all over the line pretty crazy. Somebody inthe chat Nelson says call the Jets. Yeah, I'm going to call a guy. I'm going tocall a team about a guy who is who just signed with them by the way or justtrade got traded to them. However, he ended up over there and is alreadymaking. Think about his contract. It wants out. Yeah, I want to call that guy.I don't bring him to my team. We just got rid of a dude. There's a fuckingheadache either way. Yeah, I mean if we could I still wouldn't have thatwouldn't call it the Jets for that guy guys.


We have a really goodchemistry in this in this locker room. Why fuck that up? We do have a goodchemistry that that's was an Antoine said the chemistry on this team right nowis excellent. The vibes are good. Everyone is good. All that shit matters man.You want to bring in a question mark this late into the game. I don't seethat's not that's only as Jason style and I honestly don't think we have themoney to do it. Even if they wanted to do it, to bring in a guy who's demandinga big contract. We just by the skin of our teeth got the guys. We wanted tokeep here. You're going to bring in somebody who hasn't earned it here who'sbounced around from team to team, you know, and really can't find a home.


Yes, it's everybodywants to fucking play mad and you want that sexy fucking toy to play with. Andyou want to bring the guy like that in but I don't think that we're in theposition to do something like that. Yeah, maybe if it was two months ago, Icould understand entertaining the idea if you could afford him, but ourchemistry so good in this locker room. This team is so just tightly knittogether. They're clearly having fun. They're playing football or they'rethey're just well connected men. They're just they're bonded and I like thatand you don't see that very often. You know how they always say at the end ofthe season, you know, you don't get to see this team ever again. And that'swhat's up.


Something that theseguys kind of, you know, try to absorb throughout the year so that they don'tmiss out on it when it's gone. But man, a team that's connected and so tightlike that special things happen, man. I'm not saying they're a Super Bowl team,but you never know. I mean, nobody thought the Eagles with what was it with thedude who just retired would beat Tom Brady and would be a Super Bowl team thatyear and they were and so the bangles of a few years ago. Same thing. It justgot to just get hot the right time. But I think those teams that are tight arethe ones that make it through. And last year, we saw it stink with five or sixor six to seven games.


We lost. There was nodissension in the locker room; the team was still very tight and they foughtthrough it. That's a big thing for me coming into this year that they theseguys kind of get it. And they're they're just their brothers. What having guyslike we have in our locker room gets you you got a coach who doesn't panic, andhe gets criticized for not being emotional, just like Tony did, you know, he'sjust that guy who doesn't blink; you need leaders like that. And we've got guyswho, who've been there, who have rings. There's a lot. It's a lot of Super Bowlrings in this locker room. Guys have been around the goat.


I've learned, learned athing or two, and they didn't they didn't blink last year and ultimately stayedthe course, fought through it, won the division, want to play off game. We're afew misplays away from potentially going to San Francisco, and who knows atthat point. So yes, you know, you got it to kind of trust what you got at thispoint. Do you want more pass rushers? Would you like to have a guy like us onready? Sure. But yeah, at what cost? At this point? First of all contractuallydon't think they can do it. Maybe wrong plus tell me if I'm wrong. Could theyknow could they don't know man in a guy like that in I don't think so. But he'dbe awesome. Like like plus said he's fucking good.


I'm not saying he's notgood. Yeah, don't misunderstand what I'm saying. It's not about that. It's wejust got rid of a guy who had the same kind of mentality and number 45, right?And I'm not a not a big fan of bringing in guys that are more concerned abouttheir personal stats than anything else. And not the team first, and he justgot to the New York Jets and he's already making a fucking issue about things.Like why wouldn't you go in there put your head down and earn it and be like, I'mgoing to like I get it, you know, you have you want your insurances you makesure that you're fine, you know something happens you're screwed. I know theNFL works, but sometimes you gotta just put your head down and earn it, man.


You gotta earn the respectof your teammates and the guys that brought you in there. I'm not interested ina guy like that. That's all, man. If it was a Super Bowl-type of team, maybe itwould be like an Antonio Brown type of situation. But since we're not that, whymess it up and we have young guys? Why don't just let the young guys do theirthing and I think we're on a trajectory? We're not trying to win. Gregory'scoming back, man. He's going to be here. Oh, that's a surprise. Yeah, Game One.He's going to show up no camp. Just ready to fuckin' play. That's what that'sgonna happen, right? He's just going to come on the field and be this 10 sackguy that we're looking for that.


So, yeah, is that isthat the play? Is he playing a long game? Is he like this? I'm going to piss theseguys off a lot, but I'm going to show up day one. One week from now, likepractice of first practice to the actual season and then just hit the groundrunning. He got to his Tampa Airbnb. He's like, 'Bro. It's fucking hot outhere.' How can I avoid getting outside in this heat until the game game? Heobviously didn't come up with a plane because he just wasn't bothered. No call.No show. Nothing, dude. Nothing. He's the guy that we all worked with that juststopped showing up to work, you know, and we were all working at like grocerystores or whatever. And then you just never saw him again.


He's the make Make youfire me guy. Yeah, it's balls in your court. You're freaking till then. I'mgonna keep sending my mom on Tuesdays to pick up my paychecks until they runout Madre. MM Dre with the $2. Super Sat says Ramon Jefferson had some movesout there like the Jeffersons like Mr. Jefferson. He has moves wearing number45, little strange to see that number power its way in for the victory. Butthat's how you kill a memory right there. Yeah. Now, I mean, I forgot who wore45. It's Ramon Jefferson. Number 45. I thought I thought it was get live Ramon.That was the thing wasn't hashtag get like get live Ramon. That wasn't thething. Yeah. Yeah, dude. I saw this dude riding Daisy Mae into the end zone andit's Ramon.


He got live. We gotlive right to the end zone, baby. It was awesome. Do we need to make him at-shirt? Get live Ramon. Get live Ramon. You know what? Do it print it. Whowants it right now? Who wants to get live? Ramon t-shirt right now? If youdonate $2995 in the super chat right now, several custom make you a get liveRamon shirt. Stank was that play by 45 on Saturday. A bigger play than Devin.White made all last year. Yes. Wow, yes, in retrospect thinking about what thatdid for this team, right every year. There's always a little doubt, no matterhow confident you feel. My guy, I know the matter of camaraderie, the energy inthe locker room. They got to get on the plane and fly back with a W.


Right, that meanssomething that's meaningful, and I can't remember a meaningful play out of theother 45. I forgot that news name, Ramon, live 45 is all I care about. That'sall I remember out of that at that number at this point. I mean, just likewho's number 93 for the books. They did Devin White score a game-winningtouchdown last year. No, no, I think he did. No, you didn't. What do you doagainst the Bengals a couple years ago? Go. Nothing. No. Yeah, score atouchdown. Not much. I mean, how many game-winning touchdowns that's DevinWhite scored in his career? How many touchdowns has he scored? He's got one tosee does he have one? Does he have to pull up class? Come on. Come on.


Let's take out type itup on the fucking calculator. Get live Ramon have more touchdowns right now.Then get live 45. It's a great fucking question. See you didn't know. That wasgoing to be the trivia question of the night. Did you know we're going toanswer we should do special prize. We should do trivia shenanigans every Mondaynight. Oh, wait till I show you something after the show that you just said,and I wouldn't let McCoy near this facility. I agree. I saw and I saw a playfrom a 93 on Saturday night. No idea who he was, but he made a play, and itmade me smile because that number is somehow given now to just any scrub whowalks into the building. Yeah, just no respect for that number.


At all, 93. No, there'sno 55s out there. No 99s out there. No, I don't think that I don't thinkthere's a 97 out there. I don't think there's a 97 out there. I don't thinkI've seen it. Will there be another 12? There's been a lot of really good 12swill be will we retire 12 you think there's only been two good 12s. We mean alot of good 12s. There's been so many good 12s who what are you shitting me?Tom Brady. Yeah. Okay and Doug Williams. Yeah. Okay. Who else trying to do forthat? That's a good 12 for you. You serious right now. That's number one on thelist. What? Yeah. What was what was what was the Berg's number? There's been alot. Hold on.


Let me ask chat GPT wasthe burger 12 bucs players aboard number 12. But let's find out right now andsee what Michael pluses. I think Devin has one fumble touchdown. I believe one.Then number 12. No 20 no 21. No, I think there's been a couple of 21s, guys.There's been a couple of 21s for sure. That's disrespectful to Donnie.Obviously his number should be off-limits. Oh, accordion chat CPT. There's onlythree players, don't count friend over and Tom Brady. No McCown War 12 as well.Yeah. So you check out your stupid AI. I fucking hate Godwin also wore number12 for a little bit. Yeah, what's wrong with this shit? Yeah, that's a goodone. Pluses. Devin White has two touchdowns. All right. So get live Ramon.


Is one touchdown is howit has half as many touchdowns as Devin White. Yeah, dude Brady's running inthe top 10. All right. According to this Steve Spurrier. That's not SteveSpurrier didn't wear 12. Yes King Cook in the chat. EJ Biggers did wear number 21.You're right. We also had another guy with dreads that were number 21 as well.I can't remember he played with Ronde and Kato June and that bunch man. I don'tknow. Yeah, we know about Iceman. Obviously I'm saying they shouldn't give the21 out but they somehow have. 97 is our long snapper. God damn it. You'reright. Yeah. See that's disrespectful right there. But maybe when he finallymakes their Hall of Fame, they'll change CG 12. Yeah, I'm still mad that Chrisgot a number.


Are we talking aboutJersey numbers right now? I'm still mad that he gave to Brady Brady didn'tdeserve it. How are you going to come on this team? What number another man?What number would he was also a future Hall of Famer for his Jersey? Also, it'sstupid. Yeah, John Bolden. That's who was that 21. You're right chat. Allright. So so stank and Matt the scenario here. All right. He comes to town andChris Godwin says I'm not giving you my number. Do you know or this at PennState? Everyone here fucking has 12 Godwin jerseys. Yep. Like I know you're thego but fuck you. All right. So let's say that goes down. Yeah. Okay, whatnumber would would what do you wear? Would you go 10?


What do you wear? Is hea 10? He wore 10 in Michigan. So it'd be 10. Would you go throwback? Also, Ican't get that 10 Sean King's blessing. But the Sean King have to give theblessing at you. You beat me. Sean King doesn't have to give the blessingdoesn't know. What if they gave him Jameis his number? That would have beennumber three trade in your old threes for a newly patched Brady three been agood fucking story, bro. No, you know, he should have done every year. Heshould have changed his number to the number of Super Bowls. He'd won. He justwalked in here with number seven. That would have been number seven, dude. Getrid of those Jeff Garcia memories. Yeah, bit of a branding nightmare, but worthit.


I think TV seven thosefacilities would have been way better. It sounds way better than TV. 12/12sounds like a disease, doesn't it? Probably has every one of those patents. Ido. Where's Thomas been? We haven't seen him in a week at the office. I camedown with TV 12. Oh, yeah, that's just terrible. What are we? What are we doingright now? What are you talking about? I don't know Jersey. Nobody else hasanything to talk about any questions in the chat room. It's been seasons here.We're long overdue. Oh, stupid. I got some stink. I got something. How aboutthe new Scotty Miller catching balls without jumping in the air? Yeah, makingplays selling Trask out on that one plate. You look good. Yeah. Hey, alreadybetter than Scotty Miller.


Do you realize we havea Johnson and a Miller? Yeah. I think Bowles has got a little like he's gothe's got a he's got a got a he's got a name type of formula. It's got a littleformula like that little formula. Like last time we won a Super Bowl, Johnsonand we had a Johnson and a Miller out there catching balls. Maybe that shouldbe maybe that should be our next baby oil brand. So John, let's go with Johnsonand Miller baby oil. Oh, yeah, air Cecil said, what about canoe? Do canoe wasjust he was just like coasting right? The rapids were in his face game is onthe line, right? You got whitewater. You got waterfalls. You're trying to getthe victory. Who do you count on right?


When you might go overthe ledge, but you need you need somebody there. That's steady to get youthrough, you know, all those those trials and tribulations, and get you thevictory canoe. Pleasure said, let's forget Devin White the same way. He forgot tocover angry. I agree. I forgot his name. Honestly, I knew is getting live 45,but I'm not all in on the get live Ramon. That is 100% when I'm on. CameronJohnson. Yeah, Cam Johnson and Scotty Miller. I have birthday to MK in the chatsays birthday Saturday's turning 24. God damn you are a child. Oldest ones chatroom right now. We got a question actually here. I'm gonna answer one questionfor you in the show. You think they could keep four running backs?


I don't think Edmondsis staying since he's been injured for three weeks, but I do like White Irvingand Tucker and Jefferson. Listen, Chase Edmonds is not going anywhere. I'mtelling you guys. He's the veteran in the room and he picks up the Blitz. He'snot going anywhere until one of those other guys proves that they areconsistently going to do that. Perfectly. He's not going anywhere and he doeshave a good hand. I don't like his church shoes on Sunday, and people disagreewith that. And listen, if you disagree with that, Chase Edmonds isn't going togive me a thumbs down thumbs up. If you think Chase is making the team, thumbsdown if he's gone, are we going to fight the science? Are we going to fight theSaints again?


Screw the game. Let'sthrow down. I don't know Mike; Mike does have a new contract now. So maybe he'sjust like, 'Fuck it.' I've got a couple extra Miller Lites, and anyway, right?They don't need; they didn't even want a lot, somehow like, like wasn't hesupposed to be gone? Whatever happened to Slam Boy? Anybody you know forgot aboutthat guy too. Is he just out of the league? Everyone wants me to mute Stank. SoI'm probably going to do that. Hey, so anyway, thank you for watching ourpodcast. Make sure you guys have the like button and hit the subscribe button.If you're new, obviously we're an amazing show; you guys were just nowentertained to death.


So if for those of youwho are new, hit that subscribe button and those of you who aren't, we've gotover a hundred people watching right now on Twitter and over a hundred peoplewatching on YouTube. Hit the like button. I should be in the hundreds there onthe likes and we'll see you guys on Thursday. We have another show. We'll behere again. We'll talk some more. Maybe look ahead to the second preseasongame. Maybe some notes and news coming out of camp, and don't forget. We've gotsome news coming. We've got some news. We've got some stuff brewing. You've gotsome stuff percolating in the rice cooker, stank. You know, I'm talking aboutyou've got some stuff. I know exactly what we're talking about.


That's why it's soimportant that you like and subscribe and really what can't you become a memberand pay money to also be that big of a loser use to use a fuck the Saints andblue cheese emoji. In the chat. Absolutely. I think it's like a dollar 99. Doyou want to be able to put a fuck the Saints emoji in the chat room right now?But what is it $5 King Cook says what week do y'all think Bucky will end thestarting over Rashad? He's not starting over a shot in any scenario man. Yeah,it's not happening. They love Rashad and Rashad has gotten better and betterand better and Rashad's drive is unmatched dude. I mean, come on. I'm notsaying that as his friend.


I'm just saying in jetlike he's a fucking dog. You're not going to just give a job. Away. He shouldhave been starting over, fucking you know, Leonard Fournette there that lastyear Leonard was here. Anyway. Yeah, Jonas Steckler got it 299. He can useunlimited fuck the Saints emojis in the chat. Drop your fuck the Saints emojisbefore we leave, right? Yeah. Yeah, somebody wants to buy a bunch of peopletheir their own subscription, you know, just show how big your fucking ballsare by everybody in the chat right now. How many $3 can you spread around?Yeah. Yeah, who's got the biggest dick in the room? Besides Michael plus my sonasked me to do this. All right, and I told him I was going to do it.


So I need you guys tothrow W's in the chat for both my kids first day of school today. One kidsfucking 10 one kids six, right? I mean fifth grade and first grade prettyfucking mind-blowing kid was tiny negotiating his way out of out of daycarewith me when he was sitting at home with dad all day. So now he's in fuckingfifth grade. So throw some W's in the chat. Yeah, all you guys who set yourkids off today. I had some peace of mind said get the fuck out of here kid goto work a little bastard. How many of you guys got the opportunity to do thattoday? That feels good, right? Yeah, I think it does. I hate this is the firstyear in 18 years.


I don't have to dothat. I was going off to college on Thursday. You have a grandchild now, man.Damn dude, daughters leave me Thursday King Cook. We talked about this beforeyou got on the show because I know you came in late, man. Bucky did look like hewas running harder, less tiptoeing. But I think that was across the boardbecause the expectation of where that hole's supposed to be and the lineactually producing that hole, understanding that was one cut go. I think allthe running backs have been running that way in camp and the show that way inthe preseason game. So I'm not going to say that it's Bucky doing it betterthan anybody else. I fully anticipate or shall be the same thing.


I'm surprised you havethat take honestly, you know, if you'll humor us for a few more minutes here.This is something that's really not talked about a lot. I I wasn't born withthe ability to naturally hit. The hole like I had took me a long time to figureout where the hole even was right. And then I just I was I was scared ofcontact. I was scared of you wouldn't look at me and be like that guy wasscared happens a lot happens a lot of rookies first time in you know, you're inbetween you know, a lot of big lot of big pieces of meat moving around, youknow, you don't know what you're supposed to be doing down there.


But you know, once youhit that hole the first time though, you can't stop hitting it right and itjust becomes almost like addictive right? And then you just got. Gotta keephitting it and the harder you hit the hole you realize the better the results right?You'll get more feedback from coaches in the other party obviously, but you'llyou'll hit the hole with conviction and the harder you hit that hole the betterthe results every single time. And I mean it takes a little bit of time. Takesome, you know, some slick maneuvering. Sometimes a little bit slippery gettingin there the first few but once you kind of find your groove, you starthammering away dude that hole is again. They it's bigger just like when youshoot basketball.


They say the hoop getsbigger when you when you're running the ball. That hole gets bigger true andthe bigger the hole the scarier. It was at least for me initially. Like I waslike, what is all this right? It's you it's a little messy in there into here.Yeah, it gets a little messy. Yeah, you just yeah, exactly. I remember that Iremember the first time I hit the hole man is like what what am I gettingmyself into? But once I got in there, I was like, I like where I'm in. I likeit. I was told by an older guy like you guys think your face is there, andthat's really what got me over my feet. Yeah, the older coaches. They used togo to that way.


Park a little bitscary, a little bit sticky, right? I was afraid I was gonna get hurt. I mean,naturally, and you know, what wasn't that big of a deal? And once I got overthe fear of it all, not that big of a deal for you or me. I was like, 'I'mgonna get hurt.' Does that thing bite? And so once I bit back then I finallyfound my footing. I remember that once you get in there and you get your teethkind of carved on it, you know, you sharpen your I mean, dude, it's... Iremember the old coaches. That's the oh Jesus say you got to get your face inthere. You got to get dirty and that's when that hole. Yeah, that can get alittle hairy.


That's when the holereally opens up for you, right? That's a hey and then you just keep going man.You just can't stop right? You want to get rolling? It's a downhill. I meanjust pounding away man at that hole and it just opens up here to the hole though.That's not what absolutely not that guy is a natural guy. And he's been in thehole plenty of times. You could tell it in the hole naturally in the hole. He'sat home in the hole. He was gliding through like I like nobody's going to youcan't get that hole. You're born with that ability. Yeah, he was punching thathole. I mean, he, he saw him punch the hole a few times in one in one seriesthere for a couple of on one play.


Actually, he punched ahole received it back to punch it back in zigzag. Boom. He's out right likewow, this kid knows his way around the hole knows how to get in there gettingBucky in there. That's what he was doing. He was bucking that hole up. I'lltell you that much. He's bugging it up in that hole man yucking it up andbucking it up. Yeah. Anyway, hit the like and subscribe button for moreanalysis like this and we can teach you how to one day hit the hole as well.And you know, not everyone, not everyone's huge in the hole, right? But itdoesn't matter the size. It really just depends on how hard it just depends onhow hard you hit that hole man.


I'm telling you, theharder you hit that hole, the better the results. Any coach will tell you,harder hits back. And yes, and then you got to retaliate again; got hit back.Can't just let you can't let the hole get you back and not get it back. Right?It can't you can't let the hole get the last hit. Yeah, but you know what? Itall starts with Liam. He's out in there teaching these guys hit the hole, Dave.We already know how Dave feels about hitting the hole, right? He's doing it.Look, look at my fish. Look at, look at my fish. Matt, dude. Look, guy lovesfootball so much. He's got a boner. He said he said he's got a boner from oursong. I'm not running the ball.


It's a little weird. Yeah,I agree. But you know, it's football season right around the corner. We've beenedging all offseason. It's been since February since we've seen Buccaneerfootball January. That's that's crazy. That's like eight months, dude. So I getit, man, talking about hitting the hole. I get it. I get it, man. I get it.Just hit the goddamn hole. Same with you have a Chris Baker Jersey. Yeah. Yeah,absolutely. No, fuck off. Hey, go Bucs! I'm out of here. Can't believe this guyjust asked me that; fuck out of here. Bench worn actually.