Bucs Training Camp: 6-Day Update

Loose Cannons
We discuss the news and storylines coming out of Buccaneers Training Camp after 6 days are officially in the books!

That's not a lot what'sup bucs Nation! It is July 31st, 2024. You are watching the Loose CannonsPodcast. I'm your boy Sammer, hanging out with Latte, who is back, fullyinvested, back with the team. Might not be wearing pads, but he's back. And ofcourse, one stank bastard, who uh you know, just continuously disappointeddisappoints me, just continuously disappoints me day in, day out, phone callin, phone call out. And for those of you wondering, this guy here with thewandering eyes camera, the Stank Cam, uh you may know him on Fate on, onTwitter, you may know him on YouTube, but this man is actually Sky Malls NFLCritic of the Year,


okay, and not Only hashe won it once and he, he wants more which tells you he's different, he's on adifferent level right so we want to welcome fantasy football weirdo and justgeneral shenanigans king Chuck fucking Bass what's up Chuck guys it's so goodto be here I can't encourage everybody enough to get out and vote I need you toget down to your dog tracks to your strip clubs anywhere where voting polls aregoing on, get down there, vote for me for back-to-back Sky Mall Critic of theYear I'll be happy to have your vote I'm happy to hear be here with you boysready to tear it down tonight, get into some bucs, buzz this is what I live forthis is That's the only election I'm actually fucking qualified to vote in,honestly.


That's the only one Icare about, honestly. I need a yard sign; he has my vote just based off hisfucking microphone, bro. Like you should have came on with the Bob Barker, bro!I was gonna say the only thing they could have topped it would have been theBob Barker extraordinaire right, the little pencil dick Mike that'd have beenthe way. But but before so look, we have topics ready to go, but before thosetopics could get you know, we could dive into them obviously. Some major newsdoes happen before the show though; we don't have time to go into that, but themajor News or not, we don't have time to update the list, but uh, bucs' newlyacquired free agent was going to be competing for the left guard spot.


Sua Opeta officiallytears his ACL last night at practice, Latte and Stank were there; theywitnessed it, they had a bad feeling in their nuts, and they kind of knew thatin the bottom of their stomach like that was not a good one. Uh, the silverlining is that he was not currently leading that competition whereas Brendisonhad was so, that's the silver lining again. You don't want to see it, but hewas good uh depth; he was a good running guy uh coming from the Eagles, Ithought it was a good piece. To have, but now he will not be here, so that'sterrible news. So the first major injury, I guess guys. Hits hits the bucs now,first and only, hold on, first and only.


It's not the first yousaid like 'first' like 'first' of many; relax, pump the brakes, there's gonnabe a toe there's gonna be a toe at some point because they they have yet to getStank in the building - they're on the medical staff to be the foot specialistright? You need that guy in that building, everyone knows that, knows that.Latte knows that. I hate it, I hate to make Stank sound smarter than anyoneelse in any room, but in this case it would be applicable. Hey, that's justshit. works, man! It listen, thank you, it's not it listen. Success has beeneasy; rest is why Rex Ryan and the Jets right had a great year, the Super Bowl,you foot fetish he was on to that then he got all embarrassed when it came outwent away from his foot, you know.


Love and what happenedit just crashed and burned. You gotta embrace the foot thing, you have to. AndStank is an imperative member of the front office and training staff, and Ithink that that has to be more respected, right. It's like the people behindthe scenes; it's like the hitting yardage in a game. You make a great point,get grounded, we were there watching. The guys we were there watching the guyswarmed up, excuse me, we were there watching the guys warm up. Opetta had hisshoes on, anyways. Continue as I say, speaking a great point, the chat hasbrought up a very significant thing we have to discuss at this point. Stankgoes to first practice of the training camp; guy gets injured.


Uh, so new, new firsttopic we're going to dive into here should Stank be banned from furthertraining camps for 2024? I would say yes, he's not. As a matter of fact, Samand I are going next week because you're jaundice, Sam and I are going nextweek, and uh, I think it's not coming with us, bro. No, you are not going withus. We're going with with the upgraded stank version, Chuck Bass, yes let’s gobaby! This is like, you know, stank is like the base, you get the hubcaps, youget the roll-up windows, no fucking GPS, no nothing. You got the alloy wheelpackage, you got the wing package – that's the upgraded stank version! Idefinitely like to think of myself as like upgrading on an Allegiant flight,that's me baby; I'm an Allegiant upgrade all day long!


It’s funny, I’m takinga flight this uh Friday, it’s Spirit, of course, because I’m not paying bigmoney for a flight why you would do that, bro? And like to live dangerouslyalso, I flew Allegiant. One time Chuck, and you could literally see the pilots;like you could see there was no door, you can go in there if you want, yeah,no, no, it was just you're just part of the you could tag them out, you know,like those you know, like tag team wrestling, you could just tap down theshoulder; I got let's not do a tagging out or tagging in with pilots, bro,let's not do that, we gotta remember the plane that Indiana Jones used to takewith, like there'd be like a crate of chickens next to him and stuff, likethat, yeah, more of that, you look like you look like one of those you looklike a crate of chicken traveler, somebody.


Said he's the king ofkind, accurate honesty. Is he the king of 'Fuck the Saints'? No, actually Icame up with that, 'King of Fuck the Saints'. Hold on a second, uh Bat W said,since staying to Saints practice, since staying in Atlanta, I'm going Friday,bro. Uh no, we officially... uh all three the three of us have voted. Think youcould vote if you really wanted to. Guess I'm assuming you're gonna vote no onyou being banned from training camp but the three of us, Chat Chuck, includeWe've voted that you will not be allowed in any more training camp practices,so we will be there, we will be there next week. Uh,


Chuck, I don't knowwhere the fuck you Actually, live but you're welcome to just slide into a spot,you can just say you're Stank um yeah I'm down um I'm I'm prohibited from youknow talking about where I live because of certain federal government laws, butI mean otherwise I'm able to I'm able to get out and about and come do thingsso I'm ready to rock. I can't unsee this, I can't unsee. I'm sorry, Chuck isthat fucking behind your shoulder there? Oh yeah, this is the number one, areyou related to fucking Roger? What the fuck's going on here? No, I'm just ahuge Roger Goodell fan, you know it's buccaneers here and then Roger Goodellright here. I mean just the greatest commissioner.


In history of prosports, an absolute legend in every regard, and I like to show him a littlesupport because he's not getting any love; he's not getting it from anybodyelse that's true. I can't expect that he was the first one to get in and bringit in close him and Jerry McCoy had like very very like real moments on stage,and honestly I credit that for for the open movement we have now across theleague everybody's free to be who they are, and I think it has at least alittle bit of part of that. Yeah, wow, okay, um, so no more padded practices,yeah! I'm about to say, speaking of injured offensive linemen, uh, the bucs andTristan have agreed As a couple days ago because we're going to go over thelast couple, you know, a couple days uh they will he will not be wearing orparticipating in any of the padded practices because that is the safe thing todo.


We kind of said thatthat would be the right thing to do. He would take even though we saw himwearing pads and participating, you know, not full pads obviously those firstthree four days so uh good move, obviously. I think you agree, Iwhole-heartedly agree as a matter of fact, I don't want anyone anywhere nearthe field, forget Pat not forget, not participating in padded practices, don'teven come onto the field, sir! And I saw Opetta go down, fuck up Azacia right.We also saw somebody else like fling a receiver out of bounds into a wasn'teven paying attention almost took their fucking knees out right, like Todd hadto fucking lay the hammer down there because he was pissed off, you know.Chill, I don't want worse anywhere near anything where he can get injured.


Coughed on break,grazed and nothing, okay until until the ink is dry, stay somewhere else, bro.Go go up in the fucking booth with fucking Jason, Light he'll do somethingelse, okay. So yeah, no more padded, no more nothing, nothing, not worse,Chuck. I legitimately could not agree more when. Like these blue chip Hall ofFame-bound players don’t need any more practice, um, and I kind of like theidea of letting some of the younger guys maybe get thrown into the fire alittle bit, maybe step up and take a little bit more of a leadership role,especially Barton, um, you know fortify the interior of that line and just, youknow, come alive because this is a unit that still has a lot to prove despitehaving a lot of potential.


So I'd like to kind ofsee him shepherd that in; the only thing that I don't like about it and Iagree, keep him; I do want this to happen sooner than later, obviously the contractbecause whoever's playing left guard. next to him i'd like them to have alittle bit of some sort of chemistry something but i'm not saying that from atristan worth standpoint it's more or less whoever you know that stooge is isgoing to be next to him understanding how tristan likes things done you knowlike when you're you know the new cop in town and you get to go with the youknow old grizzly vet you know and he's you know he's asking you to he he likesthings done a certain way he likes his coffee a certain way he likes his coffeea certain way he likes his coffee a certain way


he likes you to drivethe fucking car a certain way like stank coming in as a rookie cop is bad newsfor everybody obviously right so i just say i want it i want that developedrelationship to have a little bit of time that's all but again that's i'm not tooworried about that because jason light greenberg spy tech the whole crew theyknow what the fuck they're doing stank sam where do you where do you fall onthe police academy movies you know chart you love them you hate them love themand mostly because of the police academy movies you know chart you love themyou hate them love them the cop with the sound effects the helicopter sounds hedoes and like i mean that guy that guy's a fucking legend you guys know howMuch imitation and impressions I do, that guy's a legend, dude!


That guy's a legend forme. Give us your best yeah, I was gonna say impersonation now we gotta hear it,yeah, definitely my best what your best like impersonation of a sound effectlike he does, I want to hear it can you do the cannons going off? I've neverthought about object uh impersonations no that's different, I don't even wannaread LDBC's uh yeah don't read it don't read it just knock on wood, knock hey!Knock on money, thank you, thank you for your super chat um, I'll say this uhhe might have to move to another state we'll just leave it at that and thenhe's I'd like you. To answer this question, Chuck as our guest he says 'stank'I was gonna say what's up last night when I saw your practice but it looks likeyou bit can you confirm or deny?


Chuck, can you repeatthat again? Make sure if it was the beer that's impairing my ability to to hearthat correctly or if it was as bad shit crazy as it sounded. It was that badshit crazy! Stank! I was gonna say what's up last night at practice but youlook like you bit. I mean, I think that's a sign of power and respect, and I'dhave to commend every... You know, I want to look like that. People look at meand they're like 'Uh, can you get the f**k away from me?' so I i wish they Fearedme a little bit more in that regard, they definitely fear you. I don't thinkit's the fear you're thinking though; it's uh, all right. I'm done then, I'llsee you guys later.


I appreciate it. I'mchecking out. Oh man, I don't think there's anything else to add on the on thisTristan worth topic but um, you guys gotta go last night to the practice indoorfacility so the guys had a little bit more juice they probably... oh no, it'snot right there. Stop right there. It was one of the most mundane, boring, fuckinglifeless, no energy early practice at all. No, no, I'm not saying the playersplayers are fired up; defense was on fire, bro. We're going at it. Yeah, I'mnot, I'm not. We're not on this show to talk about the crowd. I don't give afuck about it. We will, we'll get it we will get into it. I understand; I willlet you guys get that out 100%.


But I'm talking abouton the field: Jalen McMillan is going to be a fucking problem. And not onlyfirst three days, no pads; and then now three days he's had pads – okay, that'swhat I'm saying. And he has done it every single fucking day. This is not thisis not going to be a type one Underwood thing like the pads come on, and thendisappeared. No, the pads came on, turned it up – hey, lots of lattes nobodywrote about it; and I didn't even tweet about it, but I pointed out That wasright before practice started, it's Baker and Jalen McMillan having like a30-minute conversation just the two of them, bro. Over there, like, just heBaker was late to get in on on the on his snaps, I think Kyle took 10 extrasnaps because that's how important that conversation with...I don't know whatthey were talking about, but and then Jalen went on to take over practice afterthat.


Pretty fucking you'repumping your fist like you called this or something. He literally means it'sjust that the vibes coming out of this team do nothing but hit every milestonethat I want them to hit, especially in that kind of post. Like 2022 Tom Brady,let's slug through this season, kind of thing it is. Just like spring has comefor the team and I just love everything that I'm hearing. I really haven't imean heard anything that makes me go, 'Oh, I wish I would have seen thatdifferently.' This, differently. And all the clips like you guys said it's justlike, it's just like, it's just like you said: pre-pads, post-pads. Everything,I mean, it is just beautiful to watch.


Oh yeah, Sammer, andmusic to your ear, sir Servaisier Dennis was not lying and he said, 'Yeah,Dave's offense was kind of just easy to figure out.' This one has a lot moremovement, a lot more window dressing; we saw. A lot of pre-snap motion, a lotwe saw a lot of bootlegs, a lot of play action. It was Bootsy's, that's why Iput it out yesterday; I tweeted yesterday, I was like, 'This is gonna be fun towatch, bro.' We saw some outside zones straightly fucking with Rashad, bro, andjust yeah, it's just beautiful. So we saw the Aurelius Aurelius bend around, Isaw that play too; we did it back, I don't know why you're interrupting yourbrother while he's speaking, especially when I was speaking with him.


You know the hierarchy,like someone asked earlier: how have you been allowed to speak this much? Whoapproved that? And you know what I think you're a little Overzealous stankbecause you got to do a show just you and I, and now you think that that's howit's always going to be when it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I broughtin I brought in a fourth person so that you talk even less following a showwhere you got to speak a lot almost can we talk about Chuck's hat for a second?By the way, yeah my dad in 1980, bro that exact hat, that's your dad's hat, youknow what the hat reminds me of. That hat reminds me of the Sandlot hat; we'relike, 'What the fuck? No!


Let me get you a realball cap, bro!' What is that? That's got the biggest bill ever seen in my lifethat's like, that is fucking original. You guys really? Just hit me with a highand a low, there nice hat. Let's get you a fucking new one now. No, you're Idressed up, I got my all-stock creamsicle on, guys. I'm here to play. Sam orloves the creamsicles, bro. That's not even yellow, but there's a Jerseyyellow. It's a yellow gold jersey, it's either team you or it's that weird uhit's that it's that weird it's that weird. You just say that bass has a teamjersey on I mean I don't see an NFL shield on it. Nigga's absolute nigga's headto toe.


You came on the loosecannons bro you chose this, you know I chose violence and I was ready for it.He knows he knows all right so back back to J Mac back to J Mac can you guysnow understand what me and latte have been saying about chris godwin's time isabout to expire not because he's not talented but because loved and respectedit is just it's time he's gonna want money and guess what we got a guy who canfill in his exact position runs fluid smooth velvety routes goes across themiddle gets the tough yards does everything you want him to do and he's nottalented he's not talented he's not doing just makes plays non-stop why pay chrisgodwin no disrespect but you got the younger version of him or a lot cheaperfor a few more years it makes it just makes some sense and trey palmernaturally Slides out as an outside receiver, it's like a perfect match, man.


No simmer down a littlebit, bro. I'm not being disrespectful. Already anoint the guy; it wasimpressive. Weeks, I agree in person, impressive. Chris Godwin's a differenttype of receiver, bro. Like, physically imposing. I'm not saying a lot; he'sChris Godwin now. But he's one if he has a fucking good game, don't think Idon't think Chris is gonna be that unaffordable next year when you guys havegot guys more guys breaking the fucking bank. You're gonna look at his contractand be like, 'That's actually pretty good for Chris.' No, it's his last year,dude; he's gonna want he's gonna want it yeah we can't okay we're not gonna bewe'll see but i agree we have to see it good problem to have i think i thinkwhat sammer's talking about for the chat and everyone here on this panel is lookingat it from a chess point of


view looking at it froma thousand or ten thousand feet is that if the plan comes to obviously plansdon't come together right but like from offices draft you draft for future youdraft for you know in case this happens so if it all comes together then sweetand it looks like it it looks like we got a legit dude we got a fucking guy wegot a dude right we need three guys i think we have three now and and I agreewith saying 'he' and I don't think Sam was trying to say that I don't thinkhe's not Chris got a ways to go, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying if I'mlooking at this point, I have a potential backup plan to where I don't have toworry about the Godwin scenario if it plays out the right way.


I'm in a good spot.Okay, I'm. I'm sorry we couldn't keep him. I wanted to keep him but I gotMcMillian and I'm okay giving him more balls so, and you know how we feel heremore balls are better. Luke asks how many more years does Mike have this? Thisisn't a question of Mike Evans; Mike Evans is under contract for two moreyears. Godwin's contract is up after this when they signed mike i mean trevorjosh quibble anybody does contracts fucking chuck bass would tell you rightwhen they signed mike they're singling they're singling or a singling with tochris godwin's team that we we kind of chose mike bro that we need to pay mikethe the cash is going to be allocated towards 13.


I can't pay both ofthem that kind of money, we can move on to it. We're spending time on this.Think about this. Has Chris Godwin's name come up at all in the off? He's goinginto the final year of a contract, actually. It has, I've seen a lot of peoplesay he looks great out there, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying,has it come up? Hey, we would like to get something rolling so we're not goinginto the season uh with a dead end or you know playing for like he has noinsurance, that anything good's going to happen after the season if you know.You never know what happens, obviously. Don't like to go into a season mostplayers don't like to go into season on the last year of the contract, they tryto get something done.


I mentioned it injoking and quickly there, type one Underwood right? Like he did, he did he didit in many, yes, yes. Now he's done it with the pads on, now let's see if hedoes it with the lights on. Right so far, he's checking all. The boxes, but wehave to see what the lights on everybody in the chat's absolutely right. Wehave to see it for real on something then you got to see it week one againstWashington when it's actually for real starters and starters. I got a goodmatchup there's a bunch, there's a bunch of he's, he's got a lot of boxes tocheck off don't get me wrong, I'm not he's got to win now I'm saying in thefuture no I'm not i'm saying exactly what you said if things roll the way theyshould this kid has the the potential and the option for the bucs at some pointto where that is a much more comfortable conversation than it would beuncomfortable.


he could also make itvery uncomfortable and be an absolutely terrible wide receiver like teak oneunderwood so we don't know and trey palmer still in the mix but i'm just sayingback to chris before you move on amazing chris chris is you know you had aquietly had a pretty good year last year despite his hatred and his wife'shatred for dime he's dime piece dave we all knew that's why that's why dave'snot here anymore because of that uh and you know caroline panthers are stupidbut uh the guy's gonna bet on himself right he he in this offense he could havea monster fucking year and then if that's the case yeah probably not Gonna beable to afford him, he said.


He set up to have, yeahhonestly uh maybe, maybe not a career year like 2019 but maybe his second bestand that's just going to be something they're not going to be able to afford tobring him to the back especially with the McMILLAN hype that we have teamsaround the league don't want to pay that second wide receiver if he's not inalpha I mean look what's going on with the Bengals, 49ers right now there's alot of like, are we really going to do this? Especially when you have talentcoming up at all these other positions. Keep in mind the way Liam's going touse that slot position, he's gonna Become the number one wide receiver in freeagency pool if IUK is not somehow uh you know already taken care of, but um Iwas gonna say do you do you think Chris Godwin's wife who has lived for a longtime is going to be the number one wide receiver in free agency pool


and be very vocal aboutloyalty and you know you and your your spouse are a team, you guys are a unit.You think she knew about Dave, you know doing what Dave likes to do best uh andthat may be added to her hatred towards him, you know nobody digs up nobodydigs up that dirt more than player wives I love I cannot get enough of these ofanything that they have to say at all times. Support their voices, ladies andgentlemen. We need more of them. We need more. I agree. King Cook, King says,'I'm not hearing anything about Rashad though.' What would you like to hear?The patch just came on. Uh, no. We're shot. Hey, from states and eyes vision.We're looking at him.


He he lost, he lostabout 10, 10, 12 pounds. He looks lighter. He's absolutely... He's made it apoint to talk about the number one thing that Liam has constantly mentioned tohim is 'go.' I don't want any of those except 'fucking go forward,' and yeah,he is doing that. He's putting his foot in the fucking ground; he's goingforward. Guess what, guys? I i pointed it out the stink. One of the first snapsI saw him take what was like full contact, Graham Barton opened up a beautifulhole right in the middle, just whoop squirt right up the middle, that'srefreshing! So, that works. We'll see what happens, but we got it. I mean, thepass just came on Rashad looks good, he looked good in the passing game.


Bucky looks really goodtoo, out of the two Stank and Stank has been watching football longer than I.Rashad still looks smoother running routes, but Bucky's gonna be a problem.We're gonna have a nice one-two punch. John Tucker looked good last night, yeahhe had two, two good days in a row, apparently... uh, the offense. Has kind ofdominated a lot of the conversation, uh, you weren't here last week foroffensive talk; we talked a little about KJ Brit but over the last few days andespecially last night I guess the bucs defense is starting to like wake up.Yaya Diaby is apparently the strongest human being in the building even withVita there um and they're just all just they're they're making plays, they'redropping picks.


Don't get me wrong, butit's good to see the other side of the ball now starting to wake up and kind ofyou know punching back, whereas the offense has been kind of the leader so far.Yaya Diaby picked up Pain Derham and threw him. Across the field like a child,it's Helmet KJ Brit, and he's like 'Oh my god', he's like 'Oh my god', he'slike 'Oh my god', he's like 'Oh off', like he threw him, like a child. I'mlike, 'What the fuck? Who was that?' Like it was a tight end, child-like, ababy it was embarrassing. One of the best parts: you guys remember when wedrafted Paine Derham and you saw that picture and were like 'Holy fuck'? Iwouldn't want to be caught that guy, like he just looks like me, bro.


I swear to you, Stink.I don't know if you saw it all the way through Sammer; he flung him to theground, helmet popped off the whole nine yards. Literally, bro. He justliterally stood up, and his helmet didn't Even make eye contact with y'all,yeah, his helmet back on and walked the other way, like I don't want anyproblems type shit, like all right, bro. Apparently, apparently, Yaya didn'tmean to do that; he just he's like he had one of those Hulk moments where he'slike, 'Oh, shit, I forgot you were a fucking two-year-old! I didn't mean tothrow you into the wall!' It looked pretty meaningful, well, I'm saying not obviously;I'm not saying he's going in there being but he didn't mean to be that rough tohis own teammate, you know what I mean?


But he just, he didn'tknow his own like. Imagine we have a guy like that who's so freakishly athleticthat he doesn't Even though he knows his own strength, and he's like 'oh mygod' he's like 'oh my god' he's like 'oh' against massive human beings, dude.That's I'm excited as fuck for Yaya. By the way, Chuck you're two-sided man,you have to jump in real, I'm not silent, I just can't get enough of this andthe more I hear about the front seven becoming super imposing, the less I feellike I'm gonna have to worry about you know what is our biggest question whichis the secondary really. I mean if they can create um you know if they cancreate a ton of pressure up there and everybody's stepping up.


I mean I i know how youguys feel about White leaving and going to the Eagles. And we just slid inanother guy, a guy; we're more excited about. There's no better phrase in Julythan tempers are flaring at training camp that is like all I want to hear,inject that into my veins, fights! Please bring it all on, oh yeah. I think itwas uh it was Trey Palmer, I think Trey Palmer got up and he took he took aswing at Brit Bro, and it was one of those like Brit was walking away and hekind of felt something, and then he turned around like 'motherfucker what yeahlike what you see', Trey Palmer like he bucked up for a second, he's like 'waitwait wait hold on bro' yeah, you know that guy pal, you're not that guy; Trey'slike Trey's like somebody.


Step in, hurry up,somebody! Fuck yeah, all 150 pounds of Trey and KJ's like the only guy Britmight not be able to actually like attack would probably be that unit thatstank captured on camera but other than that dude, I like KJ, Brit iscontinuously being reported as a dude starting shit, he's in the skirmishes.Todd Bull said if they were gonna have a fight which obviously we don't want tohappen, KJ and Brit are probably gonna be in the middle of it because he'srunning his fucking mouth right but dude, I miss that kind of shit, I likethat, I want that, I want the JPP on this team because we kind of don't havethat guy, Devin's gone, Devin was a lot of hot air, that's what Devin used todo, yeah.


But it's harder whenyou're also doing that and also like missing your assignments, right? Like theydo, shut the fuck up, okay. Good for you, man, cool. But could you fuckingcover a tight end, yeah? Try that, but KJ Brit's like, 'I'm a lunch pail motherfucker,'and I will punch you in the face with the fucking so let's go. And he's doinghis job, and he's out there talking shit, dude. I fucking love that, I lovethat dude. JPP has been missed on this team for years, and I think we have thatmouth finally. I think a good word for KJ is intensity. Sorry, lots, I goahead, no, no, you're good; intensity is the correct. Word, it's just uh, BradyGaud said I'm excited to see Winfield Whitehead, Tykee Smith, and the secondarytogether.


Don't forget Zion, bro.They put him at safety that entire playoff game, and it was like, listen, let'sjust say Sam has been talking, just yeah, it's gonna be fun. Todd's beencooking up some shit, bro, on how to you know use all four of those guys. It'sjust, it's going, he's awesome, he's a schemer, he's gonna be ready to rock,and that's when I think he does his best is when he he has to elevate guys whomaybe aren't just relying on talent alone and a nice strong scheme. And this isthe division to do it, guys, I think this is the division to do. That in well,I mean talk about week one bro, like good matchup but Lord Jesus, good luckJayden Daniels because because Todd's gonna have an entire off-season to schemethat up and


it use those safetiesand move them around and you know blitz, and oh man it's it's really sittingpretty for them and I know defense isn't really sticky that often year to year,but they have 12 of their 17 matchups are against teams that were bottom halfof the league in passing, passing defense success rate so I mean they're notgoing through the gauntlet; they have a couple tough challenges but this isn'tlike you know, I don't think they're going to get torched the way that thenational media is expecting them to dude you can tell from the way todd speaksabout zion the way he speaks about jordan whitehead being back there it's


like it's he's had thisleaky this hole that's been leaking in a boat in the secondary for an entireyear when we had you know ryan whatever the fuck is it was a ryan neal i don'twant to i don't know whatever his name was okay i'll never say his fucking nameand now like you can sense that there's an entire like 200 pound amount ofweight gone off of todd's shoulders he's so confident in jordan whitehead backthere with antoine also we got izzy and Who's still in? You got the you knowthe kid they grabbed from from the Texans, you got the kid they grabbed fromthe Jets who's gonna play in the mix as well and they are confident in Zion.


No other reason forthem to come out there and back him so hardcore unless they feel that he'sgonna be special. And remember, he's one of the most if not the most athleticcorner I've out of uh out of the draft in like fucking 30 years or some shit.So the kid can play if he could just get the IQ side of it right whichapparently looks like he's doing so like I don't think it's gonna be as big aproblem as people think and you have another chess piece, Todd. Texted me theother day, Tykee Jordan Whitehead Antoine, and he just put a bunch ofexclamation points like come on yeah it'll be


fun, a king cook andsome other people in the chat are talking about Whitehead uh stank you and Iboth, I specifically i think it was either pointed out he looked like he pulleda groin it was right in front of us and he kind of well have we heard anythingbecause apparently the chess thing is it's a hamstring it happened at the endof the night right yeah it was right at the end of the night and so today's anoff day, Gingerly looked like he was holding his groin he looked like groin tome he was holding his groin. But the people are saying hamstring, there'shamstring I'm not yeah I think


he did a presser afterthe practice too so it couldn't have been too severe but I I don't knowspecifically they really won't know we won't know until tomorrow because todaywas day off so you're probably not going to get anything till tomorrow aftertomorrow's practice either during to see if he plays or practices and thenafterwards obviously with the press conference but tally books another reasonto practice no more practices bro that's too many heads and our freaking guardJesus, we're clear and you show up barefoot and freaking the whole place i'mleaving for las vegas for 10 days i'm gonna miss most camp anyway so it reallydoesn't matter i sent you


to las vegas that's whyyou did you didn't just get to i appreciate that so i can't go yeah we're justcasino what are we talking about here i might go to come on baby that's smartdollar blackjack miller highlights all right let's go i didn't put him in anice hotel i put him at that that like clown off the strip yeah what's that onecalled circus circus circus is legitimately a fucking weird place bro thatplace is and that's where that's where i had you staying so you so you're goingto the bunny ranch check got it Okay, no, you think I would send him barefootto the bunny dude, he wouldn't pass the first checkpoint at the for like forlike eight minutes, I'll be in another real quick, I got coupons don't worry,we'll get it, they'll pick out like five, six girls go in come out what happenseverything, oh he's just done what he got, five of you though,


yeah, we just watched,we just watched mesh concepts from comas time at Kentucky the whole that's allwe did, yeah, that's it, there's gonna be a lot of mesh lots and lots of meshconcepts, so listen this last topic is something that it's been eating at mesince I saw a video a couple days ago, okay, um, we got a guy In Kalygia, can'tsee who's gonna be a fucking stud in my opinion. Okay, guys, a dog doesn't looklike he's ever been nice to another human being and that's fine by me. Like Idon't want him to be nice; I don't want him to say 'all' or think a puppy or ababy is cute. I want him to be a complete fucking asshole all the time,forever, and that's how you build a winner, right?


But then you got thisother guy, all of a sudden showing up at camp who loves the camera, by the way,coming out there trying to teach him how to pass rush, teach him how to be adefensive tackle, and then at the end of practice gets everybody Kona ice. It'snot about Kona Ice, it's not about one of the better things he brought to thisfranchise, I'm just saying like when that was happening when he was here comeon dude, enough of that, that's some soft ice had some other D tackles humpingtrees, I mean see, I'm just saying I don't want, I don't want is it time for usto ban Kona Ice from camp and when I'm saying Kona Ice, I'm also saying number93, no man, come on Gerald is always welcome here


as a reporter, I havefun he's not he's out there trying to teach Kalijah can't see how to do thingsif he could teach him his get off, I'm happy with that, Kalijah can't see inthat Detroit Lions game made more plays made. more plays that meant somethingin that one playoff game against detroit then mccoy's entire career had a goodget off it's so good it was nothing but off sides penalties dude you knowwhat's messed up sammer is that the organization at least the front office hasshown like no not like they gave his number away within 48 hours of being gonehe's still sniffing around dude he still comes back he's


like that girl that youjust left and you're like i don't know no girl i cheated on you what the fuckdo you like i'm trying to tell you to fuck off trying to tell you i don't wantto be with you i'd fuck off but i don't mind the kona ice but Yeah, you know Ido it; sends a wrong message. They should be he should be out there bringingbarbecue. We were there and yeah Kalijah did give him the side eye like, okay,okay bro, okay. Where are you all right? Yeah, I know how to do this dude,thanks I got it, yeah I know how to swim in the water thanks dude, I get it.Yeah, I got a side with him on Kona Ice here.


I was doing a littleresearch; Kona Ice actually has a pretty extensive Wikipedia page. Uh, theirheadquarters are in Florence, Kentucky, which is nearby a military installationso my guess is this is probably a deep-state psyop and they're just using it toinfiltrate with uh nice. Tasty little treats, I'd be a little bit hesitant ifthey're just rolling up serving players, who knows what's going on. It's anelection year, I don't know, I'm skeptical that see is that is that, DEI ice isthat DEI ice. Now I'm skeptical, yeah, now I'm starting to worry a little bit,that might be DEI ice. I was wondering why they only had red and blue, that'sthe only two, yeah. They also had like an ear with blood on it, that was alsoan option, a bloody ear option, that's a tough look, that's a tough look.


DEIs all right, soanyway, um, a lot of people don't know who the f**k Chuck Bass actually is, sothat is true, uh, Chuck, you're a fantasy football weirdo like i'm actually i'mactually in a fantasy football league with him it's called the ozempic trials ibelieve it's called correct where we are supposed to cut a player every week tountil the final week to see who could win with only three on the rosters thatwould explain this yeah that was a pretty that was a pretty good drunk idea ithink i had like um i don't know half a bottle of mictors and i was thinkinglike these ozempic commercials are everywhere it's everywhere in the media uhhow about a league where every week you


have to just cut aplayer and eventually we're going to work down to four guys and that'll be Yourfinal four, uh, and we have 12 leagues going right now, and if I have some moremicros maybe we'll add a few more, and if anybody wants to join they're morethan welcome. I'm making this shit up on the fly, and we're having a good timewith it fucking savage shit, bro! We might do a Loose Cannons league again;we're just gonna let you run it, bro. How about that? Please I will burn thatmotherfucker to the ground; I would love nothing more than to be a part and Ilike that it's something different because yeah, it's you know the same oldfucking Yahoo shit that I've been doing for 30 years – I like that shit.


Yeah, I thought it'd befun. To like those those first like five or six weeks, you're gonna be trimmingyour last picks, but then you get to like, you know, maybe like week 11 andyou're like, 'shit', you know, I have to cut a Chris Godwin or I have to cutlike a T Higgins, like it's gonna come down to the wire, what are you gonna do?I like it, I gotta talk to you about the fantasy show stuff that we have. Wehave so chuck chuck the the guys that get cut, can they be picked up by otherteams and no no no trades, no nada, this is your jam, you're rocking it tillthe end, uh, so don't fuck it up. What about some like back alleyway deals withthe commission?


Oh, I'm alwaysaccepting. bribes payments coupons tickets dave and buster's power card pointswhatever you got i'm in for it that's the type of league i like to be in aleague that allows for uh i also like a commissioner that can be greased i likethis guy yeah this is america baby this is a baby this is not not to bring itback to it but it's not just a baby it's not just a baby but look at thiselection it's very representative of the culture right now and i'm happy to bea part of it all right you mean absolutely insane i agree so since you are notonly doing the weird fantasy football stuff you do know your fantasy footballin all seriousness um so before I let you plug all the cool stuff you do withyour weird-ass podcast, um, give us give us the uh give us your top five.


Have you gone throughI'm sure you've done eight million mock drafts at this point, fancy footballpicks regular PPR regular regular run-of-the-mill type league, yeah look whenit comes to I like a goofy league every now and then from like a rosterconstruction standpoint but as far as scoring goes guys I'm uh I'm asmissionary as they come so I don't like to I don't like to get a little bit toowild for it so I can give you a couple guys that I think are gonna be umthey're gonna be pretty fun, you're tickling stinks balls with That dude, he'sa he, missionary. He might have invented 'Hey Belly to Belly Missionary', soI'm going to, I'm going to, I love every second of it.


Please uh right throughthis right through the hole of the pants um I'm going to exclude the box, Iwill say I think every buccaneer and this is take my bias out of that. I dothink they're a smash at value there's no respect on the team whatsoever at anyof the positions so don't be afraid to scoop up any buccaneers this yearthey're going great. So let's look at some guys, I love, love, love DevonA'Chain running back for the Dolphins. I think there's only a handful of guysthat can get you that high. High, uh, score port any given week. I know peopleare concerned about maybe his frame and his size, but they're not giving himthe volume that you would have to worry about that going into the next round,right there.


I really like DJ More.I love that safety blanket for Caleb Williams now, obviously that depends on ifyou're a Caleb Williams believer. I happen to be a big one. DJ More, widereceiver, six last year and that's with Justin Fields throwing him the ball. Ithink this is a big upgrade across the board. Uh, you move down a little bitmore, you start to get into a little... I like to you know some running theserounds, four, round five, Joe. Mixon, it's going to be a workhorse again forthe Texans. I want a piece of that Texans offense and I think the widereceivers are a little overpriced because I think it's going to be an absolutehodgepodge, you know, Digs, Nico, Tank, Dell, like they're just going toalternate very 2020, you know.


Buccaneers is it goingto be a Mike Evans week is it going to be an Antonio Brown week? Give me therunning back, uh, that's going to be pretty hot. I'm going to avoid saying mylast one because you guys are going to absolutely hate it because you have apopular saying around here, involving another team in the division... Fucking.Those fucking, fucking mute his ass right now, no, no, I want to hear it, thisis fantasy, anything goes. We want to hear this bullshit, anything goes. Guyswearing a fucking jersey with a collar on it, dude look, he's wearing a polojersey. I mean, I'm a fraud, I'm a fake, I'm an absolute uh cheapskate. I likeAlvin Kamara this year, guys, I think it's the last year you're ever going towant to have a piece of him.


I don't want anybodyelse in the Saints offense, I don't trust the passing game, the offensive lineis horrible. But the truth is Alvin Kamara got so many targets last year thathe was the army three and points per game when he came back from. playing dancedance revolution on a guy's head so once that was over and he was back in themix i mean derrick carr is going to check the ball down left and right so i'llgive you one more that i love uh and then my weirdness can be over if you guyssee evan ingram in that seventh eighth round reel him in you can wait on tightend this year the tight ends are all over the board he's going to command ahigh target share uh they got rid of calvin really they replaced him with gabedavis uh dave davis is great for memes he's not great for memes he's not greatfor memes he's not


great for points sothat's a pretty good smash coming late and He's going up right now with 'Fuckthe Saints, bro' they are like everybody, they're lighting, that's kind of whatI wanted. It's like I can i win either way, I get to say what I want and then Iget to hear a bunch of 'Fuck the Saints.' Can it get any better than that? Igot some fantasy stuff for you and everybody knows I'm in defense. I lovefantasy but Chuck, I got a question for you: Some would say you live infantasy, I do well not that to be snake uh, that's a different kind of fantasy.I'm in a league where I won the championship; I went worse to first, gangster,fucking style yeah, I beat I beat some of the playoffs with uh Gardner Minchu,that was so Good, was it a budget remodel are you built for long-term success?


This is not done, itwasn't dynasty but it was it was I just went from worst to first just redraftuh but I I was able to keep Jalen Hurts from that first year anyways um myquestion is would you keep Jalen Hurts' fourth-round penalty this year, fourthon pick this year or reset the clock with a new keeper and keep Sam Laporatofor a sixth uh I'm probably taking Jalen Hurts I just don't think that SamLaporato is going to repeat as a top one-two-three tight end I think he canstill have value he had the worst tight end one season last year of anybody inlike six or seven years um Jameson Williams is really coming alive in camp;they had some guys missing time last year.


I don't think it'sgonna he's still gonna be a top five guy, uh, but Jalen Hurts is still that toptwo actually team changing quarterback and I still think they're gonna be a topfive guy. I don't think they're gonna be a top run the tush push on theregulars, so I'd probably run that direction just because I think that you knowthat like I said about Evan Ingram. I mean Evan Ingram is going as the tightend eighth and then you got guys like Nojoku and um Jake Ferguson going afterhim, Brock Bowser if you want to get nuts, I mean you're talking like you haveyour Pick of the litter, uh, the quarterbacks who are going to kill it for youweek to week and drop you 28-32-36 points, it's pretty limited so I'm pullingthat in.


And then the secondpart of that question is I'm sitting at seven, seventh overall, right? So itgets a little weird there. McCaffrey's probably gone, the tough spot I'm gone,I'm a Ross probably gone, right? You know I'm looking at maybe Breeze, maybe sois it too high Chuck? So just go ahead and get that stack and go get AJ Brownat seven, you know what that's? So funny, I was just talking about thisearlier. My top three in the drafts in no order are McCaffrey, Lamb, and I'm onRaw Saint Brown. Pick them in whatever order you want after that, the next likeseven guys, you just take dealer's choice, you want to


go chase, you want togo hall, you want to go AJ Brown, you want to go Justin Jefferson, there isabsolutely no wrong pick, they're all going to be absolutely fine, there's theconcerns about them melt away when you look at how they've performed in differentelements that a lot of them have been exposed to, he's going to be fantastic uhI'm okay with that pretty lethal fact too with him and Jaylen for old guys likeme, I like to draft like legacy guys, you know the ones that are right, they'reon, I don't Randall Cobb's stuff. Like Jones's Julio, yeah, who are the olderplayers that uh that are draftable and who should I stay away from?


Here, so you're lookingfor one last ride kind of guys, yeah, you know somebody that was once a firstrounder but I don't remember because I just don't and I still value them likein the top fucking rounds. Who's somebody I should stay away with? Who's who'sunofficially retired but hasn't put his paperwork in, that stain could possiblydraft in the fifth round, yeah. Oh I I got you if you're there. There'smultiple ways you can go with this. Number one is going to be Keenan Allen, ifyou want to go fifth, I think he's priced a little I'd love To see him fall alittle bit, but people aren't buying it; they saw how unbelievable he was lastyear, so there's some stake in there.


But if you want to punta little bit later, you've got Austin Eckler, Ezekiel Elliott - these guys aregreat, yeah, Chubb; these guys are going nine, ten, eleven round eleven likeyou're going to be able to you're not going to lose an ounce of sleep if theseguys don't have great seasons and they're still primed to be pretty involved intheir offenses for varying degrees, of course. Um, it's going to be a lot offun because, like, the other guys that you want to pick for this, like aDavante Adams or somebody like That they're going early second round, I meanit's like there's there's it's really funny, it's like you're going to be ableto tell everybody's personality this year by who they pick because you'reseeing Marvin Harrison Jr.


going next to DavanteAdams, you're seeing B.John Robinson go right next to Garrett Wilson like I'mgonna know who you are just based upon your teams so is it worth draftingJustin Fields uh the kicker Turner for the Steelers depends on your league uhmight be it might be might be fun um yeah it's definitely worth it because theSteelers have a fucking brutal schedule no I'm telling you hey Justin Fieldsfor his lack of skill is a worth a late round flyer because Russell Wilson isnot a good quarterback anymore, even if he's better than Kenny Pickett. I wasgonna ask you about Davin Cook, you know he's currently not on the roster couldI pick him up, you know late 15th round, for whatever the last round is in myleague?


You just never know.Jones two national morning stank, you picked Julio Jones a couple years ago inlike the fifth round, yes uh yeah it was fifth or sixth round, you grabbedJulio Jones, couldn't believe he was there, to be honest with you, you werelike 'is there any muscle available for real'? Hey, by the way, we got a bunchof super chats that we haven't even read cali bucs way earlier said bd couldn'teven remember logan hall's name when he did the chris says a lot about theimpact of logan hall yeah logan hall is you still don't hear about the guy atall i mean he was out there last night i guess i i we'll see he has a lot toprove and then we have west side sports that was uh speaking about the kona icekona ice psyop he said now i've heard everything thank you for the 499 superchat and then he also donated 499 he said chuck


what wings looking likeyeah we were getting also oh yeah wait yeah that's that's that's a question forlater my bad It's a question for later, yeah unbelievable dude, you're theworst what I was the super chat man, super chat foreshadowing ever, yeah howare you bad at everything I tell you to do on the show? I, you didn't even tellme to do that, I was just kidding, I did a year ago, I told you you were incharge of super chats a year ago this is the first time you've taken it uponyourself to do the task, I gave you a year, I got it done, I got it done let'sgo baby all right, Chuck we since you are a first-time guest, okay, we have toask you the the two questions that we have to ask of all of our guests and theanswers to these two questions will determine no matter.


How hilarious you are,a lot! You had to go, no matter how hilarious you are, and how much we like theshenanigans. If you don't answer these questions to our liking, you're nevercoming back and we just won't interact with you, and you will basically be adead person to us. So, we all agree that chicken wings are the greatestfootball food known to the galaxy! Right? So, when you're eating chicken wings,are you going dry rub are you going wet and saucy? You know what? Usually, Iwant to be honest and say it depends on a lot of varying factors. Depending onmy blood alcohol level, if anyone else is around me, I'm a sauce boss, guys!


That's just how I Ilike them wet, and I like them like I'm uh dripping, and that says everythingabout who I am and what I do, and I'm a sauce boss, guys, that's just how I go.I like them wet, and I like them, what I represent, and I'm going down with theship if that has to be the case, disappointed, disappointed, no, that's exactlythe answer dude. On this podcast, we like them just like we like our anyway, umdripping like a waterfall, please just, I can't get enough of it, yeah, thereyou go, yeah, TLC, a little TLC, uh, action there, I like that, a little dryaction either, nobody likes dry action dude.


No one likes you, can'trub, no, you can't enter on dry rub, dude, it's not like They call it dry rub,and I'm like, 'Oh my god, it's dry rub, it's dry rub, it's dry rub, it's dryrub.' Always think of the exact same, like dude, that's a tough rub. You canget hey, it's crispy, you know what you're getting? You don't get all messy,nah, you're getting yes, 'cause an irritation, dude. A dry rub is always goingto be irritation later on, that's why I like it. I like them, I like the slowroast, like a little more, you know, cook for a while, a little more mature,less sandpaper texture, you like that? Yeah, paper, yeah, like that. Grind likethe crunch, little literal grind all right, chuck when you're having thosedeliciously saucy.


Dripping down yourelbow, this is the only the only question that matters by the way or shit whatthe fuck are you dipping them in, blue cheese or trailer gravy? Siri, what arethese guys like? I know, um, all right, give it to me one more time because Ithought about that joke was gonna be funny and it absolutely fucking sucked.Oh, she's in; she's actually what is she saying? Siri said 'baby carrots andketchup.' I don't know what the fuck she's on right now. Did you just put yourear down to your microphone to listen closer? Why did you do that? That's nothow that thing works, dude! It didn't work; it didn't work; it didn't work...of course not.


You need To turn downthe volume in your car to hear better, guys I'm gonna be honest with you, I'mgonna be honest with you again because I'm a straight shooter I don't like todip my wings in shit I trust the sauce I trust the chef I go with the gut and Ijust I just let that baby ride and if it's a mistake I just get a differentsauce grab the waitress I'll go back in the kitchen hey can I talk to you for alittle bit I don't know something like that I like that I like that's allthat's how I am at restaurants thanks, been with me multiple times when we'vegone out to eat and I just like to just help myself to any of the employee-onlydoors because that's Just you know, I think that's how you get a realexperience at a restaurant.


Your restaurant'scalled Mugs and Jugs, it's inviting you to come in anywhere, no matter whatkind of dry rub they're going to give you back there. It doesn't anywhere thatshould be the motto for Mugs and Jugs, freak right here, you got it! Nobody'sgonna chart well, Sam or my next I just typed that in, and actually Kona Iceowns the trademark on that so they might have to wait for some legal counsel toget involved, but otherwise that's not a wrong answer, chuck honestly. It'sprobably the most popular answer, the non-peer, the wing purists I feel. likeit's a movement nobody even talks about it right we're over here we're we'reyou know we're staunch blue cheese


army over here rightand you know every we think that everybody else is all ranch but i feel likemore people are purists it's not i have to have my wings of blue cheese it's ifi am forced to dip them or i feel like you know what they're a bit on thetemperature side you know i can't put this amount i'm gonna you know burn mytongue then yeah i need the blue cheese to kind of you know yeah i'll co-signif somebody like if the wings are subpar or i'm at like somewhere where i knowthey're this isn't this is not a sauce place i'm getting blue cheese that'scoming into


the fold maybe i'mpicturing this wrong i'm picturing myself at like a five-star yelp place when ineed to be picturing myself at like an airport chiles to go or something likethat you a yelp review guy you like to leave yelp reviews i feel like he's ifeel like you're the chucks or are you a go to yelp only when it's the worst experienceever and you just you have to let someone else know or you i definitely idefinitely went through a phase before i was on twitter where i was like sayingall the shit i say on there but in my yelp reviews and that was actually goingover pretty well um but i yeah only one star or five stars nowhere in betweenand i give places that i like that probably weren't five stars five stars justbecause i'm a big supporter of local business uh and everything else can getfucked so you're a liar and a cheater on the internet


i've just uh you liketo lie on the internet that's what you're telling me right now i'm a man on algore's internet you sit there and lie that's what the ai is telling me to doand i abide by uh i abide by the this guy this guy has been on the cover of anairport magazine more than once bro like like an air airplane magazine which isthe only magazine anybody actually reads It NFL by Sky Mall's NFL critic of theyear, yeah yes I was uh, I tried to get on Maxim and they folded so I had to goto the next best source and uh, Sky Mall is still going strong. Did you getthat jersey in the sky?


You guys are ragging onthis, I've seen this jersey in the t in the team store if you... if you... ifyou think there's actually a coffee table that turns into a dog house, that'sdefinitely from Sky. Hey dude, here's a couch that you can also put litter in,yeah now your cat can shit in your couch when no one will know but you'll smellit, but no one will know... no one will know. When you're there's only 13payments of $129.99, Sky Mall.com, when you're Six vodka, vodka doubles deep ona Vegas flight. You pull out Sky Mall magazine, you're telling me you're notbuying something. They have Wi-Fi on the plane now, that's um that's in thecart before I hit the ground, yeah dude!


Running on a Visa giftcard with no nothing on it. Listen, that might be at my hotel before I evencheck in, that might already be there. That's how I like to write. So what I'mgonna ask you guys is, has either of you guys ever actually ordered anythingfrom Sky Mall? No, no! I did order this thing off of like a late night uhinfomercial one time it was called the Rotato. You could stick a potato on itand then Pop and it would peel potatoes or make potato strings, that's probablythe most desperate I've ever purchased. Chuck, I called the 1-800 number in themiddle of the night, three in the morning, and I ordered it. Oh, one thing Iwant, the potato thing! I want the potato thing, yeah.


Can I get the free bagtoo? Yeah, Chuck. You at U.S. Sky Mall consumer. I ordered one thing; it waslike an automatic swipe writer so I could just set the app for swipe right. Icould go cook, I don't know, do some errands come back, and I will swipe.Dwight, you swiped right? You sure that's what it's used for? Uh, that's how itwas marketed to me. Now it did feel a little targeted which I thought. wasstrange for a sky mall print magazine that they could target market but youknow what i fly enough that might be the case i'm a cover athlete what do youi'm a cover athlete what do you want just a finger that does this uh you know ibought something and it never arrived i bought a back to the future chess setnever made it never made it can you fix that can you call your people over getthat fucking chess set


i've got some stringsthat i can pull uh i'm pretty sure there hasn't been any turnover there latelyi might be able to get in with the editor yeah they've only done one episodeone issue the entire 30 years i don't think they're Busy, yeah, oh my god,dude. All right, now you know what I think I'm gonna order something out of SkyMall catalog this Friday when I'm flying. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go buy, I'mgonna go buy a flight somewhere just so I can get the latest Sky Mall. He'sjust sitting there, but hey, where you going? What do you have going on whenyou guys land? Oh not the dude, I'm just i'm literally here from the sky, I'mon that one.


So if you could pleaseshut the fuck up, I could go through this thing because it's like 75 pages andI need to make sure I choose the best items in said catalog so let's cut thesmall talk here and she's just like trying to tell you you're in an exit rowsir are you okay with the dude fuck off all right i have 75 pages all rightcan't hear you sorry all right chuck before we let you go man um let peopleknow what you're doing and i'll see you next time you do uh what's on youryoutube channel what that youtube channel is and uh you know any of the 501 c3sthat you're part of oh well those those have to you're that those are only forpeople who are access to my patreon um i am the host of this guy sucks withchuck bass on youtube


twitter apple spotifyall that stuff and we just basically you know roast players try to you knowpoint out a little bit of the uh you know i know we All get angry, and it's aplace for you to come and vent and share your frustrations. Um, there is swearing;it's actually encouraged, so I would encourage everybody to get over there andjust let me have it, you know? I'm never doing my job well, I like to be theone sometimes that takes the brunt. Uh, so we'll talk about fantasy, we'll talkabout NFL, we'll talk about um, drinking, drugs, gambling, sex everything thatyou know people want to hear, and we'll just uh, do it with a little bit ofthat flair that we're famous for.


Wow, sounds disgusting,it is, terribly right now. Hold on, um, before I forget, um, everybody whosomehow lasted the entire 58 minutes. So far, uh, don't forget to hit the likebutton, leave us a comment if you disagree with anything Chuck said which is verylikely um or if you hated Chuck, if you think Chuck should come back let usknow uh especially that yes yeah and of course no especially the hate Chuckthat I want to definitely know about that I want to just read what the fuckChuck question mark on all these comments no um let's know what you guysthought and of course if you are new hit that, before I forget I'm wearing theupside down Tampa hat like I always do that's because they are a new partner ofours, the partner is not called upside down.


hats though it'sobviously it's called reversebrand.com um if you guys go to reversebrand.comand enter the discount code loose cannons you save 10 off your entire order andthe proceeds of that order go directly to the national cmb foundation which isa foundation started by john spytek and his wife to bring attention to aterrible disaster and i'm wearing the upside down tampa hat like i always dothat's a great foundation it's a foundation that can be prevented and can beavoided if you are knowledgeable and understand what could or could not happenwhen your child is about to be born so it's an amazing cause a greatFoundation, it started with a terrible, terrible tragedy as most things likethis do, but it's turned into a great positive thing.


So go check out whatReverse Brand has to offer and in doing so, you're helping a great cause. Um,Chuck uh, you're you're officially uh loose cannons. Uh, your loose cannonsTerry's been popped. Yeah, you're right, I'm not going to... You're officiallya cannon. Um, we'll send on the resume baby, yeah, we'll send you the contactand the paperwork uh, you know all the things you have to do to join this gangthat we we've got going on including the ass tattoo which you know we all havegotten at some point so I was gonna say if you guys even want to add a fewthings to that typical contract that you think most people would never be intheir right mind to sign i mean i'm the guy right off the bat you have to havea bidet installed on every toilet in your home oh are you kidding me i've gotnot just the bidet i've got the


just that but backupsfor when it ever goes down i do not play around with that kind of days youbuying that are going down dude you're telling me you're not the bidets babyit's me it's not the bidets it's me he likes he likes a little bit more psithan what you can get on the regular market i'm running 45 psi in the main inthe main bathroom Right now, right that's rookie that's rookie stuff. You gottabump that up; you might, yeah, that's the way down there in the level, right atthe right angle, that that shit's coming right out of my belly button, dude.I'm just saying; just like my fur, my ass to stay dry. You know, you're alittle dry, rub ass, yeah, I'm more of a dry rub.


You do smell like lemonpepper, shit. I like the consistency, I like that a lot, across the board.That's uh, yeah, you know, you're just smearing shit around your cheeks andlifting your pants up and going back to work. Right, staying that's how everyhuman in existence has done it all right, yeah, most of the world. Still,really, you're too good to be like the rest of us. Cavemen were using toiletpaper; they were going to the fucking river if they lived near a river. What ifthey didn't live near a river? What were they? They were but dating their assbefore before Joe Biden became president. There are rivers everywhere, okay?There's waterways everywhere. You get to a lake, an ocean, a pond, a river, astream, uh, a gulf, a bay.


You get to any of thesewaterways. I live in fact your ancestors didn't live anywhere near rivers, no.We would drill down; we would get. We had olive oil with us too. I have, I willsay you're right about that, I've. Not seen one lagoon in the four years thatJoe Biden, yeah, see what happened. I thought about that where are the Americanlagoons? Tank, where are the American lagoons? These lagoons are streaming upfrom Mexico; no one's stopping them. They're coming up from the ground. There'slots of legumes, but lagoons, yeah, that's been a while. When was the last timeyou saw a nice stream? I was out on one of the airboats not too long ago that'sa lot of chances. That was a river, dude.


Yeah, what part, whatpart of uh, what part of Florida are you there, buddy? That's the Santa'scountry wasn't it? Oh, oh right, a super red part of Sawgrass because theystill have American Waterways out there, man, that's all I'm saying! Americanwaterways, alright, alright, guys. Hit that like button, hit that subscribebutton. Thank you so much; we will see you guys uh, today's Wednesday probablynext Monday and um, we got some big stuff got some big stuff coming nextTuesday's. Thank you later and I and Chuck will be at training camp, uh, sowe'll have some up-close-and-personal interviews and we'll see you guys nextweek. Bye, with players and friends and general managers and cool guys, and youknow who knows? Maybe some cool gals, you never know, man, never know! So uh,go bucs!


Guys, hit that likebutton, hit that subscribe. button thank you so much we will see you guys uhtoday's wednesday probably next monday and um we got some big stuff got somebig stuff coming next tuesday's thank you latte and i and chuck will be attraining camp uh so we'll have some up close and personal interviews withplayers and friends and general managers and cool guys and you know who knowsmaybe some cool gals you never know man never know so uh go bucs.


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Bucs Training Camp: 6-Day Update

July 31, 2024

That's not a lot what'sup bucs Nation! It is July 31st, 2024. You are watching the Loose CannonsPodcast. I'm your boy Sammer, hanging out with Latte, who is back, fullyinvested, back with the team. Might not be wearing pads, but he's back. And ofcourse, one stank bastard, who uh you know, just continuously disappointeddisappoints me, just continuously disappoints me day in, day out, phone callin, phone call out. And for those of you wondering, this guy here with thewandering eyes camera, the Stank Cam, uh you may know him on Fate on, onTwitter, you may know him on YouTube, but this man is actually Sky Malls NFLCritic of the Year,


okay, and not Only hashe won it once and he, he wants more which tells you he's different, he's on adifferent level right so we want to welcome fantasy football weirdo and justgeneral shenanigans king Chuck fucking Bass what's up Chuck guys it's so goodto be here I can't encourage everybody enough to get out and vote I need you toget down to your dog tracks to your strip clubs anywhere where voting polls aregoing on, get down there, vote for me for back-to-back Sky Mall Critic of theYear I'll be happy to have your vote I'm happy to hear be here with you boysready to tear it down tonight, get into some bucs, buzz this is what I live forthis is That's the only election I'm actually fucking qualified to vote in,honestly.


That's the only one Icare about, honestly. I need a yard sign; he has my vote just based off hisfucking microphone, bro. Like you should have came on with the Bob Barker, bro!I was gonna say the only thing they could have topped it would have been theBob Barker extraordinaire right, the little pencil dick Mike that'd have beenthe way. But but before so look, we have topics ready to go, but before thosetopics could get you know, we could dive into them obviously. Some major newsdoes happen before the show though; we don't have time to go into that, but themajor News or not, we don't have time to update the list, but uh, bucs' newlyacquired free agent was going to be competing for the left guard spot.


Sua Opeta officiallytears his ACL last night at practice, Latte and Stank were there; theywitnessed it, they had a bad feeling in their nuts, and they kind of knew thatin the bottom of their stomach like that was not a good one. Uh, the silverlining is that he was not currently leading that competition whereas Brendisonhad was so, that's the silver lining again. You don't want to see it, but hewas good uh depth; he was a good running guy uh coming from the Eagles, Ithought it was a good piece. To have, but now he will not be here, so that'sterrible news. So the first major injury, I guess guys. Hits hits the bucs now,first and only, hold on, first and only.


It's not the first yousaid like 'first' like 'first' of many; relax, pump the brakes, there's gonnabe a toe there's gonna be a toe at some point because they they have yet to getStank in the building - they're on the medical staff to be the foot specialistright? You need that guy in that building, everyone knows that, knows that.Latte knows that. I hate it, I hate to make Stank sound smarter than anyoneelse in any room, but in this case it would be applicable. Hey, that's justshit. works, man! It listen, thank you, it's not it listen. Success has beeneasy; rest is why Rex Ryan and the Jets right had a great year, the Super Bowl,you foot fetish he was on to that then he got all embarrassed when it came outwent away from his foot, you know.


Love and what happenedit just crashed and burned. You gotta embrace the foot thing, you have to. AndStank is an imperative member of the front office and training staff, and Ithink that that has to be more respected, right. It's like the people behindthe scenes; it's like the hitting yardage in a game. You make a great point,get grounded, we were there watching. The guys we were there watching the guyswarmed up, excuse me, we were there watching the guys warm up. Opetta had hisshoes on, anyways. Continue as I say, speaking a great point, the chat hasbrought up a very significant thing we have to discuss at this point. Stankgoes to first practice of the training camp; guy gets injured.


Uh, so new, new firsttopic we're going to dive into here should Stank be banned from furthertraining camps for 2024? I would say yes, he's not. As a matter of fact, Samand I are going next week because you're jaundice, Sam and I are going nextweek, and uh, I think it's not coming with us, bro. No, you are not going withus. We're going with with the upgraded stank version, Chuck Bass, yes let’s gobaby! This is like, you know, stank is like the base, you get the hubcaps, youget the roll-up windows, no fucking GPS, no nothing. You got the alloy wheelpackage, you got the wing package – that's the upgraded stank version! Idefinitely like to think of myself as like upgrading on an Allegiant flight,that's me baby; I'm an Allegiant upgrade all day long!


It’s funny, I’m takinga flight this uh Friday, it’s Spirit, of course, because I’m not paying bigmoney for a flight why you would do that, bro? And like to live dangerouslyalso, I flew Allegiant. One time Chuck, and you could literally see the pilots;like you could see there was no door, you can go in there if you want, yeah,no, no, it was just you're just part of the you could tag them out, you know,like those you know, like tag team wrestling, you could just tap down theshoulder; I got let's not do a tagging out or tagging in with pilots, bro,let's not do that, we gotta remember the plane that Indiana Jones used to takewith, like there'd be like a crate of chickens next to him and stuff, likethat, yeah, more of that, you look like you look like one of those you looklike a crate of chicken traveler, somebody.


Said he's the king ofkind, accurate honesty. Is he the king of 'Fuck the Saints'? No, actually Icame up with that, 'King of Fuck the Saints'. Hold on a second, uh Bat W said,since staying to Saints practice, since staying in Atlanta, I'm going Friday,bro. Uh no, we officially... uh all three the three of us have voted. Think youcould vote if you really wanted to. Guess I'm assuming you're gonna vote no onyou being banned from training camp but the three of us, Chat Chuck, includeWe've voted that you will not be allowed in any more training camp practices,so we will be there, we will be there next week. Uh,


Chuck, I don't knowwhere the fuck you Actually, live but you're welcome to just slide into a spot,you can just say you're Stank um yeah I'm down um I'm I'm prohibited from youknow talking about where I live because of certain federal government laws, butI mean otherwise I'm able to I'm able to get out and about and come do thingsso I'm ready to rock. I can't unsee this, I can't unsee. I'm sorry, Chuck isthat fucking behind your shoulder there? Oh yeah, this is the number one, areyou related to fucking Roger? What the fuck's going on here? No, I'm just ahuge Roger Goodell fan, you know it's buccaneers here and then Roger Goodellright here. I mean just the greatest commissioner.


In history of prosports, an absolute legend in every regard, and I like to show him a littlesupport because he's not getting any love; he's not getting it from anybodyelse that's true. I can't expect that he was the first one to get in and bringit in close him and Jerry McCoy had like very very like real moments on stage,and honestly I credit that for for the open movement we have now across theleague everybody's free to be who they are, and I think it has at least alittle bit of part of that. Yeah, wow, okay, um, so no more padded practices,yeah! I'm about to say, speaking of injured offensive linemen, uh, the bucs andTristan have agreed As a couple days ago because we're going to go over thelast couple, you know, a couple days uh they will he will not be wearing orparticipating in any of the padded practices because that is the safe thing todo.


We kind of said thatthat would be the right thing to do. He would take even though we saw himwearing pads and participating, you know, not full pads obviously those firstthree four days so uh good move, obviously. I think you agree, Iwhole-heartedly agree as a matter of fact, I don't want anyone anywhere nearthe field, forget Pat not forget, not participating in padded practices, don'teven come onto the field, sir! And I saw Opetta go down, fuck up Azacia right.We also saw somebody else like fling a receiver out of bounds into a wasn'teven paying attention almost took their fucking knees out right, like Todd hadto fucking lay the hammer down there because he was pissed off, you know.Chill, I don't want worse anywhere near anything where he can get injured.


Coughed on break,grazed and nothing, okay until until the ink is dry, stay somewhere else, bro.Go go up in the fucking booth with fucking Jason, Light he'll do somethingelse, okay. So yeah, no more padded, no more nothing, nothing, not worse,Chuck. I legitimately could not agree more when. Like these blue chip Hall ofFame-bound players don’t need any more practice, um, and I kind of like theidea of letting some of the younger guys maybe get thrown into the fire alittle bit, maybe step up and take a little bit more of a leadership role,especially Barton, um, you know fortify the interior of that line and just, youknow, come alive because this is a unit that still has a lot to prove despitehaving a lot of potential.


So I'd like to kind ofsee him shepherd that in; the only thing that I don't like about it and Iagree, keep him; I do want this to happen sooner than later, obviously the contractbecause whoever's playing left guard. next to him i'd like them to have alittle bit of some sort of chemistry something but i'm not saying that from atristan worth standpoint it's more or less whoever you know that stooge is isgoing to be next to him understanding how tristan likes things done you knowlike when you're you know the new cop in town and you get to go with the youknow old grizzly vet you know and he's you know he's asking you to he he likesthings done a certain way he likes his coffee a certain way he likes his coffeea certain way he likes his coffee a certain way


he likes you to drivethe fucking car a certain way like stank coming in as a rookie cop is bad newsfor everybody obviously right so i just say i want it i want that developedrelationship to have a little bit of time that's all but again that's i'm not tooworried about that because jason light greenberg spy tech the whole crew theyknow what the fuck they're doing stank sam where do you where do you fall onthe police academy movies you know chart you love them you hate them love themand mostly because of the police academy movies you know chart you love themyou hate them love them the cop with the sound effects the helicopter sounds hedoes and like i mean that guy that guy's a fucking legend you guys know howMuch imitation and impressions I do, that guy's a legend, dude!


That guy's a legend forme. Give us your best yeah, I was gonna say impersonation now we gotta hear it,yeah, definitely my best what your best like impersonation of a sound effectlike he does, I want to hear it can you do the cannons going off? I've neverthought about object uh impersonations no that's different, I don't even wannaread LDBC's uh yeah don't read it don't read it just knock on wood, knock hey!Knock on money, thank you, thank you for your super chat um, I'll say this uhhe might have to move to another state we'll just leave it at that and thenhe's I'd like you. To answer this question, Chuck as our guest he says 'stank'I was gonna say what's up last night when I saw your practice but it looks likeyou bit can you confirm or deny?


Chuck, can you repeatthat again? Make sure if it was the beer that's impairing my ability to to hearthat correctly or if it was as bad shit crazy as it sounded. It was that badshit crazy! Stank! I was gonna say what's up last night at practice but youlook like you bit. I mean, I think that's a sign of power and respect, and I'dhave to commend every... You know, I want to look like that. People look at meand they're like 'Uh, can you get the f**k away from me?' so I i wish they Fearedme a little bit more in that regard, they definitely fear you. I don't thinkit's the fear you're thinking though; it's uh, all right. I'm done then, I'llsee you guys later.


I appreciate it. I'mchecking out. Oh man, I don't think there's anything else to add on the on thisTristan worth topic but um, you guys gotta go last night to the practice indoorfacility so the guys had a little bit more juice they probably... oh no, it'snot right there. Stop right there. It was one of the most mundane, boring, fuckinglifeless, no energy early practice at all. No, no, I'm not saying the playersplayers are fired up; defense was on fire, bro. We're going at it. Yeah, I'mnot, I'm not. We're not on this show to talk about the crowd. I don't give afuck about it. We will, we'll get it we will get into it. I understand; I willlet you guys get that out 100%.


But I'm talking abouton the field: Jalen McMillan is going to be a fucking problem. And not onlyfirst three days, no pads; and then now three days he's had pads – okay, that'swhat I'm saying. And he has done it every single fucking day. This is not thisis not going to be a type one Underwood thing like the pads come on, and thendisappeared. No, the pads came on, turned it up – hey, lots of lattes nobodywrote about it; and I didn't even tweet about it, but I pointed out That wasright before practice started, it's Baker and Jalen McMillan having like a30-minute conversation just the two of them, bro. Over there, like, just heBaker was late to get in on on the on his snaps, I think Kyle took 10 extrasnaps because that's how important that conversation with...I don't know whatthey were talking about, but and then Jalen went on to take over practice afterthat.


Pretty fucking you'repumping your fist like you called this or something. He literally means it'sjust that the vibes coming out of this team do nothing but hit every milestonethat I want them to hit, especially in that kind of post. Like 2022 Tom Brady,let's slug through this season, kind of thing it is. Just like spring has comefor the team and I just love everything that I'm hearing. I really haven't imean heard anything that makes me go, 'Oh, I wish I would have seen thatdifferently.' This, differently. And all the clips like you guys said it's justlike, it's just like, it's just like you said: pre-pads, post-pads. Everything,I mean, it is just beautiful to watch.


Oh yeah, Sammer, andmusic to your ear, sir Servaisier Dennis was not lying and he said, 'Yeah,Dave's offense was kind of just easy to figure out.' This one has a lot moremovement, a lot more window dressing; we saw. A lot of pre-snap motion, a lotwe saw a lot of bootlegs, a lot of play action. It was Bootsy's, that's why Iput it out yesterday; I tweeted yesterday, I was like, 'This is gonna be fun towatch, bro.' We saw some outside zones straightly fucking with Rashad, bro, andjust yeah, it's just beautiful. So we saw the Aurelius Aurelius bend around, Isaw that play too; we did it back, I don't know why you're interrupting yourbrother while he's speaking, especially when I was speaking with him.


You know the hierarchy,like someone asked earlier: how have you been allowed to speak this much? Whoapproved that? And you know what I think you're a little Overzealous stankbecause you got to do a show just you and I, and now you think that that's howit's always going to be when it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I broughtin I brought in a fourth person so that you talk even less following a showwhere you got to speak a lot almost can we talk about Chuck's hat for a second?By the way, yeah my dad in 1980, bro that exact hat, that's your dad's hat, youknow what the hat reminds me of. That hat reminds me of the Sandlot hat; we'relike, 'What the fuck? No!


Let me get you a realball cap, bro!' What is that? That's got the biggest bill ever seen in my lifethat's like, that is fucking original. You guys really? Just hit me with a highand a low, there nice hat. Let's get you a fucking new one now. No, you're Idressed up, I got my all-stock creamsicle on, guys. I'm here to play. Sam orloves the creamsicles, bro. That's not even yellow, but there's a Jerseyyellow. It's a yellow gold jersey, it's either team you or it's that weird uhit's that it's that weird it's that weird. You just say that bass has a teamjersey on I mean I don't see an NFL shield on it. Nigga's absolute nigga's headto toe.


You came on the loosecannons bro you chose this, you know I chose violence and I was ready for it.He knows he knows all right so back back to J Mac back to J Mac can you guysnow understand what me and latte have been saying about chris godwin's time isabout to expire not because he's not talented but because loved and respectedit is just it's time he's gonna want money and guess what we got a guy who canfill in his exact position runs fluid smooth velvety routes goes across themiddle gets the tough yards does everything you want him to do and he's nottalented he's not talented he's not doing just makes plays non-stop why pay chrisgodwin no disrespect but you got the younger version of him or a lot cheaperfor a few more years it makes it just makes some sense and trey palmernaturally Slides out as an outside receiver, it's like a perfect match, man.


No simmer down a littlebit, bro. I'm not being disrespectful. Already anoint the guy; it wasimpressive. Weeks, I agree in person, impressive. Chris Godwin's a differenttype of receiver, bro. Like, physically imposing. I'm not saying a lot; he'sChris Godwin now. But he's one if he has a fucking good game, don't think Idon't think Chris is gonna be that unaffordable next year when you guys havegot guys more guys breaking the fucking bank. You're gonna look at his contractand be like, 'That's actually pretty good for Chris.' No, it's his last year,dude; he's gonna want he's gonna want it yeah we can't okay we're not gonna bewe'll see but i agree we have to see it good problem to have i think i thinkwhat sammer's talking about for the chat and everyone here on this panel is lookingat it from a chess point of


view looking at it froma thousand or ten thousand feet is that if the plan comes to obviously plansdon't come together right but like from offices draft you draft for future youdraft for you know in case this happens so if it all comes together then sweetand it looks like it it looks like we got a legit dude we got a fucking guy wegot a dude right we need three guys i think we have three now and and I agreewith saying 'he' and I don't think Sam was trying to say that I don't thinkhe's not Chris got a ways to go, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying if I'mlooking at this point, I have a potential backup plan to where I don't have toworry about the Godwin scenario if it plays out the right way.


I'm in a good spot.Okay, I'm. I'm sorry we couldn't keep him. I wanted to keep him but I gotMcMillian and I'm okay giving him more balls so, and you know how we feel heremore balls are better. Luke asks how many more years does Mike have this? Thisisn't a question of Mike Evans; Mike Evans is under contract for two moreyears. Godwin's contract is up after this when they signed mike i mean trevorjosh quibble anybody does contracts fucking chuck bass would tell you rightwhen they signed mike they're singling they're singling or a singling with tochris godwin's team that we we kind of chose mike bro that we need to pay mikethe the cash is going to be allocated towards 13.


I can't pay both ofthem that kind of money, we can move on to it. We're spending time on this.Think about this. Has Chris Godwin's name come up at all in the off? He's goinginto the final year of a contract, actually. It has, I've seen a lot of peoplesay he looks great out there, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying,has it come up? Hey, we would like to get something rolling so we're not goinginto the season uh with a dead end or you know playing for like he has noinsurance, that anything good's going to happen after the season if you know.You never know what happens, obviously. Don't like to go into a season mostplayers don't like to go into season on the last year of the contract, they tryto get something done.


I mentioned it injoking and quickly there, type one Underwood right? Like he did, he did he didit in many, yes, yes. Now he's done it with the pads on, now let's see if hedoes it with the lights on. Right so far, he's checking all. The boxes, but wehave to see what the lights on everybody in the chat's absolutely right. Wehave to see it for real on something then you got to see it week one againstWashington when it's actually for real starters and starters. I got a goodmatchup there's a bunch, there's a bunch of he's, he's got a lot of boxes tocheck off don't get me wrong, I'm not he's got to win now I'm saying in thefuture no I'm not i'm saying exactly what you said if things roll the way theyshould this kid has the the potential and the option for the bucs at some pointto where that is a much more comfortable conversation than it would beuncomfortable.


he could also make itvery uncomfortable and be an absolutely terrible wide receiver like teak oneunderwood so we don't know and trey palmer still in the mix but i'm just sayingback to chris before you move on amazing chris chris is you know you had aquietly had a pretty good year last year despite his hatred and his wife'shatred for dime he's dime piece dave we all knew that's why that's why dave'snot here anymore because of that uh and you know caroline panthers are stupidbut uh the guy's gonna bet on himself right he he in this offense he could havea monster fucking year and then if that's the case yeah probably not Gonna beable to afford him, he said.


He set up to have, yeahhonestly uh maybe, maybe not a career year like 2019 but maybe his second bestand that's just going to be something they're not going to be able to afford tobring him to the back especially with the McMILLAN hype that we have teamsaround the league don't want to pay that second wide receiver if he's not inalpha I mean look what's going on with the Bengals, 49ers right now there's alot of like, are we really going to do this? Especially when you have talentcoming up at all these other positions. Keep in mind the way Liam's going touse that slot position, he's gonna Become the number one wide receiver in freeagency pool if IUK is not somehow uh you know already taken care of, but um Iwas gonna say do you do you think Chris Godwin's wife who has lived for a longtime is going to be the number one wide receiver in free agency pool


and be very vocal aboutloyalty and you know you and your your spouse are a team, you guys are a unit.You think she knew about Dave, you know doing what Dave likes to do best uh andthat may be added to her hatred towards him, you know nobody digs up nobodydigs up that dirt more than player wives I love I cannot get enough of these ofanything that they have to say at all times. Support their voices, ladies andgentlemen. We need more of them. We need more. I agree. King Cook, King says,'I'm not hearing anything about Rashad though.' What would you like to hear?The patch just came on. Uh, no. We're shot. Hey, from states and eyes vision.We're looking at him.


He he lost, he lostabout 10, 10, 12 pounds. He looks lighter. He's absolutely... He's made it apoint to talk about the number one thing that Liam has constantly mentioned tohim is 'go.' I don't want any of those except 'fucking go forward,' and yeah,he is doing that. He's putting his foot in the fucking ground; he's goingforward. Guess what, guys? I i pointed it out the stink. One of the first snapsI saw him take what was like full contact, Graham Barton opened up a beautifulhole right in the middle, just whoop squirt right up the middle, that'srefreshing! So, that works. We'll see what happens, but we got it. I mean, thepass just came on Rashad looks good, he looked good in the passing game.


Bucky looks really goodtoo, out of the two Stank and Stank has been watching football longer than I.Rashad still looks smoother running routes, but Bucky's gonna be a problem.We're gonna have a nice one-two punch. John Tucker looked good last night, yeahhe had two, two good days in a row, apparently... uh, the offense. Has kind ofdominated a lot of the conversation, uh, you weren't here last week foroffensive talk; we talked a little about KJ Brit but over the last few days andespecially last night I guess the bucs defense is starting to like wake up.Yaya Diaby is apparently the strongest human being in the building even withVita there um and they're just all just they're they're making plays, they'redropping picks.


Don't get me wrong, butit's good to see the other side of the ball now starting to wake up and kind ofyou know punching back, whereas the offense has been kind of the leader so far.Yaya Diaby picked up Pain Derham and threw him. Across the field like a child,it's Helmet KJ Brit, and he's like 'Oh my god', he's like 'Oh my god', he'slike 'Oh my god', he's like 'Oh off', like he threw him, like a child. I'mlike, 'What the fuck? Who was that?' Like it was a tight end, child-like, ababy it was embarrassing. One of the best parts: you guys remember when wedrafted Paine Derham and you saw that picture and were like 'Holy fuck'? Iwouldn't want to be caught that guy, like he just looks like me, bro.


I swear to you, Stink.I don't know if you saw it all the way through Sammer; he flung him to theground, helmet popped off the whole nine yards. Literally, bro. He justliterally stood up, and his helmet didn't Even make eye contact with y'all,yeah, his helmet back on and walked the other way, like I don't want anyproblems type shit, like all right, bro. Apparently, apparently, Yaya didn'tmean to do that; he just he's like he had one of those Hulk moments where he'slike, 'Oh, shit, I forgot you were a fucking two-year-old! I didn't mean tothrow you into the wall!' It looked pretty meaningful, well, I'm saying not obviously;I'm not saying he's going in there being but he didn't mean to be that rough tohis own teammate, you know what I mean?


But he just, he didn'tknow his own like. Imagine we have a guy like that who's so freakishly athleticthat he doesn't Even though he knows his own strength, and he's like 'oh mygod' he's like 'oh my god' he's like 'oh' against massive human beings, dude.That's I'm excited as fuck for Yaya. By the way, Chuck you're two-sided man,you have to jump in real, I'm not silent, I just can't get enough of this andthe more I hear about the front seven becoming super imposing, the less I feellike I'm gonna have to worry about you know what is our biggest question whichis the secondary really. I mean if they can create um you know if they cancreate a ton of pressure up there and everybody's stepping up.


I mean I i know how youguys feel about White leaving and going to the Eagles. And we just slid inanother guy, a guy; we're more excited about. There's no better phrase in Julythan tempers are flaring at training camp that is like all I want to hear,inject that into my veins, fights! Please bring it all on, oh yeah. I think itwas uh it was Trey Palmer, I think Trey Palmer got up and he took he took aswing at Brit Bro, and it was one of those like Brit was walking away and hekind of felt something, and then he turned around like 'motherfucker what yeahlike what you see', Trey Palmer like he bucked up for a second, he's like 'waitwait wait hold on bro' yeah, you know that guy pal, you're not that guy; Trey'slike Trey's like somebody.


Step in, hurry up,somebody! Fuck yeah, all 150 pounds of Trey and KJ's like the only guy Britmight not be able to actually like attack would probably be that unit thatstank captured on camera but other than that dude, I like KJ, Brit iscontinuously being reported as a dude starting shit, he's in the skirmishes.Todd Bull said if they were gonna have a fight which obviously we don't want tohappen, KJ and Brit are probably gonna be in the middle of it because he'srunning his fucking mouth right but dude, I miss that kind of shit, I likethat, I want that, I want the JPP on this team because we kind of don't havethat guy, Devin's gone, Devin was a lot of hot air, that's what Devin used todo, yeah.


But it's harder whenyou're also doing that and also like missing your assignments, right? Like theydo, shut the fuck up, okay. Good for you, man, cool. But could you fuckingcover a tight end, yeah? Try that, but KJ Brit's like, 'I'm a lunch pail motherfucker,'and I will punch you in the face with the fucking so let's go. And he's doinghis job, and he's out there talking shit, dude. I fucking love that, I lovethat dude. JPP has been missed on this team for years, and I think we have thatmouth finally. I think a good word for KJ is intensity. Sorry, lots, I goahead, no, no, you're good; intensity is the correct. Word, it's just uh, BradyGaud said I'm excited to see Winfield Whitehead, Tykee Smith, and the secondarytogether.


Don't forget Zion, bro.They put him at safety that entire playoff game, and it was like, listen, let'sjust say Sam has been talking, just yeah, it's gonna be fun. Todd's beencooking up some shit, bro, on how to you know use all four of those guys. It'sjust, it's going, he's awesome, he's a schemer, he's gonna be ready to rock,and that's when I think he does his best is when he he has to elevate guys whomaybe aren't just relying on talent alone and a nice strong scheme. And this isthe division to do it, guys, I think this is the division to do. That in well,I mean talk about week one bro, like good matchup but Lord Jesus, good luckJayden Daniels because because Todd's gonna have an entire off-season to schemethat up and


it use those safetiesand move them around and you know blitz, and oh man it's it's really sittingpretty for them and I know defense isn't really sticky that often year to year,but they have 12 of their 17 matchups are against teams that were bottom halfof the league in passing, passing defense success rate so I mean they're notgoing through the gauntlet; they have a couple tough challenges but this isn'tlike you know, I don't think they're going to get torched the way that thenational media is expecting them to dude you can tell from the way todd speaksabout zion the way he speaks about jordan whitehead being back there it's


like it's he's had thisleaky this hole that's been leaking in a boat in the secondary for an entireyear when we had you know ryan whatever the fuck is it was a ryan neal i don'twant to i don't know whatever his name was okay i'll never say his fucking nameand now like you can sense that there's an entire like 200 pound amount ofweight gone off of todd's shoulders he's so confident in jordan whitehead backthere with antoine also we got izzy and Who's still in? You got the you knowthe kid they grabbed from from the Texans, you got the kid they grabbed fromthe Jets who's gonna play in the mix as well and they are confident in Zion.


No other reason forthem to come out there and back him so hardcore unless they feel that he'sgonna be special. And remember, he's one of the most if not the most athleticcorner I've out of uh out of the draft in like fucking 30 years or some shit.So the kid can play if he could just get the IQ side of it right whichapparently looks like he's doing so like I don't think it's gonna be as big aproblem as people think and you have another chess piece, Todd. Texted me theother day, Tykee Jordan Whitehead Antoine, and he just put a bunch ofexclamation points like come on yeah it'll be


fun, a king cook andsome other people in the chat are talking about Whitehead uh stank you and Iboth, I specifically i think it was either pointed out he looked like he pulleda groin it was right in front of us and he kind of well have we heard anythingbecause apparently the chess thing is it's a hamstring it happened at the endof the night right yeah it was right at the end of the night and so today's anoff day, Gingerly looked like he was holding his groin he looked like groin tome he was holding his groin. But the people are saying hamstring, there'shamstring I'm not yeah I think


he did a presser afterthe practice too so it couldn't have been too severe but I I don't knowspecifically they really won't know we won't know until tomorrow because todaywas day off so you're probably not going to get anything till tomorrow aftertomorrow's practice either during to see if he plays or practices and thenafterwards obviously with the press conference but tally books another reasonto practice no more practices bro that's too many heads and our freaking guardJesus, we're clear and you show up barefoot and freaking the whole place i'mleaving for las vegas for 10 days i'm gonna miss most camp anyway so it reallydoesn't matter i sent you


to las vegas that's whyyou did you didn't just get to i appreciate that so i can't go yeah we're justcasino what are we talking about here i might go to come on baby that's smartdollar blackjack miller highlights all right let's go i didn't put him in anice hotel i put him at that that like clown off the strip yeah what's that onecalled circus circus circus is legitimately a fucking weird place bro thatplace is and that's where that's where i had you staying so you so you're goingto the bunny ranch check got it Okay, no, you think I would send him barefootto the bunny dude, he wouldn't pass the first checkpoint at the for like forlike eight minutes, I'll be in another real quick, I got coupons don't worry,we'll get it, they'll pick out like five, six girls go in come out what happenseverything, oh he's just done what he got, five of you though,


yeah, we just watched,we just watched mesh concepts from comas time at Kentucky the whole that's allwe did, yeah, that's it, there's gonna be a lot of mesh lots and lots of meshconcepts, so listen this last topic is something that it's been eating at mesince I saw a video a couple days ago, okay, um, we got a guy In Kalygia, can'tsee who's gonna be a fucking stud in my opinion. Okay, guys, a dog doesn't looklike he's ever been nice to another human being and that's fine by me. Like Idon't want him to be nice; I don't want him to say 'all' or think a puppy or ababy is cute. I want him to be a complete fucking asshole all the time,forever, and that's how you build a winner, right?


But then you got thisother guy, all of a sudden showing up at camp who loves the camera, by the way,coming out there trying to teach him how to pass rush, teach him how to be adefensive tackle, and then at the end of practice gets everybody Kona ice. It'snot about Kona Ice, it's not about one of the better things he brought to thisfranchise, I'm just saying like when that was happening when he was here comeon dude, enough of that, that's some soft ice had some other D tackles humpingtrees, I mean see, I'm just saying I don't want, I don't want is it time for usto ban Kona Ice from camp and when I'm saying Kona Ice, I'm also saying number93, no man, come on Gerald is always welcome here


as a reporter, I havefun he's not he's out there trying to teach Kalijah can't see how to do thingsif he could teach him his get off, I'm happy with that, Kalijah can't see inthat Detroit Lions game made more plays made. more plays that meant somethingin that one playoff game against detroit then mccoy's entire career had a goodget off it's so good it was nothing but off sides penalties dude you knowwhat's messed up sammer is that the organization at least the front office hasshown like no not like they gave his number away within 48 hours of being gonehe's still sniffing around dude he still comes back he's


like that girl that youjust left and you're like i don't know no girl i cheated on you what the fuckdo you like i'm trying to tell you to fuck off trying to tell you i don't wantto be with you i'd fuck off but i don't mind the kona ice but Yeah, you know Ido it; sends a wrong message. They should be he should be out there bringingbarbecue. We were there and yeah Kalijah did give him the side eye like, okay,okay bro, okay. Where are you all right? Yeah, I know how to do this dude,thanks I got it, yeah I know how to swim in the water thanks dude, I get it.Yeah, I got a side with him on Kona Ice here.


I was doing a littleresearch; Kona Ice actually has a pretty extensive Wikipedia page. Uh, theirheadquarters are in Florence, Kentucky, which is nearby a military installationso my guess is this is probably a deep-state psyop and they're just using it toinfiltrate with uh nice. Tasty little treats, I'd be a little bit hesitant ifthey're just rolling up serving players, who knows what's going on. It's anelection year, I don't know, I'm skeptical that see is that is that, DEI ice isthat DEI ice. Now I'm skeptical, yeah, now I'm starting to worry a little bit,that might be DEI ice. I was wondering why they only had red and blue, that'sthe only two, yeah. They also had like an ear with blood on it, that was alsoan option, a bloody ear option, that's a tough look, that's a tough look.


DEIs all right, soanyway, um, a lot of people don't know who the f**k Chuck Bass actually is, sothat is true, uh, Chuck, you're a fantasy football weirdo like i'm actually i'mactually in a fantasy football league with him it's called the ozempic trials ibelieve it's called correct where we are supposed to cut a player every week tountil the final week to see who could win with only three on the rosters thatwould explain this yeah that was a pretty that was a pretty good drunk idea ithink i had like um i don't know half a bottle of mictors and i was thinkinglike these ozempic commercials are everywhere it's everywhere in the media uhhow about a league where every week you


have to just cut aplayer and eventually we're going to work down to four guys and that'll be Yourfinal four, uh, and we have 12 leagues going right now, and if I have some moremicros maybe we'll add a few more, and if anybody wants to join they're morethan welcome. I'm making this shit up on the fly, and we're having a good timewith it fucking savage shit, bro! We might do a Loose Cannons league again;we're just gonna let you run it, bro. How about that? Please I will burn thatmotherfucker to the ground; I would love nothing more than to be a part and Ilike that it's something different because yeah, it's you know the same oldfucking Yahoo shit that I've been doing for 30 years – I like that shit.


Yeah, I thought it'd befun. To like those those first like five or six weeks, you're gonna be trimmingyour last picks, but then you get to like, you know, maybe like week 11 andyou're like, 'shit', you know, I have to cut a Chris Godwin or I have to cutlike a T Higgins, like it's gonna come down to the wire, what are you gonna do?I like it, I gotta talk to you about the fantasy show stuff that we have. Wehave so chuck chuck the the guys that get cut, can they be picked up by otherteams and no no no trades, no nada, this is your jam, you're rocking it tillthe end, uh, so don't fuck it up. What about some like back alleyway deals withthe commission?


Oh, I'm alwaysaccepting. bribes payments coupons tickets dave and buster's power card pointswhatever you got i'm in for it that's the type of league i like to be in aleague that allows for uh i also like a commissioner that can be greased i likethis guy yeah this is america baby this is a baby this is not not to bring itback to it but it's not just a baby it's not just a baby but look at thiselection it's very representative of the culture right now and i'm happy to bea part of it all right you mean absolutely insane i agree so since you are notonly doing the weird fantasy football stuff you do know your fantasy footballin all seriousness um so before I let you plug all the cool stuff you do withyour weird-ass podcast, um, give us give us the uh give us your top five.


Have you gone throughI'm sure you've done eight million mock drafts at this point, fancy footballpicks regular PPR regular regular run-of-the-mill type league, yeah look whenit comes to I like a goofy league every now and then from like a rosterconstruction standpoint but as far as scoring goes guys I'm uh I'm asmissionary as they come so I don't like to I don't like to get a little bit toowild for it so I can give you a couple guys that I think are gonna be umthey're gonna be pretty fun, you're tickling stinks balls with That dude, he'sa he, missionary. He might have invented 'Hey Belly to Belly Missionary', soI'm going to, I'm going to, I love every second of it.


Please uh right throughthis right through the hole of the pants um I'm going to exclude the box, Iwill say I think every buccaneer and this is take my bias out of that. I dothink they're a smash at value there's no respect on the team whatsoever at anyof the positions so don't be afraid to scoop up any buccaneers this yearthey're going great. So let's look at some guys, I love, love, love DevonA'Chain running back for the Dolphins. I think there's only a handful of guysthat can get you that high. High, uh, score port any given week. I know peopleare concerned about maybe his frame and his size, but they're not giving himthe volume that you would have to worry about that going into the next round,right there.


I really like DJ More.I love that safety blanket for Caleb Williams now, obviously that depends on ifyou're a Caleb Williams believer. I happen to be a big one. DJ More, widereceiver, six last year and that's with Justin Fields throwing him the ball. Ithink this is a big upgrade across the board. Uh, you move down a little bitmore, you start to get into a little... I like to you know some running theserounds, four, round five, Joe. Mixon, it's going to be a workhorse again forthe Texans. I want a piece of that Texans offense and I think the widereceivers are a little overpriced because I think it's going to be an absolutehodgepodge, you know, Digs, Nico, Tank, Dell, like they're just going toalternate very 2020, you know.


Buccaneers is it goingto be a Mike Evans week is it going to be an Antonio Brown week? Give me therunning back, uh, that's going to be pretty hot. I'm going to avoid saying mylast one because you guys are going to absolutely hate it because you have apopular saying around here, involving another team in the division... Fucking.Those fucking, fucking mute his ass right now, no, no, I want to hear it, thisis fantasy, anything goes. We want to hear this bullshit, anything goes. Guyswearing a fucking jersey with a collar on it, dude look, he's wearing a polojersey. I mean, I'm a fraud, I'm a fake, I'm an absolute uh cheapskate. I likeAlvin Kamara this year, guys, I think it's the last year you're ever going towant to have a piece of him.


I don't want anybodyelse in the Saints offense, I don't trust the passing game, the offensive lineis horrible. But the truth is Alvin Kamara got so many targets last year thathe was the army three and points per game when he came back from. playing dancedance revolution on a guy's head so once that was over and he was back in themix i mean derrick carr is going to check the ball down left and right so i'llgive you one more that i love uh and then my weirdness can be over if you guyssee evan ingram in that seventh eighth round reel him in you can wait on tightend this year the tight ends are all over the board he's going to command ahigh target share uh they got rid of calvin really they replaced him with gabedavis uh dave davis is great for memes he's not great for memes he's not greatfor memes he's not


great for points sothat's a pretty good smash coming late and He's going up right now with 'Fuckthe Saints, bro' they are like everybody, they're lighting, that's kind of whatI wanted. It's like I can i win either way, I get to say what I want and then Iget to hear a bunch of 'Fuck the Saints.' Can it get any better than that? Igot some fantasy stuff for you and everybody knows I'm in defense. I lovefantasy but Chuck, I got a question for you: Some would say you live infantasy, I do well not that to be snake uh, that's a different kind of fantasy.I'm in a league where I won the championship; I went worse to first, gangster,fucking style yeah, I beat I beat some of the playoffs with uh Gardner Minchu,that was so Good, was it a budget remodel are you built for long-term success?


This is not done, itwasn't dynasty but it was it was I just went from worst to first just redraftuh but I I was able to keep Jalen Hurts from that first year anyways um myquestion is would you keep Jalen Hurts' fourth-round penalty this year, fourthon pick this year or reset the clock with a new keeper and keep Sam Laporatofor a sixth uh I'm probably taking Jalen Hurts I just don't think that SamLaporato is going to repeat as a top one-two-three tight end I think he canstill have value he had the worst tight end one season last year of anybody inlike six or seven years um Jameson Williams is really coming alive in camp;they had some guys missing time last year.


I don't think it'sgonna he's still gonna be a top five guy, uh, but Jalen Hurts is still that toptwo actually team changing quarterback and I still think they're gonna be a topfive guy. I don't think they're gonna be a top run the tush push on theregulars, so I'd probably run that direction just because I think that you knowthat like I said about Evan Ingram. I mean Evan Ingram is going as the tightend eighth and then you got guys like Nojoku and um Jake Ferguson going afterhim, Brock Bowser if you want to get nuts, I mean you're talking like you haveyour Pick of the litter, uh, the quarterbacks who are going to kill it for youweek to week and drop you 28-32-36 points, it's pretty limited so I'm pullingthat in.


And then the secondpart of that question is I'm sitting at seven, seventh overall, right? So itgets a little weird there. McCaffrey's probably gone, the tough spot I'm gone,I'm a Ross probably gone, right? You know I'm looking at maybe Breeze, maybe sois it too high Chuck? So just go ahead and get that stack and go get AJ Brownat seven, you know what that's? So funny, I was just talking about thisearlier. My top three in the drafts in no order are McCaffrey, Lamb, and I'm onRaw Saint Brown. Pick them in whatever order you want after that, the next likeseven guys, you just take dealer's choice, you want to


go chase, you want togo hall, you want to go AJ Brown, you want to go Justin Jefferson, there isabsolutely no wrong pick, they're all going to be absolutely fine, there's theconcerns about them melt away when you look at how they've performed in differentelements that a lot of them have been exposed to, he's going to be fantastic uhI'm okay with that pretty lethal fact too with him and Jaylen for old guys likeme, I like to draft like legacy guys, you know the ones that are right, they'reon, I don't Randall Cobb's stuff. Like Jones's Julio, yeah, who are the olderplayers that uh that are draftable and who should I stay away from?


Here, so you're lookingfor one last ride kind of guys, yeah, you know somebody that was once a firstrounder but I don't remember because I just don't and I still value them likein the top fucking rounds. Who's somebody I should stay away with? Who's who'sunofficially retired but hasn't put his paperwork in, that stain could possiblydraft in the fifth round, yeah. Oh I I got you if you're there. There'smultiple ways you can go with this. Number one is going to be Keenan Allen, ifyou want to go fifth, I think he's priced a little I'd love To see him fall alittle bit, but people aren't buying it; they saw how unbelievable he was lastyear, so there's some stake in there.


But if you want to punta little bit later, you've got Austin Eckler, Ezekiel Elliott - these guys aregreat, yeah, Chubb; these guys are going nine, ten, eleven round eleven likeyou're going to be able to you're not going to lose an ounce of sleep if theseguys don't have great seasons and they're still primed to be pretty involved intheir offenses for varying degrees, of course. Um, it's going to be a lot offun because, like, the other guys that you want to pick for this, like aDavante Adams or somebody like That they're going early second round, I meanit's like there's there's it's really funny, it's like you're going to be ableto tell everybody's personality this year by who they pick because you'reseeing Marvin Harrison Jr.


going next to DavanteAdams, you're seeing B.John Robinson go right next to Garrett Wilson like I'mgonna know who you are just based upon your teams so is it worth draftingJustin Fields uh the kicker Turner for the Steelers depends on your league uhmight be it might be might be fun um yeah it's definitely worth it because theSteelers have a fucking brutal schedule no I'm telling you hey Justin Fieldsfor his lack of skill is a worth a late round flyer because Russell Wilson isnot a good quarterback anymore, even if he's better than Kenny Pickett. I wasgonna ask you about Davin Cook, you know he's currently not on the roster couldI pick him up, you know late 15th round, for whatever the last round is in myleague?


You just never know.Jones two national morning stank, you picked Julio Jones a couple years ago inlike the fifth round, yes uh yeah it was fifth or sixth round, you grabbedJulio Jones, couldn't believe he was there, to be honest with you, you werelike 'is there any muscle available for real'? Hey, by the way, we got a bunchof super chats that we haven't even read cali bucs way earlier said bd couldn'teven remember logan hall's name when he did the chris says a lot about theimpact of logan hall yeah logan hall is you still don't hear about the guy atall i mean he was out there last night i guess i i we'll see he has a lot toprove and then we have west side sports that was uh speaking about the kona icekona ice psyop he said now i've heard everything thank you for the 499 superchat and then he also donated 499 he said chuck


what wings looking likeyeah we were getting also oh yeah wait yeah that's that's that's a question forlater my bad It's a question for later, yeah unbelievable dude, you're theworst what I was the super chat man, super chat foreshadowing ever, yeah howare you bad at everything I tell you to do on the show? I, you didn't even tellme to do that, I was just kidding, I did a year ago, I told you you were incharge of super chats a year ago this is the first time you've taken it uponyourself to do the task, I gave you a year, I got it done, I got it done let'sgo baby all right, Chuck we since you are a first-time guest, okay, we have toask you the the two questions that we have to ask of all of our guests and theanswers to these two questions will determine no matter.


How hilarious you are,a lot! You had to go, no matter how hilarious you are, and how much we like theshenanigans. If you don't answer these questions to our liking, you're nevercoming back and we just won't interact with you, and you will basically be adead person to us. So, we all agree that chicken wings are the greatestfootball food known to the galaxy! Right? So, when you're eating chicken wings,are you going dry rub are you going wet and saucy? You know what? Usually, Iwant to be honest and say it depends on a lot of varying factors. Depending onmy blood alcohol level, if anyone else is around me, I'm a sauce boss, guys!


That's just how I Ilike them wet, and I like them like I'm uh dripping, and that says everythingabout who I am and what I do, and I'm a sauce boss, guys, that's just how I go.I like them wet, and I like them, what I represent, and I'm going down with theship if that has to be the case, disappointed, disappointed, no, that's exactlythe answer dude. On this podcast, we like them just like we like our anyway, umdripping like a waterfall, please just, I can't get enough of it, yeah, thereyou go, yeah, TLC, a little TLC, uh, action there, I like that, a little dryaction either, nobody likes dry action dude.


No one likes you, can'trub, no, you can't enter on dry rub, dude, it's not like They call it dry rub,and I'm like, 'Oh my god, it's dry rub, it's dry rub, it's dry rub, it's dryrub.' Always think of the exact same, like dude, that's a tough rub. You canget hey, it's crispy, you know what you're getting? You don't get all messy,nah, you're getting yes, 'cause an irritation, dude. A dry rub is always goingto be irritation later on, that's why I like it. I like them, I like the slowroast, like a little more, you know, cook for a while, a little more mature,less sandpaper texture, you like that? Yeah, paper, yeah, like that. Grind likethe crunch, little literal grind all right, chuck when you're having thosedeliciously saucy.


Dripping down yourelbow, this is the only the only question that matters by the way or shit whatthe fuck are you dipping them in, blue cheese or trailer gravy? Siri, what arethese guys like? I know, um, all right, give it to me one more time because Ithought about that joke was gonna be funny and it absolutely fucking sucked.Oh, she's in; she's actually what is she saying? Siri said 'baby carrots andketchup.' I don't know what the fuck she's on right now. Did you just put yourear down to your microphone to listen closer? Why did you do that? That's nothow that thing works, dude! It didn't work; it didn't work; it didn't work...of course not.


You need To turn downthe volume in your car to hear better, guys I'm gonna be honest with you, I'mgonna be honest with you again because I'm a straight shooter I don't like todip my wings in shit I trust the sauce I trust the chef I go with the gut and Ijust I just let that baby ride and if it's a mistake I just get a differentsauce grab the waitress I'll go back in the kitchen hey can I talk to you for alittle bit I don't know something like that I like that I like that's allthat's how I am at restaurants thanks, been with me multiple times when we'vegone out to eat and I just like to just help myself to any of the employee-onlydoors because that's Just you know, I think that's how you get a realexperience at a restaurant.


Your restaurant'scalled Mugs and Jugs, it's inviting you to come in anywhere, no matter whatkind of dry rub they're going to give you back there. It doesn't anywhere thatshould be the motto for Mugs and Jugs, freak right here, you got it! Nobody'sgonna chart well, Sam or my next I just typed that in, and actually Kona Iceowns the trademark on that so they might have to wait for some legal counsel toget involved, but otherwise that's not a wrong answer, chuck honestly. It'sprobably the most popular answer, the non-peer, the wing purists I feel. likeit's a movement nobody even talks about it right we're over here we're we'reyou know we're staunch blue cheese


army over here rightand you know every we think that everybody else is all ranch but i feel likemore people are purists it's not i have to have my wings of blue cheese it's ifi am forced to dip them or i feel like you know what they're a bit on thetemperature side you know i can't put this amount i'm gonna you know burn mytongue then yeah i need the blue cheese to kind of you know yeah i'll co-signif somebody like if the wings are subpar or i'm at like somewhere where i knowthey're this isn't this is not a sauce place i'm getting blue cheese that'scoming into


the fold maybe i'mpicturing this wrong i'm picturing myself at like a five-star yelp place when ineed to be picturing myself at like an airport chiles to go or something likethat you a yelp review guy you like to leave yelp reviews i feel like he's ifeel like you're the chucks or are you a go to yelp only when it's the worst experienceever and you just you have to let someone else know or you i definitely idefinitely went through a phase before i was on twitter where i was like sayingall the shit i say on there but in my yelp reviews and that was actually goingover pretty well um but i yeah only one star or five stars nowhere in betweenand i give places that i like that probably weren't five stars five stars justbecause i'm a big supporter of local business uh and everything else can getfucked so you're a liar and a cheater on the internet


i've just uh you liketo lie on the internet that's what you're telling me right now i'm a man on algore's internet you sit there and lie that's what the ai is telling me to doand i abide by uh i abide by the this guy this guy has been on the cover of anairport magazine more than once bro like like an air airplane magazine which isthe only magazine anybody actually reads It NFL by Sky Mall's NFL critic of theyear, yeah yes I was uh, I tried to get on Maxim and they folded so I had to goto the next best source and uh, Sky Mall is still going strong. Did you getthat jersey in the sky?


You guys are ragging onthis, I've seen this jersey in the t in the team store if you... if you... ifyou think there's actually a coffee table that turns into a dog house, that'sdefinitely from Sky. Hey dude, here's a couch that you can also put litter in,yeah now your cat can shit in your couch when no one will know but you'll smellit, but no one will know... no one will know. When you're there's only 13payments of $129.99, Sky Mall.com, when you're Six vodka, vodka doubles deep ona Vegas flight. You pull out Sky Mall magazine, you're telling me you're notbuying something. They have Wi-Fi on the plane now, that's um that's in thecart before I hit the ground, yeah dude!


Running on a Visa giftcard with no nothing on it. Listen, that might be at my hotel before I evencheck in, that might already be there. That's how I like to write. So what I'mgonna ask you guys is, has either of you guys ever actually ordered anythingfrom Sky Mall? No, no! I did order this thing off of like a late night uhinfomercial one time it was called the Rotato. You could stick a potato on itand then Pop and it would peel potatoes or make potato strings, that's probablythe most desperate I've ever purchased. Chuck, I called the 1-800 number in themiddle of the night, three in the morning, and I ordered it. Oh, one thing Iwant, the potato thing! I want the potato thing, yeah.


Can I get the free bagtoo? Yeah, Chuck. You at U.S. Sky Mall consumer. I ordered one thing; it waslike an automatic swipe writer so I could just set the app for swipe right. Icould go cook, I don't know, do some errands come back, and I will swipe.Dwight, you swiped right? You sure that's what it's used for? Uh, that's how itwas marketed to me. Now it did feel a little targeted which I thought. wasstrange for a sky mall print magazine that they could target market but youknow what i fly enough that might be the case i'm a cover athlete what do youi'm a cover athlete what do you want just a finger that does this uh you know ibought something and it never arrived i bought a back to the future chess setnever made it never made it can you fix that can you call your people over getthat fucking chess set


i've got some stringsthat i can pull uh i'm pretty sure there hasn't been any turnover there latelyi might be able to get in with the editor yeah they've only done one episodeone issue the entire 30 years i don't think they're Busy, yeah, oh my god,dude. All right, now you know what I think I'm gonna order something out of SkyMall catalog this Friday when I'm flying. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go buy, I'mgonna go buy a flight somewhere just so I can get the latest Sky Mall. He'sjust sitting there, but hey, where you going? What do you have going on whenyou guys land? Oh not the dude, I'm just i'm literally here from the sky, I'mon that one.


So if you could pleaseshut the fuck up, I could go through this thing because it's like 75 pages andI need to make sure I choose the best items in said catalog so let's cut thesmall talk here and she's just like trying to tell you you're in an exit rowsir are you okay with the dude fuck off all right i have 75 pages all rightcan't hear you sorry all right chuck before we let you go man um let peopleknow what you're doing and i'll see you next time you do uh what's on youryoutube channel what that youtube channel is and uh you know any of the 501 c3sthat you're part of oh well those those have to you're that those are only forpeople who are access to my patreon um i am the host of this guy sucks withchuck bass on youtube


twitter apple spotifyall that stuff and we just basically you know roast players try to you knowpoint out a little bit of the uh you know i know we All get angry, and it's aplace for you to come and vent and share your frustrations. Um, there is swearing;it's actually encouraged, so I would encourage everybody to get over there andjust let me have it, you know? I'm never doing my job well, I like to be theone sometimes that takes the brunt. Uh, so we'll talk about fantasy, we'll talkabout NFL, we'll talk about um, drinking, drugs, gambling, sex everything thatyou know people want to hear, and we'll just uh, do it with a little bit ofthat flair that we're famous for.


Wow, sounds disgusting,it is, terribly right now. Hold on, um, before I forget, um, everybody whosomehow lasted the entire 58 minutes. So far, uh, don't forget to hit the likebutton, leave us a comment if you disagree with anything Chuck said which is verylikely um or if you hated Chuck, if you think Chuck should come back let usknow uh especially that yes yeah and of course no especially the hate Chuckthat I want to definitely know about that I want to just read what the fuckChuck question mark on all these comments no um let's know what you guysthought and of course if you are new hit that, before I forget I'm wearing theupside down Tampa hat like I always do that's because they are a new partner ofours, the partner is not called upside down.


hats though it'sobviously it's called reversebrand.com um if you guys go to reversebrand.comand enter the discount code loose cannons you save 10 off your entire order andthe proceeds of that order go directly to the national cmb foundation which isa foundation started by john spytek and his wife to bring attention to aterrible disaster and i'm wearing the upside down tampa hat like i always dothat's a great foundation it's a foundation that can be prevented and can beavoided if you are knowledgeable and understand what could or could not happenwhen your child is about to be born so it's an amazing cause a greatFoundation, it started with a terrible, terrible tragedy as most things likethis do, but it's turned into a great positive thing.


So go check out whatReverse Brand has to offer and in doing so, you're helping a great cause. Um,Chuck uh, you're you're officially uh loose cannons. Uh, your loose cannonsTerry's been popped. Yeah, you're right, I'm not going to... You're officiallya cannon. Um, we'll send on the resume baby, yeah, we'll send you the contactand the paperwork uh, you know all the things you have to do to join this gangthat we we've got going on including the ass tattoo which you know we all havegotten at some point so I was gonna say if you guys even want to add a fewthings to that typical contract that you think most people would never be intheir right mind to sign i mean i'm the guy right off the bat you have to havea bidet installed on every toilet in your home oh are you kidding me i've gotnot just the bidet i've got the


just that but backupsfor when it ever goes down i do not play around with that kind of days youbuying that are going down dude you're telling me you're not the bidets babyit's me it's not the bidets it's me he likes he likes a little bit more psithan what you can get on the regular market i'm running 45 psi in the main inthe main bathroom Right now, right that's rookie that's rookie stuff. You gottabump that up; you might, yeah, that's the way down there in the level, right atthe right angle, that that shit's coming right out of my belly button, dude.I'm just saying; just like my fur, my ass to stay dry. You know, you're alittle dry, rub ass, yeah, I'm more of a dry rub.


You do smell like lemonpepper, shit. I like the consistency, I like that a lot, across the board.That's uh, yeah, you know, you're just smearing shit around your cheeks andlifting your pants up and going back to work. Right, staying that's how everyhuman in existence has done it all right, yeah, most of the world. Still,really, you're too good to be like the rest of us. Cavemen were using toiletpaper; they were going to the fucking river if they lived near a river. What ifthey didn't live near a river? What were they? They were but dating their assbefore before Joe Biden became president. There are rivers everywhere, okay?There's waterways everywhere. You get to a lake, an ocean, a pond, a river, astream, uh, a gulf, a bay.


You get to any of thesewaterways. I live in fact your ancestors didn't live anywhere near rivers, no.We would drill down; we would get. We had olive oil with us too. I have, I willsay you're right about that, I've. Not seen one lagoon in the four years thatJoe Biden, yeah, see what happened. I thought about that where are the Americanlagoons? Tank, where are the American lagoons? These lagoons are streaming upfrom Mexico; no one's stopping them. They're coming up from the ground. There'slots of legumes, but lagoons, yeah, that's been a while. When was the last timeyou saw a nice stream? I was out on one of the airboats not too long ago that'sa lot of chances. That was a river, dude.


Yeah, what part, whatpart of uh, what part of Florida are you there, buddy? That's the Santa'scountry wasn't it? Oh, oh right, a super red part of Sawgrass because theystill have American Waterways out there, man, that's all I'm saying! Americanwaterways, alright, alright, guys. Hit that like button, hit that subscribebutton. Thank you so much; we will see you guys uh, today's Wednesday probablynext Monday and um, we got some big stuff got some big stuff coming nextTuesday's. Thank you later and I and Chuck will be at training camp, uh, sowe'll have some up-close-and-personal interviews and we'll see you guys nextweek. Bye, with players and friends and general managers and cool guys, and youknow who knows? Maybe some cool gals, you never know, man, never know! So uh,go bucs!


Guys, hit that likebutton, hit that subscribe. button thank you so much we will see you guys uhtoday's wednesday probably next monday and um we got some big stuff got somebig stuff coming next tuesday's thank you latte and i and chuck will be attraining camp uh so we'll have some up close and personal interviews withplayers and friends and general managers and cool guys and you know who knowsmaybe some cool gals you never know man never know so uh go bucs.